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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. The Long, Strange Saga of Kamala Harris and Kimberly Guilfoyle More than two decades ago, the future vice president and the future conservative firebrand were rising legal stars in San Francisco. Then Ms. Guilfoyle accused Ms. Harris of trying to deny her a job. (below) ***** Cliff might like this. As he spoke of now departed DA Terrence Hallinan who was a colorful ,controversial DA for many years in San Francisco, defending LSD Laboratories, Church of Satan Anton Lavay, Patty Hearst briefly , Medical Marijuana etc. Gavin Newsom's first wife Kimberly Guilfoyle, is current cutting up sh-t with Donald Trump Jr. as his fiance. They got married in 2001, and Newsom ended up playing around on her and the marriage ended in 2005. Newsom has since married and has I believe has 3 kids. Kamala Harris was part of Halinan's DA team, when Guilfoyle wanted admission and according to Hallinan, Harris lobbied very strongly against admitting her to the team. So there's always been a feud between the 2 that Harris is largely silent about but Guilfoyle has talked about on Fox News. But still there seems to be some restraint about it as it would open up the whole can of worms between Newsome to Guilfoyle and Guilfoyle to Harris. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/09/19/us/politics/00harris-guilfoyle1/00harris-guilfoyle1-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp
  2. They already got their own body in Congress. Can't we have our election decided by who gets the most votes?
  3. I agree W. on all those counts. Though the Dems have moved closer to the Republicans on tariffs. But now Trump has shot to the moon on tariffs and the Dems are starting to draw the line. I think history will credit Trump in recognizing the Chinese economic threat, but Biden will be credited with more of a surgical strike that didn't hurt American workers as much, and I think it's worked better than i could have predicted 8 years ago, but that might also be due to a demographic decline in China as well. I think the Chinese have learned that it's more important to have a working relationship with the U.S. than say, Russia. As for "Big Oil", Unfortunately I think the Dems have also move toward the Repubs on energy policy. Now policy is leading toward more energy independence and less concern for climate change because its really been decided on high that our energy needs are going to get much greater with the advent of AI and Crypto. But it's also important to note that you can't find a Democratic politician who has come out in favor of Citizen's United. It's a little schizoid though in that the Dems didn't want codified into law what they are in effect already doing. So they're kind of saying to their base. "Please stop us, before we take this to such an extreme, you'll never forgive us, and that will be destabilizing."
  4. Bill,In the interview, I would interpret it as the Dems are trying to portray themselves as the "good cops" or the benign face of capitalism and the Republicans are the bad cops who don't care but are just adamant capitalists .But both omit the word "corporate" because that's where their money comes from and who they work for. My take
  5. The Senate Dems can tie in the Senate if only John Tester can win in Montana and he's currently losing by 5%. Outside of that, it would be nothing short of a revolution going after Big Daddy Ted Cruz in Texas. Will the people there ever break the chains that bind them? I can name 10 states he wouldn't be elected dog catcher! Tune in ! **** Good analogy. Corporatism is the order of the day. And the Democrats are the "good cops" and the Republicans are the "bad cops". But I think there's hope for the Democrats if their base ever got their sh-t together. Scaramucci, old corporate guy, lasted all of 10 days in the Trump administration, talking to Cenk Uygur about Citizen's United and corporate /government corruption hitting a 20 year streak of new highs!
  6. Wow Paul, was that supposed to be an answer to W's question? Well I guess that was in plain English. Thank you for that sniper jargon. It reminds me of Rumsfeld's "know known" and "known unknown!". Very Cool! I thought you guys might really like this! This commemorative photo of the "Big event" for only $99! John, I think they might even offer financing! Matt turned me on to it. You can thank him! P.S. I'm sorry, John, I spoke too soon The Trump organization is not offering financing. Karl, It's hard to believe there would be no investigation into Routh's background. I think there is, and there certainly should be. But just to clue you in on the rosters here. Matt Gaetz himself is under investigation for child sex trafficking and led a Republican coup to overthrow Speaker Kevin Mc Carthy when Gaetz asked Mc Carthy to stop the investigation , and Mc Carthy refused. Pretty cool huh?
  7. Government watchdogs are investigating Biden's weapons transfers to Israel after federal worker complaints, The Post has learned Inspectors general with jurisdiction over the State Department and Pentagon are preparing to publish the results of multiple investigations scrutinizing the Biden administration’s provision of U.S. weapons to Israel for its military campaign in Gaza, and “several” related inquiries are either underway or planned, their offices told The Washington Post. The forthcoming reports follow complaints from government employees who contend the export of billions of dollars in arms has violated U.S. and international law and received far too little oversight from watchdogs. **** I think this will end up being Biden's greatest failure. In fairness, his only excuse is that there little resistance in Congress and IMO, the images of suffering and death in Gaza just became commonplace to the American public, and they reached their limit in empathy,which I think is unconscionable. Biden would have to stepped up as a leader and try to mobilize the public conscience but we can see now that was never something he was cut out to do. So we're left with a lot of whining and complaining and eventually giving into top dog Netanyahu, and now it appears he is giving in more and supplying Netanyahu more than we realized. Unfortunately as long as the public mood is the same, I don't see any difference from Harris. ****** The inspectors general offices disclosed to The Post their plans to publish these reports while also acknowledging receipt of a letter from dozens of federal employees spanning more than 30 agencies who accused the watchdogs of failing to conduct proper oversight of Washington’s arms policy. The employee coalition, Feds United for Peace, said it was aware that the inspectors general had received information from government whistleblowers indicating U.S. officials “are knowingly violating domestic and international law, as well as Administration policies and procedures, in order to continue providing U.S. weapons to Israel for its war on Gaza,” according to a copy of the undated letter obtained by The Post. **** The United States has delivered more than 50,000 tons of missiles, bombs, artillery and other military equipment to Israel since Oct. 7, Israel’s Defense Ministry said last month. In late June, U.S. officials told The Post that Washington had transferred at least 14,000 of the highly devastating MK-84 2,000-pound bombs and 6,500 500-pound bombs. A month earlier, Biden decided to pause one shipment of 2,000- and 500-pound bombs — less than 1 percent of the weapons sent to Israel since the war began. The administration has since resumed shipment of 500-pound bombs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/09/18/us-weapons-israel-inspectors-general/?location=alert
  8. You have to learn about spycraft, Karl. The problem is I, we know all this! You haven't stumbled upon clandestine sources. This is public information.! Remember I used the analogy of LHO and the Soviet Union.? Think you better brush up on JFKA 101! That's like Israel publishing the receipts for buying those pagers and walkie talkies! heh heh Karl, you know so little about Russia. You actually thought Dmitry Medvedev was just another jerk off twitter search!
  9. Bill, I heard about the scandalous gang rape of this guy's wife in Avignon! Are you still mourning the loss of Alain Delon? heh heh It looks like Harris is slowly gaining in the electoral vote in your polyvote! A man on trial for repeatedly drugging his wife and recruiting dozens to rape her while she was unconscious told a French court that he is a rapist — and that the other accused men are, too. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/09/17/france-rape-trial-dominique-pelicot-testifies-husband-wife/?location=alert **** I hear now the government is releasing in February a list of drugs that they are going to negotiate with the manufactures to buy in mass and get the price down and one of them is believed to be Ozempic. W. I can't remember if that was in political discussions, but I've always hated Guiness!
  10. Dmitry Medvedev? Some Russian dude on twitter Karl? An objective international news source? He was actually the President of Russia for 4 years, to in essence keep Putin in power when the constitution didn't allow him successive terms! I know a lot of your resources. Ron De Santis had a miserably failed Presidential attempt, running solely on Trump/Fox culture war issues. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is a Russian politician who has been serving as deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia since 2020. Medvedev was also president of Russia between 2008 and 2012 and prime minister of Russia between 2012 and 2020. Medvedev was elected president in the 2008 election Blackwater CEO Eric Prince??? Blackwater is a private military company. Then we have the amateur sleuth Peak Prosperity dude, Chris Martenson all over again! My guess is at the end of this pitch, he's trying to sell you Gold or Crypto! Zero Hedge, Tyler Durden?? Fox News? I'm not going to continually butt in. That wouldn't be right. This is your thread, and you are the stars! I realize you guys are going to at first just throw some sh-t on the wall, and see what sticks. But you guys are not off to a good start and before Karl and Paul spend 100 hours on this one. I do get your theory, it's not exactly the U.S. Deep State but maybe in collaboration with Zelensky and Ukraine now? You guys failed to establish that the Deep State was behind the first Trump AA. And here's my prediction on this one. ROUTH IS ANOTHER LN! And I bet you I'm going to end up being correct again! Ukraine risking getting caught , recruiting an idiot like this? This tells me you have no grounding on the present reality, so how are you going to predict a future reality? That''s about as realistic as LHO being recruited by the Soviets to kill JFK! This is what you should have learned from decades studying the JFKA! Cotter: Shades of the JFK assassination, complete with “lone nuts” and official complicity and cover ups, about all of this, being played out repeatedly in real time, with the added twist of nearly half the US population and most of the mass media openly complicit and cheering it on. Symptoms of a terminally sick murderous empire. Oh, shades of JFKA indeed, John! And while Karl and Paul will do all the legwork, producing You Tube Video clips, etc. John will again chime in,in his self appointed role of "Codderfier", giving his razor keen ongoing commentary, like above, in support of the troops. Good Luck!, but you have my prediction!
  11. Hear hear Denny, Denny:Hopefully this currently ongoing story of the Haitians eating dogs and cats will be part of Trump's undoing. Yeah, well you'd think so. But it never happens. A standard of conduct has been dropped after 240 years! Example: Now Trump is blaming this 2nd assassination attempt on Biden and Harris!Yeah let's just keep inflaming everything until someone does get killed! ******* Hey, are there any limits to the protection that the taxpayers pay with Trump in his own private Golf Course? Particularly after he's charged the tax payer 5 times the going rate for the Secret Service to stay in his hotels? Cant the grift from all his campaign merchandising cover some of this expense? "Ask not what you're country can do for you?" People compare JFK with Trump? What a joke! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-organization-charged-secret-service-much-1185-night-stay-trump-d-rcna52521
  12. JOHN: It's safe to conclude that William Niederhut is unable to identify any flaws in the reasoning of Megyn Kelly or her guests. I await Kirk Galloway's response. I already responded. As usual I answer your questions. You don't listen to my answers and never answer mine. What don't you understand John? Did you even see the debate? I addressed the most significant responses from Kelly's guest. That's Mark Halpern, he was one of the respondents in the Kelly interview. If you' want us to view your material, at least learn the rosters! Perhaps you were diverted by that silly little tart, Sean Spicey. I gave my response (above) long before your silly pundits. I addressed that there were only 2 fact checks, and one of those was about that asinine assertion by Trump of Haitians eating neighbor's dogs. If you're going to call Trump on any of his 33 lies in that debate, that should be one of them. They also suspended the rules to let Trump have the last word on every question, and Trump had over 5 minutes more time than Harris, when the rules were for equal time. The fact that Trump was so discombobulated by Harris that he only used that time to hang himself, is not Harris or ABC's fault. Oh I know John! I feel your pain! Can't we all just be like Trump and never really lose? That would be so empowering!
  13. You can tell who has idle time on his hands when Cotter forsakes a full length movie to listen to Megyn Kelly! John never knew what he was missing and looks forward to 2027 when he can start following the U.S. Presidential elections a year and a half before the election! John: Please desist from your usual name-calling and specify where exactly Megyn Kelly or either of her guests were wrong. No, Halpern was right. Trump was horrible! He took the Harris's bait on everything, and looked fumbling and paralyzed, old and boring. I've watched every debate since 1960, and no one candidate has fallen for traps and was so obviously played by his opponent than Trump! And that's been reinforced by a 2-1 rating in the polls. My review of the debate, a few posts back is better than any of these pundits and it won't take 100 minutes, but one minute to read! John is mesmerized by Megyn Kelly, purely because she checks all the boxes of John's very hopeful adolescent ideal of an Irish American West Coast surfer girl! That's well and good John , but serious issues have to be pondered with more earnestness! John rose up in his night chair when Megyn Kelly said F-ck you to Taylor Swift!!! It's about time! Right John?
  14. Steve: When Trump dumps his half a million shares, It's 151 million shares Trump owns. There are 66 other original investors who got a pre IPO price of $10 per share. Their lockup expires on Sept 20th as well. They have to file if their intention is to sell upon lockup expiration as well. This is done to inform the little investors to give them the choice to sell beforehand. Which is critical because they didn't get in at the $10 share price of the 66 original investors. Still as you say, they could have gotten in at $70 and now be facing losing their life savings.
  15. That's another good point for Harris to make! Exactly, the Magas using that as their excuse for voting for Trump again, was like in the 60's saying you bought Playboy and Hustler purely for the articles! Trump is MAGA porn! You can't tear them away.They'll use any excuse! And this "greatest economy in history!" What BS! All major U.S. markets have been going steadily up since the 2009 bottom under Obama. The S&P more than tripled ( 3.4 x) in the 8 years under Obama. or up 170% per term. Under Trump the S&P went up 60% and under Biden up to now it's over 50%. But after an unprecedented 15 years of growth that started with Obama, it's bound to be bit long in the tooth. UNEMPLOYMENT: the U.S. was at it's lowest unemployment under Biden, slightly better than Trump before the pandemic. And you're right. Trump skyrocketed the deficit!
  16. As for the Trump collapse when Harris took him to task during their debate, My first thought was, Gee, that was easy. I can't help but think -was it always this easy? 5 years ago we first learned that Trump inherited 410 million and has declared bankruptcy 6 times. I wondered , how come Biden never brought things like this up? During the 2020 campaign it seemed like, despite being the challenger, Biden played defense and often only hoped to successfully deflect Trump's charges against Hunter Biden. Biden would attack Trump but often in non specific terms. I didn't like it, but in the end I had to admit, he won! So Biden knew something I didn't know. Now we know Harris won't spare him at all! We could all probably come up with things we've heard as well as things Trump settled out of court. - If Harris is going to say that the Trump's deliberately did not rent to blacks, she could also say the Trump family were known slumlords that often faced injunctions to not provide adequate facilities to their tenants There are a number of people who have said that, including decades back, Woodie Guthrie. -Trump in front of his supporters made fun of Paul Pelosi sustaining injuries being smashed over the head with a hammer. Trump imitates Biden and mocks hammer attack on Pelosi's husband in bizarre speech Since the cat is now out of the bag. And we know now Harris is not going to soft pedal it. Trump benefited from overcharging the government 5 times the going government rate for secret service members staying at his hotel, charging the $1185 dollars a night when the going government rate was $242. Documents obtained by Congress show the Secret Service was charged rates above the government rate at least 40 times from Jan. 20, 2017, to Sept. 15, 2021. Trump Org. charged Secret Service as much as $1,185 to stay at Trump hotel Harris should mention Trump is currently under investigation that Trump collected a $10 million cash bribe from Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.s Reports of Alleged Bribe are Consistent with Trump’s Record of Selling Out the White House to Corrupt Foreign Autocrats Oversight Democrats Launch Investigation into Allegations Trump DOJ Covered Up $10 Million Cash Bribe to Donald Trump from Egyptian President This was settled out of court involving the Trump crime family. This is about a settlement with Trump and Donald Jr. , Ivanka and Eric stealing from a child's charity! Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes: Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds What else could Harris bring up?
  17. As for the Trump collapse when Harris took him to task during their debate, My first thought was, Gee, that was easy! I can't help but think -was it always this easy? 5 years ago we first learned that Trump inherited 410 million and has declared bankruptcy 6 times. I wondered , how come Biden never brought things like this up when he debated Trump? During the 2020 campaign it seemed like, despite being the challenger, Biden played defense and often only hoped to successfully deflect Trump's charges against Hunter Biden. Biden would attack Trump but often in non specific terms. I didn't like it, but in the end I had to admit, he won! So Biden knew something I didn't know. Now we know Harris won't spare him at all! We could all probably come up with some more suggestions for Harris. Perhaps things we've heard as well as things Trump settled out of court. - If Harris is going to say that the Trump's deliberately did not rent to blacks, she could also say the Trump family were known slumlords that often faced injunctions to not provide adequate facilities to their tenants There are a number of people who have said that, including decades back, Woodie Guthrie. -Trump in front of his supporters made fun of Paul Pelosi sustaining injuries being smashed over the head with a hammer. Trump imitates Biden and mocks hammer attack on Pelosi's husband in bizarre speech Since the cat is now out of the bag. And we know now Harris is not going to soft pedal it. Trump benefited from overcharging the government 5 times the going government rate for Secret Service members staying at his hotel, charging the $1185 dollars a night when the going government rate was $242! Documents obtained by Congress show the Secret Service was charged rates above the government rate at least 40 times from Jan. 20, 2017, to Sept. 15, 2021. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-organization-charged-secret-service-much-1185-night-stay-trump-d-rcna52521 Harris should mention Trump is currently under investigation that Trump collected a $10 million cash bribe from Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.s Reports of Alleged Bribe are Consistent with Trump’s Record of Selling Out the White House to Corrupt Foreign Autocrats https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/news/press-releases/oversight-democrats-launch-investigation-allegations-trump-doj-covered-10 This was settled out of court involving the Trump crime family. This is about a settlement with Trump, Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric stealing from a child's charity! Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes: https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/news/press-releases/oversight-democrats-launch-investigation-allegations-trump-doj-covered-10 What else could Harris bring up?
  18. GOP spin and list of sour grape grievances about the debate. 1)Fact checked on social media claims of immigrants eating U.S. citizens dogs, My God the moderators were so unfair. CNN didn't fact check! It was 3 against 1! Fact:Trump Fact checked 2, maybe 3 times and Trump had 5 minutes more air time than Harris? 2) Trump got diverted by Harris with her cheap tricks! Yes that's true, she completely lulled him in and when Trump didn't end up bashing himself, Harris bashed him, All the while Harris was chiding him for being a sucker and easily manipulated by foreign leaders, like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Did the GOP catch the irony there? And this isn't some sign of Harris's competence under pressure? Oh how could that be? I'll agree that Harris wasn't put as much to task to get her policies out there as Trump. Some blame Trump for not taking her to task. First off I'm not even sure the debate rules even allowed for that. But I guess it didn't matter because all rules ended when Trump was given the complete license to have the last word on everything! I thought they were going to be turning off mics here, not turning them back on again. I think he got away with it twice and finally Harris said she also wants to respond in kind. It should have been as easy as not turning the mic back on and laying down the law and simply saying "we're running this debate here." Supposedly they have an agenda and time constraints! Was it really that unfair? He ended speaking over 5 minutes more than Harris. As it turned out, Trump gave himself a chance to challenge Harris, but with every Trump interjection, it ended up being just more rope for Trump to hang himself. The future, the Republicans seem to think Trump can actually learn and turn around his performance? What the GOP hopes for their next debate spin, is that they'll be able to say that Trump "calmed down" and "focused on the issues." So he'll just 1) talk about the border and 2) ask "are you better off* and both can be somewhat deflected and Trump will be even more boring than he was in this debate. Is that why people tune in to watch Trump? Because he's boring? * Never mind in either case does the Vice President direct policy. Harris will counter again that they had a border bill approved by both parties and Trump nixed it and his party followed in lockstep. And 2. Harris will remind him when Trump left office the economy was in shambles from covid ruin, It's not that fair, but neither is blaming Biden Harris for inflation that was caused by a surge in consumer spending chasing after fewer goods, after the covid lock down. But the average voter doesn't know the difference so it's all fair game.
  19. My god! after the debate I tune into MSNBC and it's 5 women led by Maddow, and one black man cheering Yay! We don't need to go after "law and order" Pam. No matter how much of a red herring that is. We have plenty of women! In my day, politics was a great way to meet women. Now they're even too scared for that! Now men look like a bunch of guys shooting the sh-t on a street corner in podunk Mexico. We have to take a crow bar and dislodge them from talking exclusively to one another and get them involved!
  20. GOP spin and list of sour grape grievances after the debate. 1)Fact checked on social medias claims of immigrants eating U.S. citizen's dogs, My God the moderators were so unfair! CNN didn't fact check! It was 3 against 1! Trump was fact checked 2, maybe 3 times and Trump had 5 minutes more air time than Harris! 2) Trump got diverted by Harris with her cheap tricks! Yes that's true, she completely lulled him in and when Trump didn't end up bashing himself, Harris bashed him! All the while Harris was chiding him for being a sucker and easily manipulated by foreign leaders, like Putin and Kim Jong Un. And this isn't some sign under pressure of Harris competence? Oh how could that be? I'll agree that Harris wasn't put as much to task to get her policies out there as Trump. Some blame Trump for not taking her to task. First off I'm not even sure the debate rules even allowed for that. But I guess it didn't matter because all rules ended when Trump was given the complete license to have the last word on everything! I thought they were going to be turning off mics here, not turning them back on again! I think he got away with it twice and finally Harris said she also wants to respond in kind. It should have been as easy as not turning the mic back on and laying down the law and simply saying "We're running this debate here." Supposedly they have an agenda and time constraints! Was it really that unfair? He ended speaking over 5 minutes more than Harris. As it turned out, Trump gave himself a chance to challenge Harris, but with every Trump interjection, it ended up being just more rope for Trump to hang himself. The future: the Republicans seem to think Trump can actually learn and turn around his performance? What the GOP hopes for their next debate spin, is that they'll be able to say that Trump "calmed down" and "focused on the issues." So he'll just 1) talk about the border and 2)ask "are you better off"*, and both can be somewhat deflected and Trump will be even more boring than he was in this debate. Is that why people tune in to watch Trump? Because he's boring? * Never mind in either case does the Vice President direct policy. Harris will counter again that they had a border bill approved by both parties and Trump nixed it and his party followed in lockstep. And 2. Harris will remind him when Trump left office the economy was in shambles from covid ruin. It's not that fair, but neither is blaming Biden Harris for inflation that was caused by a surge in consumer spending chasing after fewer goods, after the covid lock down. But the average voter doesn't know the difference so it's all fair game! .
  21. There was something in this debate for everybody. For the dystopian Trump supporters from across the pond: I'm sure Karl perked up when Trump gave a shout out to Karl's end of the world, when he mentioned Karl's good neighbor. Victor Orban! I know curbing migration is probably a greater political issue in Austria than it is in any other country in the world. Unfortunately Karl recently has found his dog missing, and he's sure it was probably eaten by some South Asian immigrants in a neighboring town. My condolences and Good Luck with that Karl! And Rigby, being religious and pro life, must have been greatly relieved when Trump refused to say he won't vote for an abortion ban! And Cotter must have cheered Trump's rhetoric about Globalism and high tariffs from high atop his nation's ultra globalist nation pedestal. I see where Dole Foods, whose Central American canned fruit was a staple of the U.S. in the 50's and 60's is now under the Ireland Corporate umbrella. Perhaps I would suggest maybe Ireland could actually shoot for the stars and produce their own products. It's not impossible for Europe. The Netherlands has great success in semi conductors with ASML and Denmark has hit the ball out of the park with Novo Nordisk and Ozempic and their GLP-1 drugs. Instead of pirating other nations corporations with your lax tax laws. Maybe you could produce a real successful product of your own other than Irish Spring Soap! heh heh heh Seriously, I know there's a lot of anxiety about this marking nothing less than the downfall and demise of men. But stop being such drama queens!
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