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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Notice driver William Greer has his head turned almost completely around looking at JFK both before, during and right after Kennedy's head explodes.

    Greer's head was turned like that for at least a second or two ( maybe longer? ) and what driver of any vehicle doesn't take their foot off the accelerator or apply the brakes or AT LEAST slow down the car they are driving when they have their heads turned backwards at almost a 180% angle so they can't see at all where the heck they are driving?

    My point is JFK's limo had to come to a very slowed down speed ( a near stop? ) because of Greer's head turning actions.

    Many argue that the limo didn't slow down as much as others said it did just before the head shot.

    I don't think Greer would continue to drive at 11 MPH with his head almost fully turned backwards for the amount of time it was.

    How convenient for the shooters. The moving target they have been tracking now comes to almost a standstill for the kill shot.



  2. Quote


    I just read the interview transcript Doug.

    As frightening as the author's analysis and dire predictions of a Trump presidency sound, her academic credentials and long time studied observations force you to seriously consider their more than possible occurrence. 

    I think that tens of millions of Americans already sense and feel this dark apprehension about Trump on their own ( without being able to articulate it as well as the author)   hence feeling truly sick about our future under this popular vote losing/electoral college winning demagogue.


    My sense of Trump's new appointees is that Trump is quickly carrying out his own "cultural purge."

    Get rid of the liberals, the thinkers, the more open, tolerant and all classes of society concerned types and replace them with the more authoritarian hard liner types.

    And I thought George W. was bad?

    When Trump finishes with the Supreme Court, I think we can honestly say that Eisenhour's M.I.C. warning has finally come into full bloom. 

    Dear God!  How did the American people actually allow themselves to elect this guy?

  4. 2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    I don't know why you find the thirty-year delay so unbelievable.

    Would you have expected someone in JVB's (alleged) position to talk right after the assassination? 

    What about later, during HSCA hearings when witnesses were "committing suicide" and disappearing, only to be found dismembered and stuffed into a fifty gallon drum?

    All the time remembering that you had vowed never to reveal the secrets to which you'd been exposed?

    While being busy raising a family, followed by watching grand kids grow.

    I don't know whether or not there is any truth to JVB's claims (which I personally tend to find suspicious), but I just can't see the delay factor being of much relevance.

    I agree with S.Larsen's reasons why someone who may have had any close relationships with Oswald, Ferry, Oshner,Sherman, etc and been privy to their secrets might wait that long to reveal this   Sandy's points about fear, raising a family are logical,  Many witnesses to people directly involved with Roswell waited decades before coming forward for the same reasons.

    Excuse the U.F.O.interjection, but it and it's cover-up and witness intimidation are similar to the JFK event in that way.

    They knew the story was accompanied by strong government cover up concern and JVB for sure knew this about LHO, and she was threatened by Ferry according to her.

    Maybe I'm very naive myself and I am for sure not as informed as others here.

    But, I would ask a few questions. Was David Lewis's wife in on the scam by Haslam & JVB?

    How about JVB's sister Debbee? Has she been interviewed and asked how long ago her sister Judyth began telling of her relationship with Oswald? 

  5. To me, there are just enough facts regarding Judith Vary Baker's tale to not totally dismiss it.

    We all know she was in New Orleans at that time. We all know she was hired by that weird cover job providing company Reilly Coffee on the same day ( May 10th, 1963 )  as Oswald.  Both given jobs that they had no experience or specific qualifications for.

    She was let go the day after Oswald was seen doing his Fair Play For Cuba thing on the streets of downtown New Orleans.

    Baker was close to Mary Sherman who was slaughtered in a horrendous murder. Dr. Oshner was not nationally known as the arrogantly mean and obsessed rabid right wing zealot he truly was until Baker made note of this in her book. And if he did okay the cancer inoculations of unwitting inmates which brought upon them torturous deaths ..he was truly a sinister monster. One could easily see him threatening Baker as she said he did with the worst kind of implied violence.

    I could actually see her story being true in regards to meeting, liking and doing things with Lee Harvey Oswald.

    To her a straight Marine posture, polite and clean cut looking fellow of 24 who was different from her typical nerdy medical social circle acquaintances could draw her kind of geeky and naively curious attraction. I could see that.  And on Oswald's side, I could see him finally enjoying the attention of an innocently nice, very smart and intelligent broader subject conversation young lady (and who was not unattractive) besides Marina, who was less communicative and more jaded and obviously unhappy and not in adoring love with him during her time here in the states.

    If Judyth Vary Baker did know and interact with Lee Harvey Oswald. it would have been a breath of needed fresh and much softer American female companionship air and attention and affection which he probably never ever had and would have surely been craving versus his life with the much harder and unhappy Marina.

    Baker also tells us things about the medical field world she was involved with in N.O. ( and the characters involved such as Oshner and Mary Sherman who did know Ferry ) which I believe checks out and I don't believe was reported by other writers before her.  Was the cancer inoculated prisoner story first exposed by someone else?

    Baker does tell us facts about this world nobody else has and were not made up.

    Baker truly was considered a teen age prodigy in science, hence her scholarships and immediate placement with noted researchers at Tulane.

    I can't accept that her remarkable accomplishments in this field at such a young age mean nothing in evaluating her credibility as an adult at least beyond that of complete money making desperate kook. She gives details about locations, people, Oswald's quirky personal habits and even his clothing that appear to ring true.


    A Mrs. Lewis, wife of Oswald N.O. friend David Lewis did give a taped interview verifying Vary's relationship with Oswald, at least to the point of their spending some time with each other.  Even though she ( Lewis ) comes off sounding quite illiterate, this also tells me she would not be good at making up stories that sounded true if they weren't


    And Oswald constantly lied to Marina in NO about many things including his whereabouts and doings. He never told her he was fired from his job at Reilly's.  This is a person who could easily have had some relationship with another woman and not tell Marina about this.


    I am not an authority on this subject, but I trust my lifelong experience instincts and general knowledge of it just enough to make a more believing judgment call as to Baker's story being at least half-way true. I cannot dismiss her totally, even though I know she is often described as impossible to work with and less than honest in her personal interactions with many other writers and researchers, many right here on this forum.

  6. Cliff, I voted and voted for Hillary for several reasons this year even knowing she had California but still feeling I at least did my part to save our Supreme Court from Trump and his almost fascist brethren.

    And there were many candidates and important issues on the ballot including state and local ones that needed my vote.

    Our voters SHUT DOWN a fracking approval initiative by the oil companies and the few rich people who own oil land here in Monterey County and who have made a fortune for decades leasing their land to the Oil Corps yet who are STILL SO HABITUALLY OBSESSED with making every last drop dime even if it requires risky fracking to get the last bits of oil out of it.

    These wealthy land owning folks put out TV ads showing them in cowboy jeans and hats and even on horseback!

    Just everyday working folk tending to their oil well  "ranches"  and telling their suddenly new friends voters that if they didn't vote for fracking...it not only would cost jobs, but all the police protection and fire protection and even ambulance service for us all would suffer so badly we'd all need shotguns and grenades to protect ourselves from the bad guys and our homes would go up in unattended fires and we'd have to "drive ourselves" to hospitals in an emergency!

    The police and fire unions actually backed this fracking initiative!

    As well as all our mayors! What's THAT all about?

    Even so, the huge majority of our voters told the police and firefighters and mayors.to take a good long hike and ... they could shove their friggin fracking initiative where the sun don't shine!

    Talk here is that the oil companies pumped 5 to 10 million dollars into our little election...but they still lost. Yay!

    Getting back to Hillary, I voted for her even though I knew she would win California handily.  I really didn't know however, how close the popular vote nationwide would be.

    Those polls that give your candidate an edge can often be wrong.

    I knew that the bone head states and their electoral votes might go to Trump. I also feel that somehow Florida could be had by the Repubs. with DEM  voter apathy and every trick in the Repub dirty trick bag.

    Pennsylvania surprised me.  Michigan too.

    But,with 5,000,000 less voters for the Democrats this year versus 2008 and 2012, it seems pretty clear that apathy nationwide definitely played a huge role in the Dems loss.

    But even with all this...Hillary STILL won the popular vote by over 1,000,000 votes!

    That's a significant margin of popular vote victory.

    Here again though, we Democratic Presidential voters have been ROBBED just like in 2,000.  

    These conniving Repubs knew they would lose the election, but they also knew that you can lose this and STILL WIN the presidency with that insane,1800's slave state created Electoral College system that can be manipulated far easier than the total popular vote.

    The electoral system is these Repulican thieves best burglary tool.

  7. I wasn't going to post in this thread again but the points made on all sides of this presidential election and it's controversies are so compelling and thought provoking in their substance, validity and illuminations ( especially about the Clintons ) that I've been drawn back in.

    Like Jim D, I am from California. Right on the shoreline, closer to the S.F. Bay Area than L.A.

    Where Mae Brussels and her home radio broadcast studio was from. 

    I have lived in this same area since 1952. and of course I am of the typical West Coast political bent.

    I voted "against" Bush Sr. both times. The first time because I liked the Dem candidate, the 2nd time I voted for Ross Perot.

    I grew to immensely dislike Bill Clinton on a personal level and even though I felt he did do several things that were good, he did more things that were clearly bad in real daily life terms and long term for working class Americans ( and the poor ) as Jim D points out.

    I also felt that over-all B. Clinton "was" more Republican than Democrat.

    I also have never liked Hillary Clinton ( I didn't hate her ) but for different reasons than her husband.

    I was respectful of her for "trying" to introduce change in our health care system that has just killed working class America in it's corporation favoring way.

    I was a Bernie Sanders supporter this last year.  However, unlike Jim D. I voted this election and I voted for Hillary.


    For one main reason that I felt "trumped" all the others...the Supreme Court!

    In my opinion despite everything I dislike about Hillary Clinton, this election was about the future Supreme Court more than any other issue by far.

    I felt I was voting for the Supreme Court...not Hillary.

    In my 65 years of American political interest and observation , this one government body has and has had more power, say and influence over our daily lives

    than most Americans even begin to realize. 

    I saw our Republican party favoring Supreme Court invalidate and actually subvert the 2,000 presidential election by doing something it had never done before and wasn't supposed to do. Overrule a state Supreme Court which had voted to keep counting the 2,000 election votes in their state, which were on their way to a Gore victory.

    When the U.S. Supreme Court stopped that vote count, Gore was just a few thousand votes (if not hundreds!) shy but gaining by the hour in that direction.

    That biased 5 to 4 Republican party favoring Supreme Court KNEW that if they didn't shut down that Florida Supreme Court allowed vote count extension , their man Bush would have lost the presidency.

    One of the greatest "abuse of power" political crimes committed in our country in our lifetimes.

    Much more to say, but the day's duties call.

    Comparison....Trump versus JFK.

    OH GOD.

  8. Trying to find a relevancy of this thread topic to the JFK truth seeking one I "think" there may be a few.

    Yesterday I sensed a shock, apprehensive concern and real dread among 10's of millions of Americans that I haven't seen and felt since 11,22,1963.

    Well, not quite on that level, but maybe half as much ?

    But still one of the darkest entire nation effecting political days in my 65 year long lifetime.

    People everywhere shaking their heads and saying woefully...how could this happen?

    People actually wearing all funeral attending black to their work places to express their deep sadness.

    Hundreds of students at three S.F. Bay Area high schools staying home in protest.

    Reports of young children in elementary schools crying spontaneously in class.

    Yes, these were children of Latino families ( over half of California population is Latino now ) and the KCBS radio interview report was of a teacher in one of these schools stating that these children were truly fearing that mean armed boogie men would be coming to round up their families for deportation back to Mexico.

    One also wonders whether the same Military Industrial Complex that JFK butted heads against wanted Trump in there more than Clinton.

    Trump constantly shouted how depleted our armed forces are and that one of his highest priorities would be to "rebuild the military."

    MY GOD ...ours is the most powerful and massively financed in the history of the world already and we've lost so much in sacrificing our society's other need areas for the price of this the last 70 years ... how much more can we pay?

    The all out personal attacks on Hillary including Comey's weird and illogical last minute 5% point poll drop criminal investigation thing and the outrageous and suspicious Russian influence and it's Wiki leak connection was unprecedented in lowering the political election bar so low it made people physically ill and has shaken their already lost respect for our government and those who control and finance these elections.

    And no matter how much self interested parties and their media mouthpieces keep downplaying the uproar millions of Americans feel about their majority vote winning candidates losing these elections ( TWICE NOW IN 16 YEARS! ) because of this antiquated electoral system that can be manipulated with enough money and sleazy doings  

    they will always feel tremendously cheated with this invalidation of their votes in these most important elections that effect their lives more than any others.

    Especially in regards to our SUPREME COURT and how these Repubs have stacked it in their political power favor and will now do so even more.

    Just some thoughts on this.



  9. Also, notice that another name on that list "Evelle J. Younger"  later became California's Attorney General from 1971 thru 1979.

    He later mounted a run for the Governorship against Jerry Brown. 

    And check out Younger's Wiki page.

    Same intriguing intelligence connections as Maheu and Harvey.





  10. Chris Newton, just an odd/funny little coincidence regarding the list you posted of new agents entered on December 9th, 1940.

    In the James Bond film "Diamonds Are Forever"  the Las Vegas "Howard Hughes" suggestive character as portrayed by the famous country singer "Jimmy Dean" ... was named "Willard White."

    A person with that same weird name ..."Willard White" ... also just happens to be on that list of new agents.

  11. As Mr.Hume says about the film ..."If it is legit" ... it is intriguing.

    Of all the tens of thousands of random people this fellow John T. Martin could have filmed on his trip to Texas and General Walker's residence and Louisiana, he finds little ole Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans, just as he is set upon by hot headed Cubans and we see his leaflets scattered on the ground after the scuffle?

    Another one of those 1-in-10,000 coincidences?

  12. On the lighter side ( if we may occasionally interject such ) we all know that life on this crazy, hot molten iron core, 69% water covered, 8 billion human population ant farm planet is full of incredible coincidences (so many funny ) on a daily basis.

    Speaking of baseball game coincidences:

    I took my young son to his first San Francisco Giants game at Candlestick Park back in the early 1990's.

    We had "okay" upper deck seats, behind home plate but slightly off and pretty far back.

    My little guy took his little league glove because he was "sure" he was going to catch a foul ball.

    Wouldn't you know it, a foul ball comes all the way up and is headed right to us and my son jumps into the open aisle to catch this ... and a micro-second before the ball is into my son's glove a PRO adult foul ball catcher guy aggressively bounds in front of him and snags it.

    Oh boy, what a once in a rare outing let down for my son.

    But then on the VERY NEXT PITCH, this same batter ( Alex Cole? ) fouls another ball, and this one comes right back to the SAME EXACT SPOT as the first one! Again my eager hopeful son jumps out into the aisle to grab this incredible coincidence next pitch foul ball and the SAME pro foul ball catcher AGAIN bounds in front of him ... and SNAGS THIS ONE TOO!

    Back to the more serious and against the odds coincidental murders and deaths of important JFK figures.

    Sam Giancana gets mob hit ( while under police watch protection? ) just days before he is to testify to the House Select Committee?

    Johnny Roselli gets the oil drum in the bay treatment before he can testify.

    George De Mohrenchiltds ends it all just before testifying again.

    Dorothy Kilgallen is found dead in absurdly illogical circumstances soon after she gets back from interviewing Jack Ruby and tells friends she is going to crack this case wide open.

    David Ferry supposedly ends it all just before he is to testify to the Grand Jury.

    Guy Banister dies alone just one year after JFK and his extensive files coincidentally disappear that day never to be seen again and no one to this day knows who took these?

    Jack Ruby dies from a quick spreading cancer just as he is granted a new trial and is seen on video saying if Adlai Stephenson had been JFK's vice president on 11,22,1963 our beloved President wouldn't have been killed?

    A logical and reasonable mind will always find it hard to dismiss the number of major JFK connected characters dying from murder & suicide and under common denominator timing circumstances as just "nothing to see here folks - move on" coincidences.

  13. Must buy and read.

    Regarding Tom Hanks;

    The guy and his JFK/Bugliosi agenda are just weird.

    Here is a guy who stars in films ( The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons and now Inferno. ) for what...$20,000,000 each? And where his lead actor role is to step up to dig for the truth that the main stream media and clueless public is just not getting and under life and death risk to "save the world" and is looked upon as a conspiracy kook while doing so, but a hero in the end when the truth is finally revealed.

    Yet, in real life he spends millions of his own money on a project that tried to portray conspiracy researchers of a much more real and society effecting important event as loons ?

    In 2013 I just had to see Hank's film "Parkland."

    I talked my wife into seeing this with me.

    I kid you not, we were the only people in the audience except for one other person.

    This other person was an extremely obese fellow ( had to be 400 lbs) who fell asleep in the first twenty minutes of the film and who then snored so loudly through the rest of the film we missed much of the dialogue.

    Parkland's laughable movie ticket sales disaster ( I read that it was one of the biggest money losing bombs in recent film industry times ) and our personal viewing experience in our local theater complex epitomized to me the ludicrous absurdity of the film and it's message to a head shaking ( how could someone green-light a film this bad ) degree.

  14. The last two paragraphs are my own thoughts about Jackie Kennedy's "LBJ did it" perspective as stated in the above article and my speculations as to how she may have arrived at such a view.

    The article above my paragraphs is one I came across checking links to other postings.

    I am sorry I do not have nor do I remember the original source.

    I can't say that the article is true or not with any informed authority.

    However, I think it is logical that Jackie Kennedy knew of LBJ's seriously corrupt criminal side through her husband's and Robert Kennedy's private conversations which she must have been privy to if even to a small degree.

    And wouldn't it be logical for Jackie to feel that because of her husband's and RFK's deep dislike and distrust of LBJ and LBJ's heavy duty corruption and the fact that her husband's murder took place in Texas ( Lyndon Johnson's extreme right wing and JFK hating, nut country domain ) that LBJ probably had something to do with it?

    Did Jackie Kennedy actually say or write that she suspected LBJ in her husband's murder as the article claims? Jim De...if anyone knows the facts of whether she did or not, I am sure it would be you. If she did, it sure wouldn't surprise me.

    In a forum where serious many year effort documented research facts give it it's high regard credibility I probably should keep this standard in mind more often when filling up posting space with my less than documented research speculations.

    Sorry for doing this, but I must say that the forum has been much more active ( I think it has ) with much more participation than I have seen in the last two years.

    Seems there are several new and older posters who I have not recognized posting here now. This higher posting activity ( so many new and interesting threads by Douglas Caddy ) has inspired me to post more myself.

  15. cropped_MI-Jackie-O-JFK-Getty.jpg

    Jackie O and John F Kennedy. GETTY

    Jackie Kennedy believed Lyndon B. Johnson was behind the 1963 assassination of her husband President John F. Kennedy.

    In the sensational tapes recorded by the First Lady months after the President’s death, broadcast by ABC, Kennedy revealed her belief that Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons orchestrated the murder of her husband by gunman Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Kennedy, who later became Jackie Onassis, claimed that the Dallas murder was part of a larger conspiracy to allow Johnson to become American President in his own right.

    Johnson, who served as a member of Congress, completed Kennedy’s term after the assassination and went on to be elected president.

    Leading historian Arthur Schlesinger Jnr recorded the tapes with Jackie Kennedy within months of her husband’s death.

    They have been stored in a sealed vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston after orders from Mrs Kennedy that they would remain secret for 50 years after her death.

    Years after her mother died from cancer, daughter Caroline has opted to release the tapes early.

    She has entered an agreement with the ABC network in the States who will air the tapes after agreeing to cancel their Kennedys drama series which upset Caroline and the Kennedy family.

    Read more: Top facts about President John F. Kennedy you never knew.

    The $10 million series starred Tom Cruise’s wife Kate Holmes as Jackie Kennedy and critically charted the family’s political and personal trials and tribulations since the 1930s. It has now been dropped in a deal with Caroline concerning these tapes.

    ABC executives have confirmed that the revelations in the tapes are ‘explosive’ with Jackie Kennedy allegedly blaming President Lyndon Johnson for the death of JFK, according to the Daily Mail reports.

    It is believed the tapes also include the suggestion that President Kennedy was having an affair with a 19-year-old White House intern with his wife even claiming that she found underwear in their bedroom.

    Jackie Kennedy also admits to several affairs of her own in the tapes - one with Hollywood star William Holden and another with Fiat founder Gianni Agnelli - in retaliation for the President’s indiscretions.

    There are also claims that the couple had discussed having more children in the weeks before his death.

    Noted Kennedy family historian and author Edward Klein said: “Jackie regarded the pretty young things in the White House as superficial flings for Jack. She did retaliate by having her own affairs.

    “There was a period during which she was delighted to be able to annoy her husband with her own illicit romances.”

    I know this has been out there for awhile and many will argue that Jackie Kennedy was simply stating her belief based on her own feelings at the time versus any deep investigative findings. You can bet however that JFK must have shared with her the possibility of a worst case scenario demise because of the forces he was butting up against in his presidency. And one of those JFK hating forces was LBJ himself and the power people behind him.

    You have to give Jackie Kennedy's take on who was responsible at least more credibility and weight than some average person as she was privy to so many closest personal thoughts and sharings of her husband, beyond any other person.

    When JFK mentioned to Jackie that they were in "nut country" now upon their arrival in Texas and especially Dallas,

    that this comment didn't go over Jackie's head in regards to the dangers it presented to her husband.

  16. G.H.W. Bush's Zapata Oil Corp was located in Houston at this time, correct?

    When one reads that desperate correspondence from De Mohren to Bush, the surprising thing to me regards that letter, was not only that it got delivered to Bush, but that De Mohren received a quite personal reply from Bush who at this time was in one of the most powerful positions in our government.

    IMHP, one doesn't get that personal of a reply from such a powerful position holder unless you had some actual one-on-one interaction with this person at some point in the past.

    Why could De Mohren's visits to Houston "not" have been with his friend "George Bush?"

  17. Even though these two guys do indeed look creepy ( Posner especially ) I would love to be in the audience for this debate.

    Stone is very aggressive, and he definitely has much more "true insider" knowledge of the dirty deed workings of American politics and in that area has for sure made acquaintances with some well connected individuals who go back to the 60's.

    And he follows the H.L.Hunt end of life confession take on JFK regards LBJ and Cord Meyer.

    Posner? I always had the gut feeling he is a stooge for you know who. And I don't know how he ever felt he had any credibility after the Ferry/Oswald Junior Civil Air Patrol photo was released.

  18. "Mr. VOSHININ - They moved in that circle. Now, there is one thing which always strikes me peculiar - I just talked last night with my wife about that. The last 2 years, you know, the DeMohrenschildts were going to Houston about every 4 weeks, and DeMohrenschildt was always saying, "I have to go to Houston on business." And he would say - of course, you don't ask people, you know. George didn't like to talk about what his business is you know. Never told anybody about the details and nobody, of course, asked him.
    And he would say, "You know, I have to go - you know, all my business goes through Houston." On the other hand, he would say he was, you know, getting his jobs through a 5 presenter in Washington - and here he was always going to Houston, like reporting to somebody; every 4 or 5 weeks, he was always going to Houston. And as far as me and my wife heard about his business, he has no oil interest there or no business there whatsoever. But as far as he was always interested only in foreign assignments, why should he go to Houston? In other words, even before, you know, the late President was killed, you know, we were once talking this with my wife and wondering - what in the hell is he doing in Houston?
    You don't get foreign assignments, through Houston-not that we know about, but always he was going to Houston. And, I don't know, he never mentioned to who he goes to Houston. But, it may be possible that I can give you a name of a Russian professor in Houston who may know - may not know but may know - who knows something because Professor Jitkoff -"

    Voshinin and his wife were very curious, even suspicious, of the De Mohrenchild's visits every 4 weeks to Houston for two years.

    Just curious myself. Where was George Bush and his oil business located during this time?

  19. I just read the entire Voshinin WC testimony transcript.

    My God!

    The intriguing questions it opens up are so numerous.

    Just one:

    The many trips ( every 4 weeks ) taken by the De Mohrenchilds to Houston ( the purpose of which the normally talkative George De Mohrenchilds wouldn't discuss when asked by Voshinin ) in late 1962 up until they left for Haiti in the Spring of 1963 begs a huge question...who were the De Mohrenchilds meeting there on a regular basis?

    Anybody important in this story ( or a larger but related one? ) working out of Houston at that time?

  20. A fellow Marine coincidentally serves at the same time and in some of the same specific areas of duty as Oswald ( Camp Pendleton, same ship to Japan, Japan, Guam etc. ) and is then coincidentally hired by the Dallas PD just "2 months" before 11,22,1963 and is also coincidentally married to a woman (Geneva White) who worked for Oswald's killer Jack Ruby ( if even briefly) AND is said to have stated to his pastor not long before he died, that he ( Roscoe White) had killed other men on this soil and on foreign soil.

    If this last confession-to-his-pastor part of the Roscoe White story is true, then we have ANOTHER coincidence. Two fairly young Dallas residing former Marines with similarly secret lives before 11,22,1963.

    Now there's a coincidental hat trick ... plus one.

    And yes, Chris ... throw in former Marine Gary Patrick Hemming.

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