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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Ben:The whole neocon era is over Ben's right. This is a nice historic account of the Neocon movement, but it isn't relevant anymore. Old alliances are breaking down and the neocons find themselves without a party. The truly neocon War was Goerge Bush's elective war in Iraq, which was not supported by popular or political will and have been since been so discredited, they served to elect Trump, who was the only Republican taking a stand against it in the Republican Party. In Jim's dualistic world, anyone who wants world peace is a descendant of the JFK philosophy, (even though the greatest U.S. peace movement since WW2 was a grass roots movement against the War in Vietnam and was in no way inspired positively by JFK's 15,000 troop deployment at the time, but in some circles has been rewritten as such!) and anyone in favor of either of the current U.S. 2 wars according to Jim is a neocon or was duped by by the Neocon movement, which in his mind was foisted upon an unsuspecting American public. But for example, someone like me who sees the U.S. as aiding and funding genocide in Israel, is not facing the neocon movement, but is solidly in the minority, as the centrist position of both the Democrats and Republicans is essentially pro genocide in Gaza. This is not through any influence of PNAC, but is because that is the politically safe haven position. 10years ago, Netanyahu bypassed Obama and spoke primarily to the Republicans when he last came to Washington, now he speaks to both D's and R's. This had nothing to do with Kristol, Kagan, Wofowitz,Cheney Rumsfeld or originally Jackson, who incidentally was a huge friend of both JFK and RFK. Ron: JFK put 15,000 advisors in Vietnam to placate Joint Chiefs of Staff among others urging combat troops. Ben's right here, Ron. Placate is another term for "Kiss ass". JFK is the President of the United States! He doesn't have to kiss ass to anybody!
  2. Vance in 2016: I go back and forth thinking Trump is cynical asshole like Nixon,who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. ******* "They say my crowds are the largest in history, tremendous in fact, nobody draws larger crowds than me." ******* Re RK: I'm sorry, Bearworm is only part of the story! ********
  3. I noticed you haven't answered this from Jean, W. But you've said this: W: And, if Trump is at odds with the Deep State, why didn't he release the JFKA records and tell the American people "who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11," as he promised? On the contrary, one of Trump's closest associates, Rudy Giuliani, was intimately involved in the Bush-Cheney/PNAC 9/11 op. And I recall somewhere your stated reason for Bush, Cheney and PNAC blowing up the towers and killing 3000 Americans was to provide a pretext for Bush launching the Iraq War! You don't seem to realize if there was any exposure of Bush as starting 911, he'd be seen as the greatest traitor in American history, but you are so sure that he would be so confident of taking that chance and getting way with it! That also strikes me as being so absolutely paranoid wacko! , it rivals Harvey and Lee. This would be ok. If your purpose in posting this thread was not attack discreditable threads! IMO, if you have these beliefs, and you are a mod. You just have to be more tolerant.
  4. I agree Bill. You'd think he'd be hiding his head after his prediction of Democrat demise unless they keep Biden on the ticket. Right now we'd be restlessly thrashing about losing one by one the battleground states in the polls, then losing Virginia, New Hampshire, New Jersey!, and shaking in our boots at the thought of the next debate, but being reassured here that a Dem victory was in the bag! But now the the guy is back, claims that polls don't matter anymore, but somehow his keys still do! Now he boldly does a double reverse and proclaims that Biden should now resign? He's tweaking his keys so that he can try to milk it all the way to the election!
  5. Trump claiming he was in a near helicopter crash with Willie Brown. The story is repudiated by Willie Brown, now 90 here. Trump did ride in a helicopter with then Governor Jerry Brown with Gov. Elect Gavin Newsom to see the aftermath of the Paradise fires, but neither Jerry Brown or Newsome verify any impending Helicopter crash. The NYT reports Brown's repudiation. Trump phones the NYT and threatens to sue them! Trump Claims He Has Helicopter Trip Records and Threatens to Sue Former President Donald J. Trump insisted that he was in a dangerous helicopter landing, though the man he said he was with said it never happened. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/09/us/politics/trump-helicopter-landing.html Being from the Bay Area, I'm proud we could bring this bullsh-tter down!
  6. W. though you and I are in agreement about many things, you're on kind of a slippery slope here. I don't know what you could be possibly proposing to do about this here? But it doesn't matter, because you'll forever enjoy interceding and being the loyal opposition. You know you love it, baby!!* Hey, and sometimes I'll join you. So the big deal is the Litwin post? Though I don't agree with everything they say, But from what I've seen Gerry, Jean, Tom ,Greg, and Pat, are pretty straight shooters, have good research capabilities and have contributed a lot. I do think the general quality of posts are better among LNer's here. But that's not saying a lot as there are many more CTer's here, and some of them who embrace the JFKA as IMO, part of a network of conspiracies that fulfill a greater psychological need, and in some cases inevitably push wacko political theories. The LNers' /agnostics have to try harder. ** Conversely I think Harvey and Lee is absolute wacko. That's why I haven't read Armstrong, but it's foremost proponent I've read posting here is Jim whose intelligent , articulate,well mannered and rather level headed in his discourse. They keep their cul de sac tidy. Why should it bother me? I guess Miles:For whatever it is worth, I take a quite contrary stance to what several members on this forum have expressed above. I firmly believe that the assassination was a conspiracy. And yet, I probably spend just as much time reading so called Lone Nut research these days than CT research. Why? To challenge my own beliefs. I don't want to live in an echo chamber. If I am right then I am right, and if I am wrong then that is good because it puts me closer to the path of being right. I welcome all LN'ers on this forum, even though I may disagree with many of their arguments, because I don't want to miss what they have to say. When you discourage certain viewpoints from sitting at the table with you, you deny yourself the opportunity to hear them. I agree completely with Miles here. I do get tired of hearing the same old reinforcement of dogma here. Has it really got us anywhere? There's a lot of obstructionist behavior going on even on this thread.. Robert:Let me tell you something straight up: I don't look to Jim DiEugenio or Oliver Stone or David Talbot to tell me what happened in the JFK assassination. Add in James Douglass too. And I agree with Robert about this. There's really so much hypocrisy and politics going on in these discussions. I'll just leave it at that for now. * So ends my session counseling a Harvard trained Psychologist. No I don't expect any breakthrough. heh heh ** Of course, who can forget the perennial opposition DVP, who needs us much more than we need him. And is pretty sly, doesn't form coups, and pretty much keeps to himself to not blow the good thing he's got going again. Live/fight another day! Nice going Dave!
  7. Paul, As I recall weren't you, Gil and Cotter trumpeting RK (now at 2%) as the answer to all the current U.S. political problems? I remember Cotter very authoritatively and presumptuously telling us that RK was the only person could turn the U.S. around from the abyss we were facing! There was sort of the Kennedy "blood cult" going around the forum at the time. In Cotter's outlook, that was started by a "local boy makes good" JFK trip to Ireland in 63! Well, to update you on your hero who to your delight, important, cool conspiracy people like Tulsi Gabbard is now saying is going to throw his 2% support to Trump. We'll also use the Daily Show. I know you must fantasize on the life some of the Kennedy's, like RFK Jr. In this case a typical day is going "falconing" , finding dead bear roadkill, picking up the bear with the idea of bringing it home, skinning and eating it!, but first he had a dinner engagement at a chic NYC steak house, then found himself late for a flight so he decided he'd stage a bicycle accident with the dead bear in Central Park! Well here's the story, straight from RK Jr. himself telling it to Roseanne Barr! RK gives us a novel approach to damage control by telling his side of the story to some of his celebrity star followers! Brilliant! I was checking some of the old threads here and not surprisingly, I saw this Di Eugenio post! STOP THE PRESSES! RFK JR. ON TUCKER CARLSON! Yes, those were the days! Man what a twofer! Like anything RK Jr. , who first learned of a JFKA conspiracy at 50 could tell us would be any different than what Jim Di's already told us, and probably him! heh heh NYC is now coming after RK with a $37, 700 bill to recover their costs in disposing the bear! It does seem expensive, like the government spending $100,000 for a toilet seat, but RK can afford it!
  8. Well done Cliff! I tried as well to dialog with Gil about another sort of "Gil credo" on the JFKA side Gil's not interested in a dialog with anyone. Paul, That's funny, but be mindful of Gil and be careful of straying into "leftist sources" like the Daily Show! I'm sure such lampooning of his Presidential candidate would elicit Gil's cries of "hate!". It's fortunate he's spared of such free exchange with his chosen political sources where any real disagreements are severely dealt with.
  9. Congrats to Harris! Picking Tim Walz, an actual ideological pick than just trying to balance the ticket! Do you ever wonder about the life some of the Kennedy's like RFK Jr. have been allowed to live? In this case a typical day is going "falconing" , finding dead bear roadkill, picking up the bear with the idea of bringing it home, skinning and eating it, but first he had a dinner engagement at a chic NYC steak house, then found himself late for a flight so he decided he'd stage a bicycle accident with the dead bear in Central Park! Well here's the story, straight from RK Jr. himself telling it to Roseanne Barr! RK gives us a novel approach to damage control by telling his side of the story to some of his celebrity star followers! Brilliant! I was checking some of the old threads here and I saw a Di Eugenio post. STOP THE PRESSES! RFK JR. ON TUCKER CARLSON! Yeah, those were the days! Man what a twofer! Like anything RK Jr. who first learned of a JFKA conspiracy at 50 could tell us would be any different than what Jim Di's already told us, and probably him! heh heh RK bear dump segment starts at 7:11. NYC is now coming after RK with a $37, 000 bill to recover their costs in disposing the bear! It does seem expensive, like the government spending $100,000 for a toilet seat, but RK can afford it!
  10. Ok, he looks like a Granddad even though Harris and him are the same age. But what Tim Walz emphasizes is more on target IMO, than any of the others. He's definitely the least corporate and Harris and him would be a very unified message, that ideally would deflect the corporate sponsored bugaboo about "Socialism" that has plagued the U.S. all of our lives! But is this ideological conformity electable? Shapiro is a good balancing act. I personally don't like his super pro Israel stance. But will that still be a huge issue 3 years from now? He's also pro school vouchers. Could he be part of this new Harris launch to get Republican voters? Mayor Pet seems like a long shot but he is probably the best at debating the opposition. I like Mark Kelley and Gabby Giffords , but as Vice President? Not for me. I'm glad Cooper took himself out of the running. Walz is good for young voters who are already not near as turned off as any other age group at the thought of Socialism.
  11. I agree Jean, the forces of good here would portray LHO as a brilliant mind, who taught himself Russian if he didn't go to Monterey. Was not overwhelmed with being unable to support himself and his family, wasn't put in a position to depend on the kindness of others, and still didn't seem that appreciative, and didn't really offer a lot to others and wasn't a pain in the ass to everyone around him. Yes, most of that comes from Michael Paine. I don't find LHO the least profound, but Larry makes a good point that a lot of 60's activists were very idealistic but not very deep or very penetrative in their political philosophies. Yes, I agree. Apart from the suspicions of the funding of his trip, In some ways, to a lesser extent, LHO is like the groups of Americans who immigrated to Stalin's USSR in the 30's because they wanted to be on the cutting edge of the new political utopia and eventually found they made the worst choices of their lives, except LHO could leave, but when that choice was thrust on him, he threatened to take his life which shows a definite sense of purpose behind the trip. IMO, Both assertions could be correct. He had a good healthy youthful curiosity to see the working reality of the Soviet political system. But he was an avid fan of "I lead 3 lives", these are not necessarily at cross purposes, and at one point along the line, others took notice.
  12. I think this Harris reaction to Trump cancelling the debate is the perfect tone! You have to goad and shame Trump into debate! I think he can be goaded but it may be also be a necessity if Harris extends a lead.
  13. Wow Steve!, So Kemp is standing up to Trump's insults obviously because he knows his standing is strong enough in Georgia that Trump can't touch him. At the same time, even though Trump may stay away from insulting his family he knows Trump is not going to take his advice. But now the Republican Georgia LT. Governor is saying the same thing. Good for Harris making inroads into Florida and getting back states Biden had, but was losing. ***** Geoff Duncan, the former Republican Lt. Governor of Georgia, just released a powerful statement on behalf of the Harris campaign following Trump’s disastrous speech in Atlanta.
  14. Of course, we are currently trying to prosecute a former President Trump, initially 92 counts worth!, though I'll grant up to now, not very successfully. But if Trump doesn't get elected, I do see future successful convictions.
  15. Concerning the WAPO article link Doug posted. $10M cash withdrawal drove secret probe into whether Trump took money from Egypt Political appointees rejected efforts to search for additional evidence investigators believed might provide answers, then closed the case. **** The bottom line is as of sometime in 2022, the statute of limitations kicked in. Biden and Merrick Garland had a year to prosecute , but I suppose dropped it because they wanted to promote unity. But here are some of the details: -Inside the state-run National Bank of Egypt, employees were soon busy placing bundles of $100 bills into two large bags, according to records from the bank. Four men arrived and carried away the bags, which U.S. officials later described in sealed court filings as weighing a combined 200 pounds and containing what was then a sizable share of Egypt’s reserve of U.S. currency. -Over the course of his presidency, Trump shifted U.S. policy in ways that benefited the Egyptian leader, a man he once called “my favorite dictator.” In 2018, Trump’s State Department released $195 million in military aid that the United States had been withholding over human rights abuses — a move that had been opposed by his first secretary of state — followed by the release of $1.2 billion more in such assistance. -after he assumed office, Trump quickly embraced Sisi, the people said. Breaking with U.S. policy under President Barack Obama, Trump invited the Egyptian leader to be one of his first guests at the White House and met with him again, among other Arab leaders, on his first trip abroad. RE:PROBE -One official called it “jaw dropping.” In early 2017, Justice Department officials were briefed on initial reports from the Central Intelligence Agency that Sisi had sought to send money to Trump. -Barr later instructed FBI Director Christopher A. Wray to impose “adult supervision” on FBI agents Barr described as “hell-bent” on pursuing Trump’s records, according to people familiar with the exchange. It is unclear what, if any, actions Wray, who was also appointed by Trump, took in response. -In June 2020, the prosecutor Barr appointed to take over the office leading the case closed the probe, citing “a lack of sufficient evidence to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt.” -This exclusive account of the Egypt investigation is based on a review of thousands of pages of government records, including sealed court filings and exhibits. The Post also interviewed more than two dozen people with knowledge of the investigation. The individuals spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive probe that ended without criminal charges. Some showed The Post emails, texts and other documents corroborating their accounts.
  16. Stephen Bonell who also goes by the name of "Destiny," which sounds very egotistical,but nonetheless is a stud in these debates below! Bonnell was born of super right wing Anti Castro parents who fled Cuba in the 60's . This is a Piers Morgan podcast involving on one side Bonnell and Cenk Uygur against 2 Trumpists I don't know the name of. Morgan is really a pro Trumpist masquerading as some twisted sort of "enlightened centrist. " I'm aware of the meaning of the term "flake" to describe a person but not as aware of the current extrapolation into "snowflake" but I think the libertarian women here who seems to love Marilyn Monroe falls perfectly into what I envision the term snowflake should be, in that it's still flaky, but conveys a general harmlessness. The other Trumpist is a black body builder with lots of tattoos. There was an instance with both of them where I did agree with but in general they were fodder for Bonnell and Uygur. Then they bring in snotty Toni Lahren of blonde women Fox news in a setting like out of a beauty pageant. My only regret is that there wasn't time to completely grill her! One wasted segment about Pier's Catholic sensitivities, Get over yourself Piers. W. I don't know if Piers just recently moved to Denver but I've never seen majestic mountains like that in the U.K.!
  17. W. I appreciate and applaud your efforts to contribute to this tread even though it is relegated to relative obscurity. But Schumer's efforts are largely symbolic. The Dems have the Senate but not the House and with so many seats coming up, the chances are right now they'll lose the Senate! About a similar disenfranchising issue with campaign reform in a battleground state. Wisconsin had a very good Senator Russ Feingold who partnered with John Mc Cain in the campaign finance Mc Cain/Feingold bill. How did Wisconites reward him? They booted him out of office for tall Swede Ron Johnson! Then after 4 years of Johnson saying crazy sh-t, Feingold tried to retake the seat and Johnson defeated him again! Then remember we had Governor Jim Thompson , who at one time was early on was leading the Repub race in early 2016 with 11% to go down to 1% with national exposure after the first 2 primaries! And who can forget Paul Ryan? Biden should have started this Supreme Court thing after Dodd. The Clarence Thomas improprieties were public knowledge by that time. But the chances were also limited without both houses. .
  18. Matt No offense but you've been saying this now for 3 years with Biden , as well as forecasting the demise of Putin! A couple of months ago, I finally had to interject here that Biden was losing and the very best he could do was 275-263, and he was currently behind in all 3 battleground states he won in 2020, which would be a Trump wipe out! I'm pretty much with Bill's new forecast at this time with Harris. This is Harris's hay day. She has to build a secure lead of 4-5 points right after the convention or it's going to be a slog, where if no candidate makes a major mistake, we're going to be relying on Harris in her debate with Trump, which I think she could do very well. I'm just getting tired of the rose colored glasses of Michael, Cohen, Mary Trump and Ben Meiselas, , (even though I like him a lot) telling me every new Trump incident buries him and ends up creating false hope and being wrong! How many people have been saying this now since 2016! These people do not have their fingers on the pulse of anything! They probably just don't want to believe Americans could be so stupid, but they obviously can by virtue of the fact that this is already so close!
  19. Whew! Really? Eisenhower? It's hard for me to imagine Clinton not bs'ing himself about that! I do remember Reich saying something to that effect. He did sort of phase Reich out. Before him, it was the only 12 year period of Republican rule in the post war era. Then he lost all of his nerve when the Newt Gingrich Republican sweep happened. But if we're including celebrities and sports stars on a Democratic ticket, Bill. I might have, at one time put forward Al Franken and Bill Walton, bless his positive soul, RIP! In the next phase, we'll need people who had the courage for serious ego death! And the Dead at the Inaugural Ball! Inspirational talk in 2020! And speak of a meeting of the devils! Bill interviewing Kareem! I like his lead question! heh heh heh Kareem: Memories of Bill Walton: My Rival, My Brother and My Close Friend https://youtu.be/rp7ntz0uQYA
  20. Watch Buttigieg in this Fox interview. This guy could take on anyone now in politics and 60 years ago could even absolutely wipe JFK's ass in any debate! OMG!, did I say that! The demands on candidates, the varieties of questions are unlike anything back in the 60's, The scope of Presidential debates back then were like electing Andy of Mayberry to office compared to now. By today's standards the Kennedy Nixon debates were child's play between the 40 yard lines, it was very civil and they hardly disagreed about anything really. We'll see how this develops but the Harris campaign does draw lines very clearly, and mostly to the Dems advantage. Imagine the nerve racking spectacle of still playing between the 40 yard lines with Biden, and I think inevitably losing and greatly hastening the end of his life on the planet! I don't know how the electoral politics would work. Is America ready for the Black/Asian/ Woman/Gay ticket ? Would Buttigieg though being a Gay from Indiana make inroads into the battleground states? But for debate, I don't think there could be any better. Not just against J.D. Vance. But the entire Fox network! Just watch how Buttigieg stays on message!
  21. That's right Matt. Watch Buttigieg in this Fox interview. This guy could take on anyone now in politics and 60 years ago could even absolutely wipe JFK's ass in any debate! OMG!, did I say that! The demands on candidates, the varieties of questions are unlike anything back in the 60's. The scope of Presidential debates back then were like electing Andy of Mayberry to office compared to now. By today's standards the Kennedy Nixon debates were child's play between the 40 yard lines, it was very civil and they hardly disagreed about anything. Excellent post W.! We'll see how this develops but the Harris campaign does draw lines very clearly,and mostly to the Dems advantage. Imagine the nerve racking spectacle of still playing between the 40 yard lines with Biden, and I think inevitably losing and greatly hastening the end of his life on the planet! I don't know how the electoral politics would work. Is America ready for the Black/Asian/ Woman/Gay ticket ? Would Buttigieg though being a Gay from Indiana make inroads into the battleground states? But for debate, I don't think there could be any better. Not just against J.D. Vance. But the entire Fox network! Just watch as Buttigieg stays on message. https://youtu.be/t48d7JkkFyk
  22. It's understandable with the fluid political situation that of late we have been posting polls about every day. I did want to resist that. But this Fox poll is breaking new ground! I know this was Bill and I's hunch. These 2 candidates were as unpopular and as old as any candidates ever! It had to mean that if given a different choice many more voters would come out. Is this an outlier or a real trend to the upside?
  23. This Vanity Fair article on RFK Jr. is rather damning, but in a Kennedy clan believable way! He's portrayed as a somewhat disturbed person that no one in the family has the guts to expose! I'd say obviously they don't like what he's doing and fear he could do harm to the country, that also reflects on their family. And now they hear that RK would offer his voters for a Medical Post in Trump's Cabinet ?? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/robert-kennedy-jr-shocking-history
  24. That's an impressive array of artists. I got that way too around 72. $20 bucks!, I boycotted the big name bands because I thought they had become too greedy! I just to happen to come across this travel clip of Carcassonne. Looks like a cool fortress city! These brits loved it! They asked, 'why does nobody come here?" I bet that's fine with you! I was in Florence and Rome in early June thinking maybe the kids weren't out of school' It was cool, but a complete tourist zoo! The canyons I forgot the name of were the Gorges de Verdun. https://youtu.be/_dgWrPovul8
  25. Bill, Great song, I used to do 805 in a duo. I used to see Jerry Miller solo in the Santa Cruz Mountain music scene. Bill, These are all musicians you've seen? Very cool! Yes, W. I've seen the English Beat, with the Dead, Beach Boys, Gladys Knight, Joe Jackson, , Jimmy Cliff, Yellow Man, Rick James, Peter Tosh, Rita Marley in Jamaica Sun Splash in 1983.
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