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Kirk Gallaway

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Posts posted by Kirk Gallaway


    6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Israel needs us... but they know that we need them too.

    ? How do we need them?

    6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Plus Israel knows that the Republican half the country aren't much concerned with the fate of the Palestinian people.

    This is your best point Sandy. Just like the Republicans were staunchly in favor of the Vietnam War in 1968. We could be going back to the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968!

    One thing to realize is  just as Trump (with unwitting help from  Merrick Garland)has probably been successful obstructing the legal process of his major charges until after the election. Bibi wants to prolong the  war knowing as long as the war goes on, he stays in office.  

    Biden has to come up with a consensus plan of Arab states to give financial support to a 2 state solution and start to leverage that against Bibi and hope with  world public opinion to drive a wedge in Israel public opinion among those who want peace who realize nothing would change in their lives as they never go to the Palestinian enclaves anyway.

    I often wonder about the wisdom of Biden giving them the Iron Dome. I suppose there was pressure behind the scenes. Unfortunately now we'd look like traitors to take it away.

    And with that new immunity, what did Israel do? Bomb an Embassy in Syria to try to lure Iran into a regional war! And of course our entire media just reports it as if it was justified!







  2. 1 hour ago, Kevin Balch said:

    Lisa Howard was one of the intermediaries used in the back channel discussions. Why did she turn so strongly anti-RFK and endorse Kenneth Keating (who initially made claims that the Soviets were placing missiles in Cuba) in the 1964 NY senate election?

    That's interesting, Kevin. I know she was debriefed by Helms upon coming back from Cuba. So you think she got  wind of  RFK assassinations plots of Castro and turned against him?

    Kevin: Keating (who initially made claims that the Soviets were placing missiles in Cuba) in the 1964 NY senate election?

    By "initially"  you mean Keating made public statements as to the danger present prior to Oct. 1962?

  3. "Smoking marihuana is more fun than drinking beer,
    But a friend of ours was captured and they gave him thirty years
    Maybe we should raise our voices, ask somebody why
    But demonstrations are a drag, besides we're much too high"

    Phil Ochs

    Outside of a small circle of friends.


    Hmmm, Looks like old Joe has still got a few teeth left in his head. He figures maybe he can pacify those students who are trying to appeal to his humanitarian instincts.

    ......  ok, forget I said that.



  4. 2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    Biden is Risking his Election, and the Country's Fate, by alienating the Youth with his Embrace of Netanyahu's War (juancole.com)

    From the article: I do not forgive Biden for putting the country in this bind. He just had to do the decent thing, which was to rein in the Revisionist Zionists and Kahanists when it became clear that the were waging a total war on the civilian population. He could at least have done the expedient thing for his party and for the country. He had done it before. I frankly cannot understand what drives the man to destroy himself and the USA in this way. He is swatting down the clear conclusions of his own appointees at US AID and the State Department that the Israelis are committing serious war crimes and setting up a man-made famine of ugly proportions. You never want, as a politician, to be associated with AP photos of emaciated toddlers, even if you have no internal conscience about it. It turns out that the man famed for empathy has a fatal blind spot when it comes to brown people. And don’t think the black and brown people don’t notice.

    From the article: I have a sinking feeling about this loss of the youth vote. A wise cabinet would invoke the 25th amendment, declare Biden non compos mentis, cut Netanyahu off at the knees, and save the country from the looming catastrophe.

    Unfortunately this is the downside for  having "Old man Joe" veteran of the Cold War. He sees everything in terms of 20th century alliances.

    As I said, I think for the first 3 months, there was not  going to be much Biden could do, because he had to let the whole experience sink in to the Israeli public's mind. And obviously we weren't going to bring troops in. No one would want that.

    To continue arming the Israelis really ends up saying we have allegiance to only democracies (who right now are struggling and Israel is a severe case in point.) and screw the evil dictators which I'm  in favor of. But it also says 'screw you too" to the unaligned world who are on neither side and primarily need to establish a more stable economic footing. The United States can't be seen as a major superpower that condones and finances a genocide of any people.

    The truth is, there is increasingly less high ground for extolling  democracies as they can elect fascists as well, witness Netanyahu who has ruled Israel for 17 of the last 27 years! These perceptions have been breaking down.

    As for Biden suffering from loss of the youth vote. The type of voters who are protesting are aware enough to know that Trump's attitude toward the Israel Hamas war will be much worse. If Biden can't make any faster progress and continues being  Bibi's re Bozo ( heh heh, a little Nixon reference!) the youth probably won't defect to Trump but Biden will suffer from low turnout.  As much as I resent the importance of those purple states  in our electoral process,  he's not looking great in any of them and he needs them to win.

    Relief for the suffering is good, but he really has to stand up to Bibi in an unequivocal way. I'd say we're down 5-2 in the 6th inning.

    Also the economy is not going to help out. There's a 50-50 chance we're not even going to get a rate cut before the election. Even though 6 months ago the bond market was pricing in 5 rate cuts in 2024! The public does defer to the judgment of the business class about such matters, and no improvement, and less accessibility to lower mortgage rates  is bad for Biden. 



  5. So Robert, Not to be disparaging but I  notice  your LBJ/ Clark "Texcentric" narrative complete with Barr Mc Clellan and Madeleine Brown is straight down the line with Nigel Turner's  retracted "Men who killed Kennedy" was it episode 9? Was that your first inspiration?

    I noticed it was around the same time as the retraction wasn't Barr Mac Clellan's son Scott GW's Press Secretary?

    No conspiracy, just an interesting fact.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    So why would Pompeo's lawyer phone Tucker to  inform Tucker  about the criminality of what his own client did?


    1 hour ago, Keven Hofeling said:

    Another possibility might be that Tucker was opportunistically trying to set up the segment to have Pompeo offer more to Tucker about what he or another had already disclosed to him about the involvement of the CIA, and maybe the call to Tucker from Pompeo's lawyer was really a way for Pompeo to communicate to Tucker that he should shut up about it because of Pompeo's culpability for disclosing classified information to Tucker?

    Opportunistically?, or desperately! Given that you think it was Pompeo. Then who holds all the cards here?

    Setting  up a segment to out himself with Tucker  that he revealed secret files to Tucker? Are you kidding?

    It would be political suicide for Pompeo to be caught revealing the JFK files to anyone! Do you think he wants that?

    What would end up happening to Tucker?, absolutely nothing! He did, and nothing has happened!


    Earlier, Pompeo could have conceivably been a hero to  both the right and left, and to the reputation of the Trump Administration for "draining the swamp "if he came out before the deadline  and said despite pressure from the Intelligence agencies, he's going on record as wanting the files released  no matter what they say  because now 60 years later, the public has a right to know. And that would be overwhelmingly popular with the public at large!

    But after refusing to open the files and winning the fight to not reveal the files.

    Answer me this. What would  then be Pompeo's motive in speaking  to Tucker about his summation of the files?

    If you believe this nonsense, then he missed his chance and then would be needlessly throwing his political career away!









  7. I don't think the title here. "Pompeo was Tucker's source" is a foregone conclusion at all. We  haven't heard who told Tucker. If, on the other hand,  it was Trump, it's a discredited  source with an axe to grind against the CIA, whose also embarrassed that he never released the files. But it's exactly  the type of cowardly thing Trump would do to shift blame. 

    16 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    To me, the tell is that it was Pompeo's lawyer who called Carlson.

    And Pompeo was not in the CIA at the time Carlson's show aired.

    Neither was Tucker, it doesn't matter, you can't leave an intelligence agency in any capacity much less Head of the CIA, and then blab their secrets.There was a legal way to do this, and that was to open the files and they finagled their way not to. 
    As Carlson says, he's phoned in his car by Pompeo's lawyer and told "You should know  that anyone who tells you the contents of classified documents has committed a crime". So why would Pompeo's lawyer phone Tucker to  inform Tucker  about the criminality of what his own client did? Why would Pompeo's lawyer incriminate Pompeo to Tucker? If Pompeo was the source, you don't think Pompeo could be prosecuted? Wouldn't you think he'd be aware of that, after he allegedly discussed options of assassinating Assange for the same crime?
    17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Do you know a lot of nice sweetie pies who work for the CIA?

    So I don't know where you are going with that.

    This sounds very obstructionist, Jim.

    I know where he's going. Even apart from legal liability, As Roger said, why would Pompeo as the source, trust Tucker knowing he would blab, and then have his lawyers threaten Tucker with releasing the information he gave him?

    Then after all this, we're to believe Tucker that Trump will pick Pompeo to be his Secretary of Defense in a second term? Should that make sense?

    Greg:but I wish there was a way to turn up the heat on this in the interests of the utter importance to history and America's interest in knowing the truth, to attempt to run this thing down, rather than this circus of Tucker Carlson throwing that out into the air and people going bananas over something which is at present in the genre of unverified anonymous gossip.

    I agree completely Greg, Tucker will stand on not revealing his sources. He knows he can get away with this, so he does. Tucker says he was contacted by Pompeo's lawyers the next day! Why did he sit on it for a year and a half? So are we going to wait another year and a half for a followup on this?


  8. Great interview! Kaitlan Collins is absolutely relentless in her interview with Biil Barr. I would say only Meidi Assan has as much balls but Collins is so seamless! She never even says an "uh," and keeps coming after Barr!

    I thought  the entire interview was great, but I would direct to start at 12:55 when Collins asks Barr why after all the things Barr has said about Trump being guilty of substantial charges in the1/6 Insurrection and the Documents Case he has since turned around and says he's voting for Trump and Collins goes after him for the last 10 minutes and doesn't let up!

    Barr's only excuse for Trump about 1/6 is "ok but he didn't get away with it!"



  9. Whew! Damn that David Pecker!

    No wonder Jim Di switched from endorsing Hillary Clinton for President in early 2016 (despite the Bernie surge at the time!) to end up voting for Jill Stein in the 2016 election. It was facing him every time he went to the supermarket!






    It was the HC World War 3 Article directly ^ above  that sent Jim Di and Jeff Carter over the top!



    heh heh





  10. I'm amazed this thread has gone on for 3 pages on what is obviously a semantics "divide and conquer" statement, that has no real relevance.

    4 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

    Of those 65%, I'd bet that 99.8% of them don't know anything about the case.  They've never heard names like Ruth Paine, J.D. Tippit, Howard Brennan and Buell Frazier.  They only know terms like "grassy knoll" and "magic bullet".

    It's interesting it went to the third page, before Brown said anything of relevance. As Tom pointed out, he could have worded it differently, from the  beginning. But the above statement is true, at least 95%. Most people on both sides don't really know any details. So I've never placed  faith in the polling around the JFKA to mean anything significant. Even though often this general ignorance of the issues is what people come equipped with when they vote in our elections. A high percentage of people also thought Saddam was behind 911.

    28 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    And I can say that at least 50% of what most CTs believe is garbage, and at least 20% of what most LNs believe is garbage.

    I agree with Pat on this. Unfortunately there tends to be more of a wacko element in avid  Cter's. In general, the many conspiracies fulfill a need   to rationalize that there was never a real chance because life and conspiracies were stacked against them from the onset. I know that's not a popular thing to say.

    I've become more concerned , as an old  parent  given the realization that we may have given our kids a better childhood than we had, (with a lot of toys) but they now face the economic reality that most  are not going to be better off than their parents. And a misdirected belief in conspiracies about some totalitarian government that doesn't exist might end up holding them back.

    It is important to get a better idea of what and who is the cause of this marginalization. This is probably the most demanding time since the 60's and it's no time to retreat into an era 60 years ago.  It's time for them to get involved and make their issues known. JMO


  11. 2 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    John Curington was H.L. Hunt's right hand man for 12 years. And he knew first hand all the hatred H.L. Hunt, Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover and Sen. John Eastland had for the Kennedys - and all 4 of those men were close buddies. Not long before LBJ died, H.L. Hunt and John Eastland went to visit LBJ and that is a proven fact.

    I'm sure you've seen this Robert. Just to flesh out this.character. Not that I necessarily believe anything he says. H.L. Hunt was at one time the richest man in the world. Didn't he once own the KC Chiefs?

    I remember an interview where he once said, he was for LBJ in 1960. But he was extremely disappointed with his Presidency. I assume most of that was because of the Civil Rights Act. His wife held big Sunday Bible meetings but he was very cheap, and no philanthropist.

    Here , starting at 46:40 he is asked about his right wing political affiliations, about ties to the John Birch  Society , his ties to Weismann who distributed some of  the anti JFK literature around Dallas just prior to JFK's arrival, (which he denies funding, but apparently, knows him.)  General Edwin Walker, the Kennedy Assassination. and the work of the Warren Commission.



  12. W. I gleaned your very good article in the Political Discussions forum . It does seem like the one issue where I would have preferred Obama as President over Biden is the Israel Hamas War. As Obama was rightfully opposing  Netanyahu and it almost appears that Biden started out  using "atonement" with Bibi for Obama's sins for offending him!

    Obviously Bibi was very upset at Obama's peace accords with Iran and was very happy when Trump came in and pulled every lever with Trump to make sure he destroyed it. Of course, when Bibi came to Washington, he completely bypassed and snubbed meeting Obama and talked directly and wooed favor from the Republican Congress, who love him!


    Hey, I'm for decreased U.S. Defense expenditures. But there seems to be a  sort of myopic projection back to the 60's here about the current U.S. military establishment. Correct me where I'm wrong, but from what I gleaned, it's worth  mentioning  that all of Trump's first cabinet military leaders were very much in favor of keeping the Iran peace initiatives as well as the MIC (Rex Tillerson), until Trump replaced them and Mike Pompeo, a known Iran hawk,  became Trump's Secretary of State. 

    I think the world, at this time  would be at least a little closer to Peace if we had better relations with Iran,. though I don't claim to know the ins and outs of the Iran Peace initiative. 

    I know the Iranians were hoping to start it up again when Trump left office.  But Biden's put a lot more conditions on it and it failed, to Bibi's delight! Why do you think Biden jettisoned it?



  13. On 4/13/2024 at 1:12 AM, Sandy Larsen said:

    Kirk Galloway has suggested that the Water Cooler threads be moved back to this -- the JFK Assassination Debate -- forum. (That's not exactly his idea, but it is the only way his idea can be achieved.) They currently reside outside this forum, near the Political Discussions forum.

    Kirk's goal is to make it easy to see if there is a new post to read, and to make it a bit quicker to navigate to.

    William Niederhut reminisces how interesting the old "56 Year" was when many forum members were participating. Unfortunately that thread met its demise when it was -- in some members' opinions -- spammed by individuals who believe in "alternate news." It was ultimately closed from further posts due to endless bickering related to that issue.

    I later opened up the Water Cooler threads in an effort to restore the "56 Year" thread general discussion. I segregated the Cooler by "news type belief" (mainstream vs. alternate vs. both ) to satisfy the "spam" averse members and to keep the peace.

    Generally speaking, this has worked out well for mainstream news believers. For some reason, alternate news believers don't post there.

    The downsides of the Water Coolers are what Kirk and William have expressed concern about, as noted above:

    1. More difficult to use.
    2. Loss of participation.


    I am considering the following solution to these problems: Move the Water Cooler threads to this forum, but keep them segregated. Members would be allowed to post on any topic they choose, as long as their post didn't cross the news-type line of segregation. (Posting to the "both types" Cooler would allow any news-type post.)

    Doing this would definitely satisfy Kirk's desire of making it easy to see when there is a new post, and making it easier to navigate to. But I don't know if it would increase participation. The latter, in my opinion, would be of greater value than the former.

    I am opening this topic up to discussion. Any suggestions? What can be done to increase participation?


    Sandy,  As far as redefining the cooler descriptions. I'm used to it. I think by reading the descriptions of the 3 coolers, it's easy to understand your intentions. Maybe Cliff can give you a better description.

    To address your earlier post, Sandy. I also became disgusted with the direction of the 56 year thread  and quit. You notice I didn't post at all in at least the final 10 pages.

    It's a tough job. But IMO a certain individual in particular was allowed to get out of control when they could have been nipped in the bud much earlier.

    I saw it all coming. To me, it became like the LAPD  during the Rodney King riots. I think the mods just let it go completely to sh-t so we could get rid of it.

    I wasn't around for the end.  I read it yesterday, and in the last couple of pages , there were people trying to re civilize the conversation.


  14. 13 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Attachments.  There's no edit function in a locked thread.

    "For those who believe mainstream contemporary facts."  I find that off-putting.

    Ok, That's Sandy's definition. I would have worded it differently. But you see it in distinction to the other 2 topics,  so you see what he's going for and you can open it up and see.

    I thought Sandy did it pretty well, and you challenge the other side on the third option if you are so inclined.


    Cory, in your honor, maybe we should change the name of  this thread to "Sleuth of Ruth"       heh heh     You know I like you.

    Ok, Let's focus, and wrap this up. I don't need diversions about Cliff, and .Imdb, and this has nothing to do with whether Ruth knew the parade route. You asked this. 


    4 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

    Namely, why she did not go down to the parade with Marina and children?

    And I answered one of several reasons that haven't already been given, that is they are 2 women with 4 children under 4 and may not like the prospect of minding them in big crowds. If you don't understand that answer, my guess is that married with children in Cory's life could be a very rude awakening!

    You might skip it!


    heh heh


  16. 1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Because the 56 years thread is locked, I can't edit out attachments.  Anyway around this?

    Cliff, So you want to delete some of your links?  I was able to go there and  copy links. Go to "Political discussions", you'll see it there.

    I don't know if maybe the reason you haven't posted in the water cooler is because it's kind of confusing the way it is now.

    I'm trying to correct that and make it easier.

  17. You did bring this up before Cory.

    2 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

    For example, she chose to shop rather than see the president- interestingly Ruby wanted nothing of Dealey plaza either.  

    Of course, why wasn't everybody in Dallas there?

    Cory:  Namely, why she did not go down to the parade with Marina and children?

    Do you have kids Cory?  Ruth Paine had 2 kids 4 and 2. Marina had 2 kids, one kid was 1 and a half, and one daughter was one month old!

    I assume if you had kids, that question wouldn't be such a mystery.

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