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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Many are calling incomprehensible? Listen to this fumbling answer by rambling moron Trump, when asked at this economic forum about what he intends to do about Child care. And the investment community there actually applauds.
  2. I was first kind of interested in Karl's post until I saw it was from JD Vance. What do you think he'd say Karl? If you're really serious. Get somebody impartial like the OMB. I've been audited twice.They didn't get $500 bucks total. Let me give you one example of how a guy like you can be snookered with analysis like this. Because people earning $400,00 a year are really the top 1%. If then 10% of the total audits are with people earning over $400,000 a year, that means their rate of auditing is 10 times the rate of people earning under $400,000! Do you get it? A lot of deception is done by the ultra wealthy with statistics. And I would never trust any politician to give you the straight dope. Particularly from an opposition party. But even more a tech millionaire, like JD Vance!
  3. Briefly, The premiere Neo fascist state is Russia. It certainly isn't communist or even Socialist. It's a kleptocracy. Roger ;The war has been an unmitigated disaster for the US and is likely to end in the short term. You've been saying that for 2 and half years Roger! It's a disaster for the people of Ukraine and a disaster for Russia. If you're at all politically oriented you know the Israel -Hamas and Russia -Ukraine wars are both popular wars in the U.S. Not that I find that desirable. But it could change. Roger: But right from the beginning the war didn't go well for the US and NATO. Completely wrong there Roger, everyone was expecting a quick Russian march into Kiev. Biden offered Zelensky asylum, which he refused. Roger: Russian troops had already made it to the outskirts of Kiev. Putin began withdrawing them in anticipation of the agreement being implemented. Where did you hear that? You're certainly assuming a lot of mobility there? So remember that aerial shot of the 20 mile tank convoy into Kiev, Roger? They weren't at all a coordinated fighting force, filled with undisciplined conscripts, poorly supplied, with such a penchant for the secrecy that the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing. The Ukrainians bombed critical bridges of entry. Their old tanks got stuck in the mud. They didn't have sufficient fuel or spare parts, and were forced to loot Ukrainian towns by foot. The biggest secret learned is that Nato or the U.S. could completely overwhelm Russia in a ground war. Not that I think that's necessarily a good thing. Aren't you aware that Putin went to N. Korea and Russia has been forced to buy arms from Kim Jong Un and Iraq? Does that sound like a superior position to you? Roger: The sanctions imposed by the US as part of the war have speeded the growth and development of Brics in response to US hegemony. The end of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency is in sight. Yes Roger, "when the Brics come marching in", you'll finally get your comeuppance and relieve your guilt! You obviously don't have kids, but ok. I don't think there's an urgent need for a bi polar order with despots and there will be even less of a need in the future. But most all the Bric growth has been based on China's emergence which is demographically in decline. The Bric countries represent fossil fuels and coal, does that sound good to you? Gauging their progress is always cyclical as their economies are tied to commodity market conditions that always greatly fluctuate. Many think Putin was saved in the early 2000's by a spike in oil. If you want a bipolar world with a bunch of despots, because we have our own corporate despotism, so what's the difference? You're entitled to think that. But we do have the capability of actually curbing corporate power. Russia and China can't curb their power, without completely falling apart. Here's the present reality, China's realizing that they need the U.S. much more than they need a stooge state like Russia, and unless things go completely haywire, they're not going to invade Taiwan. Here's a revolution for you Roger. The United States is energy independent and after this blow up in Israel, (after all who needs this!) over the longer term, the U.S. is going to disengage, they are going to be withdrawing their Navy used to protect the shipping lanes that they started after WW2 to make the "world safe for capitalism", and we're going to have more and more international piracy. The Cold war is long over and the U.S. isn't as gung ho about "hegemony" and imperialism as you think! This is already going under way. Do you know who the current U.S. largest trading partner is? Check it out! Then check out #2! *Brazil is one of the few countries the U.S. has a trade surplus with. I don't think they're going anywhere!
  4. Robert , you might like this. Certainly to this day RK Jr. doesn't wade into the LBK did it! If all the elders thought one thing, their kids were kept completely out of it. So what else is new? And a good job they did! RK Jr. doesn't believe either his uncle or his Dad's death was a conspiracy until he's 50 years old! He has some interesting anecdotes, in an earlier segment he accounts how LBJ was very nice to him, as a youngster and use to give him gifts. He actually credits LBJ with sending RFK on trips to Indonesia and Asia to get him out of his funk after his brother's death. He talks about the resentful relationship between his Father and Hoover. But in the end. Most of his accounts of the JFK-LBJ, RFK-LBJ , are just more hearsay we could have picked up ourselves. But still interesting!
  5. I think things are safe right now. But in the final weeks in Jan 21. Nancy Pelosi phoned General Milley and said we have a crazy person as President whose liable to go rogue and start a coup. Milley had already taken steps to protect the nuclear arsenal from Trump. So Milley instructed all of his underlings to not take a call from Trump. Steve Banon said he once Trump wins back the Presidency he wants to try Pelosi and Milley for treason. This is from the Woodward Costa book. Hey I liked that game theory Bill. https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/14/politics/woodward-book-trump-nuclear/index.html
  6. That is the essential question,I was asking John. No answer. I guess John being Irish would go with the top dog, the colonizers,the oppressors, right? heh heh John, I'm sure you were wide eyed, and swallowed my escapade in Budapest all the way to my final disclaimer. Kirk "Only on this forum, would I expect to be asked such a stupid question" Congratulations John!, I know what you're thinking now. "If Kirk (or whatever his name really is!)was CIA. That's exactly what he'd say!" hah hah
  7. Ok, John, you're justified to mention. Lots of European and Ukrainian migrants or refugees in the mix as well as native West writers. . But do you honestly think this doesn't represent the sentiments of the overwhelming number of Ukrainians John? Or does that matter to you? John:The authors of that thing talk a lot about events in Eastern Europe during World War II but manage to avoid mentioning Hitler’s overall plan for the Third Reich to annex and enslave Russia, They they do manage to chronicle: In 1939, it was the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany that invaded Poland. In 1940, it was the Soviet Union that invaded the Baltic countries. In 1940, it was the Soviet Union that annexed parts of Romania. In 1956, it was the Soviet Union that invaded Hungary. In 1968, it was the Soviet Union that invaded Czechoslovakia. Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Hungary or Czechoslovakia did not invade Russia or the Soviet Union. No threat emanated from these countries. John, Maybe relatively, you just got here. But U.S. intervention in foreign countries since WW2 has not been given short shrift on this forum at all. You're essentially preaching to the choir. Oh really John? , So this is a foray into questioning anther forum members allegiances to the CIA?, just as your desperate "spycomix" drive in the "Political forum" to link the U.S, "Deep State" to the Trump assassination attempt that dried up? You can't get one Republican, Trump or even conspiracy fave Tulsi Gabbard to buy that! But Okay Okay John! I was in Budapest and met some people, who instantly knew I was an a American and befriended me. I swear I didn't know them before!! It turned out they were CIA agents, and we partied for a few days. They told me they were laying the ground work for a plan to disrupt Hungary and overthrow Viktor Orban and "get closer to Putin". They called the plan "Kiev2" after their successful coup in Ukraine! They said they expect the operation to be a "slam dunk" and even easier than the overthrow of Guatemala in 1953! They were great guys! Very capable and intelligent! I don't know how else to say it but, they made me so comfortable around them, I felt like one of Karl's "Secret Team" that he says were part of Trump's assassination attempt, but for the record. I don't condone that! They told me it was about 2 years in the making, so my guess is that it should happen any day now! Please don't breathe a word of this outside of the forum or I fear I could lose my life! Only on this forum, would I expect to be asked such a stupid question!
  8. No one person can get everything they want, so it's wrong to blame the 15 year Russian economic chaos 1990 -2005 solely on Jeffrey Sachs. But now i see a tendency more recently for Sachs to blame everybody but himself. I think he's a basically good guy with good intentions. Maybe he's trying to reassure the Russians that he's misunderstood and he wasn't part of a group whose policies were out to screw them all along? But I've seen a few inaccuracies in some of his statements and there is a very relevant group of people that no one mentions who very much take Sach's statements to task in this Open letter to Jefferey Sachs. This is from the group of Authors Society of Ukraine. (link below) First off they don't see their revolution in 2014 as at all being the work of the U.S. and the CIA (as Jim Di and Oliver Stone contend, whose probably never been there but believes what he believes probably solely from his 10 hour interview with Putin) but they do expect their right as a sovereign nation to make their own choices in direction. Let us set the record straight on the historical events from 2013-2014, at which you hint in the aforementioned misinformative statements: The Euromaidan had nothing to do with NATO, nor the US. Initial protest was sparked by Viktor Yanukovych’s decision not to sign the European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement, despite said agreement passing the Ukrainian Parliament with an overwhelming majority and enjoying broad support among the Ukrainian population. Yanukovich’s regime’s choice to respond by brutally beating peaceful protesters (mostly students) on the night of November 30, 2013, only further alienated the population and intensified the protests. After the adoption of a set of laws forbidding the freedom of press and assembly (commonly termed the “dictatorship laws”) by Yanukovych in January 2014, the Euromaidan turned into a broader movement against government abuse of power and corruption, police brutality, and human rights violation – which we now refer to as the Revolution of Dignity. Ukraine’s accession to NATO was never a goal of this movement. Hence, your attempts to trace the beginning of the war to “NATO” are historically inaccurate. Furthermore, treating Ukraine as a pawn on the US geo-political chessboard is a slap in the face to millions of Ukrainians who risked their lives during the Revolution of Dignity. 2. "Nato provoked Russia" A cornerstone of Sach's assertions. Being long time historical neighbors to Russia, they do not accept Sach's assertion that Russia is a victim at all but has history of not respecting the sovereignty of it's much smaller neighbors and brutally invading them. You repeatedly emphasize that the expansion of NATO provoked Russia (e.g., “NATO should not enlarge, because that threatens the security of Russia,” from your interview to Isaac Chotiner at the New Yorker from February 27, 2023). We want to alert you to a few facts. In 1939, it was the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany that invaded Poland. In 1940, it was the Soviet Union that invaded the Baltic countries. In 1940, it was the Soviet Union that annexed parts of Romania. In 1956, it was the Soviet Union that invaded Hungary. In 1968, it was the Soviet Union that invaded Czechoslovakia. Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Hungary or Czechoslovakia did not invade Russia or the Soviet Union. No threat emanated from these countries. But these countries were attacked by the USSR/Russia. This is why these countries wanted to join NATO. Since joining NATO, none of these countries have been attacked by Russia again. Just like these countries, Ukraine (whose military budget was a mere $2.9 bn in 2013, prior to Russia’s military aggression against it) wants to have security and peace. It does not want to be attacked again by Russia (whose military budget in 2013 stood at $68 bn). Given that Ukraine’s agreement to give up its nuclear weapons in 1994 in exchange for security “assurances” from the US, UK and Russia (!) did nothing to prevent Russian aggression, currently the only credible guarantee is NATO membership. We also want to draw your attention to the fact that Finland and Sweden applied for NATO membership in response to Russian aggression, and yet Russia did not complain about these two countries joining NATO. You do not seem to be particularly concerned about these two countries joining NATO either. This differential treatment of Ukraine vs. Finland/Sweden legitimizes “spheres of influence,” a notion that seems appropriate for the age of empires and not for the modern era. They go on to address Russia's invasion of Crimea, and the Russian myth that they are a divided nation with a huge Neo Nazi contingent, which should be obvious by now when in 2018 in a free and fair election the Bandera, Azov candidate got only 2% of the vote. They don't seem unrealistic in their expectations but don't believe if they were to concede Crimea and Donbass to Putin, that that would be the end of it. Actually a very good read for anyone here whose weighed in on these topics. Or people who view the political game as so hierarchical that Ukraine's individual plight is not at all significant. https://voxukraine.org/en/open-letter-to-jeffrey-sachs/
  9. Paul, so we have Williamson acknowledging that the right has been indulging in wacko conspiracy theories and then remarking that 30% of the Democrats (I don't where he got that figure) now are doing the same thing saying that the assassination attempt was a "Trump staged event." So that begs the question, what Williamson and Gabbard must think of these knuckleheads believing the opposite, that the incident was a failed "deep state" assassination attempt by Karl's "Secret Team?" And have spent hours of research only to come up dry? I'm not sure why you posted this. They scoff in your face. Neither Williamson or Gabbard fuel the flames of your Trump "deep state" assassination attempt! **** Ok so about this buffed Brit in shorts, Williamson. Are you religious Paul? or a seeker? I notice he's done another podcast with Gabbard entitled "Has the left abandoned God?" He seems to emphasize fitness. Have you made a resolution to get in shape after years of cross country smoking? We'll eventually seduce you one way or the other. If it's not our Politics, it's Hollywood or tobacco! I notice he recommends listening to Jordan Peterson, he's Canadian. His sort of overly dignified pompous manner has always struck sort of a vestigial root to the British for me. We don't really have anybody like him here. Please don't take offense, as I don't find you near as dignified. heh heh P.S. I don't think Gabbard has any idea who runs the U.S. government. And Gabbard says "Trump is not beholden to these interests?" Trump's only real act of consequence during his Presidency was to cut taxes to the corporations and the extremely wealthy. With your current level of U.S. sophistication, that's all you need to know.
  10. We're carrying on like 20 years ago, we all expected this to happen! The country's burning up! In a first, Phoenix hits 100 straight days of 100-degree heat https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/09/03/phoenix-100-degree-temperatures-record/?wpisrc=nl_the7&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F3eeb446%2F66d83c30211e9f0820d68c42%2F646f594f44d19211b692299e%2F52%2F90%2F66d83c30211e9f0820d68c42
  11. Trump now admits, he lost by a whisker. After he put our nation to sh-t. And still wants to make trouble! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-acknowledges-lost-2020-election-whisker-rcna169526
  12. Wow! Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin and Tim Pool! I've heard plenty of all those guys! They are all jerks! In response to the indictment of the two Russians, Pool wrote on social media, "Should these allegations prove true, I as well as the other personalities and commentators were deceived and are victims. I cannot speak for anyone else at the company as to what they do or to what they are instructed. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-tenet-media-right-wing-influencers-justice-department/
  13. Wow, how about this? Trump now has 151 million shares of his social media stock, that he can't sell until it's lockup expiration which happens on Sept 20! At the current price Trump could cash in over 2.5 billion dollars! What a complete scam for a stock that's losing money and has even devastated the saving of a number of it's holders who are die hard Trump fans. Being a stock where the general trend has been down 75% from its $79 high, but will uptrend in periods where it acts as a proxy for Trump's Presidential hopes. The next big date is Sept 10, next Tuesday when Trump debates Harris! So a make or break event is coming up prior to the lockup expiration. If Trump is perceived as losing the debate it could mean 1 billion dollars in stock value. But even if the stock should go from 17 to 4, for example , with Trump owning 151 million shares. That's till 600 million dollars! Again where is the SEC?, what a scam! https://www.axios.com/2024/08/29/donald-trump-truth-social-stock DJT 6 month stock performance. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=+trump+media+stock+pricen
  14. Yes, We "apparently missed it". Of course whatever Roger posts is the definitive link about any subject! (as Cotter nods in agreement, hopefully he's actually read it.) The questions are difficult, but to approach it in any other manner than to say both sides wanted Russia to succeed as a capitalist nation is kind immature just as it is to blame it on the west or western banks, but typical here. It was a failure that all now regret. But as we see later, that's not what Sachs says at the time. Some suggested at the time nothing short of a Marshall plan........ Oh, but that was George Soros!, Come to think of it, isn't that just typical of that evil Liberal? I'm sure that's what he planned all along! Better millions of innocent Russians starve! But let's acknowledge some blame by Sachs. Turning around Russia was a lot more massive a problem then turning around Poland, where there also wouldn't be so much popular resistance. Let's go back to 1993 (link below) , in a NYT article about the young wunderkind , touted as the single biggest western influence in turning around the new Russian economy. I like these famous last words from Sachs. "Poland, with its reforms in place, is the fastest-growing economy in Eastern Europe," says Sachs. "If Poland can do it, so can Russia." The article: Getting a handle on the magnitude of the problem is obviously difficult in a country that cannot even explain why life expectancy has fallen sharply in the last two decades. But some number is better than none. And by pressing officials to address this and other pivotal issues, Sachs hopes to accelerate the pace of reform.""Sachs's message of urgency is not universally accepted. Plenty of Western as well as Russian economists contend that a more gradual approach is not only possible but necessary." Economic reform is a political process," says Padma Desai at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University. "First, you must build consensus."And even his sympathizers acknowledge that Sachs's high profile and world-class impatience could generate a backlash in a nation still adjusting to the reality that it is no longer a superpower." Not to be put off, more brazen quotes from Sachs. "In fact, he is confident that revolution is the natural means of economic change. Sachs "If you look at how reform has occurred, it has been through the rapid adaptation of foreign models," he concludes, "not a slow evolution of modern institutions." Instead of solely blaming the IMF, and the international banks, as Roger's article says Sachs does. For a more nuanced conversation, can we say Sachs blamed the Russian government and bureaucracy at the time? General Pinochet was a tyrant, Sachs says, but he did represent the interests of the Chilean middle class and was thus a strong supporter of market reforms. In Russia, by contrast, an authoritarian government would undoubtedly serve as a front for the military-industrial complex, which Sachs believes is the primary obstacle to a capitalist rebirth. Now we get a more insight into Sachs philosophy motivation, and background.Don't let that long, liberal face fool you. This guy's a killer for Capitalism! The first goal for reformers, says Sachs, is to get across the message that democracy and capitalism are inextricable. Sachs, as a matter of principle, refuses to advise unelected governments: When approached by Poland's Communist junta to help renegotiate the country's foreign debts, he turned them down flat. Sachs's unbending stand, one must assume, has more than a little to do with the experience of his wife, Sonia Ehrlich, a pediatrician in Cambridge, Mass., who fled Communist Czechoslovakia with her family at age 12. And as noted in 1993, the oligarchs are circling above. The decisive political battle on privatization (and perhaps the entire economic reform effort) will not be over the fate of small businesses, however. It will turn on the privatization of the larger enterprises, particularly the ones that equipped the Red Army with the latest weaponry. Many have been formally converted to joint-stock companies, and Russians have all been given vouchers that they can use to bid for shares. A recent showcase sale of ZIL, the conglomerate that made the stretch limos used by Kremlin big shots, was widely acknowledged a big success. And more misguided optimism that there would be massive foreign investment rather than being swept up by their own oligarchs. Sachs is also more optimistic than his critics about the capacity of some Russian enterprises to swim with the foreign sharks. In fact, he sees an industrial comeback worthy of postwar Japan. Russian industrial exports now total about $5 billion. "I'll bet they reach $50 billion by the turn of the century." ****** Gil's thread here is actually at least the 3rd piece here about Jeffrey Sachs in the last 2 months because of Sach's statement that he is now open to the idea of a JFKA government conspiracy. I think 2 of these pieces were written by Jim who 4 years earlier, when mistakenly taking up Oliver's Stone's mantle of unwittingly giving Putin excuse for what was to be his invasion of Ukraine" wrote about Sachs. Jim :These rightwing nuts have made an absolute mess out of Ukraine, similar to what Yeltsin and Jeff Sachs did to Russia during their shock doctrine days. Obviously now, quite a turnaround! Obviously in Jim's eyes, Sachs has now completely been reformed from his halcyon days revolutionizing the post Soviet economy. Here we have an example of the MSM that is the NYT, actually cautioning Sachs that he might be going too fast! And they actually got it right! Oh Lord!, how could that be? Someone call the mods! heh heh But to Sachs, "Democracy and capitalism are inextricable!" and "If you look at how reform has occurred, it has been through the rapid adaptation of foreign models," he concludes, "not a slow evolution of modern institutions." https://www.nytimes.com/1993/06/27/magazine/dr-jeffrey-sachs-shock-therapist.html
  15. I see my student John, eagerly raising his hand high above his head, desperately trying to get my attention. But to nip it in the bud, John. There are at least a dozen present day Eastern Europe countries and I never told you I was going to Romania. John I think the upcoming few months could be a very disruptive period for you and Gil. But particularly for you. Coming from such a monoethnic, monotheistic (which I know well!) and monoculture as you do with a 1% black population (and you're up in arms about immigration to boot!) Thank God for London!, I'm sure the first black person you saw in real life was probably st Heathrow? Though maybe the first image of a black person was from American TV? Maybe Bill Cosby in I Spy? Or Dianne Carrol in Julia? I personally hated that show, though I think it might have been a good first step for you. I can only how imagine how unsettling the idea of a black, Indian woman taking the most powerful office on earth would be for you! Like the colonies raising their ugly head again! In the states we call that a triple whammy! But we're not monocultural white bread here and I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for you. I would say, for your own sanity, turn your head away from these images of multi cultural displays of joy, hope and freedom. At your current rate of integration you may get a better grasp and find peace maybe when you reach 100, which seems like along way off, but will be there before you know it!
  16. Gil: And yes, the public is brainwashed! uh huh! Well, as if we didn't know we were going to this point. I can only shudder to think how crazy Gil's commentary will become if Harris continues to build on her lead. I think this should be relegated to "political discussions" alongside Gil's thread Trump pays tribute to service members killed in Afghanistan pullout – while Biden vacations in Delaware Actually despite that, there's some decent discussion going on there. ****** Paul: that's quite a clown car you've assembled there. Washed up L.A. comedian turned pod caster Jimmy Dore with washed up actor turned pod caster Russell Brand and then a once credible journalist refugee trying to get back at his brethren because they didn't support some of his kooky claims. Sort of like Glenn Greenwald without the animus.
  17. Yes, this concern for health comes from Rigby who enjoys "cross country smoking." I think RK and Marianne Williamson, but particularly RK is right about processed foods. We in the U.S. have addicted a big swath of the middle class of the world on these foods. But you have to ask what he could reasonably expect to do, and how? It's got to start somewhere and be made an issue. But it's not easy, There's also a lot of longtime consumer/addicts that simply won't put up with your taking away their corn chips or twinkies or any one of a million things.
  18. Now after hundreds of hours of research. The search for government complicity in the assassination attempt is obviously over. That was a noble attempt lads! But the challenge is only half finished. I'm going to assign Paul and Karl to now investigate that the Orange Asset was complicit with the SS to stage this obviously phony choreographed assassination attempt psyop photo op. I think the obvious lead to look into is the agent with the big sun glasses. John, I expect you to continue and just sit back and lend your emotional support! Good luck, and report back to me.
  19. And both of them are hearsay. But about these sources. First off, Let's be clear, Napolitano has had 3 sexual harassment charges brought against him, the first said he sexually assaulted him in exchange for a lighter sentence in an arson case. Then one was a waiter in a restaurant in 2020, and the third a Fox employee that cost him his job at Fox. He's denied all the charges. But even if we somehow give him the benefit of the doubt, my experience in following him in the little I've seen throughout his years on Fox. I saw him continually act surprised and sometimes expressed "disappointment" at Trump's newest extralegal forays. But at least from what I saw, he never castigated Trump. "Oh he just a bad boy", but he uses his contact with Trump to further his career, just like Carlson. He was always a legal expert "go to guy". But I would have liked to see him in a forum of other legal experts to test what expertise he really had. But as for Napolitano's credibility, all this is out the window if any of these sexual allegations are true! Then RK, RK's the natural guy to want action. No one would forgive him but honestly nothing new that could be revealed at this point is going to absolutely convince the public in any way that would merit seriously changing the status quo. Disbanding the CIA in any meaningful way? Are you out of your mind? Like any major or minor power would do that! Throw out a bunch of people 60 years later who you have no grounds to say knew anything about it, and rearrange the deck chairs! This is what I mean by titanic hopes! But even making the RK the face of this investigation. He's gone from 20% to 2%!, Bear worms/ severed whale heads. Good Lord! And I'm not even talking about him shopping himself to both Presidential candidates! You're not at all concerned in the long term, but I am. That's what I mean when I say you guys don't get it. In politics, the messenger is the message. It also helps to know the rosters. And for the Trump voters,
  20. Yikes Bill, all the major increases are with the Democrats. Why isn't this just a blow out? It would be interesting to see how much of the increase is from 7/20 to the election, 11/20. I wouldn't think that there would be a low turn out rate with people who have registered in just the last 4 years.
  21. The 2 Phils RIP The first 4 minutes Phil Hartman doing Phil Donahue on the Donahue Show.
  22. A time capsule here. I ran across this, Because he can be so easily caricatured and made fun of, people forget that Phil Donahue lost his show on MSNBC because he was too anti George Bush's War in Iraq. Here he very cooly, beats the brains out of misogynist douchebag, De Mohrenschildt fibber, Pro Iraq War, Bill O'Reilly. We shouldn't forget he was a good guy and a force for good! Here Donahue talks about losing his job at MSNBC.
  23. Jim: You don't determine the values in the community here, and don't give us loyalty oaths. I've never been particularly impressed with your political knowledge. JMO And if you don't see a greater picture beyond your one issue. I don't think anything of your "political instincts and acumen." Jim: "Trump says he will declassify, As I said in one of the many related threads lately. "more titanic hopes" JIm: "what is Harris going to do in response?" I'd say nothing. You know why? Because probably not one per cent of the population can tell you who Ruth Paine is
  24. This is funny stuff, George Conway is running very funny anti Trump ads near Mara Lago under Psychopac.org so now Trump is forced to run ads down there to counteract them. It's particularly funny because his ex-wife Kellyanne works for Trump! Conway's introduction to psychopac.com.
  25. Interesting, going against your immune system! I was told with my liver,that Lemonade would be good for me. Now it's the only thing I have a food addiction to! I cut out ice cream 10 years ago. I use to eat a half gallon in 3 sittings, this incidentally at my old steady weight 35 lbs. ago. Then my blood sugar went too high and I stopped altogether. I lost about 5 lbs.! Interesting, I've never had a food allergy i knew of. But there are so many people with allergies to peanuts. I've always thought there might be something with peanuts because, have you ever had a "peanut burp"? That is the worst! It can trigger a sort of shallow throw up that i always suppress, but end up with a terrible taste in my mouth that I swallow! heh! i use to buy perfectly good viagra from India at 10 cents on the dollar. Now that's pretty common. I'm sure there are places in the world that you get GLP 1 drugs at a considerable discount, or will be soon. I understand you just have no craving for food or alcohol! You eat not even half of what you used to eat, mostly just to eat! ***** Gosh that Gil is such a Trump shill! The way he ceased on the Trump visit to Arlington! And he seems so clueless about Trump's past statements about servicemen! And then the altercation and Trump's being reprimanded for his obvious cynical politicizing. Do you think Gil is just so isolated, he's never heard what Trump for example said about John Mc Cain and our warriors being "losers"? Will he see the headlines about the altercation at Arlington and dismiss it as the work of "Operation Mockingbird"! Some people here are really far gone!
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