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Andrej Stancak

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Posts posted by Andrej Stancak

  1. More on connecting the dots. Does Oswald's/Prayer Man's behaviour reveal a foreknowledge of some kind of an incident supposed to happen during the motorcade?

    I have analysed behaviours of witnesses (or pairs of people) of whom some had a foreknowledge of a possible incident involving shooting and others did not have any foreknowledge. This table shows the people selected for my analysis and a list of units of behaviour considered.


    All details and footnotes are in my essay: https://thejfktruthmatters.wordpress.com/2021/03/28/symptoms-of-foreknowledge/

    It seems to me that Oswald's/Prayer Man's behaviour matched Marvin Holt's behaviour quite closely. Holt had a foreknowledge of a possible incident, possibly involving a mock shooting, however, in no case did he expect four shots. Holt immediately recognised the meaning of the shots and also realised that he was likely set up and therefore, he sought a hide out in a boxcar where he was joined by two other individuals. Holt did not explore the scene, he rather made an effort to escape. Prayer Man (Oswald) behaved similarly. Prayer Man appeared not interested in exploring the scene (Grassy Knoll or Triple Underpass), he rather gazed in opposite direction, unlike anyone in the doorway. Prayer Man shows signs of defensive behaviour, possibly contemplating leaving the Depository in direction of East Elm Street. Indeed, Oswald left the building within a few minutes from North Houston and onto East Elm Street.

    My analysis discards the possibility of Oswald being a member of an abort team. I have compared Oswald's/Prayer man's behaviour with movements and decisions of two abort teams: Sergio and Plumlee, and J. Goode and Robert Nash. Somehow, a mission to abort a potential assassination would be difficult to achieve while sitting in Domino room or standing in the Depository doorway... Furthermore, being a member of an abort team did not entail having own rifle in the building.









  2. 20 hours ago, John Butler said:

    I thank you for pointing that out.  Altgens 6 has a man in a suit and tie.  However, he is a portly man sort of like Alfred Hitchcok.  Bill Shelley was short and slender.  In my opinion Altgens 6 is not a match.



    you cannot know how "portly" the man wearing a black suit and a tie was without seeing his full figure. This man in Altgens6 (Shelley) was looking in direction of the Records Building and slightly upwards. Thus, his trunk was bent slightly backwards and his chest was a bit more open compared to if he stood straight or look down. 

    The reason why this man in Altgens6 is Shelley refers to both the visual data (there was only one man in the doorway in black suit and a tie and Shelley happened to be dressed exactly this way on that day) and the existing witness testimonies. Shelley was in the vicinity of Sarah Stanton, Buell Wesley Frazier, Billy Lovelady - please see brief summaries of witness accounts in a screenshot from my video on Youtube. 


    Shelley himself confirmed he had stood on the top landing just in front of the glass door:

    Mr. BALL - You were standing where?
    Mr. SHELLEY - Just outside the glass doors there.
    Mr. BALL - That would be on the top landing of the entrance?
    Mr. SHELLEY - yes.

    Thus, one does not need to see all facial features or a complete figure of a person to be able to decide with reasonable confidence if that man in the centre of the doorway was Bill Shelley or not.

    The Darnell film has a big advantage that it shows both Buell Wesley Frazier and this man (Shelley) standing on the same plane. It is therefore possible to check if Shelley's body height of 5'6'' would be plausible because Frazier was 6' or 6 1/2' and the top of head of a man 5'6'' standing next to Frazier would reach to a feature of Frazier's face at the specific level of 5'6''. To do this analysis, one needs to bear in mind that there is another person standing behind Shelley (Sarah Stanton with her thick light-coloured, blonde hair). I did this analysis and am confident that the man in Darnell whom I flagged up as Shelley would match Shelley's body height. 

    Some people, and I am not saying you are one of them, do not want that anything pertaining to the people in the doorway is actually determined. So, let us not dispute what can be established positively and with a reasonable confidence because this decreases the entropy, clears the case a bit more, and also helps to identify those individuals who still have not been identified. This is a big thing.

    This is the sole reason for quoting you and responding again even if I do not wish to extend the photographic discussions in this thread. I have no intention to change your views, however, I want that whoever reads this thread understands the reasons for my claims and conclusions.

  3. It should be also pointed out that Len Osanic has also invited Barry Ernest who was able to respond to John Armstrong's hoax allegation. The podcast was posted on Blackop Radio on March 4: https://blackopradio.com/pod/black1032.mp3

    It is very instructive to listen to both podcasts, Armstrong's and Ernest's. Well done to Blackop Radio for offering an opportunity for a rebuttal to Barry Ernest.

  4. 41 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    I saw the figures you have pointed to, but they are too vague for me to say that they are Bill Shelley.


    you brought these pictures here and asked me to indicate where was Shelley. I knew you would not be satisfied but you cannot say I ignored your request.

    If you want some more thoughts for brain regarding identification of Shelley in various pictures, please start with Altgens6. Maybe you can agree that Shelley was the man in black (dark) suit wearing a tie who stood on the top landing just behind Lovelady. If you can agree that that man was Shelley, please try to contemplate this: only a couple of seconds elapsed between Altgens6 and Wiegman's stills. Therefore, the man who we may agree is Shelley in Altgens6 and the man who is at the same location in Wiegman as Altgens6' Shelley will be Shelley. Simply, Shelley could not evaporate within those couple of seconds and be replaced by someone of the same body height, standing at the same spot and having white shirt surrounded by a dark area (coat).

    I would be thankful if my reply could be the last post in this thread on Shelley's presence in the assassination pictures.

  5. John:

    I do not want to drag this thread away from Armstrong's questioning Barry Ernest's discovery. I have explained the locations of various Depository employees in Altgens6, Wiegman and Darnell in my previous posts. 

    Therefore, I would only refrain to answering your question as to where is Shelley in Wiegman and Darnell in your insets. Please find here your edited picture with arrows pointing to Shelley. I have also pointed to Williams because Williams stood in front and below Shelley, therefore, his figure obstructs part of Shelley's figure. A small detail: Williams swapped arms to shield his eyes.


  6. John:

    the point is that Vicky Adams did not say she has seen Lovelady and Shelley when she and Sandra Styles went down the stairs and reached the first floor. These girls did not see Marrion Baker and Roy Truly either. Barry Ernest investigated this conundrum until he solved it. Vicky Adams confirmed to Barry Ernest repeatedly she did not see Shelley and Lovelady while on their way out. The alleged encounter between Adams&Styles and Shelley&Lovelady got into the Warren Report by mistake. Vicky Adams's corrected testimony for the Warren Commission never got into the published Hearings, she did not authorise the published version.

    Adams and Styles left the building within 60 seconds or even slightly earlier (my calculations). The point is that Mrs. Garner, Adams's and Styles's supervisor, confirmed that they left before Truly and Baker climbed up the stairs and reached the fourth floor. Since the two parties (Adams & Styles and Baker & Truly) did not see each other and Adams & Styles left before Garner saw Truly & Baker, the only possibility is that the two girls left the building early on and therefore missed Truly and Baker. There is no chance that Lovelady and Shelley could be in the back of the first floor within one minute without being seen by Truly and Baker who came to the back of the first floor about 70 seconds after the last shot and just missed Adams and Styles.Moreover, both Lovelady and Shelley confirmed that they had seen Truly and Baker entering the building while they (Lovelady and Shelley) were about 15-20 meters away from the front entrance on the small concrete island there. 


  7. Well, John Armstrong's interpretation of the immediate aftermath of the shooting is a very sad story. Rather, it is a mad story. It has the sole purpose of making Armstrong's escape plan working. To make his nonsensical escape plan working, Lovelady (!) needed to be  conspirator, Shelley too, the electric power needed to be shut off right before arrival of the motorcade, both men needed to make sure to switch on the power again so that the passenger lift can be used to transport two shooters from the sixth floor to the 1st floor, to this end the wooden floor needed to be dismantled and restored again so that nobody sees any manipulation with the floor, and of course, book boxes needed to be placed over the place where the wooden floor was disturbed, and off they go using a ladder to enter the lift through the roof of the said lift parked on the 4th floor. Therefore, Vicky Adams lied (or just did not remember?) that she had not seen Lovelady and Shelley who just happened to be there in the back of the first floor to fiddle with the electric switch box. These two men lied also when they said that they have walked to the island in front of the building and returned to the building after several minutes via the western entrance. Yes, they lied because they were CIA and helped the assassins to escape the building. 

    This hurts.

    Anyway, this is what Shelley told the Warren Commission:

    Mr. BALL - What did you hear?
    Mr. SHELLEY - Well, I heard something sounded like it was a firecracker and a slight pause and then two more a little bit closer together.
    Mr. BALL - And then?
    Mr. SHELLEY - I didn't think anything about it.
    Mr. BALL - What did it sound like to you?
    Mr. SHELLEY - Sounded like a miniature cannon or baby giant firecracker, wasn't real loud.
    Mr. BALL - What happened; what did you do then?
    Mr. SHELLEY - I didn't do anything for a minute.

    Yes, Shelley did not do anything for about a minute. He was still at the centre of the top landing for tens of seconds, the same spot where he can be seen in Altgens6, Wiegman and Darnell. Shelley (and Lovelady) heard Gloria Calvary telling people on steps about the impact of shots and then he and Lovelady left the doorway to go to the island where they were stopped by Police. Both men saw Truly and Baker entering the building (*) when they were already safely on that island. The light in the first floor vestibule behind the glass door was shining brightly (seen in the Darnell), telling everyone that there was no power outage in the building. 

    I am so glad that I do not have to lie - do not need to make any theory working, I just want to test if some possibilities could be true.

    (*) Credit to Sandy Larsen for pointing to the direction of Officer Baker's run in Couch/Darnell a few years ago. Lovelady's and Shelley's testimonies clearly exclude the possibility that Baker ran straight into the building. He spent a period of time (20 seconds?) with first running to a location around the east corner of the building, and only then he returned to enter the building. Should Baker run straight into the building, he would be in the second floor lunchroom too soon, much earlier than Oswald if Oswald had to descend from the sixth floor (which he did not).

  8. Jim:

    thanks for posting the link to your review, it is extremely useful and it would only make a good service to this book if it would have included it as a foreword. I can now revisit the book and read the important bits in a focused way.

    On a more general note, while it is necessary that the community has high experts on JFK archives, the question is what breakthrough can we expect from sifting through the archives. As pointed out in your review and by others, there are documented holes in the archived documents, especially in documents pertaining to Lee Oswald and his stay in Soviet Union and his travel to Mexico City. Of  course, it is possible to infer from such holes that the intelligence agencies want to prevent the public from knowing what they knew about Lee Oswald before November 22. However, nowhere in the archives will there be a document revealing the machinery of the assassination simply because the plot did not operate via filed documents; it was perhaps in one-to-one meetings held in secrecy and using coded language, keeping the number of people in the know to minimum. Some aspects of the plot, even if they appear tightly coordinated across parties, were likely achieved based on unspoken common interests (such as let us blame a communist since we all hate communism) and are therefore untraceable. 

    As time goes on, there is less and less chance that a smoking gun type information will pop up either in archives or in form of a testimony or confession. Actually, the last real deal was Agent Hosty's note about Lee Oswald going out to watch P. parade, discovered by Bart Kamp in Malcolm Blunt's archive. This leads me to mentioning  a still existing  chance of revealing the identity of that unknown man standing at the western wall of the doorway in Wiegman and Darnell films, even if such identification would be based on circumstantial evidence.  


  9. Keyvan:

    This looks like an impressive visualisation of the frontal head shot. Would you please post also the original frame which you or the researcher you credited started from so that people could reproduce this finding.

    While the dark spot(s) appears to be at the right location, the challenge is always to separate a true object (e.g., the entry wound) from noise of different origins that can cause similarly looking shapes. For instance, Jackie has also a dark spot to the left of her nose and just below her eye that looks like a depression (wound) on her face. One way of adding to the veracity of a photographic finding is to demonstrate it in multiple frames or different photographs; this is dead difficult in the case of JFK assassination.


  10. Here is some more information on William M. Tyree.


    This does not question the validity of information pertaining to JFK assassination provided by Bill Tyree.

    The role of Ruth Paine in fishing vulnerable people for the CIA as described in the affidavit could happen. However, Lee Oswald was not in Dallas in 1957-1958 if I remember correctly, he was still in New Orleans. But people may not remember years and this is a 2nd-hand information anyway, so even if the years 1957-1958 would be a mistake, it does not mean that the whole story was made up.

  11. 23 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

    Doesn't Prayerman lore suggest Baker never went up the front steps and instead ran parallel to them?

    As far as I understand the past posts on this topic, there are reasons, based on the intuitively extended trajectory of Baker's run, to think that Baker ran toward the east corner of the Depository first instead to the main entrance (glass door). However, he would then return immediately to the main entrance and enter the building. The run toward the east corner could cause a delay in Baker's entering the building of some 15-20 seconds. So, whether Baker ran first to the east corner or not, he would anyway enter the building through the door with Wesley Frazier standing next to the same door. However, Frazier denied twice seeing a police officer running into the building and passing him.

    The problem with the possibility of Baker running first to the east corner is that there is no single testimony confirming such deviation from the official trajectory of Baker's run which was his running straight to the building.

    On the other hand, my calculations (which require testing in a real building) suggest that Baker would reach the 2nd floor too soon unless he spent time with e.g., checking the east corner before entering the building, sooner than about 1 min 18 s obtained in FBI's reconstruction of Baker's movements.

    Actually, the delay caused by Baker first running to the east corner of the building (maybe to check the fire escape stairs) would explain how could Lee Oswald feature as Prayer Man and still meet Baker on the second floor.  If Baker first went to check the east corner and delayed his entering the building by about 20 seconds, this would allow Lee Oswald to leave the doorway, check the storage spaces (one on the first floor and another on the second floor next to the passenger lift), get to the 2nd floor via the stairs starting in the front lobby, walk through the 2nd floor hallway and enter the 2nd floor lunchroom from the hallway area of the second floor. 

    However, irrespective of the uncertainty of Baker's movements, Baker would climb the steps of the doorway while Frazier was standing up there on the op landing and Frazier would have to notice him. If he did not see Baker, why can he be trusted in spotting anyone else?



  12. The point some researcher often use to question the possibility of Lee Harvey Oswald being outside just after the last shot rang out is that there are no eyewitnesses who would confirm Oswald's presence or Prayer Man's identity. The problem is that the question of Prayer Man's identity had surfaced so late after the assassination that there are almost no living witnesses who could confirm or refute this possibility. One living witness who could shed light on Prayer Man's identity is Buell Wesley Frazier. 

    There seem to be issues with Mr. Frazier's reports about people in the doorway after the shooting that prompt a question of the width of Wesley Frazier's attention span. Prayer Man was an inconspicuous person standing calmly and staying in the doorway for a short period of time of less than a minute. But what about someone clearly attracting attention due to being the first police officer entering the Depository, running up the steps, pushing people away and passing Mr. Frazier at a distance of maybe one foot?  Well, Wesley Frazier did not register even such a major event:

    Mr. BALL - Did you see anybody after that come into the Building while you were there?
    Mr. FRAZIER - You mean somebody other that didn't work there?
    Mr. BALL - A police officer.
    Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I stood there a few minutes, you know, and some people who worked there; you know normally started to go back into the Building because a lot of us didn't eat our lunch, and so we stared back into the Building and it wasn't but just a few minutes that there were a lot of police officers and so forth all over the Building there.
    Mr. BALL - Then you went back into the Building, did you?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
    Mr. BALL - And before you went back into the Building no police officer came up the steps and into the building?
    Mr. FRAZIER - Not that I know. They could walk by the way and I was standing there talking to somebody else and didn't see it.

    The point is that if Mr. Frazier did not register a conspicuous person such as a police officer passing at a short distance near him, he may have not been aware of other people standing next to him. Thus, Frazier's lack of awareness of Payer Man's presence in the doorway does not refute the possibility of Lee Oswald being outside the building shortly after the shooting - exactly as he told the Police on Friday in the presence of FBI agent James Hosty.



  13. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    I do not trust the people who had these films and images in their possession by any means.

    There is nothing wrong in being cautious when analysing pictures downloaded from a public domain. I hope we will one day get access to a high-resolution, high-quality, certified copies of both the Darnell and Wiegman film.

  14. oswald2.gif


    This picture seems to be the closest to the time when Prayer Man had been photographed in the Depository doorway. It seems that Lee Oswald wore a silver band above his left wrist and nothing else. Unfortunately, Prayer Man's left wrist des not seem to be visible in Darnell; it would be an excellent clue as to the identity of Prayer Man.    


  15. John:

    agreed. Both Prayer Man and Lee Oswald had hairline patterns of the same category - Type II according to Norwood's classification of male baldness patterns (Norwood, O.T., Male pattern baldness: Classification and incidence. Southern Medical Journal, 11: 1359-1365, 1975).

  16. Sandra Styles was interviewed by authors Zachry and Peterson for their book: The Lone Star Speaks: Untold Texas Stories about JFK Assassination" on July 3 and 12, 2016 (Chapter 27).

    The quotes below denote an authentic statement by Mrs. Styles:

    Styles recalled years later: “The workers [like Oswald] all wore jeans and work shirts with their shirt sleeves rolled up. Some would wear khakis or other kinds of work pants.”

    I have underlined the most relevant part of Styles' statement. So, Oswald was a worker and he wore a shirt with sleeves rolled up. Let us check how Prayer Man would match a description of a "worker" such as an order filler handling book boxes.

    Here is a zoomed view of Prayer Man with yellow line spanning the length of his bare forearm due to the shirt sleeve being rolled up and the purple line highlighting approximate transition from bare forearm to shirt.



    The shirt CE150 shows striations on the right sleeve due to sequencing of darker and lighter strips with more proximal dark strips being darker than the distal dark strips. This would be consistent with the sleeve being rolled up at variable heights; the distal parts of the sleeve would be almost always folded and therefore less likely to be covered with dirt. The part of the sleeve at elbow region would be almost always exposed to the dirt such as dust or black ink from the inscriptions on cardboard boxes. In the picture below, the light strips are delineated with yellow rectangles and dark strips with black rectangles. The picture of the shirt CE150 was darkened to visualise the striations better.



    Of course, the fact that Prayer Man had his shirt sleeves rolled up does not prove that Lee Oswald was Prayer Man. However, it is another important match between Prayer Man and a description of a Depository worker by an eye witness, and possibly a match with the shirt CE150.

    Why do we not see just one feature in Prayer Man's appearance that would not match Lee Oswald?


  17. I read this book (The Lone Star Speaks...) by picking chapters of interest rather than reading it from the beginning to the end. I find this book interesting, important and timely. In a way, it feels like a continuation of Larry Sneed's book: "No more silence. An oral history of the assassination of President Kennedy". No doubt about  Authors having archived their interviews. It is not usual to post all audio recordings from interviews for download on some server. I trust the Authors that they can backup all statements by authentic data. Actually, they have tried to verify witness accounts whenever possible. 

    The book is important because some revelations are just mind-boggling. For instance, information obtained from Buell Wesley Frazier about knowing members of Dixie mafia and Charles Harrelson before arriving at Dallas is stunning. Not because anyone would see Mr. Frazier as a mafia man but rather that his relatives or family friends had links with mafia. These people could have used young Wesley to unwittingly (or wittingly?) frame Lee Oswald. Another chapter that stuck in my mind is chapter 21 containing interviews with Lt. J. Goode and Tosh Plumlee.  J. Goode shares more details about the work of the abort team on Dealey Plaza and about the dark complected man standing next to Umbrella Man.

    The book is timely because the witnesses are slowly disappearing and any effort to save their memories should be applauded. Unless we want to recycle and ruminate the same data over and over for the next 57 years without being able to break through, we need novel information. There are basically three sources of data that could shed light on what happened to President Kennedy:

    1. Documents in files and archives. While it is still possible that some game-changing documents will emerge, the last batch of documents released by Donald Trump did not reveal anything substantial. Researchers have little control over the release of the files that remain top secret even today. 

    2. Interviews with witnesses who had directly or indirectly witnessed the assassination or knew Lee Oswald, Jack Ruby or Cuban or New Orleans community. This is what the JFKA researchers still can do and what Peterson and Zachry have done.  

    3. Photographs and films from the assassination. It is possible that visual documents contain information which has not been extracted so far or neglected. Living  in Europe, this is the area I can realistically focus on. Even photographs that have been seen by thousands if not millions, such as Altgens6, can reveal novel information  overlooked for so long: https://youtu.be/C0Hwt-cIGq4 .

    Here is a link to a youtube interview with the Authors:





  18. There are a couple of stunning new pieces of data from Buell Wesley Frazier in the recently published book "The Lone Star Speaks: Untold Texas Stories About JFK Assassination" by K.W. Zachry and S. Paterson. 


    Chapter 25 reports data from three interviews with Buell Wesley Frazier conducted by the Authors on three occasions: May 15 and May 30, 2015, and January 29, 2019.

    One stunning information conveyed by Buell Wesley Frazier is his knowledge of Mafia men Pete Kay and Charles Harrelson:

    Frazier’s stepfather was not the only frightening individual in the young man’s life. He also knew “Pete” Kay, who was, along with his father, an important figure in the Dixie Mafia. According to Frazier, they offered him the chance to become a member of the “family.” By then, Frazier had already met one group member, a man so heartless that locking eyes with him made his blood run cold. Frazier identified this man as Charles Harrelson; others who knew Harrelson also commented on how coldly he could stare down someone. Frazier decided to take his sister’s advice and not take up the offer. They both thought he would be much safer in Dallas!

    Another important bit refers to the length of the package and the content of the package. Buell Wesley Frazier was clear about impossibility of the package containing the rifle. Mr. Frazier even arranged a Mannlicher-Carcano carbine, knocked it down and tested if the length of the knocked-down rifle would match the size of the package he saw with Lee Oswald on Friday morning, November 22:

    "The “Oswald” Frazier knew never discussed guns, shooting, or the President. The man described in the newspapers as the President’s “accused assassin” was not the “Oswald” Frazier had known. Frazier was especially concerned about the police saying Oswald had carried a rifle to the Depository in Frazier’s car on November 22.

    For his own peace of mind, Frazier located a rifle with a serial number only a few digits off from the serial number on the rifle Oswald was accused of using to kill the President. He dismantled it and wrapped it in brown paper so he and his sister could compare the size with the way they remembered Oswald’s package looking on that Friday.

    “It was obviously still too long,” he said. “Lee could not have carried even a dismantled rifle like that one under his arm.” Frazier’s sister agreed.

    If Oswald had really been carrying curtain rods that day, they should have been found somewhere in the Depository. Supposedly, they were never found. However, a few years after the assassination, Frazier received an intriguing phone call. Once the caller established that she was speaking to the man who had driven Oswald to work on November 22, 1963, she quietly confided to Frazier that some curtain rods had indeed been found in the Depository after the assassination."

    I have conducted some model reconstruction of the package and how it could have been carried with the rifle butt resting on the cupped hand - the result (shown earlier in this thread) was that the rifle would be too long and stick out above Lee's shoulder. 

    Interestingly, Buell Wesley Frazier names in this book chapter several people standing next to him in the doorway (Lovelady, Shelley, Stanton) but ignores the unknown man standing at the western wall about 3 feet away from him...  

  19. Here is a link to a new interview with Buell Wesley Frazier on "Since We're On The Subject", recorded on November 22, 2020. The interview also includes Rob Frazier, Buell Wesley Frazier's son, who added useful information about the upcoming book "Steering Truth". The book was scheduled for publication about now, however, the publication date has been delayed due to the pandemic. The topic of JFK assassination starts at 11:44.




    11:44 The topic of JFK is first mentioned.

    13:20 Buell Wesley Frazier is first mentioned.

    18:20 The interview starts. Blake Price and Mike Anderson leading the interview.

    19:20 Memories of November 22, 1963 discussed.

    20:20 About how Frazier joined the TSBD.

    21:41 Lee Oswald starts working in the Texas School Depository.

    22:02 About driving Lee Oswald to work and teaching Lee the order filler job.

    27:09 Thursday, 21st of November.

    28:27 When did Buell Wesley Frazier learned about the motorcade route.

    32:40 Buell Wesley Frazier asked about whether he had any questions he would like to know now. Mr. Frazier wondered why Lee did not carry lunch to work on the 21st of November.

    34:20 About his 7 hours questioning with the Dallas Police.

    39:08 About the content of the package. 

    40:28 About his testimony for the Warren Commission. 

    43:02 Warren Commission wanted him to change his estimate of the package size.

    45:10 Commissioner Ball read questions from the script.

    46:17 More about his questioning by the Dallas Police, and the incident with Captain Fritz. Frazier was "fighting for life".

    51:00 Buell Frazier did not know the name "Oswald", he knew Lee Oswald by his first name only. Therefore, he could not associate Lee Oswald with the broadcasts about capturing alleged assassin on Friday afternoon.

    53: ~   Rob Frazier joins the interview and gives data on the new book "Steering Truth".

    61:11 About his further work at TSBD, and about being drafted by the US army.

    64:44 About how his association with Lee Oswald ruined several jobs later on.

    68:06 Never met Robert Oswald, however, was friendly with Billy Lovelady.

    71:20 Asked about his view of whether Lee Oswald was the assassin. 








  20. I watched these two documentaries a couple days ago already, and I am still thinking them over, and playing some bits again.

    While the basic premise of the CIA rogue case officers plotting to kill the President and using Lee Oswald as a scapegoat appears sound and very likely to be true, there are also some missing links and maybe even inaccuracies.

    One point not made clear is how did Lee Oswald come to the decision to assassinate General Walker and what was De Mohrenschildt's role in this decision.  How could he know about Lee's shooting at General Walker if Lee appeared to be taken by surprise by the alleged de Mohrenschildt's question "Lee, why did you miss?" 

    Speaking of inaccuracies, it seems that Lee Oswald was seen by Buell Frazier leaving the Depository not via the main entrance but from the loading dock area accessible from the back of the first floor; the documentary shows Lee exiting the main entrance.

    Also, Lee Oswald is shown walking on a busy street with a paper bag (possibly holding the rifle), however, this does not seem to be the true picture of events.

    Interestingly, the name of James Angleton was not mentioned in any of the two parts which did surprise me knowing that Jeff Morley has provided his knowledge for this two-part documentary.

    It is also not clear or explained how were the rogue CIA agents able to steer the whole investigation and the autopsy.

    From the perspective of my research, I appreciated that the documentary shows FBI agent Hosty's handwritten note clearly documenting the fact that Lee Oswald went from the first floor to watch "P. parade", and also Carolyn Arnold's statement about catching a fleeting glimpse of Lee Oswald in the first floor hallway at 12:25 (this time is hard to verify). That would be consistent with the possibility that Lee Oswald briefly went out and was captured in the Wiegman and Darnell films. 

    The documentary assumes that Lee Oswald realised his framing after he left the building and was attempting to join the getaway car on a side road off Elm street and the car was not there. The only role for Lee Oswald in the whole plot was to build his pro-Castro credentials (e.g., summer 1963) and bring his rifle to the Depository building. It is not clear what was Lee Oswald told (possibly that there would be a mock assassination attempt which would be sufficient to enrage the public but not harming the President), however, it would be unjust to solicit explanations where hardly any hard data can be found. I assume that Lee did not know about the intention of the plotters to kill the President and realised his framing once he heard that the President had been shot; this information reached the Depository doorway within some 20-25 seconds after the last shot when Gloria Calvery got to the doorway steps. The point is that, if Lee Oswald stood in the doorway in the Darnell film, he would realise that his role and his situation changed dramatically if the mock assassination attempt changed to proper killing of the President.

    That said, the two-part video is a serious and well-elaborated view of the assassination plot. I am sure it will be appreciated a lot in the part of the JFKA community which believes that there was a plot to assassinate the President.









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