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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. After all of Trump's pack-'em-in rallies, his contempt for CDC guidelines, etc., here's a great statement from another forum that says it all for me: "If his getting sick saves at least one more person from dying, it is worth it."
  2. I'm older than Trump and have been worried about surviving if I get infected. So you're telling me there's a chance.
  3. On CNN they are saying Trump's chance of recovery is 90 percent. I have been under the apparently mistaken impression that for someone his age with underlying conditions (like me) covid infection is almost like a death sentence. Wondering where they get the 90 percent, I've done a web search for the rate of death of infected senior citizens, and I can't find any percentage rate. I wish I knew their source.
  4. At one point while he was talking he reached inside his coat like he was scratching the top of his shoulder. I thought that was odd. But maybe he was trying to refute a Trump claim that he can't talk and scratch at the same time.
  5. Yes, I distinctly heard Biden say "Will you shut up, man?" to the person on his wire. (Reminiscent of Dubya telling his wire person, "Let me finish.")
  6. I thought he answered it. When asked if he paid $750, he said that he paid "millions." In fact Wallace repeated his answer. "You paid millions?"
  7. I like the scene where a cop, trying to figure things out, idly scratches his jaw, using the muzzle of his service revolver. I wonder whose idea that was. "Let's put in a little message on gun safety."
  8. Say It Plainly: The President is a Psychopath https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-the-president-is-a-psychopath-20200924-i4yegtrvjvelzgrqniinn6pvue-story.html?__twitter_impression=true
  9. I was being facetious. "Plan 9" may be the worst movie ever made. It was Bela Lugosi's last movie. He died during production, so they replaced him with a guy who walked around hiding his face with his cape.
  10. Trump doesn't get along well with anyone who doesn't kiss his butt or idolize him.
  11. I agree. I think Trump agreed to withholding documents at the urging of advisors because he simply didn't want to be bothered with it. Too much of a strain on his attention span. Just like he didn't want to bothered with COVID-19. He agreed to a ban of travelers to the U.S. with Chinese passports and that was it, the virus would "just disappear," and he still says it will.
  12. "Close Encounters" is good, but it can't hold a candle to "Plan 9 from Outer Space."
  13. Reminds me of Dan Rather years ago when some host on TV (I forget who) asked him what he thought about Juanita Broaddrick, who was in the news at the time. Instead of saying he believed her, didn't believe her, or wasn't sure, the great journalist Rather said, "Who's Juanita Broaddrick?"
  14. Whistleblower alleges mass hysterectomies at ICE detention center https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/like-an-experimental-concentration-camp-whistleblower-complaint-alleges-mass-hysterectomies-at-ice-detention-center/
  15. Reminds me of Lee Harvey and Osvaldo, the two men arrested in L.A. in an assassination plot against Jimmy Carter. They were released and disappeared. Probably resuming life using their real names.
  16. Because it's all about him. He doesn't give two cents about the people there, just the numbers. Wherever he goes, it has to be the biggest crowd ever. If some get sick, it is what it is. He sees those people just like he sees our war dead: losers and suckers.
  17. I have a theory that Trump is actually an alien life form from an outlying planet. The inhabitants of that planet out-lie all other inhabitants of the universe. Astronomers should name the planet Praevaricatio.
  18. I love that picture of Trump the way he folds his arms so tightly across his chest that he looks like he's trying to smother himself to death. ("I can't breathe.") I'm no psychologist but doesn't that indicate a little insecurity?
  19. I know all about the MIC. I know about the JFK assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin, the invasion of Iraq, etc. etc. etc. If I recall correctly, what prompted Mattis to resign as Secretary of Defense was not some desire to have an endless war, but the disgrace of the U.S. stabbing allies in the back. After Trump had a phone chat with Erdogan, he suddenly decided (gee, I wonder what they talked about) to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria, so that Turkey could move right in and slaughter from Kurdish men, women and children. If that didn't prove that Trump is dangerous and unfit, I don't know what else he can do to prove it.
  20. Kim had to be rolling on the floor laughing while aides helped him compose those letters.
  21. But which would be worse, our government giving access to the progressive wing of the Democratic party, or our government giving access to Vladimir Putin?
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