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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. I'm going to write a book called "How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Gave Us the World's Most Dangerous President." Subtitled "With a Little Help from James Comey."
  2. There's supposedly going to be an election. Though with Trump there's really no way to know till it happens.
  3. I think something is up in November. Though according to Biden, the military may have to walk Trump out of the White House come January. (I'm sure they'll help him down the steps if need be.)
  4. What you will never hear him say is that we would have less COVID cases if we did less rallying.
  5. It might be easier walking up than down (balance-wise). That's just my impression based on several decades of walking.
  6. There were some questions yesterday about Trump's health when a video was shown of him walking slowly, looking at his feet, down a ramp at West Point for his graduation speech. At the moment he's addressing reporters in the Rose Garden about an executive order he's to sign. Behind the podium are the red-carpeted steps from the White House porch to the Rose Garden and the podium. I was going to watch to see how he navigated those steps down to the podium. (I'm not watching his speech itself because I simply can't stand him.) Well, guess what. He avoided the steps altogether. He made his entrance from the side on solid ground. I thought that was quite notable.
  7. At a time when the country is crying out for police reform, what better VP could Biden select that Rep. Val Demings? She's black and a former police chief in Orlando. Unless there are some kind of skeletons in her closet (like police brutality), she's the right person at the right time.
  8. There was also a strange rumor that Barack Obama was the illegitimate son of Malcolm X. I also seem to recall some kind of controversy about where Obama was born. I remember Donald Trump saying that he had investigators working on the case in Hawaii and they were finding out "some amazing things." Trump never has told us what those amazing things were. Could he have been lying?
  9. My favorite Little Richard was "Slippin' and Slidin'." It was the flip side of one of his hits, I think "Long Tall Sally." Slippin' and slidin', peepin' and hidin' Been told a long ago Slippin' and slidin', peepin' and hidin' Won't be your fool no mo
  10. Interesting. If the June 19 rally in Tulsa is meant in some way to honor what happened on June 19, I would think that Galveston would be the place to honor it, not the site of a massacre in Oklahoma.
  11. Given the protests of the last several days, and Trump's dim view thereof, I guess it's only a coincidence that our "Law and Order President" has chosen Tulsa for his first new rally. It's the site of the Tulsa race massacre, "the worst incident of racial violence in American history." I have to wonder, though, if he might be "signalling" anything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre
  12. "Don't Let the Sun Set on You in Tulsa" - Waylon Jennings. Let's see, it goes something like this: If the sun goes down on you And you get infected You're goin' down too Don't let the sun set on you in Tulsa
  13. Then Trump could say, upon Chauvin's demise, "This is another great day for George Floyd."
  14. You want a twist, how about this? Floyd infected Derek Chauvin. Chauvin is tranferred from jail to a hospital and is put on a ventilator. Chauvin dies saying, "I can't breathe."
  15. As if the election prospects don't look messy enough, here's a hypothetical (and a real possibility) for you. We know that George Floyd tested positive for Covid-19. Biden just met with Floyd's family, and was photographed with them with a mask but no social distancing. Did Floyd infect no one in his family, and did no one in his family then infect Biden? Or for that matter what if Biden gets the virus from who knows who in the course of his campaigning (especially if there are some nice honeys to hug)? All we need is for Biden to wind up on a ventilator and die before the election. What happens then? It's Sanders after all?
  16. The Secret Service will have to have a Jail Detail. Also the jail or prison will have to provide Trump with tanning equipment, so he can maintain his orange tint. Otherwise his attorney Rudy Giuliani (housed in the same jail or country-club prison dormitory) will help him file suit for cruel and unusual punishment.
  17. Well it can't be as simple as that. If Trump claims massive voter fraud, he will have to provide some evidence, won't he? Just to say there was massive voter fraud is like saying the coronavirus "will disappear." On what is the statement based? I can't see something going to the Supreme Court just because of Trump utterance.
  18. Well, for one thing, he's known for bankruptcies. He's also known for stiffing contractors. (Compare stabbing the Kurds in the back.)
  19. Foremost in my mind right now about the administration previous to Trump's is that there was a peaceful and Constitutional transition of power in January 2017. I just hope to see another one.
  20. For a time when I was young I had an extremely naïve delusion about wealth, power, and patriotism. In my own strong belief in the American republic, I had this notion that wealthy Americans would not use their power to corrupt our republican form of government, to steal elections, assassinate presidents, etc., because they knew as well as anyone possibly could how precious how republican form of government is. Pretty naïve, eh? I took Miss Boyd’s Civics class in high school far too seriously. IOW I was brainwashed. Now in my sunset years, and specifically during the Trump presidency, I had an equally naïve delusion, which made it hard to understand what is going on in America. I had this notion that Americans would naturally not want to give up the republican form of government they’ve enjoyed for over 200 years. But the scales have just recently fallen from my eyes, in a kind of enlightenment. I don’t know exactly when the light came on, but there really are Americans today, and I mean as many as almost half of them, who are willing to follow someone like Trump all the way into an American dictatorship if it comes to that. They’re perfectly willing to give up the republic that Franklin challenged us to keep. Like the oft covered song from the 70s goes, “I Can See Clearly Now.” I don’t like what I see, but at least I am no longer deluded, no longer at a loss to understand what is happening. Reality bites. And it’s less stressful just to know something than to naively try to figure it out.
  21. Nixon had an enemies list. Trump doesn't, at least not in writing, it would be entirely too long. Trump just deals with them daily (there's a new enemy every day) in tweets, on a first-come, first-served basis, or perhaps I should say on a first you-asked-for-it basis.
  22. I think he found a Bible that someone had lost, and he held it up to see if anyone wanted to claim it. (He would have asked whoever claimed it to quote something from it to prove it was theirs.)
  23. The only thing I remember about Burns' series on the Civil War is the music score. I think it was the first time I ever heard "Lorena." Beautiful song. The only modern recordings I know of were by Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings.
  24. There's a demonstration scheduled for this Thursday here in my hometown. The aim is to have a Confederate statue removed from the county courthouse lawn. They also want to have an oak tree removed from the lawn. A spokeswoman says (and this was news to me) that oak trees have a background of being used for lynchings, and are thus what she calls a symbol of hate. That statue has been around for longer than I have, and I remember playing on that oak tree. (As Tom Jones sang years ago, "And there's that old oak that I used to play on.") It looks like the statue's time has come. And I guess I won't mind them removing the oak tree, since it's been a long time since I played in a tree. Plus I wouldn't want to wind up like the guy that Jones sang about: Yes, they'll all come to see me In the shade of that old oak tree As they lay me 'neath the green, green grass of home
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