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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. It's exhausting to read and stay with it.

    I had to pull away several times, take a break, and then try to finish the read.

    At one point in his manic monologue Ruby says "my mind is very much warped now."

    That spontaneous uttering by Ruby is another appropriate punch line I believe. 

    After sitting through this exhaustingly long barrage of Ruby's mentally and emotionally troubled ramblings, the WC members and their counsels had to have considered him extremely disturbed and unstable.

    And yet, they chose to take crazy unbalanced Ruby's word over very stable, grounded, calm, educated, balanced and credible Seth Kantor regards Kantor's own WC under oath testimony of encountering and even conversing with Jack Ruby at Parkland Hospital the early afternoon of 11,22,1963?  Ruby claimed he wasn't there.

    A shining example of the WC's rational reasoning conclusion finding credibility?

    By the way, Ruby's deli sandwich choices were more often than not...Kosher. 

    To me a sign that Ruby's commitment to his religious faith seemed to be one of the very few aspects of stability in his otherwise nervously scattered and confused mental state life.  

    With maybe his dogs and his sister being the only other two?

    Robert, if you could make an entertaining monologue out of Ruby's exhausting and scattered testimonies and other public statements I would aggressively campaign for you to receive some high award in the field of theater production.  




  2. Dorothy Kilgallen's murder is clearly related to the JFK/Oswald assassinations.

    I have said this many times. 

    Make a "major" budget/distribution film about Dorothy Kilgallen's incredibly famous and achieving highest society and glamour life with major stars young and older ( Streep as the older Kilgallen- Jennifer Lawrence as the younger? Brian Cranston as John Daly? etc ) and end the film with DK's Jack Ruby investigation, shady lover affair and improbable death circumstances and you have a film connecting you back to the JFK assassination.

    I could really see Oliver Stone getting into this project.

    This would be one way of renewing major interest in the JFK assassination, and who knows if this might help in garnering further interests in a new investigation?

  3. Yes Robert, as Jim Di says... "Really interesting observations."

    With your rich and varied theatrical/Hollywood background and contributions here combined with our noted film historian Joseph McBride and noted film critic Jim Di we really have been gifted with a trifecta of valuable knowledge sharing regards revealing the "real truth" of this powerful medium and it's hidden agendas and the effect of these ( unknown to most ) on us all in so many ways.

    I think most everyone has always known that the Academy Awards was, is and always will be first and foremost simply a promotional/marketing prop for the film industry.

    However, it's been crafted into a celebrity star studded spectacle so successfully that it is watched around the world by what...1 BILLION viewers?

    Millions of family get-togethers and social parties are planned around it's showing.

    My own film obsessed wife bans me from speaking while the Awards show is on and even offers to bribe me to leave the house ( a drive around the beach, visit friends, a full meal at Wendys ) anything to ensure her of an interruption free viewing.

    It's viewership attraction is bigger than the Super Bowl and every other famous national broadcast events combined!  It's a super powerful venue of communicating messages and agendas to 1/7th of the world at one three hour time.

    A propagandist's dream.

    Add me to the list of people who do read Jim Di's reviews. At least many of them.

    A minor Hollywood name dropping here. 

    I was in the same high school art class as the late John Alvin. The artist behind many of the top movie posters of the biggest films of the last 30+ years. Mostly Spielberg ( E T, INDIANA JONES ) and Disney films.

    Check him out.

    I was a freshman when he was a senior. His work in that class was already so phenomenal the entire rest of our class all too often crowded around him to watch him do his magic.  He never once complained about our invading his space.

    And thank goodness we don't have to see Harvey Weinstein's scruffy, smug smiling face nor hear the obsequious praises ( "God" - Meryl Streep ) at the Awards show anymore.





  4. These two photos are certainly of the "daytime" Spanish speaking meeting.

    Notice the daylight through the windows? 

    Did Sylvia Odio attend this meeting?

    Left of center I see a woman sitting about 3 or 4 rows back with her head turned to the left who resembles Sylvia Odio in facial looks, skin tone, hair style, age etc. Very attractive.

    In the second photo she is also visible but mostly blocked by persons in front of her.

    It's also interesting to me that the crowd in these photos seems to be made up entirely of Euro or white Cubans with maybe a couple of Mullato. But I don't see one Afro-Cuban.

    These white Cubans obviously represented the wealthy class tossed out by Castro.





  5. It's courageously inspiring how much JFK conspiracy researchers and writers have accomplished from 1963 through today despite being up against the never ending and hugely encompassing MSM "unspeakable" silencing machine.

    As powerful and effecting as that machine is and has been, it's fabrication has not always been well put together enough to keep substantial elements of the JFK truth from regularly breaking through some of it's weaker parts.

    Since 1965 and every year through today the majority of Americans polled have expressed their doubt about the WC "Lone Nut" finding. After 53 years, that fact makes it laughably clear that our ominous MSM "unspeakable" machine never succeeded more than a gambler's "push" in their goal of blocking the full truth of the JFK event.

    But all credit goes to our unrelenting JFK truth seeking researchers, writers, publishers and so many citizens who may have had some truth revealing knowledge and courageously came forward to share it through these past 55 years.

    The tenacity of the truth blockers has been more than matched by the less powerful but equally motivated truth seekers. Again, so inspiring.

    Can we ever fully out the "unspeakable" regards JFK, RFK and MLK?

    Not in my lifetime I feel.

    However, we have recently totally outed the unspeakable regards the decades of rampant sexual harassment and abuse of women by men of power such as Weinstein, Cosby, O'Reilly and so many others.

    The "unspeakable" can be revealed if the effort to do this is dedicated enough, even through generations.

  6. Yes, a great revelation toward the truth article that brings many of the most highly regarded conspiracy facts into a single, clear and well lighted focus.

    Here is a writer who doubted the conspiracy conclusion and research and books and researchers themselves, until he finally started reading just a few highly regarded conspiracy books and couldn't help but see they made more sense than the Warren Commission findings.

    A must read for any person wanting to know more about the JFK and RFK events and the cumulative massive mountain of conspiracy research facts as reported by extremely intelligent and grounded writers versus, and so contrary to the WC Lone Gunman finding.

  7. 22 hours ago, Rich Pope said:

    I wrote this book for a school district whose textbook didn't cover the assassination.  The school held a contest and the students designed the cover of the book.  The cover of this book was the cover that received the most votes.  


    That's quaintly interesting.

    Perhaps this new cover art approach pulled in a few younger people to want to read and learn something more about the JFK assassination event versus one that was just block lettered words and didn't ?

  8. Yes Madeline Brown claimed foreknowledge. 

    I don't buy the credibility dismissal of Madeline Brown at all.

    When a woman shares a bed with a man for 20+ years on a semi-regular basis ( possibly 100 times?) they know a lot about that man. Intimate stuff. More than simply making her toes curl.

    In the case of Madeline Brown and Lyndon Baines Johnson you can bet a big Texas Longhorn belt buckle she overheard more and honestly shared this than her detractors claim.

    And don't forget Beverly Oliver and Janet Conforto ( Jada-the feature at Ruby's strip joint ) who told others ( Jada apparently was quoted in the Dallas paper ) they were introduced to Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby right inside the Carousel Club two weeks before 11,22,1963.

    But we are never to believe women who get paid to sexually show their bodies according to people like Rudy Guiliani.

    And Judyth Vary Baker as well claimed Oswald told her about being involved with a hugely important event that he would try to prevent before JFK was gunned down.

    The Adelle woman's story is a fascinating one.


  9. After 55 years, RFK Jr. has decided his fathers death and that of his uncle were not lone gunman events.

    The Warren Report hasn't had a majority of believers in all that time.

    55 years of study and comparative analysis and the WC just doesn't hold up.

    That is a complete failure of trust.




  10. Did Priscilla McMillan or Norman Mailer or any other writers/researchers who focused on Marina ever mention a possible suicide situation with Marina while she and Lee were together and struggling and that was brought out in either the Warren Report interview or the HSCA one?

    I copied and pasted this suicide subject exchange between Marina and her questioner where Marina acknowledged this situation but immediately became upset enough over it's mention that the questioner dropped the subject. The questioning was brief as she requested it be stopped.

    Marina did say before the topic was dropped that Lee had admonished her so sternly for her actions ( which were not described in detail ) that he slapped her and made her go to bed. Perhaps Oswald was angry that she would even consider doing something that would leave their young daughter Junie without a mother?

    To me, this story ( if true) is much more worthy of debate and discussion than I've ever seen here or anywhere.

    I haven't read McMillan's book on Marina, but I do wonder if she knew of this traumatic situation between Marina and Lee yet perhaps left it out of her book upon Marina's asking?

  11. Has there ever been any other verification or even mention of this claim that Stanton said she saw Oswald on the second floor ( and even talked to him?) at lunch time and before the motorcade came by?

    No public record of any statement taken by police agency investigators where Ms. Stanton says this?

    Has anyone else ever interviewed Stanton's daughter to second this claim she makes about her mother saying this?

    The importance of an Oswald sighting and encounter at this time is obvious.  Does seem like hardly anyone takes the claim seriously however.

  12. 1 hour ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

    Another piece on Intrepid Report attacking the Boston Globe's recent efforts to brand anyone who doesn't know Sirhan is guilty a "conspiracy nut," and sourcing everything to Danel Moldea. He cites Jim DiEugenio in debunking Moldea's work.

    "As the night follows day, we meet conspiracy nuts here too, courtesy of DeCosta-Klipa who allows Moldea a free hand to spout nonsense. A person not familiar with the research done on this case by the great researcher Lisa Pease and others would assume that Moldea was the expert par excellence on RFK’s assassination, when nothing could be further from the truth. James DiEugenio, Pease’s colleague and an equally brilliant researcher, has surgically dismembered Moldea’s work on the case...It is unlikely that he has read Moldea’s 1995 book, The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy, a book about which DiEugenio rightly says: its “every major tenet is highly suspect, whose sourcing is not explicit, whose fairness is, to say the least, one-sided, whose completeness is just not there, whose use of witnesses-like Kaiser and McCowan-is rather lenient. . . . it is a ‘bookshelf’ book that has no intellectual content or substance.” He suggests it was commissioned by the government forces responsible for RFK’s death and the ongoing cover-up."



  13. Amazing photos of JFK and LBJ's Dallas trip in 1960 .

    Thanks R. Bulman for posting this link.

    This is just one reason this forum is so interesting.

    JFK seems so tan compared to everyone else. He is incredibly fit and vigorous looking at this time.

    He was more movie star attractive than most movie stars and his constant smile just accentuated his appeal. So many of the women in these photos seem absolutely star struck and adoring in their gazes toward JFK.

    JFK was a phenomena in this area of star appeal. No president before or since could come close to the crowd appeal that he generated. 

    LBJ had to have been extremely jealous of Kennedy's effect on the crowds they encountered.  He knew these people and especially the women in them were weak in the legs upon seeing JFK in person.

    Noticed Henry Wade sitting to the left of JFK and Rayburn on the stage at the Dallas Memorial stadium.


  14. 3 minutes ago, Greg Wagner said:

    Just to add a bit more to the military intelligence presence in Dealey Plaza that day, I give you David Aubrey Sooy.

    Sooy was a career Naval officer and probably ONI. He was commander of the Naval Air Station in Dallas for a few years in the late 50's and when JFK was shot, Sooy was sitting in his car waiting for the motorcade to pass the TSBD. Sooy and his location/presence Dealey Plaza is a matter that has been discussed here before.

    Sooy knew Frank Krystinik (Krystinik and Sooy below; thanks to James Richards). Prior to the assassination, Krystinik met Oswald through Michael Paine.

    Just another one of those amazing coincidences.


    Yes, coincidental to a valid suspicion degree.

  15. How was it possible that in the so-called "highest Potus protection security" ever thought of in Dallas history ( Jessie Curry ) that there wouldn't be civilian dressed agents mixed into the crowds lining the down town streets of the motorcade route and whose job it would be to watch not just the crowds on the street but the open windows of the multi-story buildings above?

    So, in Dallas we don't have security on the roofs of buildings on the motorcade route. We don't have any security personnel with binoculars scanning open windows of buildings just before and during JFK's passing underneath.

    5 or more civilians see a man with a rifle or men with rifles in the windows of the Texas School Book Depository building both minutes before and during JFK's passing underneath.

    Not one of these civilians are trained, ordered, equipped or even motivated to look for such shockingly threatening things in higher up building open windows above the motorcade route as an armed man or men right before and/or during this most critical security time, yet they do so without even the aid of binoculars.

    The preposterousness of this security breakdown scenario is sickeningly obvious.

    Just one security person with high powered binoculars and a walkie talkie scanning the Dealey Plaza building open windows before and during the shooting might have made a difference.

  16. Clear SS rule violating late night drinking of alcohol in a topless lounge the night before these agents were supposed to be on top of their game in physically protecting the Potus in a known threatening city should have been grounds for firing on it's own. 

    But when this violation directly or even indirectly or even speculatively effected perhaps a slower reaction time to the sounds of gunfire in Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963, of course every one of those late night topless bar visiting agents should have been fired immediately. And their bosses too for not keeping more vigilant control of their underlings, especially in a city suspected of being a very dangerous one for the Potus following Adlai Stevenson's assault there and the Wanted For Treason posters H.L.Hunt was placing under car windshield wipers ( and that horribly threatening Dallas Morning News ad ) the day before.

    This wasn't innocently JFK admiring Disneyland.  This was JFK WHITE HOT hating Dallasland.

    I also felt that heads should have rolled after Oswald was killed right inside of the DPD building with 70 armed security milling about.

    If anyone but Texan LBJ were president on 11,24,1963, I guarantee you that the fury of our federal government at the DPD's losing the most valuable piece of truth seeking evidence in the JFK assassination ( Lee Harvey Oswald ) would have brought a slew of hammering indictments down on those responsible for Oswald's protective security and it's worst case scenario breakdown.

    DPD deli sandwich, free booze and hot woman providing, mafia connected strip joint owning Jack Ruby defeats an army of DPD Oswald security personnel right inside their own building to destroy our best chance at discovering the truth behind who killed our president?

    To this day, that tragic and totally improbable reality makes you feel sick and suspicious about the whole JFK assassination in Dallas, Texas story.

  17. 3 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

    I was naive too, I didn't question the government. As for the "sick society," it took three assassinations for some people to come to that supposed realization.

    Ron, exactly. After witnessing the whacking of JFK, MLK AND RFK in just 5 years, a rational half -way thinking American citizen couldn't help but sense things weren't what they seemed in the highest realms of power in our country. These murders of our most popular leaders in that short 5 year time period shook up the majority of our adult citizens much more than has been acknowledged in our main stream media and history books. There was serious and valid suspicion created that never truly left the minds of that generation. Those that ascended to the highest rungs of political power in this country during and right after these assassination also carried that air of suspicion.  LBJ, Nixon, Hoover, etc.

    We sensed much more corruption in the highest levels of government than before JFK.

    A valid argument could be made that with the killings of JFK, MLK and RFK that we had truly descended into a Banana Republic era where our leaders were determined more by bullets than by ballots. And the real governing power in this country was much more outside of the constitutional electoral realm than we ever imagined.

    I remember that after the third assassination (RFK), Johnny Carson suspended his usual format one night for a group discussion. The subject was basically "are we a sick society or what?" The only comment I remember from the discussion was by the comedian Alan King, who said that he was through telling jokes.

    I also remember that right after the RFK assassination, Marlon Brando appeared as a guest on the Joey Bishop Show. Soon after the interview began, Brando startled Bishop by taking out a pistol and pointing at him. Bishop said desperately, "Marlon,  I think you're the greatest actor who has ever lived." The point being made by Brando was that we need to get rid of guns. Just too many lone nuts around.






  18. 7 hours ago, Trygve V. Jensen said:


    I just watched this video interview of Nurse Phyllis Hall.

    She never mentioned seeing any bullet on any stretcher as she is reported to have stated in the original thread.

    I wonder, did Ms. Hall just not mention this in the interview? Or, did she perhaps mention this and it was edited out of the public record of this interview?

    Ms. Hall didn't think JFK's wounds were caused by just one gunman.

    The woman had worked in the ER for many years previous to 11,22,1963 and one must assume that she viewed many gun shot wounds in that time.

    That fact does give her JFK wounds observations more credibility than not IMO.

    She said she saw discrepancies in the published autopsy reports on JFK after Bethesda and the findings regarding the wounds did not match what she was aware of and saw on 11,22,1963.

    She is quite clear that she doesn't buy the WC findings.

    Nurse Hall said she was "very conservative" as a coded answer when asked if she had voted for JFK,  meaning she did not?

    Interesting a woman of this political mind set ( obviously not liking JFK and at least one or more of



    his policies) taking what many would assume is a conspiratorial view of JFK's killing and alterations to his body once JFK was removed from Parkland.

    That is an interesting, uncommon and intriguing dichotomy in my thinking.

  19. 8 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

    ... while Kennedy was on the stretcher ... 

    1min41, quote nurse Phyllis Hall: "On the cart, halfway between the earlob and the shoulder (of Kennedy), there was a bullet, laying almost perpendicular there ... " 



    So curious what our resident researchers in this particular area have to say about Nurse Phyllis Hall's intriguing recollection comments ( regarding seeing a bullet on JFK's stretcher ) in this video interview.

    Ms Hall sure sounds and looks clear minded and together in this video.

    And she recounts many details in her time and presence in the ER entrance scene and near JFK's body without hesitancy that should be easy to verify for accuracy when compared to statements made by so many others also present.

    I am not sure when this Nurse Hall video was made, but with such an important observation stated by her regarding seeing a bullet on JFK's stretcher, I must ask, has any serious researcher been able to have a thorough sit down interview with her since?

  20. 18 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:



    Where is the link?


    6K views1 year ago
    I thought the above text was the link. Not sure how to do this.
    Maybe clicking on the picture of the newspaper will take you there?
    3.01 [35] Richard Diamond: THE SPORT ( aka “The Larry Forsythe Case”) 15Feb59 written by Richard Carr directed by Alvin ...
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