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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. According to the Education Forum.... Harvey and Lee are PUBLIC ENEMY # 1 Click HERE to read the Ed Forum's version of the CRIMES OF H&L
  2. In a book called The Glories of the Early '60s, author Ed Sanders provides information that shows that the actor Steve Landesberg and the agitator Steve Landesberg were both working together as a team. Here is a summary of the information from the book: Al Fowler was a National Merit Scholar in High School, and later a poet. In the early 1960s Fowler knew and associated with Steve Landesberg, and saw him cause disruptions at various liberal rallies using a strong Southern accent. On one occasion, Landesberg talked at length about Castro, Cuba, and the FPCC. He discussed his family, life in New Orleans, and talked in detail about the French Quarter. A couple of years later, Fowler saw Landesberg again, now wearing a nice suit but no longer sporting a Southern accent. Landesberg offered Fowler $600 to fly to Montreal and bring back a small package, contents unknown. Fowler refused the offer, and clearly stated that the man he knew creating disturbances at liberal rallies was Steve Landesberg, the actor. The account of Fowler and Landesberg is described in the book The Glories of the Early '60s, by Ed Sanders. http://www.woodstockjournal.com/pdf/AlFowlerA.pdf Like John said, more research on the Landesberg matter is needed. It is much more beneficial to spend time on research to discover and establish facts, than it is to write essays with a pre-conceived outcome and speculative conclusions.
  3. Assassination researcher Joachim Joesten was intersted in the Landesberg case years before John Armstrong was. Here's an excerpt: From Joachim Joesten, THE CASE AGAINST J. EDGAR HOOVER: ----------------------------<QUOTE ON>--------------------------- I have always considered this little-known case as highly characteristic of the suppression technique employed by the FBI in its cover-up of the true facts of the Kennedy assassination and have given a brief account of it in my first book, Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy? In the belief that someday a decent government in Washington will want to take a close look at all of the sinister goings-on surrounding the murder of President Kennedy, I now set down for the record all the information I have about the case -- which is not an awful lot, for all my efforts to establish contact with Landesberg have failed. I would not be surprised to learn that he has long been dead. On Nov. 30, 1963, the Long Island newspaper Newsday ran a story entitled, "FBI Searches the Village for Pal of Oswald's" which began with these words: "A Mississippi segregationist, reported to be an ex-Marine buddy of Lee H. Oswald, President Kennedy's assassin, was hunted last night by FBI agents in Greenwich Village. The agents hope he can fill in many of the still-murky details surrounding Oswald's life, personality and political activities. "Several bars and coffee-houses in the Village that cater to the college crowd reported that FBI agents had been around and showed a color snapshot of a dark-haired, red-bearded man in his early or mid-20s. The man was dressed in a blue coat and wore a red scarf. Villagers said the FBI identified the man in the snapshot as Stephen L'eandes and that he was described by agents as being fond of creating disturbances during meetings of liberal groups in the Village. L'eandes, who in no way has been connected with the assassination of the President last Friday, was reported to be living either on 8th Street or MacDougal Street in the heart of the Village. The FBI flatly refused to comment on its search for the man. 'We are conducting an investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy as ordered by President Johnson,' a spokesman said. "The FBI, it was learned, was led to the Village by another man who was said to have called several newspapers and radio stations in the city after Oswald's arrest and own assassination by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub operator. The man, it is reported, said that he, Oswald and L'eandes were in the Marines together and that in 1962 Oswald and L'eandes often appeared together at left-wing rallies to cause a disturbance. Other reports have placed Oswald in Russia in 1962. This latest report posed another paradox, because Oswald was a self-described Marxist and pro-Communist while L'eandes is said to be a hard-core rightist and segregationist." Let me stop here for a moment to say that the seeming contradiction between reports of Oswald being in Russia in 1962 and at the same time appearing at rallies in New York exists only on the surface and that the other "paradox" of Oswald being a self-described Marxist in one place and a hard-core rightist and segregationist in the other is just as illusory. Actually this episode offers just one more corroboration of a key element in the Kennedy murder plot which I have discussed at great length in my book, Oswald: The Truth, namely the existence of a False Oswald who played a prominent part in the frame-up of the real one. At the time this man engaged in disturbing left-wing rallies in the Village, of course, the Kennedy murder plot and the frame-up of Lee Harvey Oswald were still far away in the future and the man described in this Newsday story as "Oswald" was not yet consciously playing that role. The confusion arose later because of his evident resemblance to Lee Harvey, which is documented in detail in my book. There is no doubt in my mind that the "Oswald" referred to in this story is the same person as the False Oswald who in November 1963 planted a rich harvest of false clues against Lee Harvey Oswald and whom I have identified as Larry Crafard, Jack Ruby's handyman (for further details, see Oswald: The Truth). Reverting now to the Newsday story, it goes on as follows: "A man by the name of L'eandes made headlines twice in the Village Voice, a weekly community paper, by allegedly causing disturbances. In Dec. 1961, he allegedly heckled speakers at a rally called to urge Mark Lane, a Democrat, to run for Congress. In January 1962, a Voice story reported that a L'eandes was punched at PS 41 during a meeting called to protest violence to a rabbi in the Village. L'eandes was quoted as describing himself as 'a former US Marine who is trying to be heard on vital American issues.' Police of the Charles Street Station said they knew nothing about L'eandes. It was learned that the FBI had shown police his picture although police denied this -- apparently at the FBI's request." Let's recapitulate a few salient points point we proceed with the Landesberg story. It is December 1961 and a heckler who calls himself Yves L'eandes is making quite a splash in the Village; he does so again in January 1962 and the occasion suggests that he approves of violence to rabbis. He is dark-haired, bearded, and dresses conspicuously in a blue coat and a red scarf. Most distinctively, he is a Mississippi segregationist. The New York Post, also on Nov. 30, 1963, published a similar story entitled, "Racist Linked to Lee Oswald Hunted Here," which gave these additional details: ". . . The man the FBI is looking for has been described as about 5 foot 10, slender build, handsome, with brown hair and a large brush-type mustache. He is said to have once described himself as being a member of the Magnolia Rifles, reportedly a Mississippi segregationist group. He has been a frequent figure in the Village during the last two years and has been involved in a number of brawls over racial issues." Now we turn again to Newsday, issue of Dec. 6, 1963: "A 23-year-old self-styled student of philosophy, accused of hoaxing the FBI into a massive two-week search for a non-existent Greenwich Village buddy of President Kennedy's assassin, was arrested yesterday and committed for psychiatric observation at Bellevue Hospital. FBI agents arrested Stephen Harris Landesberg yesterday morning at his Greenwich Village apartment, reported to be at 66 W. 10th St. They accused him of triggering a widespread FBI manhunt for a Stephen Yves L'Andres,* who supposedly was closely associated with Lee Harvey Oswald during the assassin's stay in New York in 1962. The FBI had been led to believe L'Andres could shed important light on the Nov. 22 assassination. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *The name of "L'Andres" appears only in this Newsday story. The New York Times, in a brief account of the arrest (see following page), referred to the man as L'eandes, as Newsday itself had done in its [sic] of Nov. 30. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "An FBI agent said that on the morning of Nov. 23, shortly after Oswald was officially charged in Dallas, Tex., with Kennedy's murder, Landesberg came to the bureau's office at 201 E. 69th Street here. 'He identified himself at that time as James F. Rizzuto,' the agent said. As Rizzuto, the FBI said, Landesberg spun a cloak and dagger story around the political activities of 'ex-Marine buddies' Oswald and L'Andres. "'Acting on that information, the FBI agent said, 'we initiated a widespread investigation to try and verify the allegation. On completion of that investigation today (Thursday), we determined that Landesberg, under the alias of Rizzuto, had perpetrated a hoax.' He said the FBI was convinced that L'Andres was Landesberg's own creation. "Landesberg identified himself yesterday as a student of philosophy at Columbia University. However, Columbia University officials said that Landesberg was not registered as a student, either under his own name or under his alias. Landesberg was arraigned yesterday before Federal Judge John M. Cannella. The charge, making false statements to the FBI, is a felony and conviction could bring five years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine. Landesberg was hold in $10,000 bail [sic] and he voluntarily agreed to commit himself for psychiatric observation. The FBI named Landesberg's parents as Mr. and Mrs. George Landesberg of 111-50 76th Rd., Forest Hills." Finally, here is an item that appeared in the New York Times, also on Dec. 6, 1963: "A 23-year-old man who had led the Federal Bureau of Investigation on a futile search for a supposed friend of Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested yesterday on a charge of giving false information. Stephen H. Landesberg of 66 West 10th Street was later committed by Federal Judge John M. Cannella to Bellevue Hospital for ten days for psychiatric examination. "Landesberg, also known as Stephen Yves L'Eandes and James F. Rizzuto, was discharged from the Marine Corps after eight months for a physical disability. His service conduct was officially described as 'bizarre' and 'unusual.' "On Nov. 23, the day after the assassination of President Kennedy, Landesberg went to the New York office of the FBI. He said his name was Rizzuto and he had served with Oswald and L'Eandes in the Marines. He said L'Eandes was a paid agitator. At least once, he said, Oswald photographed a disturbance created by L'Eandes. "The agency began an intensive search for L'Eandes in Greenwich Village only to discover, it said, that Landesberg, L'Eandes and Rizzuto were the same person." What is one to make of all this? In the first place, it is an established fact that a man who called himself Yves L'Eandes lived and agitated in the Village in 1961-62. I went to the office of the Village Voice and checked in their files the two issues referred to in Newsday of Nov. 30, 1963, and found that they effectively reported the disturbances created by L'Eandes. The FBI, then, clearly and deliberately lied in alleging that L'Eandes was Landesberg's "own creation" and was indeed Landesberg himself. Or can the Bureau explain how come the purported figment of Landesberg's imagination in November 1963 had happened to get two mentions in a local newspaper almost two years before the Kennedy assassination? Secondly, the FBI says that Landesberg, when he called at its New York office on Nov. 23, "identified himself" as James F. Rizzuto. Is it credible that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in a matter involving the murder of a President, should take the word of a stranger who drops in to volunteer information that he is such-and-such a person, without proper verification? It is not; in fact it is utterly unbelievable. If Landesberg, in the words of the FBI, "identified" himself as Rizzuto, then he had papers to prove that he was Rizzuto, that's for sure. But -- how could he have such papers? The reference in the FBI statement to a "cloak and dagger" story explains everything. "Cloak and dagger," in modern usage, means just one thing: undercover work for an intelligence agency. Lee Harvey Oswald was for years an undercover operative for the CIA, as I have documented in detail in my book, Marina Oswald. He was trained in the Marine Corps for his assignment to the Soviet Union and it can be taken for granted that some of his buddies in the Corps were undergoing similar training. Landesberg, alias Rizzuto, apparently was one of them and if he was in a position to identify himself as Rizzuto, it was because the CIA had issued to him identification papers in that name -- just as Oswald used the CIA cover of Alek J. Hidell and possessed documentary evidence to that effect. In the third place, it is evident that the FBI would not have launched a massive search, lasting two weeks, for a "non-existent" person without some pretty solid data to go upon. If Landesberg was an impostor, the FBI, with its immense facilities for research and verification, would have spotted him as a phony within hours, if not minutes. It is a certainty, therefore, that the information which Landesberg had imparted to the FBI was both credible and of great importance to set in motion the vast sweep through the Village described in Newsday and the Post. Why then did the FBI suddenly "determine" that the whole thing was a hoax and that the elusive L'Eandes was none other than Landesberg himself? Again, the answer must be sought in the murky background of the Kennedy assassination and the heavy involvement of the CIA in this crime. Had the FBI pursued the lead offered to them by Landesberg, a lead that pointed to Mississippi segregationists and "Magnolia Riflemen" as well as to the CIA nucleus in the Marine Corps to which Oswald belonged, it would have gotten into deep waters indeed. It was so much easier to turn around and arrest the informant on a charge of hoaxing the FBI. Such a case, however, would be hazardous to present in a court of law and so a convenient exit was found: a "voluntary" commitment of the alleged offender to a mental institution. This is indeed the favorite technique of suppression employed by the masterminds of the Kennedy murder cover-up. It obviates the need for proving in court what can't be proven. And the only exit from such an institution is, often enough, to the graveyard. One more observation is in order. Landesberg, judging by his name and also the photo of him which appeared in the Dec. 6 issue of Newsday, appears to be Jewish and is clean-shaven. Would he be identical with a racist and segregationist from Mississippi -- and a bearded one at that? --------------------------------<QUOTE OFF>--------------------------
  4. No one seems to want to talk about this, but my bet is that American-born Lee Oswald was the person who did the above, mostly for the purpose of framing Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald for the assassination. Had Lee Oswald succeeded in purchasing guns from Castro's personal friend and gunrunner (McKeown), does anyone doubt one of McKeown's rifles would have appeared on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository? By refusing to sell a gun to Lee Oswald, McKeown probably single-handedly prevented a U.S. invasion of Cuba!
  5. The evening of the assassination McBride told Air Force security officers that he had worked with Oswald in 1957-58. He told the same thing to the FBI (CE1386). And you think he did this for attention? William Wulf and McBride were close friends, and neither man could understand why Wulf was asked to testify about Oswald when he only knew him for a few hours. McBride, however, had worked with Oswald from Oct, 1957 through May, 1958, but was not asked to testify. John met personally with Wulf in the mid 1990's, who described in detail when he met Oswald. Wulf said it was "shortly after Christmas" the year he returned to school (1957-58 school year) after a one year absence. If you don't believe McBride perhaps you would like to speak with William Wulf. He works as a computer systems analyst and lives in Slidell, LA. And you don't believe Wulf, perhaps you would like to speak with Walter Gehrke, who met Oswald during a NOAA association meeting at his home in early 1958. Until a few years ago you could have spoken with James Harrison Vance, who was living in Mexico, another member of the NOAAA who met Oswald when he was working with McBride in 1958. And, of course, there is always the current president of the Pfisterer Dental Lab, Linda Faircloth. Years before John met Linda, she gathered information from former employees and owners of the dental lab regarding Oswald in preparation for a presentation to her company. Linda learned from colleagues that Oswald worked for Pfisterers in 1958 as a delivery boy (see YouTube interview of Ms. Faircloth). Of course the FBI made sure Oswald's employment at Pfisterers would not be discovered when they confiscated Oswald's employment file and records shortly after the assassination. Each of the owners of the company, and each employee, was taken into a private room and warned not to mention or discuss Oswald with anyone at any time. And when Marina applied for Social Security benefits after Oswald's death, there were no employment records prior to 1962 upon which to base her SS award benefits. And when the HSCA requested Oswald's SS records prior to 1962 they were advised, in writing, to refer to the Warren Report. Now, Tracy, we look forward to you providing a single document (or even more) to confirm the basis of any reply you may care to make. It may be easier for you to just use your imagination to debunk the preceding. Still waiting for a full answer!
  6. The evening of the assassination McBride told Air Force security officers that he had worked with Oswald in 1957-58. He told the same thing to the FBI (CE1386). And you think he did this for attention? William Wulf and McBride were close friends, and neither man could understand why Wulf was asked to testify about Oswald when he only knew him for a few hours. McBride, however, had worked with Oswald from Oct, 1957 through May, 1958, but was not asked to testify. John met personally with Wulf in the mid 1990's, who described in detail when he met Oswald. Wulf said it was "shortly after Christmas" the year he returned to school (1957-58 school year) after a one year absence. If you don't believe McBride perhaps you would like to speak with William Wulf. He works as a computer systems analyst and lives in Slidell, LA. And you don't believe Wulf, perhaps you would like to speak with Walter Gehrke, who met Oswald during a NOAA association meeting at his home in early 1958. Until a few years ago you could have spoken with James Harrison Vance, who was living in Mexico, another member of the NOAAA who met Oswald when he was working with McBride in 1958. And, of course, there is always the current president of the Pfisterer Dental Lab, Linda Faircloth. Years before John met Linda, she gathered information from former employees and owners of the dental lab regarding Oswald in preparation for a presentation to her company. Linda learned from colleagues that Oswald worked for Pfisterers in 1958 as a delivery boy (see YouTube interview of Ms. Faircloth). Of course the FBI made sure Oswald's employment at Pfisterers would not be discovered when they confiscated Oswald's employment file and records shortly after the assassination. Each of the owners of the company, and each employee, was taken into a private room and warned not to mention or discuss Oswald with anyone at any time. And when Marina applied for Social Security benefits after Oswald's death, there were no employment records prior to 1962 upon which to base her SS award benefits. And when the HSCA requested Oswald's SS records prior to 1962 they were advised, in writing, to refer to the Warren Report. Now, Tracy, we look forward to you providing a single document (or even more) to confirm the basis of any reply you may care to make. It may be easier for you to just use your imagination to debunk the preceding.
  7. How is this not an error? Maybe Armstrong's definition of "error" is different than mine-that would explain alot. In an attempt to tie the cameraman at the leafleting incident to the FBI or CIA he states Aucoin was the cameraman when he wasn't-Rush and Mike O'Connor were. Aucoin didn't even work for WDSU. And talk about switching topics, that is what is going on here-what does Pic have to do with this? Aucoin was not the cameraman, that is my point or rather Gary's point. Tracey, you are the one who changed topics. This thread is about HARVEY and LEE, not about a 2nd cameraman who photographed Oswald. John Pic's WC testimony that the man handing out FPCC literature was not his brother is central to the HARVEY and LEE thread. Would you care to discuss and try to debunk Pic's testimony?
  8. There are just too many simple explanations why Mr. Pic didn't recognize his half-brother, Lee Harvey Oswald, in that photograph: (1) The photograph was poor in quality (2) Oswald's half-brother had not seen him for many years (3) Oswald's behavior (Communist leafleting) was incomprehensible to Mr. Pic. As when any close person's behavior changes, we commonly say, "I don't recognize you anymore." Jenner's question wasn't clear about the word, "recognize;" whether regarding facial features as shown in a given (poor) photograph, or regarding behavioral features as shown in Un-American behavior in 1963. Mr. Pic's answer was equally brief and non-descript -- showing his grasp of the question and the situation at hand. For Mr. Pic, IMHO, the elephant in the room was that his brothers were all in the Marines -- and here is one of them in New Orleans behaving likes a Communist FPCC agitator, and also being blamed for the murder of JFK. No wonder Mr. Pic didn't "recognize" him. The framing of Lee Harvey Oswald as the "Lone Nut" killer of JFK was enforced by the FBI, the CIA, the State Department and the Justice Department, and finally the whole US Judiciary, Executive and Legislature. The stigma of this Big Lie upon the Oswald family -- especially Oswald's two daughters, June and Audrey -- was overwhelming. After the Top Secret TRUTH about Lee Harvey Oswald is finally published by the US Government on 26 October 2017, and it becomes clear that Oswald was merely a Patsy in a larger Conspiracy, I propose that the US Government also award June and Audrey two well-deserved Congressional Medals, because of the lifelong stigma that they wore for the USA in the interest of National Security. Regards, --Paul Trejo The quality of the photo was quite good. See Warren Commission Exhibit 291. John Pic, Robert Oswald, Lee Oswald, and their families were together for hours just nine months earlier on Thanksgiving Day, 1962. Home movies were taken showing Pic sitting next to (Harvey) Oswald on a couch. This was he same man who was handing out leaflets in New Orleans nine months later and Pic refused to identify him as his brother. How do you know Oswald's behavior was incomprehensible to Pic? Got any documents? Jenner's question had nothing to do with behavioral changes. He merely asked Pic if this was his brother. Can you also explain why Pic refused to identify the famous Bronx Zoo photo as his brother? No un-American behavior here!! You need to study Pic's testimony more thoroughly. Mr. Pic readily identified pictures of American-born Lee Oswald as his brother, but when shown pictures of Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald at the Bronx Zoo and passing out FPCC flyers in New Orleans, he said he didn't recognize the young man as his brother. As for you final paragraph, you have a lot more confidence in any upcoming USG releases than I do.
  9. John did NOT make an error in his write-up, but this minutia about camermen and witnesses is minor stuff. What is in error here, is to focus on unimportant little details while ignoring the enormous elephant in the room here. When shown one of the photographs taken of "Oswald" while distributing FPCC literature, here is what "Oswald's" own half brother told the Warren Commission: Mr. JENNER - Commission Exhibit No. 291, at the bottom of the page, there is a picture of a young man handing out a leaflet, and another man to the left of him who is reaching out for it. Do you recognize the young man handing out the leaflet? Mr. PIC - No, sir; I would be unable to recognize him. Mr. JENNER - As to whether he was your brother? Mr. PIC - That is correct. Jenner then switches topics. Isn't Jenner's lack of interest in this information remarkable?? Why don't you talk about that?
  10. On the contrary, John would have welcomed legal action from the actor Landesberg. This would have provided the opportunity, through legal discovery and depositions, to learn more about Landesberg and his background. This case is way more interesting than you make it appear. Let's just consider the basics: As a child growing up Landesberg (the agitator) was normal, except for a speech impediment. He was on the Dean's honor roll at Rutgers University, earned an MBA from Columbia, and became a successful businessman. It was 5 days after he joined the Marine Corps that his troubles first began, after refusing to sign a statement that he had read and understood the Uniform Code of Military Justice. When interviewed by psychiatrists he was very apprehensive, said he did not use drugs, did not believe in drugs, and didn't want to be used as a guinea pig. He was sent to mental institution for 6 months, and later discharged for a physical (not mental) disability. After his incarceration Landesberg, according to statements made to the FBI, was paid to participate and disrupt liberal rallies in the NYC area. Within ten hours of Oswald's arrest, Landesberg (using the name "Rizzuto") contacted radio host Barry Gray and was invited to the studio for an interview. He told Gray that in 1961-62 “Lee Harvey Oswald" attended and photographed disruptions at these liberal rallies (while another Oswald was in Russia). It is important to remember that Gray gave no indication that the man he knew as "Rizzuto" in 1963 was the same individual who identified himself as "L'Eandes" when interviewed by Gray in 1961. When interviewed by the FBI, Landesberg told the agents that he was a paid agitator and that someone else gave him the information about Oswald. There is no indication these agents asked Landesberg anything about his knowledge or involvement with Oswald in 1961-62. Nor did they ask Landesberg who paid him to disrupt rallies. Nor did they ask Landesberg who paid him to provide information about Oswald in NYC in 1961-62. Nor did they contact Thunderbolt Magazine to identify the individual who provided one or more photos taken at liberal rallies in NYC (allegedly Oswald, circa 1961-62). Instead, the Bureau charged Landesberg with lying to Federal agents and had him committed to Bellevue Hospital for a 10 day psychiatiric observation. All charges against Landesberg were later dropped and there was no investigation to determine if Oswald had been in NYC in 1961-62. John Armstrong thought the US District Court file might have additional information on Landesberg, so he traveled to 40 Foley Square in NYC to examine Court records (USA vs. Stephen Harris Landesberg). Rosemarie Fugnetti, supervisor of the court's Records Control Division, discovered that both the original paper file and the microfilm record of the case had disappeared. She was unaware of another time when both sets of records for a single case had disappeared. John's interest in Steve Landesberg, the actor, began only after talking with well-known Dallas newspaper reporter Earl Golz in the mid-1990s. Golz said that he had watched a television interview with Landesberg, and the actor said that he was “sorry he ever got mixed up with Oswald.” Yes, the information provided by Golz to John is second hand, as is every article written by Golz and published in Dallas newspapers. There was no indication that the actor's comment was made in jest and there has been no retraction made either publicly or privately. John drew no conclusions as to either the actor or the agitator's involvement with Oswald in 1961-62. However, the fact that SOMEONE was publicly disclosing information about Oswald (in 1961-62) within hours of the assassination is difficult to explain and deserves more research. Should future researchers have an interest in the "Landesberg" story, John's material at Baylor is a good starting point.
  11. Are you going to have me killed on the Education Forum? You seem to have ALL THE POWER here!!
  12. Yo, Tracy, You have a recent article up somewhere on Steven Landesberg, which I mentioned to JA, and he asked me to post the following, which is a write-up he did years ago and felt was too long to be included in the 1000+ pages of Harvey and Lee. So he dusted it off, put in a few updates, and asked me to post it here: Sooo... uh... here 'tis.... Stephen/Steve Harris Landesberg A number of JFK researchers, including author Carleton W. Sterling, Professor Stan Weeber (UNT, Denton, TX), attorney Carol Hewitt, and myself have written about Stephen Landesberg's real or imagined involvement with LHO in late 1961 or early 1962. (To read Mr. Sterling's article, CLICK HERE. To see Prof. Weeber's essay, USE THIS LINK.) If Landesberg was involved with (LEE) Oswald during this period it is very significant, because during this time (HARVEY) Oswald was living in the Soviet Union with his wife, Marina. Stephen Landesberg (aka "Rizzuto" and "L'Eandes") was born Stephen Harris Landesberg on Sept., 24, 1940 in Queens, NY. After graduating from Forest Hills High School in 1957, he dropped the German/Jewish "berg" from his surname and thereafter often used the names "Steve, Steven or Stephen Landes." He attended Rutgers University from June, 1957 thru Feb., 1960 (where he was enrolled as Steve Landes and made the Dean's honor roll). According to attorney Carol Hewitt, whose practice is limited to Social Security, Landes/Landesberg received Social Security number 126-30-3500 between 1955 and 1957. This number was subsequently used by former German national Joseph Wiersch, who was born in 1900, lived in NYC, and died in 1985. Landesberg then began using SS number 126-30-3503--only one number ("3") different from his original SS number. During the first 20 years of his life, there was no indication that Landes/Landesberg had mental issues. In Feb, 1960 he dropped out of college. His mother was concerned and asked him to visit a Park Ave. psychiatrist, Dr. Efhraim, which he did to appease his mother. For the next few months he traveled, and finally returned home on July 13. Four months later, on Nov 12, 1960, Landes/Landesberg joined the marines. Five days after joining he was interviewed by the Provost Marshall after refusing to sign a statement confirming that he had read and understood the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During the interview he continually stammered and stuttered profusely. The Provost Marshall referred him to the Psychiatric Unit where he made very revealing statements during interview. Landes/Landesberg told the psychiatrists, "I don't take stimulants or depressants. I don't believe in drugs, they are not right. You don't have to use me for a guinea pig." Guinea Pig? Landes/Landesberg was observed to be "suspicious of the physician's motivations and extremely apprehensive." They sedated him with Thorazine, diagnosed him with numerous psychiatric issues, and had him committed to the US Naval Hospital in Philadelphia. Seven months later, in June, 1961 he received an honorable discharge (for physical disability, diagnosed as a schizophrenic reaction, paranoid type, chronic) and returned home where he was treated by another Park Ave psychiatrist, Dr. Kalmanoff. In the fall of 1961 Landes/Landesberg moved into an apartment on East 84th St, with no known employment. He later moved into an apartment at 165 E. 49th St, with roommate Michael Dunn, again with no known employment. It was during this time, according to statements given to the FBI, that he was acting as a paid agitator for the purpose of attending Jewish and liberal rallies in order to create disturbances. One year later, in Sept, 1962, it appears that his days as a paid agitator were over, and he returned to Rutgers. In Sept. 1963 Landes/Landesberg began attending Columbia and may have received an MBA in 1967. In 1978 Steve Landes was living in Florida. Information from the 1991 edition of Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives shows that "Stephen Landes," employed as Secretary of Rocky Mountain Undergarment Co., Inc., was living at 1259 N.W. 16th St. in Boco Raton. In 1998 he was living at 9775 Boca Gardens Circle, Boca Raton, and in 2000 he was living at 533 W. Gulf Beach Dr., in Eastpoint, FL. In the early 1990s Landes/Landesberg's parents (George and Edna) were living at 6100 S. Falls Circle in Ft. Lauderdale. A check with the Social Security database showed his SS number in 1993 to be 126 30 3503 (the last digit is now shown as "3," while the original SS number assigned to Landes/Landesberg in 1955-57 was 126 30 3500). In the early 1960s Barry Gray was an announcer for WMCA radio in NYC. In late 1961 Gray interviewed a man who identified himself as "Steve L'Eandes" on one of his programs, but who was this man? During the radio interview there was no indication of speech impairment or stuttering on the part of L'Eandes. Two years later, within hours of President Kennedy's assassination, a man who identified himself as "Jim Rizzuto" called Barry Gray at WMCA radio. This man told Gray that "Steve L'Eandes" had been seen with Lee Harvey Oswald in Greenwich Village in late 1961 and early 1962. Gray invited Rizzuto to his station for an interview, and then telephoned the FBI at 1:30 AM (11/23/63) to advise the bureau of his conversation with Rizzuto. While Rizzuto was en route to the radio station, FBI agents Leonard McCoy and Wayne Morse were dispatched to WMCA radio. Rizzuto arrived at the station at 3:00 AM and was interviewed by Gray, while the FBI agents listened (Rizutto would soon tell the FBI that his real name was Steven H. Landesberg, aka "L'Eandes" and it was noted that he stuttered profusely during the interview). It is very possible that the man who identified himself as "L'Eandes" (who had a southern accent and did not stutter) to Barry Gray in late 1961-62 , was NOT the same person who identified himself as "Jim Rizzuto" (aka L'Eandes and Steven Landesberg) two years later on Nov 23, 1963 The fact that Barry Gray did not recognize "Jim Rizzuto" (aka L'Eandes) as the same man he previously interviewed as "L'Eandes," is reason to believe these were two different people. Readers should remember that when interviewed by the FBI on 12/5/63, L'Eandes/Landesberg said the information pertaining to Lee Oswald and Earl Perry was furnished to him by someone else. In other words, the "L'Eandes" interviewed by Barry Gray in 1961-62 could have known and associated with Oswald, but the L'Eandes/Landesberg (aka Rizzuto) was paid to furnish this information during the radio interview with Gray. So, which "L'Eandes" knew and associated with Oswald? Was it the "L'Eandes" interviewed by Barry Gray in 1961 or the "L'Eandes" (aka Rizzuto, Landes, Steven H. Landesberg) who was interviewed by Gray and the FBI in 1963? During the Nov. 23, 1963 radio interview with Barry Gray, "Rizzuto" said that he met Steve L'Eandes and Lee Oswald in the Marine Corps at Camp LeJeune in the summer of 1956 (L'Eandes/Landesberg was only 15 year sold in the summer of 1956--too young to join the Marines). After his Marine Corps service he kept in touch with L'Eandes, Oswald, and a man named Earl Perry. In 1961 "Rizzuto" saw L'Eandes at the Hotel Tamiana, in Florida, and said that Oswald had gone back to Texas. In the fall (1961) a man who identified himself as "L'Eandes" appeared on the Barry Gray radio program in NYC. In December he ("Rizzuto") and L'Eandes attended a political rally for Mark Lane. In January, 1962 he (Rizzuto), L'Eandes, and Earl Perry attended a rally of the American Jewish Congress. Posing as right-wing activists these people created a disturbance while Oswald took photos, one of which was allegedly published in "Thunderbolt" magazine. Their disruptive behavior at liberal rallies was reported by the Village Voice, who reported that L'Eandes was connected to Pro-Facist and anti-Semitic groups. But these same reporters could not understand why L'Eandes/Landesberg, who they believed was Jewish, would want to create havoc among Jews in NYC while posing as a southern bigot from Mississippi. L'Eandes was quoted as describing himself as "a former US Marine who is trying to be heard on vital American issues." On March 7, 1962 L'Eandes attended a Democratic Party rally in the Village where he heckled Hubert Humphrey. A few weeks later L'Eandes attended a meeting of the NAACP in Greenwich Village, where he made anti-segregation remarks and a fight ensued. During the interview with Gray, "Rizzuto" described L'Eandes as a close personal friend of Oswald and said they were both professional agitators who attended meetings of the American Jewish Congress and other organizations and tried to disrupt meetings. Rizzuto said that he last saw L'Eandes on Tuesday, November 19, 1963 at a bar on west 10th St., and was told that Oswald and Perry were together in Texas. From information provided during the radio interview the FBI launched a manhunt in NYC for Steve L'Eandes and also searched for Earl Perry. From a photograph taken at one of the rallies, the FBI soon learned that "L'Eandes" was actually Steven Harris Landesberg, who lived at 66 W. 10th in NYC. On Dec. 5 Landesberg was interviewed at the NYC office of the FBI, and spoke with a severe stutter and became incoherent. He admitted that he was the "Rizzuto" interviewed by Barry Gray, and also used the name "Steven Yves L'Eandes." He told the Bureau agents that the activities he had attributed to L' Eandes were actually his own activities. Landesberg's use of the name "L'Eandes" was a cleverly disguised version of the name "Landes," which he had adopted (dropping the "berg" from Landesberg) in 1957. However, Steven Harris Landesberg told the FBI that the information pertaining to Lee Oswald and Earl Perry was furnished to him by someone else. He also told the FBI that he was a "paid agitator" (NY Times, 12/6/63), but declined to say who was paying him. It is worth remembering that somehow, within hours of the assassination, Steven Harris Landesberg (aka L'Eandes) said that he was given detailed knowledge about Oswald's life and background. And, within hours of Oswald's arrest, Landesberg (aka L'Eandes) was disseminating this information thru a NYC radio station--but this was long before information related to Oswald's background began to appear in newspapers and the media. The unanswered question is, Who provided information about Oswald's background to Landesberg (aka L'Eandes) and why? In the weeks following the assassination reporters at the Village Voice could not understand why the information provided by L'Eandes/Steven Harris Landesberg showed Oswald to be a rightist, denouncing liberal causes, and a member of the "States Rights Party" when the government and media were proclaiming Oswald to be a Communist. This author cannot understand how anyone could have known much of anything about Oswald's background within hours of the assassination, unless they had previous contact with Oswald or were provided information about his background. Regarding Earl Sheldon Perry, the Bureau was advised that in order for his records to be released they would have to receive permission from TAG, the Pentagon. On Nov 26 those records were released to the FBI, and showed that Perry actively served in the Marines from April 24, 1954 to January 23, 1956 and then served in the US Army reserve until Jan 23, 1962. His military occupation while in the Marine Corps was listed as "chaplain's assistant." Steven Harris Landesberg (aka L'Eandes) was charged with providing false information to the FBI and was committed by Federal Judge John Cannella to 10 days at Bellevue Hospital for psychiatric observation. Being locked up for providing false information to the FBI is understandable. But what is not understandable is the FBI's apparent reluctance to question Steven Harris Landesberg about any involvement he or his associates may have had with Oswald, especially in late 1961 or 1962, and who paid him to support right-wing causes. In an attempt to learn more about Steven Harris Landesberg's possible involvement with Oswald the author travelled to the US District Court House for the Southern District of NY at 40 Foley Square in NYC. After locating an index card titled "USA vs. Stephen Harris Landesberg" I requested the court file from Rosemarie Fugnetti, supervisor of the Records Control Division. Ms. Fugnetti soon discovered that the microfilm file record had disappeared, and said that she would request the original "paper" file from their archives/warehouse. After learning that the paper file had also disappeared, she told the author that this was the first and only time she knew of a microfilm case record, and the original "paper copy," disappearing from US District Court files. If Landesberg was questioned by the FBI about his knowledge or involvement with Oswald in 1961-62, or about those who paid him to be an "agitator" at liberal rallies, those records disappeared. All federal records relating to his arrest and incarceration have disappeared. It is worth remembering that FBI official William Sullivan said, "If Hoover decided there were documents that he didn’t want to come to the light of the public, then those documents would be destroyed and the truth would never be known." The disappearance of all the court records covering the Landesberg/Oswald affair may be the most significant smoking gun in the Landesberg story. Steven Harris Landesberg's 10 day commitment to Bellevue makes it appear as though he was mentally unstable, just as the FBI tried to do with numerous troublesome JFK witnesses. When confronted with witness testimony that conflicted with the government's "official story," the bureau would often claim the witness was "incoherent, mentally unstable, delirious, confused, etc." This became the FBI's cover for leads the Bureau did not want to pursue. But Steven Harris Landesberg (aka Landes) was an honor role student, attended Rutgers, received an MBA from Columbia, and became a successful businessman in Florida--very different from the troublesome witness the FBI had committed to Bellevue in an apparent attempt to suppress his statements about Oswald or identify the people who paid him to make those statements or identify the people who paid him to cause disturbances at liberal political rallies. The FBI successfully avoided Steven Harris Landesberg and any connection he may have had with (LEE) Oswald in 1961-62. Throughout their investigation of JFK's assassination the Bureau repeatedly avoided numerous "inconvenient" eyewitnesses to the double lives of LEE and HARVEY, including Sylvia Odio, Marita Lorenz, and Ralph Leon Yates. Odio met one Oswald, who visited her home in Dallas at a time when the other Oswald was allegedly boarding a bus to Mexico City. Lorenz knew LEE Oswald in Florida at a time when HARVEY Oswald was residing in the Soviet Union. Yates gave LEE Oswald (who was carrying a package that he said contained curtain rods) a ride to the TSBD at 10:00 AM, two days before the assassination, while HARVEY had been working in the same building since 8:00 AM. Desperate attempts were made to discredit these witnesses and expunge the documentary record. These people were treated with utter contempt by the Warren Commission and the HSCA, and their stories were nearly lost to history. Our national security network, including the FBI, CIA, and the Warren Commission, selectively drew upon eyewitnesses and documents that suited their purposes in order to craft the biography of one "Lee Harvey Oswald." There is a distinct possibility that Steven Harris Landesberg (aka L'Eandes/Rizzuto/Landes) was a paid informant in 1961-62. This possibility is enhanced when we consider: * Both Oswald and Landesberg were interviewed by radio stations concerning their political views-Oswald in New Orleans, and Landesberg in NYC. * Both Oswald and Landesberg were involved with radical organizations-Oswald with the "FPCC" and Landesberg with the "Magnolia Rifles" * Both Oswald and Landesberg had created "staged" confrontations in both New Orleans and NYC, designed to attract media attention * Both Oswald and Landesberg used aliases. * Both Oswald and Landesberg appear to have been used to take blame for the actions of others. * Both Oswald and Landesberg had a second person who was using their name, in the same city, and at the same times. * Both Oswald and Landesberg were discharged early from the Marines. * Both Oswald and Landesberg's actions were so similar that one must consider the possibility that both were government agents. Stephen Richard Landesberg In the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s there was another "Steve Landesberg" living in NYC. This was Stephen Richard Landesberg, the actor ("Barney Miller" TV show). He was born Nov. 23, 1936, grew up in the Bronx, and graduated from high school in 1954. According to Social Security attorney Carol Hewitt he received his Social Security number between 1952 and 1955. But from 1954 thru 1969 Landesberg provided virtually no information about his life to the press, including his correct birth year and middle name. It was not until 1989 that Landesberg finally provided his correct year of birth. And his middle name (Richard) appears only on property records. Landesberg's acting career began in 1969 at age 33, with the NY Stickball Comedy Team, and continued throughout his adult life (Barney Miller TV show). But throughout most of his forty-year acting career he provided virtually no information to the press about his life prior to 1969. In 1997 he told the Detroit Free Press, "Before getting into show business I worked in a lot of hotels, as an assistant credit manager." In 2003 Landesberg told the Alameda (Calif.) Times-Star newspaper that he had served in the military. He said, "When I was in the service I was quiet, but in the barracks I'd get crazy." The branch of service, his length of service, his rank, his locations during military service and the dates of his service were not mentioned. The most likely dates of service would have been after graduation from high school (1954) and prior to the early 1960s. Was he in the Marines in Camp LeJuene and Barstow, CA during the summer of 1956? Was this the "L'Eandes" described by Stephen Harris Landesberg to radio announcer Barry Gray on Nov 23, 1963? After Landesberg's (the actor) death in 2010 a former acquaintance "Marty Z," posted the following on the Hollywoodland web site (12/21/2010): "Steve and I served in the same NY National Guard Reserve Unit in the early 60’s. At the Kingsbridge Armory in the Bronx, NY. It was the 742 Ord Battn." At first glance it seems as though the actor, Stephen Richard Landesberg, had no connection with Stephen Harris Landesberg/L'Eandes, the paid agitator who was paid to report that "L'Eandes and Oswald were together in 1961-62. But the future actor provided very, very little biographical information from age 17 thru 33. He continually refused to provide his correct date of birth and continually refusal to acknowledge or use his middle name. But during a television interview, witnessed by Dallas reporter Earl Golz, Landesberg made a comment that could explain his reluctance to provide information about his past. During the television interview Landesberg said, "he was sorry he ever got mixed up with Oswald." It remains unknown if the actor, Stephen Richard Landesberg (using the name "L'Eandes"), was the individual interviewed by radio announcer Barry Gray in 1961. And it remains unknown if Stephen Harris Landesberg, when interviewed by Barry Gray on 11/23/63, knew the identity of the man who he said associated with Oswald in 1961-62. We may never know the extent of Landesbeg's (the actor) involvement with Oswald, if any. But if Landesberg (the actor) and Oswald were "mixed up" together, then this could explain the actor's reluctance to provide information about his life from 1954-1969. Following the assassination, any prior association with Oswald could have quickly ended an acting career, or worse. In 1993 I wrote to the actor (address obtained thru voter registration in Calif), identified myself and my interests, and asked him for a response. I (and fellow researcher Jack White) soon received phone calls from a man who identified himself as Tom Walker, and said that he was head of security for Mr. Landesberg. Mr. Walker, or whoever made the call (could have been the actor Landesberg), told me and fellow researcher Jack White to stop researching Landesberg "or else." "OR Else?" Something about Steve Landesberg's past was important enough to threaten JFK researchers to stop investigating the actor's background. Whatever connection there may have been between Stephen Harris Landesberg the agitator, Stephen Richard Landesberg the actor, and LEE Oswald in 1961-62 (while HARVEY Oswald was in the Soviet Union) remains unknown. But the similarities in character and appearance between Landesberg the agitator and Landesberg the actor are worth remembering: * Both Steve L'Eandes/Landesberg and Steve Landesberg (the actor) were close to the same age * Both Steve L'Eandes/Landesberg and Steve Landesberg (the actor) had very similar physical characteristics (height, weight, hair color, etc.) * Both Steve L'Eandes/Landesberg and Steve Landesberg (the actor) had the ability to speak with a convincing southern dialect. * Both Steve L'Eandes/Landesberg and Steve Landesberg (the actor) were born, grew up, and lived in the NYC area. * Both Steve L'Eandes/Landesberg and Steve Landesberg (the actor) made comments relating to involvement and/or knowledge of Oswald. * But there are very distinct differences between these men. L'Eandes/Landesberg (the agitator) had a life-long speech impediment, while Steve Landesberg the actor did not. L'Eandes/Landesberg's (the agitator) biographical history is well known and documented, while Steve Landesberg's (the actor) biographical history from age 17 thru age 33 is entirely and completely missing. L'Eandes/Landesberg (the agitator) always gave his correct birth date, while Steve Landesberg the actor gave multiple birth dates throughout his life. Clearly the story of the two "Steve Landesbergs" and their relationship with Oswald, whether real or imagined, raises more questions than it answers. But the intriguing questions it raises are not easily forgotten, and perhaps some day these questions may be answered by further research. We may never fully understand the identities and activities of Stephen Harris Landesberg/Stephen Richard Landesberg/Landes/L'Eandes/Rizzuto. But if either or both of these men were involved with Oswald in NYC in late 1961 and/or early 1962 (while the other Oswald was in Russia), it would once again demonstrate the existence of the two Oswalds.
  13. Yeah, DJ, it's pretty creepy. Parker's taking a poll now, no doubt lighting torches and sharpening pitchforks to drive you and me and Steve out of town. I say let's just keep trying to present the facts until they kill us! They can't do much more than that, even rhetorically. A few people lurking around might be looking for something other than the usual bs. If I escape Parker's wrath for another day or two, I've got some pretty good posts lined up.
  14. We have proof that the FBI allowed the testimony of its own expert witness, James Cadigan, to be altered to hide the fact that he mistakenly admitted "Oswald's possessions" had been secretly sent to the FBI in Washington from Dallas PD in the middle of the night of November 22/23, before being secretly returned to Dallas a few days later, before being publicly sent to Washington the evening of Nov. 26. I still can't post graphics here, but the altered testimony is shown at the link below, just a little over halfway down the page: http://harveyandlee.net/FBI/FBI.html During the secret trip to Washington FBI headquarters, the 225 items of evidence cataloged by Dallas Police suddenly grew to 455 items, including the dramatic introduction of a Minox light meter (and the disappearance of a Minox spy camera), along with a Warrior stamp kit and W-2 forms from all three of "Lee Harvey Oswald's" employers from his pre-Marine teen-aged years, According to IBM archivist Dawn Stanford, all three of these W-2 forms appeared to be "typed on the same machine," which she described as having an unusual font under close inspection. The same three W-2 forms, created while "Oswald's possessions" were secretly in FBI hands, showed income that failed to appear on "Oswald's" lifetime earnings Social Security report. When SSA reported information on Oswald's lifetime income to the HSCA, it included "three pages from the Warren Report" to cover his pre-Marine income. No one from your side will admit it, but I suspect this evidence would stand up in court to this day. That's probably enough for now.
  15. The FBI gave the Warren Commission photographic copies of documents rather than originals, and the HSCA's own expert witnesses explained how copies can be manipulated to "prove" whatever is wanted. Now the question becomes, Would the FBI lie and cheat to prove whatever it wanted? And the answer, then and now, is a resounding yes. Look at the evidence from this year alone.... "Pseudoscience in the Witness Box: The FBI faked an entire field of forensic science," is the headline from the April 22, 2015 online edition of Slate Magazine. The same Slate article quoted a Washington Post story of a few days earlier, which stated: “The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000.” Things look pretty bad for the FBI recently, but how about in earlier days? Surely they were better then, right? Of course not.... Remember the Frederick Whitehurst scandal from the 1990s? Whitehurst was one of the Bureau's top scientists, and he complained for more than a decade toward the end of the last century about the FBI's vaunted crime lab faking evidence and slanting it toward the prosecution. According to the Feb. 27, 1998 edition of CNN: -------------------------------------- For 10 years Whitehurst complained mostly in vain about lab practices. But his efforts finally led last April to a scathing 500-page study of the lab by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Bromwich. Bromwich blasted the famed lab for flawed scientific work and inaccurate, pro-prosecution testimony in major cases, including the Oklahoma City and World Trade Center bombings. Bromwich recommended major reforms, discipline for five agents that is still under consideration and transfer of Whitehurst to other duties. ------------------------------------ Whitehurst, of course, was pilloried endlessly by defenders of the FBI, eventually resulting in the award of more than a million dollars to Whitehurst as compensation, and a new federal law protecting whistleblowers! So... for a quarter century and probably more, the FBI has clearly been cooking the evidence to favor the prosecution. But that didn't happen back in the good ole' days, right? Not when J. Edgar was in charge. William Sullivan (a top-ranking FBI official) said, "Hoover did not like to see the Warren Commission come into existence. He showed a marked interest in limiting the scope of it and taking any action which might result in neutralizing it."* He added, "If there were documents that possibly he (Hoover) didn't want to come to the light of the public, then those docu­ments no longer exist, and the truth will never be known."** NOTES: * Interview of William Sullivan by Robert Fink, November, 1975; Memo from James P. Kelly to G. Robert Blakey, 11/18/77; HSCA 108-10112-10133, Numbered Files 003406 ** Ibid. For detailed information on how the FBI cooked the books in the case against "Lee Harvey Oswald", CLICK HERE.
  16. Tracy Parnell covers a number of topics in his effort to "debunk" Harvey and Lee. I'll be taking a look at more of his points in the coming days and weeks, but for now I'm going to concentrate on the topic he writes at most length about--handwriting samples of "Lee Harvey Oswald" and what the experts had to say about them. For this, Tracy relies entirely on the HSCA, the same crew that told us 26 Bethesda witnesses claimed JFK's head wounds agreed with the autopsy findings, then announced that the interviews of these 26 witnesses would be kept secret for 50 years, and then had to scurry like rats when the interviews were released early, showing that all the witnesses had actually disagreed with the autopsy report. In his report about the testimony of three HSCA handwriting experts, Tracy fails to inform us that all three experts complained that they were examining photographs (or photographs of photographs) instead of original documents. Virtually all experts in questioned documents agree that examiners should always insist on seeing originals, since on photographic copies it is far too easy to cut and paste elements of a forgery and then eliminate all traces of alteration. One of the three HSCA handwriting experts, David J. Purtell, testified this way: "...it is possible to incorporate or insert changes and alterations into copies. A method frequently used is to paste together parts of documents to make one fraudulent document, which is then copied. If the first copy can pass inspection, it will be used; if not, it will be reworked to eliminate all signs of alteration. This amended copy is then recopied for the finished product. This is usually referred to as the "cut and paste" method." [8 HSCA 239] Back in 2011, EF member Gil Jesus made the following post about the obvious shortcomings of the HSCA's methodology. --------------------------------------------------------- Two experts gave testimony to the WC concerning questioned documents: Alwyn Cole and James C. Cadigan. Cole apprenticed as a questioned document examiner for 6 years, from 1929 to 1935, and had been an examiner of questioned documents for the U.S. Treasury Department since then. Cadigan had been a questioned document examiner with the FBI for 23.5 years, following a specialized course of training and instruction. Both had testified many times in Federal and States courts. ( WCR, App. X, pg. 566 ) Their conclusions were identical. The mail order and envelope for the C2766 rifle were photographed by Klein's on microfilm, and then destroyed. ( ibid., pg. 569 ) The money order was never microfilmed. In his testimony, Cadigan was careful to say that CADIGAN 11 had been prepared by LHO and NOT CE 788. The reason he said it that way is because Cadigan never compared the ORIGINAL, CE 788, to Oswald's handwriting. He compared a PHOTOGRAPH of CE 788, which was Cadigan 11. ( 7 H 423 ) Likewise, Cole examined a COPY of the original, which is CE 789, and not the original, CE 788. ( 4 H 374 ) In fact, ALL of the Commission's handwriting examinations, by BOTH Cadigan and Cole were made of PHOTOGRAPHS of the original exhibits, not the exhibits themselves. In addition, since each handwriting expert was not trained in photographic processing, the photographs they examined were not made by the examiners themselves, but rather "under their supervision". Meaning someone else. And because someone else was involved in the "creation" of this evidence, the person or persons responsible for that creation also created a chain of custody of the evidence. Unfortunately, the chain of custody of those photos was never ESTABLISHED because those "under their supervision" remained unnamed, never marked the photos after they processed them and were never called to testify and identify the photos as the ones they took or to describe the technical processes they used in creating them. And for that matter, neither Cole nor Cadigan was asked any technical questions about the photos even though they admitted supervising their creation. Instead of photographic technicians, the legitimacy of the photographs were confirmed VISUALLY by the examiners, Cadigan and Cole. In spite of the lack of a chain of custody, the Commission did what it usually did numerous times in its hearings and accepted ALL of the photographs as evidence and designated them as exhibits. Both Cole and Cadigan testified that the photographs they examined were clear enough to permit an identification through examination. Their opinions covered both the copies of the standards ( the known handwriting of Lee Harvey Oswald ) and the copies of the questioned documents, like the money order. WHY NOT COPIES ? Likewise, the House Select Committee on Assassinations examined the Oswald handwriting in 1978 using a three member panel consisting of Joseph P. McNally, David J. Purtell, and Charles C. Scott. The conclusions of the HSCA handwriting panel indicate that there are problems with comparing copies with originals. Scott concluded that while all of the original handwriting purported to be Oswald's was made by the same person, only a "tentative opinion" could be reached as to the reproductions. ( 8 HSCA 247 ) McNally agreed, saying that while the writing on the envelope and the money order matched, there was a caveat ( condition ) that the writing on the envelope was a photo reproduction from microfilm. ( 4 HSCA 355 ) Earlier he explained why the conditional identification when discussing the panel's examination of Oswald's Cuban visa application. He said that because it was not an original document, it "could not be examined microscopically". ( ibid. ) During his testimony, McNally was forced to admit that copies were never as good as originals for handwriting comparison: Mr. FAUNTROY. Are photocopies as good as original handwriting for analysis purposes? Mr. McNALLY. No, never. ( 2 HSCA 393 ) BTW, the money order ( Item 29 in 8 HSCA 230 ) which was examined by both McNally and Purtell was described as a XEROX COPY. ( 8 HSCA 234, 239 ) Purtell described it as a Xerox copy of a microfilm copy. ( 239 ) IOW, a copy of a copy. In his examination of the "Dear Mr. Hunt " letter, McNally said that it would not be "particularly difficult" to forge Oswald's signature. Mr. MCNALLY. ....Oswald's general writing pattern is simple and tends to be rather legible, and to turn out something like that would be not particularly difficult. ( 4 H 360 ) On the next page, he described HOW Oswald's signature could be faked: Mr. McNALLY. ......It could very well be a situation where this thing has been patched together from original writing of Oswald. It can be done using a photo reproduction process. ( 4 HSCA 361 ) Purtell explained the process further, adding that the final product would be "reworked to eliminate all signs of alteration" : "....it is possible to incorporate or insert changes and alterations into copies. A method frequently used is to paste together parts of documents to make one fraudulent document, which is then copied. If the first copy can pass inspection, it will be used; if not, it will be reworked to eliminate all signs of alteration. This amended copy is then recopied for the finished product. This is usually referred to as the "cut and paste" method." ( 8 HSCA 239 ) And THAT'S why you don't use COPIES when comparing handwriting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Although as an organization it doesn't deserve much defense, the HSCA probably had little choice but to supply its experts with b&w copies instead of original documents. Back in 1963 and 1964, the FBI convinced Warren Commissioners to accept COPIES of almost all documentary evidence in the case, copies that, in the opinion of the HSCA's own handwriting experts, could be altered in any way desired with no remaining trace of the changes. Tracy Parnell called his article, "The Handwriting is on the Wall." Perhaps "The Handwriting is Off the Wall" was a better description. How unfortunate for all of us that the handwriting was not on the original documents.
  17. Hi, Jon, Hoover was hardly clueless about the Oswald Project prior to the assassination! He did lie about his knowledge, though. He claimed, right after the hit, that the FBI had no prior knowledge of "Lee Harvey Oswald." What a joke! Dozens of FBI docs on Oswald were already in existence before President Kennedy was killed, including Hoover's own June 1960 memo in which he wrote, "there is a possibility that an imposter is using Oswald's birth certificate." Hoover was hardly clueless about the Oswald Project. That's why his agents confiscated teenaged employment and school records of "Lee Harvey Oswald" before even investigating the scope of a potential conspiracy to kill USG officials. From the Intro of H&L: Immediately after President Kennedy's assassination the FBI began an in­ vestigation, even though the Dallas Police had sole jurisdiction over the case. Less than an hour after Oswald's arrest FBI Director]. Edgar Hoover wrote a two page memorandum in which he described Oswald's trips to Russia and Cuba and his involvement with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.1 Hoover identified Oswald as the prime suspect and knew the building from which the shots were fired--all within an hour of Oswald's arrest. Following the assassination Dallas Police Lt. Jack Revill was walking through the basement of police headquarters when he was approached by FBI agent James Hasty. Revill remembered, "Mr. Hasty ran over to me and he says .... 'a Communist killed President Kennedy .... Lee Oswald killed President Kennedy.' I said, 'Who is Lee Oswald?' Hasty said, 'He is in our Communist file. We knew he was here in Dallas.'2 I asked him why he had not told us this, and the best (of) my recollection is that he said he couldn't."3 Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry soon appeared on a television broadcast and made a statement to the effect that agents of the FBI had prior information and know- ledge regarding Oswald. When J. Edgar Hoover learned of Curry 's statement he in­ structed senior FBI official C.D. DeLoach to contact the Senior Agent in charge of the Dallas Office, Gordon Shanklin, and order him to immediately obtain a retraction.4 Shanklin was told that if he did not obtain a retraction, he would be terminated from the Bureau. Shanklin quickly contacted Curry and obtained a statement that read, "from his (Curry's) own personal knowledge, the FBI did not have any previous information regarding Lee Harvey Oswald." J. Edgar Hoover desparately tried to keep the public from learning about the FBI's prior knowledge of Oswald, and from wondering if the FBI had any connections or contacts with Oswald. But Hoover was in a difficult position. If he admitted that FBI agents had been following Oswald's activities for the past 4 years, critics would blame the Bureau for not keeping a close watch on Oswald during the President's trip to Dal­ las. If he denied knowing of Oswald's activities, critics would blame him for not keep­ ing a close eye on the alledged communist "defector." Hoover repeatedly lied to the public and insisted the FBI had no prior knowl­edge of Oswald. But, unknown to the public, the FBI had dozens of reports on Oswald dating back to 1959 which Hoover kept secret from the public. These reports included: 1) a file on Lee Harvey Oswald which contained fingerprint cards, Naval intel­ ligence memorandums, State Department Dispatches, letters from the Depart­ ment of State, interviews with Oswald, his mother, wife, relatives, Mrs. Ruth Paine, field re ports setting forth results of his residences and employment, airtels from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) regarding his activities in Mexico City, Passport Office records, etc.5 2) photographs of a middle-aged, heavy-set man in Mexico City who was incor- rectly identified by the CIA as Lee Harvey Oswald;6 a tape recording (provided by the CIA station in Mexico City Station) of a telephone conversation between a man they identified as Oswald who was speaking in very poor, broken Rus- sian, with personnel at the Soviet Embassy. Hoover knew neither the photo­ graph nor the tape recording was of the Lee Harvey Oswald being held by the Dallas Police.7 Hoover knew within hours of the assassination that someone had impersonated Oswald in Mexico City, less than two months before the assassination, and he shared that information with President Lyndon Johnson the day after the assassination during a tape recorded telephone conversation. 3) a report by New Orleans agent Milton Kaack, dated October 31, 1963, that included information on Oswalds birth records from the New Orleans Depart­ ment of Vital Statistics.8 FBI agents were investigating Oswald's background less than three weeks before the assassination. 4) a report from FBI confidential informant Eugene Clair Davis who reported contact with a Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans during the weeks immedi­- ately preceeding the assassination, at the same time a second Lee Harvey Oswald was living in Dallas and working at the Texas SchoolBook Depository.9 5) an FBI memo dated three days before the assassination, sent by the Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the New Orleans FBI Office to FBI Director Hoover, in which Oswald's business address was listed as "Texas School Book Deposi­ tory, 411 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas."10 6) Hoover's file on Oswald contained over a hundred FBI reports and news articles from 1959 thru 1963 relating to Lee Harvey Oswald. FBI Director Hoover knew much more about Lee Harvey Oswald's background than he shared with the public on November 22, 1963. The following evening Hoover told President Lyndon Johnson, "We have up here the tape recording and the photo­- graph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy using Oswald's name. That picture and tape recording do not correspond to this man's voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet embassy down there." NOTES: 1 FBI Hoover memo, 4:01 pm, 11/22/63. 2 WC testimony of Lieutenant Jack Revill, 5 H 34. 3 Ibid at 37. 4 FBI memo from C.D. DeLoach to Mr. Mohr, 11/23/63. 5 National Archives, HSCA 180-10030-10436, FBI Case File 105-8255-3561. 6 WC Exhibit 237. 7 Hoover/Johnson telephone conversation, 11/23/63. 8 FBI report of Milton Kaack, 10/31/63. 9 National Archives, HSCA 180-10087-10474, Numbered Files 001786, Interview of D'Avy by HSCA Staff Attorney Belford Lawson, 7/8/77. 10 FBI memo from SAC, New Orleans, to FBI Director, Bufile 105-82555. ------------------------------------ As for Oswald and the CIA, I don't see any other explanation for the false Russian "defection" or the apparent willingness of the U.S. governement to allow a second "defection" just weeks prior to the assassination.
  18. The FBI and/or WC apparently disagreed with you, because all the Stripling records disappeared.
  19. I demonstrated earlier in this thread that NONE of the so-called employments of "Lee Harvey Oswald's" teenaged years were included in the lifetime earnings report from the Social Security Administration, even though there are alleged tax documents from those employers that should have been counted by SSA. The SSA provided the HSCA with "three pages from the Warren Commission Report" to cover his teenaged employment data. You can't make that weirdness go away. Early on Monday morning FBI agents arrived at Dolly Shoe in New Orleans and confiscated all original employment records for HARVEY Oswald from January through April, 1955 (while LEE Oswald was attending the ninth grade at Beauregard JHS in New Orleans). FBI agents soon arrived at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in New Orleans and confiscated all original employment records for HARVEY Oswald from October, 1957 through May, 1958 (while LEE Oswald was in the Marine Corps in Japan). They spoke with the owners and employees, one at a time, and instructed each person not to talk to each other or with anyone about Oswald's employment at Pfisterer's. Hoover knew that (HARVEY) Oswald's employment at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in 1957-58 (CE 1386) created a serous problem, because during this time (LEE) Oswald was in the Marines in Japan. In an honest investigation, to learn Oswald's employment history, the FBI would simply have requested a schedule of payments made to the Social Security Administration on behalf of Oswald by his former employers. They also could have asked the IRS or the Louisiana Dept. of Revenue for a schedule of taxes (federal and/or state) withheld from Oswald's payroll. Day after day some years back, John A. sat in the National Archives wearing white evidence gloves looking for original documents regarding "Lee Harvey Oswald." None of the original records from his pre-Marine employers were there. This is NOT hyperbole.
  20. Right, Tommy, just check out harveyandlee.net, and why not do it RIGHT NOW? --Jim
  21. The FBI clearly confiscated all of LHO's teenaged employment and school records within 72 hours of JFK's assassination. These original records disappeared forever, replaced by black and white photographs, all accepted by the Warren Commission. Why did the FBI secretly confiscate all of "Oswald's Possessions" less than 19 hours after JFK was killed? Why did Hoover's FBI do that before checking if other high ranking USG officials were in danger of assassination, of if the Official Patsty had confederates..... Please check here: http://harveyandlee.net/FBI/FBI.html Why?....
  22. Good point, Ron... Thanks for posting this... BUT TEN YEARS LATER... NOTHING HAS CHANGED, EH??? NOT A THING!!!
  23. Dear David, Just curious -- how many people do you figure you've converted to your theory over the years? Ten? Fifteen? Thank you, --Tommy And here's another question: How does "Harvey and Lee" theory help us solve the JFK assassination? Let me guess -- "Well, I guess it proves that the CIA did it." --Tommy Wow! You guys are REALLY WORRIED about little ole Harvey and Lee!!!??? Whatever you do, folks, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK BELOW: HarveyandLee.net Good golly Miss Molly, PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE... Or the one below.... HarveyandLee.net I MEAN, OUR CIA REQUESTS THAT YOU JUST DON'T CLICK ANYTHING, OK? THAT MEANS... NOT HERE EITHER!!! AND THEY REALLY MEAN IT, OK?
  24. Harvey Oswald at Stripling in the fall of 1954 The Warren Commission ignored Robert Oswald's testimony about Stripling and concluded that "Lee Harvey Oswald" left Fort Worth in August of 1952, and moved to New York with his mother where he attended the 7th grade (1952-53) and the first half of the 8th grade (fall semester, 1953). He then moved to New Orleans where he at- tended the last half of the 8th grade (spring semester, 1954), all of the 9th grade (1954- 55 school year), and graduated from Beauregard in June 1955. He briefly attended Warren Easton High School in the fall of 1955 (New Orleans), dropped out, worked in New Orleans for the next 8 months, and then moved to Fort Worth. According to Warren Commission version of his background, it would have been impos- sible for "Lee Harvey Oswald" to have attended even a single day of school at Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth, from September 1952 thru June 1956. After reading Robert Oswald's testimony, I wrote a letter to the principal of W.C. Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo, and asked if there were any records of Oswald's atten- dance at Stripling.37 Mr. Galindo telephoned and said that while he did not have pos- session of such records, it was "common knowledge" that Oswald attended Stripling. He said all school records had been turned over to the Fort Worth Independent School District many years ago, and suggested that I contact them to see if they had any records. In late 1993 I made an appointment with Mr. Ralph Waller of the FWISD, 100 North University, in Fort Worth. I met Mr. Waller and his friend, Billy J. Sills, a retired resident of Fort Worth who was devoting his time to setting up an historical archive for the District. When I asked if the District had any school records for "Lee Harvey Oswald," Mr. Waller instructed a co-worker to review their microfilm and provide me with copies of any records. When I asked if there was a list of teachers who taught at Stripling in 1954 Mr. Waller said they had no such list, but Billy Sills said he would check his records and then left. Mr. Waller explained that students who graduated from Ridglea West Elemen- tary School prior to the 1951-1952 school year would have gone to Stripling Junior High. Students who graduated from Ridglea West Elementary School during or after the 1951- 52 school year would have attended Monnig Junior High School, which opened in the fall of 1952. Oswald graduated from Ridglea West in the spring of 1952, and a copy of his school transcripts should have been sent to Monnig Junior High--not Stripling. NOTE: Only Marguerite Oswald's notification that the family was moving to New York would have prevented Ridglea Hest Elementary from automatically forwarding a copy of Oswald's school transcripts to Monnig. Such a request was not made because the New York school records did not contain any school transcripts from Ridglea West Elemen- tary. After researching their microfilm records, Mr. Waller's co-workers did not find any of Oswald's school transcripts, which meant the original records and carbon copies disappeared prior to 1964 (probably confiscated by the FBI in 1963 ). The only records they located were enrollment cards from 1951 and 1952 for Ridglea West Elementary School. NOTE: Prior to the mid-1960's, each Fort Worth school archived school records on site. In the mid-1960's records from all Fort Worth schools were transferred to a central warehouse at the Fort Worth Independent School District and microfilmed. As I was leaving Mr. Waller's office, Billy Sills returned and gave me a handwrit- ten list of 41 teachers who had taught at Stripling Junior High during the 1951-1952 school year, along with their most recent address and telephone number.54-18 Stripling faculty members After many hours of long distance telephone calls, I managed to contact a sur- prising number of former Stripling teachers, although many were deceased. One man I spoke with was Mark Summers, a former gym teacher, who began his 10-year tenure at Stripling in September 1950, one year after Robert Oswald graduated from the school ( 1949). Mr. Summers said that "Lee Harvey Oswald" was a student in his gym class for a short time, but remembered little about him. NOTE: Mr. Summers could not have mistakenly remembered Robert Oswald in his class, because Robert graduated from Stripling the year before he began teaching. As I continued to locate and talk with former Stripling teachers, many suggested that I call "Frank Kudlaty," the former assistant principal at Stripling. I telephoned Mr. Kudlaty, introduced myself as a JFK researcher, and asked if he knew whether or not "Lee Harvey Oswald" had attended Stripling. Without hesitation Frank said, "Yes, he attended Stripling." Somewhat surprised I asked, "How do you know that." Frank re- plied, "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI." I was momentarily stunned by Frank's answer, and asked him to tell me what he remembered in detail. He explained, "Early on the morning following the assass- nation, Saturday morning, I was telephoned by my boss, Mr. (Weldon) Lucas (Princi- pal of Stripling), and told to go to school and meet two FBI agents. I lived close to the school at that time and arrived at the school before they (FBI Agents) got there. I went into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Rob- ert Oswald's records for Stripling. I opened Lee Harvey Oswald's folder and briefly looked over his records and noted that he had attended less than a full semester at Strip- ling. He had been there long enough to receive grades for a 6-week period, but not long enough to receive semester grades. I think he was in the 9th grade. I put the records back into the folder and waited for the FBI agents. When they arrived, they showed me their badges for identification, and asked for the records. I told them that I had located both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's school records and asked if they wanted both. They told me they only wanted 'Lee Harvey Oswald's' records. After I handed the records to them they thanked me and left. I locked up the school and went home."38 Frank went on to explain that Stripling did not have a copy machine and nei- ther of the agents gave him a receipt for the records. He said that no one, except my- self, had ever asked him about Oswald's records at Stripling Junior High. After speaking with Frank, I made arrangements to visit him and his wife, Marlene, at their home in Waco, Texas. Frank graduated from Texas Christian University (TCU), began teaching at Stripling in the fall of 1951, and by 1963, was the assis- tant principal. After leaving Stripling, Frank became the Superintendent of Schools in Waco, Texas, a position he held until his retirement in 1987. In 1979 the US State De- partment asked the American Association of School Administrators to select a 25-mem- ber team of educators to travel to the Peoples Republic of China and advise the Chi- nese government on education. Frank was one of the educators chosen to attend, and traveled to China in November 1979. Frank explained, during a videotaped interview, that before the FBI agents arrived at Stripling on Saturday morning (November 23), he briefly reviewed Oswald's school file. He explained that when a student enrolled in a new school, in this case at Stripling, the previous school routinely sent copies of his school transcripts. Occasion- ally, if the records were not sent, the new school would write and request copies of the school records from the previous school. Frank said that when he examined Oswald's file he saw neither copies of school transcripts from a previous school nor a letter from Stripling requesting such records. Frank said this was very unusual, as Oswald must have attended school prior to his attendance at Stripling, yet there were no records. Frank said the Stripling records showed that Oswald received grades for one 6- week grade period, had attended a second grade period, but had not completed the fall semester. NOTE: Harvey Oswald's failure to complete a full semester of school at PS # 117 or at PS #44 in New York continued at Stripling. His inability to complete a full semester was probably due to his inability to provide transcripts from previous schools. This was probably the reason he dropped out of Stripling and returned to New Orleans with the short, dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" imposter in late 1954. Frank explained that when students graduated or were transferred from Strip- ling, copies of their Stripling transcripts were sent to the new school along with a cover letter. Once again, Frank saw no indication that copies of Oswald's transcripts from Stripling had been forwarded to any school. T he only school records in Oswald's file were those created by his attendance at Stripling, which Frank said was very unusual. NOTE: Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the 8th grade at Beauregard should have been in Oswald's file at Stripling. Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the fall semester of 1954 (9th grade) at Strip- ling should have been forwarded to Warren Easton High School in New Orleans where Harvey Oswald entered the 10th grade in the fall of 1955. After talking with Frank, I realized that certain FBI official(s) had to have known about Lee Harvey Oswald's Stripling Junior High attendance prior to the assassination, which probably meant they also knew about the existence of two Oswalds. Otherwise, why were two agents sent to Stripling to confiscate junior high school records less than 20 hours after the assassination? And why would the FBI be interested in Oswald's records from junior high school? ..... Because those records proved that Harvey Oswald attended Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth at the same time that Lee Oswald attended Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans. If both of these school records were made public, they would expose the two Oswalds and the agency responsible for merging the identity of the ac- cused Presidential assassin with New Orleans-born Lee Harvey Oswald. Needless to say, the Stripling records disappeared. NOTE: In the mid-1990s I wrote to the Assassination Records Review Board and pro- vided them with Frank Kudlaty's name, address, a synopsis of his statements to me, and a copy of the videotaped interview. Frank's name appears on several internal ARRB memos, but no one contacted him. The ARRB's avoidance of personal contact with Frank Kudlaty followed the FBI/WC/HSCA's practice of ignoring troublesome witnesses. --From Harvey and Lee, pp 97-100, posted, probably with permission of the author, by me.
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