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Kirk Gallaway

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Posts posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. 8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    There has been a complete breakdown in the rule of law in many Mexican states-- and not only in northern Mexico.

    I used to vacation every January in Quintana Roo, for years, but I stopped going down there a few years ago after some cartel guys blew up the ferry to Cozumel (on the dock at Playa del Carmen.)  Tourists have also been killed by cartel shoot outs on the Mayan Riviera.

    Here's a story.  I was playing golf at a local Denver course a few years ago, and one of the guys in our foursome was a muscular-looking Mexica guy wearing expensive designer golf clothes and gold chains.  We all chatted, on the tees, and I learned that the guy was from Ciudad Juarez, on "business" in Denver.

    I mentioned that I had spent a lot of time in Mexico over the years, but that I had always been afraid to visit Ciudad Juarez, because of reading about the cartel murders and violence there.

    He said, "Oh, that's no big deal.  I've seen some guys get executed, but that only happen if guys step out of line."

    Our foursome got real quiet after that, and we hardly engaged in further conversation.

    Meanwhile, Mexico is experiencing a catastrophic heat wave, and drought, right now, and Mexico City is running out of water!  It's an impending catastrophe for the city of 21 million people!

    Mexico City’s water ‘Day Zero’ may come even for the wealthiest residents - The Washington Post

    Interesting observations, Matt!


    That is positively creepy, W. !

    Do you think it's,

    "Cartel been bery bery good to me!?"


    It's so discouraging to see what's happened over the years in our hemisphere to all but a few countries to the South.  I do think we could have embraced the JFK vision and helped out more and not left them so far behind. China is now in  position to court them.

    In SE Asia, they don't particularly like the Chinese. You can tell the Chinese tourist. It was interesting hearing a Thai tour guide and Chinese tourists trying to communicate to each other in each countries broken English!

    One thing I'll say about SE Asia is that those people are on the go. There is a very positive vibe. Like circumstances have left them behind and they now feel the future will be much better. And yet, except for a few big cities, it's not at all a hustle. For example, there's very little theft.

  2. 22 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

    Kennedy was regarded as too conservative by the Left, both on Vietnam and on civil rights. 

    Whew! I like this:
    So the people who were for Civil Rights in the 60's were also most pro Vietnam War?
    Yes, another one bites the dust!,  MLK just knuckled under to Harvard and Rand "eggheads" and the Eastern Establishment" with that "Civil Rights "thing! Right?
    Another reason it's too bad MLK isn't living so you could ask him and hear his ideas about that.
    I'm not sure I can do much with your concept of alliances. That's the roster and team lineup change of the  20th century!
    Cliff: YOU stated --  "The Left wanted Vietnam."  But "the Left" opposed the Vietnam War.  Were you around in the 60's, Matt?
    Obviously not. That is the most contrived theory based on premises, many of which have no foundation or really causal links to events. It seems to be straining to put square  political covert actions into round outcomes, as you've pointed out Cliff.  
    It can be dismissed from the gitgo  for it's pure omnisciency. Obviously in this world, nothing can happen organically.  It sounds like a laboriously conceived , straining  narrative to justify not getting up in the morning.
    heh heh
  3. The left wanted Vietnam?

    What?, The Ramparts crowd? What are you talking about?

    That's sounds like 21st Century  right wing revisionism that's probably pigeonholing the left as being only the blue blooded class of international business expansionists or pigeonholing the left as establishment authors or a magazine.

    The only real resistance to the Viet War came from the left! They were generally young people without great means, and some academics and they were protesting long before 1968!.

    However I will agree with you, I don't think the JFKA was primarily about Vietnam..


    I do think the general comments here are more interesting than the 2 hours, though it did have some interesting points and I was able to speed through it.

    Newman has become the  conspiracy superstar of those who seek to confirm their biases of the CIA -did -it camp. Having said that, of all the possible groups, I do think the CIA as the greatest possibility of aligning with other suspected factions, so I'm not opposed. 

    Bleu later talks of the difficulty of depicting names for the  groups in his survey. I think a definite flaw was in his asking "who was behind the JFKA" and providing 2 categories involving the CIA , one was rogue agents within the CIA  and the other was just the CIA, which polled 20%!  So are we to  believe that 20%  believed it was the entire 5000 people who worked in the CIA at the time?( I don't have the figures)   Obviously that notion is absurd and to an extent discredits the  participants in the poll.





  4. 50 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:



    Steve Thomas

    Steve, just to let you know I can't open it. But it looks good! 

    Another good one Doug! And we're finally getting the msm to report on the bullying of the Palestinians by settlers while the Israeli government looks the other way!

    W. Loved that earlier Tom Tomorrow! In fairness to Fox , I am traveling and I was forced to watch Fox Business news for a while which is really just an another Maga propaganda arm and almost nothing about business!

    They start the story quoting Trump  saying there were 25,000 people at the park in NYC, but she then said it looks closer to 1000. I look at that crowd picture and I might estimate 500 people but at least Fox' claim was much closer to the mark than Maga estimates!

  5. Yes, Doncic letting out his Slovenian rage at the Frenchman, just like Draymond!

    So no love for local Jokic, after he won you a title. W?

    So you're part Slovenian like Melania? I only traveled through Slovenia to get  to Croatia but it was beautiful, pastoral, and maybe the most Old World European country I've been to. It seemed a bit more of a throw back to the Cold War days then Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovena. but I haven't been  to Czech, Hungary, Romania. or Bulgaria.

    Some great playoff twists and turns. My only problem with Doncic is that he's too good a player to be continually whining to the refs like he does, and I can't stand Tyreke!.  Though I generally like Mark Cuban.

    But one slimeball Texas politician I hate, to go along with Gov.  Greg Abbott, AG Paxton, Gohmert, and even this quack Ronny Jackson, who was Trump's doctor has been elected to office in Texas!

    But who I'm focusing on is that dangling pos Ted Cruz! Watch how he slimily tries to turn around questions and blame everything on the "media"  about the 1/6 riots. His deception is so transparent, it's a wonder he could get elected anywhere!

    Sorry Doug and Ron, I can only assume you're as pissed off about it as me. Beto is a good hearted guy. I guess he comes off too innocent?

    The 1/6 segment starts around 4:30.

    Sometimes it's good to just say, I was expecting an honest answer and if I'm not going to get it, the interview is over no matter what other talking points you were planning!










  6. How Rudy Giuliani tried, and failed, to avoid his latest indictment

    You can't make this stuff up!

    Rudy evaded process servers until he was served a summons on his surprise 80Th birthday celebration. Just before being served he confidently wrote this on twitter with a picture of him and his friends saying.


    “If Arizona authorities can’t find me by tomorrow morning: 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can’t count votes,” Giuliani wrote on X at 7:06 p.m. on Friday. The post included a picture of Giuliani surrounded by six other people, all smiling.




  7. What!? Now Biden sending a billion in defensive aid  to Israel!

    Double messages!. Is he trying to make up to Bibi for  his recent harsh rhetoric now?

    Is Biden to Bibi like Michael Cohen was to Trump?

    Taking a mortgage out on our national debt to facilitate Bibi's big plans?

    Stay tuned!



    Well it's happening! Biden to debate Trump on June 27th!

  8. This is U.S. mad dog killing machine insanity.

    Biden has stopped one shipment of 3500 bombs to Israel. What they don't tell you is that Biden has already shipped 300,000 such bombs to Israel since Oct 7th!  So the amount being withheld by Biden is the equivalent of 1% of the bombs we've already sent Israel!

    These bombs come in 3 types,  250 lbs, 500 lbs. and 1000lbs. In addition the U.S. has already sent  2,000 lbs.Mark 84  bombs to Israel!

     A further breakdown of the bombs we've supplied Israel is in this article.





  9.  W.! I'm also amazed at how quickly some celebrities and the MSM run with the commentary that any one protesting for a Gaza ceasefire is anti Semitic! But on another matter concerning Clinton.

    Along those lines W. I've often thought Jon Stewart is a better interviewer sometimes than he is a comedian. Here he has Hilary Clinton and Condoleeza Rice,(  in my view, whose reputation should be one step away from being prosecuted for war crimes!) 
    At a certain point, there becomes a palpable tension and defensiveness among the 2 for their historic defense of the MIC, when Stewart asks where all this defense lobbying and spending has got us, and the good of the world at large. There are many times where I want to jump in and ask for clarity in their responses.
    It's interesting to consider what did we learn  from say, George Bush's War in Iraq,? There does seem to be a consensus now that the war was a mistake  and that is held by almost all of the Democrats and now probably near half of the Republicans, I would estimate.
    But history will probably overlook the deeper damage done by that war. With the fallout from that war.,it left the entire region unsettled. ( I don't believe Rice's assertion that Syria , for example came undone completely on it's own) with a massive  refugee problem that has placed a huge burden particularly on Europe and Canada which is probably a big cause of the current populist uprisings  throughout the West!
    As someone whose interviewed many people on radio, Stewart establishes a collegial rapport with them in the first half and  starts to press more in the second half and it ends just when  it starts getting good, but allows both Clinton and Rice to tie everything up in congenial wrap of agreement, I assume because he was hoping to interview them again. but is back now on the Daily Show.
    I would take this from 22.20.





  10. 7 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    That said, I do indeed believe that the death toll could easily have gone into six digits had Biden not gotten Netanyahu's ear and talked him into taking steps to reduce collateral civilian deaths. Something that is a demonstrable fact...

    "demonstrable facts"?This kind of nonsense goes on on the JFKA side frequently. Premises that are just speculation confidently stated as "demonstrable facts." There are no demonstrable facts concerning events that never occurred!


    6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Here is how Biden's plan could have failed: Netanyahu could have simply said screw you to Biden, I am going to invade the country without taking any of these civilian-saving measures.

    But guess what... even that wouldn't have been a failure!

    You have to focus and listen. I can't speak for W. I don't think Biden could have done anything for 3 months. So most of those lives lost are not Biden's fault.

    I'm not saying that would have been a failure at all. Quite the opposite, stopping weapons to Israel 4 months ago and having Bibi saying "screw you" as he has now,  would have been all we could do.

    There were warnings from Israel to civilians to get out of combat areas. You don't have sufficient knowledge on the ground  to speculate 100,000 deaths or anything.

    As it turns out, Bibi has said "screw you" to Biden. You completely ignored this.

    14 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Haven't you heard? Bibi has now said they're prepared to go it alone, with our weapons or without.  If we believe what he says, then stopping military weapons to Israel was never a deterrent.

    So if we believe this  Biden is not going to deter Bibi from committing your speculated 100,000 death invasion. We'll see how many they kill and whatever's  less than your  speculative 100,000,  you'll deem a success?     heh heh

    At a certain point, you have to be in the now, not some speculative future and try to save as many lives as you can in the present.

    I'd say it was better to start taking a strong stand 4 months ago, stop sending weapons, negotiate in the region and have American policy look more impartial, consistent  and humanitarian and let Israel solely suffer in world opinion, for the consequences for their actions.





  11. 23 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Re Layla:Listen to the last part at least, it's so pretty.

    Ron you're preaching to the choir. That was the song and the album of  the year when I was in college. Nobody doesn't know Layla!

    Yeah that last cut, Thorn Tree in the Garden was a great song W. 

    I checked and it was 19 days after I saw the Allman Bros. at Winterland that Duane Allman died.


    P.S. Whoa! I wanted to see the Nuggets and the Timberwolves but apparently that solar flare has taken away a band of channels!




  12. 17 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    33,000 dead and 1.6 to 2.3 million displaced is a lot better than 133,000 dead and 1.5 to 2.2 million displaced.

    Saving 100,000 lives would be a spectacular success.

    133,000 dead,? What are you talking about? 33,000 dead is an accepted fact! But you have no basis in fact to speculate about any number of deaths that might have happened or may happen..

    Why not just really embellish your case and call it a million lives? It sounds more impressive!
    So Biden  is evaluated in terms of some subjective, projected  catastrophic vision of yours and comes out on top. In your mind is there any scenario by which Biden's policy becomes a failure? If so what is it?
    Sandy, Had Biden stopped military aid to Israel months ago, what would he do now to stop Netanyahu from invading Rafah?
    So can we now, say if Bibi now invades Rafah that Biden's policy is a failure? 
    Haven't you heard? Bibi has now said they're prepared to go it alone, with our weapons or without.  If we believe what he says, then stopping military weapons to Israel was never a deterrent. So we could have just stopped sending weapons to Israel  in January, and look much better in the eyes of the world and not have the blood on our hands we now have.  I guess you don't believe what Bibi's saying. I hope you're right.
    * Not that I ever understood the logic behind how continuing to send weapons  to Israel could be said to be a "deterrent " when in the meantime 33,000 lives are lost and as W. noted 56,00 buildings are destroyed and 600,00 people are starving.
  13. As I said, Biden couldn't do much in 2023. It was too soon. The Israeli public needed  some time to reflect without fear and the U.S. wasn't politically ready to take a stand against Israel. In 2024. Biden had to lead public opinion. He's been taking his time and many have died and many are now starving.


    4 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Civilian lives have indeed been saved because of Biden's strategy. I can't prove it, but I believe that tens of thousands of lives have been save. And I would call that a spectacular success.

    Again, but how can 33,000 dead and 1.6 to 2.3 million displaced be considered any kind of example of Biden's restraining force, much less a "spectacular success". To say that is way over the top!

    All we can say  is that a showdown was inevitable and  what happens in the future would have been sped  up had Biden acted with more resolve at first , and not just a lot of Israeli "shock and awe" being met with Biden's "awe shucks Bibi , please stop!"

    1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

    I'm not sure what your resistance is to recognizing this painful reality, but I think it may have something to do with a need to maintain an idealized, illusory concept of who Joe Biden is.

    It would seem like that W. But the other reason we all share is that job one has for years now been to just ensure that Trump doesn't get re elected. And many will forgive Biden for anything just to make sure he gets re elected.


    51 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

     For my part, I first observed Joe Biden in the 1992 Democratic Primary debates, (against Bill Clinton) and I always thought there was something slightly shady about the man. 

    I agree, I never liked him. I think anyone who watched him in his several campaigns for the  Presidency in the 20th century would get the same rather slimy impression. But as President,  domestically he has the best record of any Democrat in our time. Much better than JFK! No one thought he'd do what he's done!

    Sandy: And now Biden would have no bargaining chips left.

    Well,  we'll at last find out if we ever had any bargaining chips now.

  14. 10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Geez...the time when RFK, Jr. really could have used some Ivermectin... 🙄

    R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain


    May 8, 2024

    Thank you, W!    That explains a lot!

    JFK's Grandson is doing a number of comedy skits poking fun at his cousin RK's candidacy.

    If you open one of the links, you can scroll down and see all of his skits.


    Using Cartoonish Accents, J.F.K.’s Grandson Insults and Mocks Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    In an escalation of the family feud, the son of Caroline Kennedy portrayed heavily accented characters who suggested that

    his cousin, the presidential candidate, was on steroids, not too smart and a liar.



  15. 15 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Trump classified documents trial delayed indefinitely, judge rules - The Washington Post

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we learn that Trump's Judge Aileen Cannon has taken luxury vacations funded by Federalist Society plutocrat Leonard Leo.... Geez... 🙄

    Judge Cannon's secret right-wing getaway: Why didn't we know about this? | Salon.com

    W. That sucks!, First Thomas, and then this.  Didn't we also hear something about Gorsuch?  .

    And now Canon postpones the  documents case  indefinitely. But that case didn't begin until 2022.

    Did anyone think the Georgia case with the smoking gun recording. and the 1/6 riots and Trumps other attempts to throw the 2020 election would not even come to court until after the 2024 election?

    Appointing someone as a head cop of the nation shouldn't have been a payback for being passed by as a Supreme Court Justice. As far as Trump's Federal charges. Garland was so concerned about not singling out Trump, he dragged his feet for 2 years before finally appointing Jack Smith! What was he thinking? You know the  Republicans wouldn't have apologized at all for going after Biden!. Look at the sham the House Republicans tried to perpetuate with their Federal overreach/ Hunter Biden scam?

    I remember when the House Committee was making good public headway in their  1/6 investigation, there was talk that the DOJ was requesting some of Committee's research materials. That's ass backwards! The primary job of the House is to legislate, not investigate crimes. And outside of the 1/6 committee, they are usually embarrassingly bad at it. Investigating crime  is the job of the DOJ! You'd think that they would be far ahead of the House in every aspect  of their investigation.

    I am venting. It looks like the only legal judgment we're going to get on Trump before the election could be this hush money trial. But some independent voters could look at some of today's action with Stormy Daniels  recounting details of her escapade with Trump  as just being designed to drag Trump through the mud.

    We might catch a break before the election if the jury convicts Trump and that will be another good  judgment in a lesser case against Trump. But it wouldn't surprise me if  it was turned over in appeal, but thankfully after the election.

  16. 6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Israel is our only strong ally in the Middle East. They provide a lot of valuable intelligence to the U.S.

    Yeah, but obviously their intelligence gathering has taken a serious blow. American intelligence has reigned supreme in policy concerning subservience to Israel but I think the American public is starting to realize America'  is really playing the role of a battered housewife!


    6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Like with its bombing of Iraq's new nuclear reactor in 1981 (Operation Opera) and of Syria's nuclear reactor in 2007 (Operation Outside the Box).

    Do you realize we've been spreading the fear of Iraq's nuclear capability for now 35 years? Yes it has been!


    6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    The U.S. has pursued diplomatic means of stopping Iran's nuclear program,

    Yes it has, the Iraq Joint Plan of Action under  Obama and Kerry.  I was in favor of that and I think we'd be in a much better position right now if Biden hadn't jettisoned it. I know CNN and even more MSNBC was once in favor of that, but they don't talk about that now!

    Kirk:what did Israel do? Bomb an Embassy in Syria to try to lure Iran into a regional war! And of course our entire media just reports it as if it was justified!

    6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Iran's direct attack on Israel was unprecedented.

    That's just the first sentence in response you'd hear from CNN, Fox  and MSNBC!

    I said "Bomb an Embassy in Syria"  but apparently you don't know. They bombed the Iranian Embassy in Syria! A completely unprovoked attack directly on Iran! So playing up "Iran's direct attack on Syria "completely leaves out they were being bullied and felt they had to come up with some tactile ineffective response to save face.

    As I said in an earlier post. Though you won't hear it on MSNBC. And that's what I meant when I said " the entire media just reports it as if it's justified!"

    But in reality, it's just Israel bullying!

  17. On 5/3/2024 at 4:24 PM, Sandy Larsen said:


    I'm sure the plotters were concerned about that.

    But if we were to deny that part of the plot was to control the autopsy for the sake of removing evidence of shots from the front, then we'd be forced to believe that the government came up with that decision extremely quickly after the assassination. Including surreptitiously removing the body from the brass casket and placing it in a shipping casket, flying it by helicopter to Bethesda, and performing pre-autopsy surgery on it. That just isn't possible. It had to have been planned prior to the assassination.


    About the plausibility of pulling the coverup off, that's a good point!,

    I suppose that's a talking point  the top down LBJ- did -it can embrace.

    But let's face it, either way, if the coverup was planned before the assassination or just winging it after the assassination, it was a Herculean task. How were they going to have any certainty of success of convincing the public there wasn't a conspiracy? But there is a plausible deniability by virtue of the fact that the Katzenbach memo is probably the tack a lot of governments would have taken if  there was at first a genuine suspicion of foreign involvement and it became uncertain that they may never get to the bottom of it in a desired timely fashion, and  so that a partial government coverup in itself doesn't point directly at LBJ. 



  18. Sounds timely. I'm sure it will be used for propaganda purposes to just further divide our peoples. But I'm sure they'll appreciate our candor.

    Since Jim has always been such an U.S. MSM  expert.  Maybe Jim if asked to  go to Moscow, can embark on his own project and report in kind on the variety of investigative journalist films about the Russian government corruption there. Maybe ask to see the great plethora of Russian films made about the purges of Stalin. or films from present day anti Putin activists.

    As a travel tip, I might suggest declining the isolated  Maga Dacha offered him and get out and see for himself what's going on. And that doesn't mean going to Tucker's high end expensive Moscow grocery store, but maybe he can surreptitiously  get out of Moscow  into the countryside and see how the people live out there.





    heh heh





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