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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. “No animal — nobody — what animal would say such a thing?" - Donald Trump https://apnews.com/b823f2c285641a4a09a96a0b195636ed
  2. Somewhere on this forum (this thread?), and I don't remember why, there was some discussion of "The T.A.M.I. Show," which I had never heard of before. For those interested, it's on Turner Classic Movies tomorrow night (Friday, Sept. 4) at 8 PM EST. It's followed at 10:15 by "Let the Good Times Roll" from 1973, with Little Richard, Chuck Berry, and Bo Diddley. Looks like a musical evening.
  3. As I recall, the evidence for Iraqi involvement in the OKC bombing was set forth in the book The Third Terrorist, by Jayna Davis. I never read the book but read about it, and I remember Woolsey saying on TV that Davis was a "true patriot" for writing the book. It was my impression that the evidence presented was basically ignored by the government rather than debunked by it. Since you've studied the subject, has the case made by Davis, and endorsed by a former CIA director, been debunked? BTW, since I didn't read the book, I don't know if its focus was specifically on Iraqi involvement in the bombing or more generally on evidence of a conspiracy involving more than two rednecks, which would hardly be surprising.
  4. And "My Old Kentucky Home" is such a pretty song. Turns out it's just state propaganda. I'll bet the grass in Kentucky isn't even blue.
  5. If it's on Twitter it must be true. I've come to the realization that I'm not qualified to vote in the upcoming election. I agree with the old adage that goes back to at least Thomas Jefferson that democracy or self-government depends (in Jefferson's words) "on people who are well informed." I don't qualify, since I don't have any Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Whatnot, etc. etc. etc. accounts. My lack of information is exemplified by the fact that I had never heard of Andy Ngo. But the realization that I'm not qualified hit me days ago when I read about a tweet that Richard Spencer is endorsing Joe Biden. This was treated like big news on another forum I belong to, and I caught hell for having the ignorance to ask who Richard Spencer is. Bottom line is, I'm too ill-informed to vote. And it won't be necessary for Robert Wheeler to post that he agrees with me 100 percent.
  6. More proof that when Trump calls people "nasty" it's just more projection.
  7. Her speech must have been written by an idiot. My guess is, it was Donald Trump.
  8. You've given me an idea. Instead of watching that live crime show this week, I'll spend the next two nights watching "The Godfather" movies. It'll be interesting to see if I can spot in Don Corleone some trace of morality in comparison to Trump. As I recall, Michael turns bad gradually, whereas Trump was apparently born that way.
  9. Speaking of neighbors, I may have mentioned this before, but my next-door neighbors have a Trump flag in their front yard that says "Trump, 2020, No More Bullxxxx." I can't believe they're so stupid that they can't see the blatant irony of "Trump" and "No More Bullxxxx." They might as well have a flag up that says "We're Idiots."
  10. Last night I went with Turner Classic Movies, watching "Anne of Green Gables" and "Steamboat Round the Bend" with Will Rogers. Ordinarily I wouldn't have watched either one, but at least it was decent and heart-friendly fare.
  11. I'm amazed that you people (excluding Robert Wheeler) can stomach watching the Trump cult convention.
  12. The Bible clearly commands us to "flee fornication" (1 Corinthians 6:18). However, it's not clear if that means don't do it at all or just don't overdo it.
  13. Iguana agree with you. I saw where Conway will be speaking at the cult convention, so she's all in, just leaving to spend more time with her fun family.
  14. I sort of had the feeling that Conway was one of the people trying to keep Trump under control. No evidence, but such people are said to exist, or at least used to exist, in the White House. One has to believe there are a few people there, as anywhere else, who have a soul or some moral core however miniscule.
  15. The fall of the American republic has been predicted by chaos theory. It has been said that Trump loves chaos, which is why he loves to create it, with his lies, self-contradictory statements, ridiculous hires, absurd pronouncements, and impulsive decisions (such as abruptly pulling out of northern Syria so the Turks could slaughter some Kurds). The chaos leading up to the 2020 election gives me little hope that the republic will survive. According to Wikipedia, “chaos theory is an interdisciplinary theory stating that, within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems (edit: such as the Trump administration), there are underlying patterns (edit: such as inspector general firings), interconnectedness (edit: such as Bill Barr’s Dept of Justice, the Postmaster General, and sycophantic Republican senators), feedback loops (edit: such as FoxNews), repetition (edit: constant lies), self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization” (edit: birds of a feather flocking together). This includes the so-called butterfly effect. “A metaphor for this behavior is that a butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a hurricane in Texas.” Another metaphor is that millions of mailed-in votes piling up at the postal service (till eventually lost or disqualified) can bring down a republic.
  16. We still have a facade of democracy. We still have some voice in who governs us at least superficially. Trump would take that away. Or is taking it away. It is what it is. It's pretty ironic that the republic may be ended by a party called Republican. I guess fate has a sense of humor.
  17. Ron, none of those links provide an official explanation of why the sorting machines were removed. Lacking an official explanation, the obvious reason is to sabotage the post office. But I doubt that that is DeJoy's official explanation. He hasn't issued a statement saying, "This is all part of my intent to sabotage the post office." One link refers to a vague statement that it's part of his effort to "reform the system." Has no one asked for details? How does slowing down the mail improve the system? Another link quotes some USPS "leaders" as saying they "don't have the capacity to use the machines." Again, details? What are they talking about? They can't figure out how they work? Has anyone in Washington asked? I'm inclined to believe that the people who were asking the questions of DeJoy in that hearing Friday are either incredibly incompetent at asking questions or else they're all complicit in trying to sabotage the post office.
  18. I have heard no explanation as to why the sorting machines were removed. I didn't watch today's hearing, but in the news coverage of it afterward the only thing I heard the Postmaster General say about why the sorting machines haven't been replaced was, "They aren't needed." What the world does that mean? Wouldn't they kind of speed things up? Did anyone ask? And did anyone at all ask him about why they were removed? Did they use too much electricity? USPS couldn't pay the light bill? Is that it?
  19. On the subject of Kamala Harris, it's remarkable how Trump, in calling her nasty, mean, and angry, is describing himself. He seems to do this a lot, trying to insult somebody by describing himself. In psychology I believe this is called projection? In addition to being just laughably sick.
  20. A pardon doesn't require a trial or conviction first. See Ford's pardon of Nixon.
  21. Trump: "I can prove there's a God. He speaks Russian and I can understand it."
  22. We know God talks to folks like Donnie Swaggart. I heard Brother Donnie preach last Sunday that the socialist and communist rioters in the streets are actually Satan trying to destroy America, God's chosen country. So he urged us all to get registered to vote and to "use our legs" on election day to defeat the devil. IOW go to the polls, none of that fraudulent mail-in stuff. You'll be protected by God just like he protects the congregation packed into Swaggart's church. Donnie always tells his unmasked congregants before his sermons, and before they bring out the big offering boxes, to turn around and greet someone. A few weeks ago he said, "You're not supposed to shake hands but I won't tell." I make it a point to tune in each week to see if anyone on the Swaggart team has gotten sick or died. So far they're all still standing and praising the Lord. Could covid be a hoax after all?
  23. I'm singin' in the rain Just singin' in the rain What an immoral feeling Perverted again Let security chase Ev'ryone from the place Come on with the rain Pour it right in my face I lie here in bed Puddles under my head And singing Singing in the rain
  24. Though golden showers may come your way They bring the blackmail that leads astray
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