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The Education Forum

Joe Bauer

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    Monterey Peninsula, California
  • Interests
    Justice For JFK
    Calm, peaceful, quiet nature. Ocean beaches. Human kindness.

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Grand Master

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  1. Joe: I failed to reply promptly to your recent reply/inquiry about Detective Rothstein's knowledge and opinions on certain matters because I was pressed for time when your inquiry first appeared. When I could go back to respond I could not find your inquiry in the topic because so many postings had appeared there daily. Please accept my apology.

    I am in the midst of writing a book about Watergate that will have major revelations. I need to finish my manuscript by January 15th. As a result, my postings on the Education Forum will be cut back quite a bit for the next two months. Just writing in advance to let you know.

    Have a great Thanksgiving and best wishes for the Holiday Season.

    Warm regards.


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