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Kirk Gallaway

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Posts posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. On 8/30/2023 at 6:31 PM, Douglas Caddy said:

    May be an image of text that says 'Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curio children before the great mystery into which we were born. -Albert Einstein'

    So true Doug!, Thanks!

    Actually, I think that attitude can prolong your life.

    I think that's the  mental mindset  and spiritual outlook to longevity. But then making the connection to take care of your physical body and of course having the ability to employ some physical regimen, and of course a few breaks,  could make you live a long time.

  2. Yeah, it's difficult to say why that is. I'd like to think it's because the youth is starting to get involved in politics, and Putin's invasion of Ukraine  has brought the 60's Cold War back into focus. And because younger people start out more to the left. JFK has become  the sort of the reputed embodiment of that. He's also very interesting, sexy, and died tragically.  

    But curiously,  Of course the current everyday reminder of the Kennedy legacy is the RK candidacy, but that doesn't translate at all as he's been stuck between 13-15% for a few months now.

    For years here, there's been a narrative that the MSM has been out  to destroy the Kennedys and all these tell all books talking of Kennedy scandal was some organized coup from the "deep state" and not the usual people just out to make a buck. Well despite  all these evil efforts, doesn't this show that they've done nothing to really tarnish the Kennedy image?  A new candidate from a new generation will have the wind at their backs.


  3. Very cool! Claudia Conway , daughter of George and Kellyanne Conway is speaking out for woman's rights and against Scotus!

    Of course I've been seeing George a lot lately, as anti Trump a commentary as any Conservative voice in the media.

    He always makes a lot of sense and nails Trump to a tee! He sort of shines on their recent divorce. Could it be just because they're 2 career political junkies who had career political junkie irreconcilable differences?


    r/PoliticalMemes - I luv their daughter! She's been an individual thinker for a minute 🤟


    Here she is in a recent interview.


  4. Well of course  with your background W. You know better than anybody about this historic tendency toward a  morbid national psyche that I first gleaned when I was young just through reading Crime and Punishment.

    I don't know if you checked out Vexler's shorter excerpts now regarding the deaths of Prigozhin and Dugin's daughter. I didn't realize that I had seen her as a newscaster, commentator perhaps on RT.

     At the end of the Dugin clip, he does warn of the susceptibility of the right and the  gradual erosion of Democratic principles in the West.

    He gets a little dark and hypnotically a little "vexing" himself, heh heh,   but I like him.

    Didn't Cotter call Putin "a  great man" or maybe it was "a great leader?"




  5. On 8/24/2023 at 4:54 AM, Eddy Bainbridge said:

    At first blush, it seems extremely unlikely that, if a group desired the success of the initial pretext that they would meekly accept the lone-note theory. If a group had the power to set up the pretext , then surely they would have the levers to reinforce the message?

    It's a good question, Eddie.  I think what eventually happened might lead some credence to there not being those levers, and executive power holds supreme. And similar to the BOP, there was another attempt to push the executive in one direction that didn't materialize.

    I think the government had to improvise rather quickly (as it did involve a world stage)with a few good theories but no concrete answers, and with the desire to contain to avoid further speculation, took the most blameless path, the lone gunman, to avoid any messiness and counter claims. 
    The  intentions and the desire to set up Oswald as a pretext to invasion of Cuba was sniffed out and snuffed, and was considered prominent enough by LBJ and the higher echelons of government  that a complete scotching of regime change in Cuba ensues, and directions become focused toward Vietnam. However it's more correct to say the overall fear of JFK was more specifically about the continuance of the Cold War than it was specifically about Vietnam. IMO
  6. 6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Ron Paul believes that the Deep Security State was involved in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK.

    Big deal.  (Not.)

    This is another political thread that is somewhat relevant but not worth moderating on the main JFKA Debate forum. I am not going to micro-manage this thread just so that Matthew Koch can keep it there. So I am moving it to Politician Discussions now.


    Agreed Sandy, I fully expect Koch to scoop Ted Cruz next! But he'll claim his Dad was innocent!

    I'm sure $98 for 100 pages would be a "interesting" bargain for Koch!

  7. Just to clue the kiddies, Paul had a career as a gynecologist,  and has a generous pension as a Congressman. And with good investment over the course of his long career, it wouldn't be at all outrageous for Paul to make a over a million a year in his retirement  years. And to this you could add speaking engagements and the sales from this book that Koch is plugging.
    So Paul's political message is his "talking his own book" and getting paid for it.
    And of course Paul has to be aware for years  that the obvious answer his opponents could counter to his claims of Social Security becoming insolvent would be to apply the SS taxes on all that million dollar income  instead of the first 140,000. He obviously has to know that the vast majority of people would have to be  stupid to adopt his concept of taxation and sees his  success over generations  at keeping his wealth as evidence of that fact.
    Another mega wealthy Republican Presidential hopeful* striving to downplay expectations and break the bad news of diminishing Social Security retirement benefits to the lowly masses and future generations is   North Dakota Governor Doug  Borgum.   "Do you really expect to see a paycheck!",  Then when challenged with lifting the cap on Social Security Tax by Saagar and Krystal Ball. Watch how he twists in knots, diverting into China, energy policy, Biden's  Inflation Reduction Act, and then in obfuscation, he's left to cry out "class warfare" to the laughter of Saagar and  Ball!
    And in the end, after 10 minutes he still won't be honest and just come out and say he wants to cut retirement and medical benefits!
    Obviously that exchange wasn't in Borgum's "playbook".
    Could you really imagine Tucker asking these questions?
    Of course, the obvious question is, why isn't anyone from the mainstream media asking these Republican phony baloneys  these questions? 


  8. What has this really got to do with the JFKA other than a another Republican con politician with no special knowledge of the assassination exploiting it it for political influence, just like Roger Stone..
    Ron Paul is a one  issue politician who represents billionaires, the mega rich and corporate interests who don't want to pay taxes, or at least as little as possible, but however  is distinguished in his honesty that he wants to screw you and take away your social security, retirement benefits and medical care. To that end, he'll relentlessly attack government*,  who through taxation are the only means to redress wealth inequality, standing in his way.
    *He says  all the safety net is going to bankrupt the nation anyway. When in reality if you just raised the cap to start taxing all personal annual income of over 140,000 a year, Social Security would be solvent indefinitely! Currently no ones pays a dime of income to SS over $140 K income.
    There's not a chance in hell if any of Paul's Republican bids for the presidency were to come true that Paul would serve over one term. Paul's stated aim of  starvation of the "administrative state" would dry up all government activity outside of defense and render the U.S. economy into a barren wasteland, all the while proclaiming it some victory for "liberty"!  Either Paul is deluded to see that as a last ditch necessary reset or he's naively stupid to actually think a super trickle down would then magically ensue that would save everybody although there's no evidence in the past that supports that idea at all.   Either way he's deluded.
  9. 3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    News flash to those that insult me - Kirk - I am a well informed citizen who finds your posts incomprehensible. I’m in good company there. You just enjoy tearing people down. 
    Andrew - you don’t have a clue. Nothing you said is factual. 
    william - I don’t need a lesson in the Republican bubble. I’m not confused or leaning rightward. The problem is the opposite. I’m far to the left in my political opinions than any of you. I’m hoping you will realize you are being manipulated. by fear of Trump into embracing corporate Military industrial media congressional complex fascism. 
    Is it too much to ask that people fact check by listening to the man himself? The journalist I most respect in the world is clearly on his side. Talbot is an expert on the Kennedy family history, on CIA manipulations. He sees through all the crap you all apparently take as gospel. Kirk is grasping at straws when he tries to poke holes in Talbot’s truthful study of the Kennedy brothers. 

    I've actually listened a lot to RK, including most of this clip.

    I'm not going to get mean spirited. I haven't seen that you are at all issue oriented, and I didn't expect you to take offense at that.


    Paul, Any candidate saying identical things, whose easier to listen to, who wasn't a Kennedy wouldn't get your time of day. That's the truth!
    Check out the link below. Now that you're in it this far . At this point, Might as well give up girlfriends!
    It's the least you can do.
    Heh heh   I'm informing you that's a joke, so I don't appear incomprehensible!
    This is what I mean by "issues".
    Are you sure you're "to the left" of us?




  10. All the (Former) President’s Lawyers

    Donald Trump’s PACs have spent millions of dollars on a small army of lawyers to defend him in four separate federal and state criminal cases.

    Lists Trump lawyers and how much paid.



  11. Rigby, has definitely been doing his chronological research on the Biden crime family!

    That promised international date with Sydney Powell was a definite enticement!

    Rigby doesn't get out much anymore.


    r/PoliticalMemes - Joe. He knows how old he is.


    It was good research, but I think Rigby got the order of aging reversed!














    8 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    It’s interesting that you don’t see the bubble on the Democratic side. A good example is their coverage of RFK Jr. 

    Paul, I suppose we'd have to look at each example you're talking about. But  are you sure your "democratic  bubble" is not just an intolerance of a free press of people who disagree with you, and maybe from time to time show their bias, like any humans? I haven't seen much evidence in your posts that you're  informed citizen enough that policies even matter to you.   It looks like your RK following  is ,just in my thinking a naive trust that whatever he does will be in all good people's interests.

    I do think that characterizes the nature of a lot of his appeal as a candidate among his followers and particularly on this forum, where it ranges from a very visceral sort of attraction to an outright blood worship. IMO

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