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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. He couldn't pull off something like that without some complicity within the military. And while such a conspiracy is theoretically possible, of course, I can't imagine anyone doing it for the sake of something like Donald Trump. But then I can't imagine anyone even voting (a second time) for something like Donald Trump. But what do I know? According to Wheeler, very little.
  2. Don't rule out a wag of the dog come October. Maybe he'll start a war with Iran. Of course one thing he could do to win is declare war on COVID-19. But that ship has sailed. "We're in a good place." "99% of the cases are harmless."
  3. I don't know if that's the final word, but the solution to the problem is simple. Don't elect people who need to be pardoned. (IOW character matters. Lack of character should be a red flag. Or a big orange one.)
  4. I doubt it. If this were the America of time gone by, Trump has committed political suicide over and over. But in today's America he can still get reelected.
  5. That contradicts an earlier news report I read that said he was returned to prison because he was photographed eating out in a NYC restaurant, a violation of his home confinement restrictions. That story has since disappeared (not surprising, I guess, in this Trump era of “fake news”). This CNN article contains the following paragraph, far down in the article: “Earlier this month, a photographer from the New York Post captured Cohen dining at a restaurant near his apartment. When asked if that incident was related to his detention Thursday, Levine told reporters outside the courthouse, "I would leave that to your viewers." https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/10/politics/michael-cohen-prison-paperwork-dispute/index.html IOW his lawyer wouldn’t answer the question. He leaves it up to TV viewers to decide. With lawyers like that, no wonder Cohen is in prison.
  6. He was sent back to prison for violating the conditions of his furlough.
  7. No debates would just work in Trump's favor. He would boast that the cognitively declining Biden was simply afraid to debate him and was using the tax returns, which are "under audit," as an excuse.
  8. Trump would never agree to any real-time fact-checking team. He would call it "a witch hunt." And if they did try to point out a lie, he would call them "incompetent" and "nasty." I wouldn't be surprised if Trump even called Biden's candidacy "a hoax." Trump might say, "You might as well vote for me because I'm running unopposed." At any mention of Biden, he could say, "I don't know him. What happened to Pocahontas? Have this Biden show you a birth certificate."
  9. Unfortunately America has already stepped in it. Hopefully, come January 2021, America gets a new pair of shoes. From Old Joe the Cobbler.
  10. No can do. Trump having a lackey named Barr has given me an idea for a new candy bar. The Trumpbar. It's completely nuts.
  11. If Maxwell causes such fear, I wonder why she isn't already dead. Dead men (and women) not only tell no tales, they don't get arrested.
  12. It's time for Trump/Barr to fire another FBI director. Hey, I've got an idea for a new candy bar. The Trumpbar. It's completely nuts.
  13. Should be a good read, but I wonder if it will make any difference at all election-wise. Everyone knows what Trump is. There will be two camps after the book's publication just like before. Those who care and those (his supporters) who don't.
  14. After she leaves Trump I wonder who will be her Aristotle Onassis. Isn't Jeff Bezos divorced? It would be great if she took up with him, since Trump seems to hate (envy?) him so much.
  15. Can you be more specific about what she has told you? Dirty old minds want to know.
  16. Another cliffhanger at Mt. Rushmore. Where's Cary Grant when you need him?
  17. In a way to accuse Trump of threatening Biden would just be doing Trump's dog-whistling for him, especially since the tweet itself is gone.
  18. Trump has deleted the retweeted video (and his tweet, I guess?) WH claims he "didn't hear" the Trump supporter yelling "White power" in the video. CNN has been reporting on the retweeted video all day, but not a word about the "Corrupt Joe is shot" in Trump's tweet, or at least I haven't heard it. Maybe they feel that it's best left alone if the tweet is gone.
  19. Trump tweet dog-whistles for a Biden assassination. "Corrupt Joe is shot." https://www.mediaite.com/tv/trump-promotes-video-of-his-supporters-yelling-white-power-great-people/amp/
  20. The 1967 Dylan documentary "Don't Look Back" is on TCM tonight at 10 EST. It chronicles his last tour as an acoustic artist.
  21. The least controversial song that Dylan has ever written is probably "Wigwam." Here are the lyrics: Da da dah da da.Dada da-da dah de dum.Da da-da dah da.La da dah dede.La dah dah dada dah.Lah dada dah da-da dah.Dah da dada dum dah.La dah dah da-da dah dee.Dah da daladah duh duh duh.La dah dah da-da daaaaah.Dah da dah uh uhhhhnn.Da da dah da duhh./ Duh duh duh duun, da-da dah dah, da-da dah dahun da.Du duh duh uh.Dun dada dadada da.Duh duh deeee de de dede da.Nah nah a nah nah naaaah. /La dah dede.La dah dah da-da dee.La dah dee.Dun dun dun nee nah ha duh dee.Dun nah na naha dee.Da dada dah da da da dah.La dah dah dada dah dee.Du duh duh doo dee dede dee dede.
  22. The trouble with a remake set in the White House is that they couldn't give Donald Trump a lobotomy. Like Dizzy Dean once said (after being hit in the head by a baseball), "They X-rayed my head and found nothing."
  23. I thought it was "Everyone has a plan 'til I bite off part of his ear."
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