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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. Steve, My apologies, but getting up to speed on this Sanchez fellow has, for some reason, been difficult for me. I missed or completely forgot your post near the end of page 2 of this thread which indicated that Oswald argued with Jerry Buchanan because he (Oswald) wanted to embark on a ship destined for an anti-Castro Cuban operation. This makes perfect sense for the anti-Castro Oswald who appeared for nearly two years right here in the U.S. of A. before the pro-Castro Oswald returned from Russia and soon showed up at Shaw’s International Trade Mart in New Orleans. The two FBI reports on Buchanan of March 30, 1964 and April 30, 1964 tell remarkably different stories about Oswald’s position on Castro, do they not? Almost seems like two different people. My bet is that the March FBI report was post-dated to appear earlier than the April report. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated. John, I’d completely forgotten about the L’eandes/Landesberg recollection of meeting Oswald at Camp Lejeune. This case is complicated and my brain is getting any younger. More ASAP.
  2. John, Wish we knew how Hoover reacted to other “defectors” to USSR, like Webster, and exactly who he alerted about them. I also can’t remember how Parris Island fits into this (is there another name for the base there?), but John A. believes that when Lee HARVEY Oswald entered the Marines on Oct 24, 1956 in San Diego, LEE Harvey Oswald was at El Toro, about 50 miles to the north. After a leave in early 1957, LEE Harvey Oswald moved on to Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi via a brief stop in Jacksonville, FL. The Landesberg/L’eandes/Oswald shenanigans in NYC occurred in very late 1961 and early 1962, so that shouldn’t have had any effect on Hoover’s imposter memo. But as you say, the Marine activities may well have attracted his notice, and the so-called defection certainly would have. The Bolton Ford incident occurred Jan. 20, 1961, and therefore shouldn’t have been part of Hoover’s calculus in the memo. I agree that he was a smart SOB, and I can't help but wonder how much he knew before 11/22/63. I'll bet it was a lot, including the fact that "Oswald" had been to Cuba several times but, according to Hoover, wouldn't tell them why he went there. According to the Official Story, of course, "Oswald" never set foot in Cuba.
  3. Steve, I can usually follow your posts with little difficulty, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how this “Sanchez” fellow fits into the Acosta/Buchanan story. The whole saga is suspect to me because it seems to present the JFK assassination patsy-to-be as a pro-Castro sympathizer nearly two months before he actually moved to NOLA for no particular reason other than to play that role. The Buchanan report may have been part of the smear Cuba/Commies/Oswald campaign that went into such high gear immediately after the assassination, but it also seems a possible precursor to the NOLA charade beginning less than two months later. Any thoughts about that? Oswald’s 1963 passport issuance while the 1959 passport was still valid is also puzzling. In my travels, I’ve noticed that a number of countries caution against stays on a passport expiring in less than 6 months, but that is the most stringent restriction I can recall, other than nations, such as Russia, that require visas for visitors from the U.S.
  4. John, I hadn’t thought much about Hoover’s Navy Intell referral, but now that you bring it up it does seem interesting. It could be argued that since Oswald's paperwork was still in the Navy Reserves on the date Hoover wrote the letter (the USMC dishonorable discharge came about three months later), it would be natural for Hoover to inform the USMC/Navy about his concerns. OTOH, it is interesting that he chose Naval Intelligence to copy. I don’t know if choosing Naval Intel for the correspondence would be out of the ordinary for this sort of thing. If it was unusual, then this is interesting new evidence about what Hoover knew, even in 1960, about Oswald’s false defection. Recall that Oswald allegedly surrendered his passport to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow in 1959. Not sure exactly when he got it back, but John A. wrote in H&L: When the Bureau returned Harvey Oswald's possessions to the Dallas Police on November 26, [1963] two passports were listed on the joint DPD/FBI inventory (CE 2113)--item 446 (the 1963 passport) and item 449 (the 1959 passport). The 1959 passport, which was not initialed by Dallas Police detectives, listed on their inventory, or photographed on November 22/23, was added to the inventory between November 23 to November 26 by the FBI in Washington, DC. It is also interesting to note that there was no reason why a new passport was needed by Oswald in 1963. The 1959 passport was still valid for several more years. I’ve often wondered about when Hoover learned of Oswald’s spy status and the double Oswald project. My bet is that he knew about both aspects well before JFK was killed.
  5. Steve, This is probably all old news to you on the Buchanan front [I'll try to catch up over the next week or so], but.... From the H&L book: Three days later (April 1) the New York Times reported, "Seventeen heavily armed Cuban exiles planning to attack a Soviet tanker off Cuba were seized yesterday by a British force on a solitary islet in the Bahamas chain. The capture was apparently the first result of an agreement worked out late last week by Washington and London to cooperate in preventing raids by opponents of Premier Fidel Castro. Cuban exiles reacted with a mixture of anger, defiance and gloom." The raiding party was led by Jerry Buchanan, a member of Frank Fiorini Sturgis' CIA sponsored International Anti-Com­- munist Brigade. [ H&L p. 524] This story, if true, clearly puts "Lee Harvey Oswald" in Florida, just as Marita Lorenz and others said.
  6. Find it hard to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was impersonated at Bolton Ford? Do you suppose this sort of thing happened at other times and places? Back in 1960, J. Edgar Hoover wrote, “there is a possibility that an imposter is using Oswald’s birth certificate. Less than a year later, the State Department’s Edward J. Hickey wrote, “it has been stated that there in an imposter using Oswald’s identification data….” " At 10 AM on the morning following the Kennedy assassination, President Lyndon Johnson and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover discussed the state of the case over the telephone. Hoover stated, in unequivocal terms, that LHO had been impersonated in Mexico City. "No, that’s one angle that’s very confusing, for this reason—we have up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy, using Oswald’s name. That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man’s voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet embassy down there." [Listen to the conversation here.] The HSCA threatened Marita Lorenz with prison and forced a retraction after she testified under oath that she worked with LHO in Florida, and saw Alex Rorke take pictures of him, at the same time another LHO was in the Soviet Union. Also while one LHO was in Russia, there are credible reports that another LHO was active in New York City at the same time. During this same period, while one LHO was in Russia, another was actually arrested in New Orleans, along with Celso Henandez. See a Garrison report here. The Bolton Ford incident, and others involving Oswald in the U.S. at the same time he was in Russia, occurred during this same time frame. Later, weeks before the assassination, Texas Employment Commission employee Laura Kittrell interviewed two different young men, both of whom claimed to be LHO. She told the HSCA’s Gaeton Fonzi that the two young men “were much alike in size, shape and outline, [but] generally, there was a marked difference between them in bearing and manner.” And, as all researchers know, LHO was impersonated time and time again in and around Dallas during the weeks leading up to the assassination. These impersonations were depicted in the famous 1973 motion picture entitled “Executive Action,” which starred Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan, and Will Geer. Isn’t it amazing that America’s most infamous “Lone Nut” was impersonated time and time again? The Bolton Ford incident was just one of dozens of other examples. Doesn’t this seem odd? Do you suppose there could be a simpler explanation?
  7. Fascinating post! Megathanks! The FBI report you linked above on Wade’s recollection sure makes it sound like Morales was one of two men who accompanied Oswald at the Carousel Club. “The number two man is described as a white male, 30-32 years old, 200 pounds, 5 feet 10 inches, stocky build, long black hair, dark complexion, oval face, and Mexican or Spanish in appearance. He had numerous bumps on his face and was believed to have a one-inch scar in the eyebrow of his left eye.” Again, that sure sounds like Morales. It would be remarkable if this Agency assassin was actually present with an Oswald at Bolton Ford, an Oswald at Shaw’s NOLA International Trade Mart, AND an Oswald the Carousel Club. More ties of the Oswald project to the Agency, especially David Phillips, and an indication that Morales worked with both Oswalds. And, of course, this adds to the evidence that while one LHO was in Russia, another was active in the U.S. in Florida, Louisiana, and even New York City. Some researchers disagree, but I still think this photo shows LEE Harvey Oswald at Ruby’s club.
  8. Mr. Wexler, Here are both pages of the most complete report I’m aware of, declassified by the CIA in 1997, about Charles A. Waters. If you know about another report, I'd love to see it! Perhaps you can find a few minutes to once again remake your case that Charles A. Waters was the “Lee Oswald” at Bolton Ford in New Orleans in 1961. I’d REALLY appreciate it!!
  9. Denis, Yes, I think the photo you posted shows Croy talking to Helen Markham. Below is a larger version from my website. About this photo, John A. wrote: Croy told the Warren Commission that he "got me a witness" (Helen Markham) and questioned her for "a good 5 or 10 minutes" (circa 1:09-1:19 PM). As Croy was talking with Markham the first squad arrived and began to talk with Markham. Croy can be seen standing next to Helen Markham in this photo. Croy told the Warren Commission that he was at 10th & Patton for "a good 30 minutes." Croy said, "as I got ready to leave, there was another report that he ran into the Texas Theater, a man fitting Oswald's description had ran into the Texas Theater." He looks even younger in the high school picture you posted, but I can see a resemblance (though I’m admittedly terrible with faces).
  10. Several pieces of evidence, including Croy’s own WC testimony, indicate he (Croy) was standing right next to Ruby just before the hit. Here again are the photos John A. and I believe show Croy and Ruby seconds before Ruby fired.
  11. It's a pretty generalized description, and the Tippit witnesses were simply all over the place in their descriptions. Anything else to go on? Are you referring to the Charles A. Waters who was a Marine guard at the U.S. Embassy in Uruguay at the time E. Howard Hunt was there? Seems hard to believe that this was all a Tujague joke. Do you have evidence to support that? Both Deslatte and Sewell apparently believed the man they met at Bolton Ford resembled LHO and he clearly used the name “Lee Oswald.”
  12. Denis, In the photos I've seen from that Sunday afternoon, Croy was wearing a white hat. Do you have reason to believe otherwise?
  13. Ignoring the issue of multiple Oswalds (and/or deliberate impersonations), at least some of this can be explained by viewing “Oswald” as a U.S. intel operative who sometimes openly supported anti-Castro efforts and sometimes infiltrated leftist organizations by claiming commie sympathies. All in a day’s work for a spy. The full scope of the Oswald issues goes far beyond this, though.
  14. I think the FBI just wanted this whole thing to go away. In that 1967 interview with Alcock and Garrison, Sewell said, “There wasn’t any money being transacted, there was just a bid. If there had been money transacted or if they had given us an order, we would have made them sign it, then we would have had their signatures. But I don’t believe they touched it.” Then Sewell said the FBI didn’t show him or Deslatte any pictures of Oswald or anyone else. I’ll believe Fred Sewell over that FBI report in a heartbeat. What makes these 1961 sightings of LHO in the U.S. while another was in Russia so believable, at least to me, is that they were all in direct contrast to the pro-Castro persona being created for Oswald immediately after the assassination. Strange that they suggest Oswald was working against Castro at the very time all those pro-Castro stories were being told, eh?
  15. The Bolton Ford Incident On January 20, 1961, while Lee Harvey Oswald was in Minsk, two men visited the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans. They spoke with Assistant Manager Oscar Deslatte and said they were interested in purchasing 10 Ford Econoline Trucks. As one of the men discussed the purchase with Deslatte the other man, who identified himself as Joseph Moore, made a list of the equipment they desired on the trucks. Deslatte went to his boss, truck manager Fred Sewell, and told him about the two men who wanted to purchase trucks and said they represented the "Free Democrats of Cuba or some such organization." Sewell told Deslatte to give the men a bid of $75 over their cost for the trucks. Deslatte and Sewell returned to Deslatte's desk and wrote out a bid form to Joseph Moore. As Deslatte was filling out the bid form, Joseph Moore and the other man began talking to both Deslatte and Sewell. When Moore saw that Deslatte had written his name on the bid form he asked that the name be changed to "Friends of Democratic Cuba." Moore's friend looked· at the form and said, "By the way, you'd better put my name down there because I'm the man handling the money." When Deslatte asked, "What's your name?" the man replied, "Lee Oswald." Sewell described Lee Oswald as, "5-foot-6 or 5-foot-7, thin, about 140 pounds, and thought he needed a meal and a haircut. He recalled that Oswald was clean but "wasn't well dressed and he wasn't shabby." Sewell described the second man, who identified himself as Joseph Moore as, "Kind of heavy-set ..... not overly, but well built ..... he was curly haired ..... he had a scar over his left eye ..... olive complexioned and seemed to be educated ..... he had a Cuban accent and looked like a Cuban." Deslatte gave the original bid form to "Lee Oswald" and kept a copy for his files, which he gave to the FBI following the assassination. The purchaser was listed as the "Friends of Democratic Cuba," 402 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, LA., phone number JA-5-0763.43 After talking with Deslate for over an hour the two men took the original bid form and left. NOTE: The Friends of Democratic Cuba was incorporated on January 9, 1961 in Louisiana. The address of 402 St. Charles Street was listed as vacant in the 1960, 1961 and 1962 New Orleans City directories. Remarkable about the “Friends of Democratic Cuba” were the names of two of its officers. The image shown below is a composite scan from the beginning and the end of the Louisiana Articles of Incorporation for Friends of Democratic Cuba, Inc.
  16. Ken, For example, # 8 on the diagram, A.R. Brock, was “moved at 10:15 A.M.,” according to the WC. John has another report (I don’t have it yet) stating that several DPD cops were moved from headquarters to traffic duty late that morning. From the position Brock occupied, it would have been easy to escort Ruby directly to Oswald, or to spot anyone else doing the same thing, or to see Ruby walking by himself, assuming Ruby entered the building as we suspect. My guess is that Croy replaced Brock somewhere near where #8 is indicated on the diagram, or perhaps just up to the top of the nearby stairs. Croy is actually #21 on the map, but 10 feet from Oswald looks about right to me. You can see from the photographs, however, how close Croy was to Ruby just before Oswald came into view. I believe Croy testified that he actually touched Ruby’s jacket in a heroic (but failed) effort to stop him. Croy admits/claims he was also the first cop at the Tippit murder scene and that he found the other Oswald wallet there! What a guy!
  17. David Josephs just found a nifty WC document that gives the official version of where everyone was in the DPD basement at the time Ruby shot Oswald. (The copy of the diagram DJ got was a HUGE PDF file that I’ve converted to jpg and cropped so it would be readable here. (You may have to expand the image to read the circled numbers.) There is more on the original map to the left, right, and top than what is visible here.) Immediately below the diagram is a three-page WC list identifying the call-outs on the diagram by name. Remember that this is supposed to illustrate where everyone was standing at the time Oswald was shot. Ken Croy, to pick a random name, was standing right next to Oswald at that time. Note that several officers were moved from critical areas a few hours before the killing, but they nevertheless are depicted here several hours later. Comments welcomed.
  18. We’ve been wondering for some time how it was possible to coordinate the movements of Oswald and Ruby so that the killing could take place a mere 5 minutes after the Western Union money gram was time stamped. Walkie-talkies certainly existed in 1963 but were probably bulky and might have attracted attention. John and I did a little research yesterday morning and discovered that, according to a 12/6/63 DPD report to Chief Curry, Ruby’s car that Sunday was parked at 2035 Main St., which in 1963 was an open air lot clearly visible from the windows on the third floor of the Dallas Municipal Building, where the police offices were. It should be noted that there are columns and other architectural features that block much of the view from these windows. Because John had toured a number of times both the Dallas Municipal Bldg and the newer annex right next to it, he knew that the 2035 Main St. lot would be in the direct view of some of those Muni Bldg windows, even though they had limited visibility. This may have simplified coordinating Oswald’s transfer with Ruby’s arrival.
  19. Thanks, Roy. John reasons that the Western Union appearance by Ruby was just a pretext to get him near the jail so it could be argued that Oswald’s murder was relatively spontaneous, thus avoiding a pre-meditated charge. Thanks also for the specific times; I knew it was just a few minutes between the Western Union time and the shooting. Can’t help much with Harrison, but John is becoming more certain that Fritz had to be involved in this thing. One of the principle reasons (there are several) is that Fritz simply HAD to know about the two Oswald wallets early in the game and never said anything about them. Just to keep it fresh for everyone, I’m going to repeat John’s diagram from the first page here:
  20. Ken, The base diagram is a Warren Commission document, but John has explained to me that it is quite misleading for reasons I can describe later if you wish. But first…. It was no more than 10 minutes or so from the time Ruby was wiring money in the Western Union office until he shot Oswald. The timing is just stunning! What kind of communications must have gone on between the DPD (Westbrook and/or Croy?) and Ruby. That would be nice to know! When Oswald was brought out of the jail office, all eyes were on him. Few would have noticed Croy leading Ruby to Oswald from the parking garage. Also, just in case some people didn’t read or read to the end John’s article you linked in the OP, notice how quickly Croy and then Ruby show up at Oswald’s side.
  21. Garrison's men got much closer to the truth on the Bolton Ford incident than that FBI report Steve excerpted above: Long before the misleading FBI report was published, the FBI had already learned of Lee Oswald's visit to Bolton Ford from none other than Carlos Bringuier!
  22. Thank you for starting this thread, Ken. For just a brief summary.... As you indicated, Croy himself said he was the first officer at the Tippit murder scene. Croy also claimed that he found the other “Oswald” wallet at 10th and Patton and gave it to Westbrook. (Although he may have been lying to protect Westbrook.) We also think Croy was the unidentified reserve officer who replaced Officer Brock at 10:45 am on the day Ruby killed Oswald. We think Croy led Ruby directly to Oswald at precisely the time he was brought out of the jail. We speculate that Croy was in car #207 with Westbrook when it honked in front of Oswald’s boarding house. We speculate that Croy was in the car with Westbrook that was seen by Mrs. Holan in the narrow driveway blocked by Tippit’s car near 10th and Patton at the time Tippit was killed. Like Westbrook, Croy was unable to give the WC a convincing explanation of how his time was spent during crucial hours on the afternoon of 11/22/63.
  23. Hi, Steve, In the same memo, Hoover wrote, “we have had a case on Oswald as he has been involved in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.” Seems highly unlikely that Hoover would have concluded that Oswald “is not a communist but has communist leanings” based on anything that came out of Dallas so early that afternoon. When Hoover wrote that Oswald “went to Cuba on several occasions but would not tell us what he went to Cuba for,” the most logical reading, to me at least, is that “us” refers to the FBI or even to Hoover himself and that it came from the Bureau's case file on Oswald Ah, but besides Luace's statement, there’s lots of other evidence suggesting “Lee Harvey Oswald” was active in the United States at the same time “Lee Harvey Oswald" was in the Soviet Union. I tried to briefly summarize some of it above, but it includes the Bolton Ford incident, the meetings with KBOX news director Ray Carney, the 1961 State Department memo saying that “an imposter is using Oswald’s identification data” as well as the testimony of Marita Lorenz, and quite a bit more that I haven’t presented here.
  24. Hi, Sandy, I hadn’t seen Mr. Cohen’s document before, and it is interesting, though it certainly doesn’t prove Luace’s ID was wrong. Nevertheless, I’m perfectly willing to concede the possibility that the report was a case of mistaken identity or something like that, but as always in this case, you have to look at all the evidence and not just some of it. How can Hoover’s 11/22/63 statement can be regarded as a “mistake.” According to Hoover, not only was the FBI aware of “several” LHO trips to Cuba, but agents had clearly questioned Oswald about those trips and Oswald refused to say why he visited. How could Hoover make a “mistake” like that? So, what else was happening in 1961? For one, the Bolton Ford incident, in which “Lee Oswald” and a man named “Joseph Moore” visited the dealership and asked for quotes on trucks to send to Cuba. The sale was on behalf of “Friends of Democratic Cuba,” an organization headed by, among others, W. Guy Banister and Gerard Tugague. In late 1960 or early 1961, KBOX news director Raymond Carney said he met Lee Oswald several times when Oswald was trying to get a list of pilots’ names who had volunteered to fly missions over Cuba. Also in 1961, State Department official Edward Hickey sent a written memo to fellow official John White informing him, “it has been stated there is an imposter using Oswald’s identification data…" This same time frame, late 1960 and/or 1961 is when numerous people worked with “Lee Harvey Oswald” at anti-Castro training camps and safe houses in Florida and Louisiana. Many of these activities, I believe, were funded by JM/WAVE, and “Lee Harvey Oswald” was intimately involved with them. The HSCA was so upset by the testimony of Marita Lorenz that lawyers threatened her with prison time if she didn’t retract the following testimony: Mr. Fithian: "Now is it your testimony that the first time you saw Oswald would have been in the camps in the Everglades?"Marita Lorenz: "The very first time, no. I saw him in the Safehouse and then in the camps."Mr. Fithian: "And that first meeting at the Safehouse would have been within a year of the Bay of Pigs?"Marita Lorenz: "I would say 1960."Mr. Fithian: "It would be some time during 1960?"Marita Lorenz: "Late 1960."Mr. Fithian: "All right. Now I want to be sure that I have your dates correct. You said the first meeting of LEE Harvey Oswald, the first time you saw him, was at a Safehouse in Miami in 1960."Marita Lorenz: "Yes."Mr. Fithian: "The next time or times that you saw him were during training at a camp in the Everglades, various places in the Everglades, in early 1960, 1961 period?"Marita Lorenz: "Yes."Mr. Fithian: "And after that you saw him at the Safehouse the second time?"Marita Lorenz: "Yes."Mr. Fithian: "What makes you so sure of the dates. Within a year of the first meeting in the Safehouse and the meeting at the camps in the Everglades, is there anything else you could match that up with?"Marita Lorenz: "The photographs, the events that took place. the photographs that Alex (Rorke) took. Everywhere we went Alex took pictures."Mr. Fithian: "This was prior to the Bay of Pigs?"Marita Lorenz: "Yes, April, 1961, was the Bay of Pigs." Mr. Fithian: "And you are sure you saw him (Oswald) before April, 1961."Marita Lorenz: "Yes, because Alex took the pictures."Mr. Fithian: "And the whole purpose of the training was to somehow participate or help in the Bay of Pigs.Marita Lorenz: "Yes."Mr. Fithian: "Did you see Oswald at any time in the intervening two years between early 1961 prior to April of 1961 and the September-October Safehouse meeting in 1963?"Marita Lorenz: "No, but Frank (Sturgis) kept in touch with me. Alex kept in touch with me."Mr. Fithian: "Mrs. Lorenz, has your attorney explained what perjury before a congressional committee is all about?"Marita Lorenz: "That is right, yes."Mr. Fithian: "In any way do you want to change your testimony on these dates?"Marita Lorenz: "No, I do not."Mr. Fithian: "There is adequate documentary evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald did not indeed return from the Soviet Union until June of 1962. Marita Lorenz: "I don't know about that." Mr. Fithian: "Therefore you could not have met him at the Safehouse in 1960, you could not have seen him in the Everglades in 1960 and 1961, and you could not have taken a picture in those areas and could not have a picture for the dates of that time."Marita Lorenz: "No?"Mr. Fithian: "It is not possible."Marita Lorenz: "I don't know about that."Mr. Fithian: "Now can you explain to the committee why you gave us this false information as far as dates?"Marita Lorenz: "I did not give you false information."Mr. Fithian: "Mrs. Lorenz, I went over your testimony very carefully a moment ago and you assured me that you met Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the Bay of Pigs."Marita Lorenz: "I did."Mr. Fithian: "On two occasions."Marita Lorenz: "Yes."Mr. Fithian: "Lee Harvey Oswald was in Russia during that entire period."Marita Lorenz: "I do not know that. I did not know that. The Lee Harvey Oswald that I met was the same in that picture, the one in the Safehouse. the same one that Frank knows. I do not know where he was according to your information. I do not know. I never read up on anything about these theories that are coming out about him."Mr. Fithian: "This is not a matter of theory."Marita Lorenz: "I know I am telling the truth. If you don't want it, that's too bad, you know. I am here to gain nothing, you know. Nothing. Nothing at all. You are trying a homicide investigation that should be solved, you know. Don't dispute me or put me on trial."Mr. Fithian: "Only if we can have full and truthful testimony."Marita Lorenz: "You have got it. You have it from me. I don't know about the other people. I have nothing to lose and nothing to hide-nothing.Mr. Fithian: "And it is your testimony that you are certain that the person you met at the Safehouse and at the camps of the Everglades is the same person that you met in Dallas."Marita Lorenz: "Yes, it is."Mr. Fithian: "Do you have any explanation for how we come up with two Lee Harvey Oswalds during this period?"Marita Lorenz: "I have no explanation. I know the man I met; he was a creep. I didn't like him. I don't have to be here at all. I have nothing to gain.Mr. Fithian: "Thank you. That is all." It seems quite obvious, from the evidence above and more, that Lee Harvey Oswald was intimately involved with the very sorts of anti-Castro activities funded and organized by JM/WAVE.
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