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Ron Ecker

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Everything posted by Ron Ecker

  1. Since Trump's former doctor stated that all of his test results were positive, maybe they're hoping he'll die of disease.
  2. We know that LBJ had two urgent needs: to stay out of jail and not to be removed from the ticket. When a hearing about your corruption is being held on Capitol Hill on the very day of the assassination, that's really cutting it close.
  3. I still remember the sign-off (or lead-in, whichever it was) "This is Garner Ted Armstrong." (The son, I guess, I don't remember if I heard the dad.) He sounded like such a nice and knowledgeable guy. Now I'm kind of curious as to what he looked like, to see if I can spot him in any Dealey Plaza photos. Especially at the corner of Houston and Main, which was Lookalike City.
  4. You would think that Premillennialists (being such devout Christians) would have at least some regard for the ten commandments, such as "Thou shalt not kill."
  5. I remember listening to Armstrong's "The World Tomorrow" on radio. If only I had realized what he was actually talking about, I would have tried to warn the Secret Service.
  6. Paz, I was operating from memory, and meant Fort Bliss, not Fort Hood. There is also some question as to whether Rabin was actually in Dallas on the 22nd. Here's a link to a previous thread:
  7. He went on a tour of U.S. military bases, the last stop being Fort Hood, Texas. He flew out of Dallas (like Nixon) on November 22, flew from New York City with his wife to Israel, and heard about the assassination upon landing. In her memoirs his wife noted the fact that he had been in Dallas that day.
  8. Then it's a conspiracy, aimed at me. This could tell us a lot.
  9. I take that to mean that it's me and my computer. Seems odd because other websites look the same as before.
  10. Is it just me and my computer, or has the text on this forum become awfully light and hard to read? Could it mean that the end is near?
  11. The national security issue abounds, Paz. There are some things we just don't need to know or mustn't know, whether from 55 years ago or 100. Imagine how upset the conspirators must have been when the WC included in its exhibits a study of the teeth of Jack Ruby's mother. Once published, it was too late to suppress it. So it was best ignored, just like the WC's medical exhibits on the hole in the back of JFK's head. Of course it's possible that Jim Garrison was right about the teeth study when he said, "Even if Jack Ruby had intended to bite Oswald to death, that still would not have been relevant."
  12. I don't know what "snow job" you received or how your question was answered. All I know (thanks to this thread) is that I'm apparently a member of a cult. That's one thing about this forum, you can learn something new every day.
  13. I don't think any worshippers will disagree with you, because I don't think there are any worshippers here. But that's just my irreverent opinion.
  14. In his book An Unfinished Life, "American historian" (per Wikipedia) Dallek informs us that "the second bullet struck Kennedy in the back of the neck." That's straight from an American historian.
  15. The question is, who left Dallas with thicker wallets than when they arrived.
  16. No, I exaggerated. It's really only $4.99.
  17. Do you suppose this is what Trump would call "fake news"?
  18. I forgot to mention, the article includes a photo of "the bullets that killed JFK and wounded Connally" being picked up off the ground. Circles are drawn around what's supposed to be the bullets where they lie. (It's actually the William Allen photo of a man in a suit probing the ground with his hand while Deputy Sheriff Walthers and Officer Foster stand by.)
  19. Not familiar with that. Haven't been keeping up with the Enquirer, it just caught my eye in Publix today.
  20. Broke down and spent five bucks on the National Enquirer today, since the front page story was "There Were 3 JFK Shooters!" News producer Mytchell Mora (he's worked for both FoxNews and CNN, so he's at least non-partisan) has "re-enhanced" the Z film, and found that the first shot (not caught on film) came from the TSBD, the second shot came from the Grassy Knoll (and he can see the windshield shatter with a spray of glass particles), and the fatal head shot was actually two shots from the same vicinity. Here's what really jumped off the page: "If you listen closely to the audio on the Zapruder film you can hear four shots. The third shot is actually a double!" Next time you're listening to the Z film, check it out!
  21. And if true, I'll bet that sniper shot from the south end of the overpass.
  22. The rumor you referred to was that "Osborne claimed he spoke with Lee Harvey Oswald." The Australians didn't say he claimed that so they can't be a source of it and the FBI memo you quote says nothing about Osborne making such a claim.
  23. As I recall, LBJ was indeed such a good friend of Israel that he called back U.S. fighter jets that were on their way to the scene where the Israelis were bombing the U.S.S. Liberty.
  24. I'm not aware of such a rumor. Two Australian ladies on the bus said they heard Osborne, Oswald, and the McFarland couple talking a lot and laughing.
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