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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. David Josephs

    The Z film frames you have posted clearly show Greer looking directly back at the limo passengers at the very moment of the head explosion of JFK and even a split second after.

    In other words ...during the entire head explosion scene.

    And in my observation opinion Greer's head was turned so far around toward JFK, that his Warren Commission testimony claim of not seeing JFK when he was hit in the head is factually false by the laws and logic of physical anatomical science.

    Greer's " I didn't see anything " statement raises serious questions about his motivations for stating something the film depicts as false.

    And no driver steps on the gas of a car when their head is turned almost 150 degrees backwards. They do so when they turn their head back to the front of the car.

  2. Jim Di,

    Like Mae Brussell your own JFK & related truth seeking research efforts are an amazing achievement in themselves.

    Unlike Brussell however, you are an excellent writer imo.

    I just cannot fathom the years of time and work commitment people like you and Mark Lane and Jim Garrison and Brussell and so many others including some members of this very forum were and are still willing to take on ... all for the sake of the enlightened democracy truth versus the secret society darkness JFK described and warned us about in his Newspaper Publishers speech on April 27th, 1961, as well as Eisenhower in his MIC farewell speech.

    And how much harder is this sacrifice effort for those who have given it without much outside funding and not being monetarily endowed such as Mae Brussell? 




  3. Paul, I am from the same locale in California as Mae Brussell.

    She broadcast on a small privately owned FM station "KLRB" in Carmel.

    I was quite a bit younger than her, but I listened to her as often as I could.

    My West Coast young adult generation of the mid-1960's through mid-1970's was very inclined toward political mistrust views ( who wouldn't be after JFK, RFK and MLK? ) and Ms. Brussell was looked upon as almost a guru in this regards.

    Some people labeled her a totally obsessed conspiracy nut, but those critics would never spend 10 minutes actually listening to and especially reviewing or contemplating what she had researched and broadcast.

    Brussell was uncovering incredibly sinister and deep cover doings and associations at the highest governmental levels beyond anything average American citizens could have imagined and any of our mainstream media and most well known journalists would have ever pursued and reported.

    One thing the JFK research community , including Mae Brussell, has succeeded doing in spades since the 1960's, is uncovering and exposing mountains of factual information like this that would have probably never seen the light of day were it not for their years of dogged digging and courageous reporting.

    I didn't know it at the time of her broadcasts but Mae Brussell's personal background was incredibly interesting. She ( maiden name Mae Magnin ) came from the very wealthy I.Magnin family. She was born in Beverly Hills. She was decently educated attending Stanford and Berkeley ( although no high degrees from there.) 

    But what an outright "machine" in her research efforts.

    I still find it a little tough listening to some of her past broadcasts though, only because she would tire me out. She talked non-stop for hours and shared so much info...you had to take mental exhaustion breaks because of this.

    Funny, Mr. Ultra Right Wing himself ( Clint Eastwood ) is from this same area and was here during Mae Brussell's time. I am sure he knew of her and was of the "Brussell's a kook " camp.  He even owns a radio station here that may be that old one Mae Brussell broadcast on, but with different call letters? Now known as KRML? Not totally sure about this coincidence, but Eastwood does or did own this Carmel, Ca based radio station at one time.



  4. Jim Di...it's been 52 years since Kilgallen's death.

    If we don't know how to fit the "suspicious circumstances" of her death together at this 5 decades later date ( with any widely accepted consensus ) will we ever?

    Sadly, Kilgallen's death story will probably remain unsolved in this way just like JFK's and RFK's amd MLK's.

    But, a very worthy and dramatically interesting film could still be made about this super ambitious, confident, smart woman and her high energy, high achieving and high society life and circles that all ended so suddenly, suspiciously and ominously when she allowed herself to become too involved in the search for the truth regarding who really killed our beloved president JFK on 11,22,1963.

    This film wouldn't have to have definitive answers regarding who really killed Kilgallen and why.  Her death could be shown to be exactly as we know it as highly suspicious and ominous with the facts and testimony at hand. This reality alone would be enough to end the film with true drama and leave viewers who actually care what happened to Kilgallen with something close to the truth...and that is that the official story about Kilgallen's death is just too weak and poorly investigated to be true.


    I would write the film in two parts. The first would cover Kilgallen's beginnings and ambitious, successful and fortuitous rise to the top of the high society literary NY scene...with the second half starting with the death of JFK and the profound effect this had on Kilgallen, so much so that she became obsessed with investigating and solving the crime with her own death resulting from this obsession.

    Honestly, Meryl Streep has a face that could easily be transformed in Dorothy Kilgallen with dyed black hair and the right make-up. Look at Streep's face in recent photos especially.  Maybe a younger actress could portray Kilgallen in her younger years?


    I must apologize for my embarrassing post earlier in this thread where I mention Kilgallen's trip to New Orleans. I now know she never made that trip.



  5. Serious people taking serious action against Kilgallen.

    She had to be stopped "now."

    They couldn't let her start reporting what she had found in her investigations with her nationwide audience.

    She was probably slipped a "Mickey Finn" before the final deadly deed was done.

    Look, taking Kilgallen out would be nothing to those who ordered and carried out blowing the President's head off inches away from his wife's face in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses.

    And getting a deadly amount or mix of just the right drugs into someone already unconscious to create the appearance of a suicide was probably already a refined killing technique to sophisticated powers at the time.

    Yes, Kilgallen did look pasty and puffy faced and perhaps exhausted (physically and emotionally?) on that last "What's My Line Show."

    My intuition tells me that she was truly fearing for her life at that time and this incredible stress was taking a toll on her physically.

     She finally got involved with a criminal case that involved nefarious powers beyond anything she had ever encountered or even contemplated.

    This was no Sam Sheppard case.



  6. Clay Shaw preliminary hearing testimony.

    Am I relating this to Trump/Cruz politics?

    Absolutely not.

    I read the moderators post stating non-JFK related political threads were being removed from here and re-directed.

    The Oswald/Bringuier confrontation in NOLA in August of 1963 is a well known and important part of the Oswald story.

    Who this also arrested Cuban Cruz fellow accompanying Bringuier was does intrigue me.

    Yes, I wondered if it may have been Rafael Cruz as I believe he was in NOLA at this time. And he was quite active in the anti-Castro movement, even giving talks to various groups about his personal experiences in Cuba culminating with his having to flee because of Castro.  

    The identity of the arrested with Oswald Cruz may just be another Cruz. If any researcher of this episode knows who this Cruz was, I would appreciate the correct ID info. 

  7. DETECTIVE FRANK HAYWARD, a witness for the State, having been duly sworn, testified as follows: 
    * * * DIRECT EXAMINATION * * * 
    BY MR. OSER: 
    Q. State your name, please. 
    A. Frank Hayward. 
    Q. And by whom are you employed? 
    A. City of New Orleans, Department of Police. 
    Q. How long have you been a member of the New Orleans Police Department? 
    A. Approximately eight years. 
    Q. And to what division are you now assigned? 
    A. I am presently assigned to the Central Lock Up of the Police Department. 
    Q. Detective Hayward, during the month of August of 1963, to what division of the New Orleans Police Department were you assigned? 
    A. I was then assigned to the First Police District. 
    Q. And where is that located? 
    A. The commercial section of town. 
    Q. I direct your attention, Detective, to the date of August 9th, 1963, and ask you whether or not you had occasion to effect the arrest of anyone from the 700 block of Canal Street? 
    A. Yes, sir, my partner and I did arrest four people from that location. 
    Q. Who was your partner on that day? 
    A. Officer Frank Wilson. 
    Q. Would you give the names of the people that you arrested on that day in the 700 block of Canal Street? 
    A. I recall the last names of all four subjects, yes, sir. It was Bringuier, Cruz, Hernandez and Oswald. 
    Q. For what reason did you arrest these individuals? 
    A. We observed the four subjects in that block with a large crowd; a large crowd had gathered and an altercation was taking place between the three Spanish individuals and Mr. Oswald. 
    Q. Did you have occasion, besides effecting the arrest of these individuals, to subsequently have them booked in the First District Police Station? 
    A. Yes, sir, we did. 
    Q. At this time, were you able to ascertain the full name of the individual by the name of Oswald? 
    A. He gave the name of Lee, initial "H", Oswald. 
    Q. Detective Hayward, I show you what the State has marked S-1 for identification and ask if you have ever seen the individuals depicted in this photograph? 
    A. Yes, sir, this is one of the four subjects that we arrested on that date. 
    Q. Were you ever able to ascertain the name of that person depicted in that photograph? 
    A. Lee H. Oswald. 
    Q. Detective Hayward, I now show you what the State marks for the purpose of identification as S-2 and ask you if you have ever seen anyone depicted in those two photographs? 
    A. Yes, sir, I recognize the center subject in both photographs as being the same Lee H. Oswald that we arrested. 
    Q. Tender the witness. 
    No questions. 
    BY MR. OSER: 
    Your Honor, the State had no further need of Detective Hayward and asks that he be excused from subpoena, if the Court please? 
    Any objection? 
    No objection. 
    Officer, you are excused. You may leave whenever you desire.

  8. Has there been a loss of focus here relative to the forum's usual and stated historical theme and content?

    At least with more current political event postings than I have seen in the last few years?

    I am relatively new to it, so I couldn't say for sure.

    However, I do think that there is an unprecedented level of anxiety and concern throughout our entire society about Trump's recent electoral victory ( negating the 3 million popular vote victory of HC ) and his immediate aggressive and controversial actions in this position, and many here on this forum are feeling this as well.  So much so, that I think they feel almost compelled to say something in response to what they are witnessing with this new president.

    Even at the risk of some criticism about losing some focus on the 11,22,1963 JFK-In-Dallas event and the search for the truth about it.

    Not sure if the moderators should do anything about these current political event postings.

    Personally however, I think there is still enough of a large majority of JFK focused postings to tolerate a couple of threads like these.

    I don't watch too much TV either. My PC takes me where I want to go with my specific interests so well, that I am now addicted to it.

    I take it to bed at night. Wake up to it.

    Dear God!  Re-reading what I just posted about my intimate relationship with my PC, I just came to an embarrassing question thought ...has this little boxed screen replaced my ... uh... well ... uh...  no, of course not. At least I hope not.

    Anyway, Jim D. I too am a rabid Packer fan.  

    But, regards our main forum theme focus...it will be with me until my dying day.

    The yearning for the truth regards JFK in Dallas.

    I was 12 on 11,22,1963. I ran home and was glued to the TV for the next few days. I saw Ruby whack Lee Harvey Oswald on Live TV. I wasn't thinking conspiracy up until that point.

    But, even as a 12 year old...when I witnessed strip joint owner Jack Ruby just step out and blow away Oswald, right inside the Dallas Police Department building, with over 70 armed security personnel there for one main reason ( to protect the most important capital crime "suspect" in the 20th century ) my innocent gut told me right then and there that there was so much more to this whole affair than we would ever be told. And my gut has never felt any different since.

    That unsureness about the so-called "truths" that we have been told by the-powers-to-be about many major events in our lives since 11,22,1963..has never left me.



  9. On 1/26/2017 at 0:31 PM, Douglas Caddy said:


    That said, there is also a growing consensus that Trump is a loon and may snap or have a public breakdown sooner rather than later, leading to his voluntary or involuntary resignation as President.



    Trumps son, Donald Trump Jr. said this:" Russia is one of the hottest places in the world for investment,” Trump said in a 2007 deposition. ... “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump's son told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication.Jul 27, 2016 .

    Whatever intimate contacts may have with Putin, that if true, should eventually sink him.This is not even to mention Trumps conflict of interest already with Russia.

    In the days of JFK, Trump's holdings in Russia would have been enough to disqualify him from running for the Presidency. There is an obvious conflict of interest that no other candidates have ever had, that people are having to come to grips with, because apparently no one wants to deny a poor billionaire access to the Presidency in the modern multi national corporate day. Now we're being told it's  unrealistic for a candidate to sell all of his holdings at the drop of a hat, but this question should have been vetted by the press over a year ago.

    Trumps election is a reflection of the neglected divisions in this country that have been growing for decades. Divisions of hate, anger, resentment, frustration , fear and insecurity.

    Fed to a very great extent by wealthy right wing funded propogandists like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Alex Jones and others who have been inciting these feelings to their millions of listeners 24/7 ... for decades!

    Also, sadly by the weakness and lack of courage of representatives from the other side of the political spectrum.

    I sent an E-Mail to our senator Dianne Feinstein last April or May ( which I might do once every 10 to 15 years ) expressing my concern that the Democrats weren't doing more to get a Supreme Court candidate nominated before the next Presidential election, and that a failure to do so may well result in losing this opportunity to swing the court back to a balance. They were so quiet and non-moving on this issue.

    I suggested that they ( the Dems - as a group effort ) take to the public opinion airwaves and fight for this as It seemed to me they were just much too quiet and acquiescent relative to the importance of losing their chance to pick a Supreme Court justice.

    I equated what the Republicans were doing to a bully pushing around a hapless victim and that it was time to start standing up to them.

    I also mentioned that the only high profile Democrat who seemed to have the courage to really stand up to this Repub. bullying was Elizabeth Warren. She did go on the political talk shows and had other media interviews where she tried to get something going on this issue.

    Senator Feinstein wrote back. Her response was professionally cordial, but all she did was go on and on about the good qualities of the nominee of the moment 

    Merrick Garland.


    I got back, thanked Senator Feinstein for responding and stated that I knew the credentials of Garland, but I felt she missed the point of my initial E-Mail...which was a concerned plea for the Democrats to finally start standing up to the Republican bullys who have been "bitch slapping" them ( I didn't use those two exact words )  since the presidential election theft of 2,000.

    Needless to say, the Dems failure to even fight hard for their nominee has resulted in a loss of the Supreme Court to Trump and his right wing craziness for a long time.

  10. Like probably everyone here, I have watched the Zapruder film hundreds if not thousands of times over decades.

    In every film speed and close up views I could find.

    Despite reading ( and considering ) hundreds of different takes on the head wound bullet trajectory and entry location, I still see what looks to me as a rear entry with a right frontal lobe and upper side above the ear blow-out.

    At the time of impact, I see shattered skull bone chunks with hair attached flapping outward in that right front side area as if they were blown out from inward and behind. 

    I also see a mist of reddish/pink blood and probably brain matter spraying above and all around JFK's head with an added trajectory of something more solid shooting up vertically from the same blow out area. 

    The strongest explanation I could figure as to why the two DPD motorcycle officers behind the  limo were sprayed so noticeably with JFK's blood and brain matter was that the upward and outward spray would naturally settle in back of the forward moving limo, versus a rear head blow out one.


  11. Yes Michael Clark, Ruby was usually placed at the Dallas PD at that time.

    This Harry Olsen character seemed like he was lying his head off during his WC testimony.

    Couldn't remember names of people he was personally interacting with during the JFK event time period just months later? 

    And much too close to Ruby.


  12. Personal UFO experiences?

    I promise I'll jump back into the JFK debate and discussion after this post.


    Had a brother in the Air Force in 1960 to 1964 era.

    In 1960, I believe, he was an AP and on night guard duty at a base in Morocco. He and his fellow security detail noticed "red circular" objects hovering above the base this one evening.

    They called in to report this to their superiors and after a long delay were finally told ... "We have nothing on radar...therefore you see nothing. And don't write home about this."

    To this day ( 56 years later )  his recollection and recounting of this incident has never wavered or changed.


    Maybe 11 years ago, my son and I were driving North to Santa Cruz, California on the Coast Highway # 1.

    Late spring, sunny, late morning, blue sky everywhere, no clouds.

    Suddenly, out of the corner of our eye, we both saw a "metallic object" zip over us at a somewhat low altitude.

    Maybe 1,000 feet?

    It was so fast we almost didn't see it.

    It was so brightly reflective it was like highly polished aluminum.

    It was the extremely bright reflection that caught our eye. Almost as bright as someone flashing a reflection of sunlight off of a mirror.

    Only noticed it for a second, but we both described the same thing.


    Watched a bright orange "ball?" or Chinese Lantern shaped object come in from out over the Bay one semi-early March evening 3 years back.

    It was dark about 8:30 PM to 9:PM.

    Very cold evening. Alaskan air current blasting in to our coastal Northern California town.

    I have been out at night next to our shoreline thousands of times here over my 65 years. Loved the cool fresh ocean air and observing the lights of other cities across the Bay

    We have an airport and I know "exactly " what incoming and outgoing  aircraft look like and sound like at night as well as day. Again,  I've seen these aircraft coming and going thousands of times.

    This bright orange ball came in from off the Bay ( Monterey Bay ) from a direction I had never seen before. It came toward me in a straight line ( but not toward me on purpose I believe ) and in no way at any angle toward our municipal airport. It was going rather slowly as it took a few minutes to arrive over my head. When it did it seemed to slow even more.  It was between 600 and 1,000 feet above me. No sound at all. Size appeared to be that of a full size pick up truck or mini-camper van?

    I had no cell phone, no camera. So no pics.

    I actually became alarmed somewhat as this object passed above me at such a low and close altitude with no sound.

    It passed over me. However, again, at no point when it passed over and away did I hear any noise at all.

    Any airplane or helicopter would have had some engine noise ( which sometimes you can't hear until after these aircraft pass you.) The object continued Southward and was only a few hundred feet above our highest forested hills which are 600 feet at their height.

    I posted about this on our local Craigslist. Only one person responded. He didn't identify himself and had a generic screen name. He stated to me that what I saw was "aerial advertising!"  HA!

    I got back and told him his humor was okay with me, but if this was night time aerial advertising, I'd like to know who got suckered into paying for it. At the freezing temperatures of that night, hardly anyone was outdoors.  I asked what this fellow did for a living. He stated that he had something to do with our Navy Post Graduate School.  The whole thing was strange..but who do you tell these stories to?


    Lastly, I have a strange "paranormal?" tale that may or may not be UFO related, but it's a real " X Files" one and absolutely true

    Late summer in I think 1997?

    We ( family of four ) were living in a fairly large home in a North/Central California Coastal area called "Pebble Beach."

    If any of you have ever been to this community ( location of the famous Pebble Beach Golf course)  you will know it is one of high end homes nestled among an extremely dense and native pine forest.

    The land development is owned by the "Pebble Beach Company" and Clint Eastwood is one of the owners.

    Our home was in an area where there was just open forest all around ( could not even see any other homes) except for 100 feet behind ours and even this was blocked by more trees. Never met a neighbor there in 4 to 5 years!

    Pebble Beach has no street lights or even sidewalks. It's like you are living in a cabin in the deep woods. It is so dark at night you almost can't see anything except when there is a full moon.

    It was a Friday night. You could kind of hear our local high school football game going on a mile and a half away up until about 10:PM.

    All of us slept upstairs where there was the main hallway with a bank of windows facing the deep woods across the street.

    My son ( 12 or 13 years old? ) and daughter (10 or 11 ) slept in their individual bedrooms at the end of this hallway, with my wife in her opposite end one and myself in another between all three.

    I kept my door open to the hallway and it's windows. Never any outside light into them...but my wife always closed her door at night.

    At about 2: AM this evening I was abruptly awakened.

    I was half asleep and thought I was dreaming. As I became more awake I noticed my room was filled with the brightest light I have ever seen.

    I had to hold my hand over my eyes and could only see between my fingers. It was still hard to see.

    This light was coming in from an upper angle above but slightly away from our house on the open woods side and again, illuminated the entire house especially through our upstairs hallway windows facing it.

    As the light stayed on our house and so brightly in my open door room for a good minute or two, I just sat there dumbfounded.

    Soon, I began to contemplate what this super white/blue light might be from. I thought that maybe there were several emergency and/or police vehicles outside shining every brightest light they had on our house. Or maybe even one of those huge sized "Hollywood Premier" lanterns? But after 20 seconds or so of this thought, I realised there was absolutely no sound anywhere near our home. Nothing.

    And if anyone would ask "why didn't you get up and walk to your door and look out at this light? " I will tell you honestly that I felt frozen...in fear to a degree. I didn't want to look at the source of this blinding 2:AM light bathing our home. Kind of cowardly, I admit.

    The light was like that of a welders torch. A whitish /yet blue tint one. No warm yellow in it like sun, bulb or car lights. It was a cold light.

    However, this light never sparked, flickered or wavered like a welders torch.  It was totally steady.

    Finally after 2 to 3 minutes of this strange phenomena, I heard my wife getting up and exclaiming loudly at the same time" What is that light?"

    The light was so bright it had awakened her ... even through the cracks of her closed door!

    As soon as I heard my wife's door handle turning, the light inexplicably blinked off. And when the light blinked off, so did all of our electricity.

    Clock radios, refrigerator, etc.

    My wife came to my room and noticing I was awake myself and shaking under the covers, she said, don't be such a coward, get up!

    We both went back to her room and with a flashlight, began to try to understand what just happened. She said the light was so bright it woke her up.

    I was appreciative that this wasn't all some bad dream resulting from my own inner turmoil, and that what I had seen was real.

    Our phone worked so we called the 24 hour security gate maybe 3/4ths of a mile away and asked if their power was out. "No" they said. I asked if their power had blinked or wavered in the last 10 to 15 minutes and again they said "no." And there were no reports from anyone else about any problems with their electricity either.

    My wife and I then walked down our upstairs hallway to check on our kids. They were fine...but I remembered our son was turned away from us standing at his room's entrance.

    This detail may be significant later in the story.

    We went back to my wife's bedroom and in another 5 or 10 minutes or so, all our electricity just instantly came back on!

    After awhile however and being exhausted from this late night strangeness we just went back to bed.

    Now, here is an even more bizarre part of this story.

    The next morning my wife and I arose at our usual early time. It was a Saturday so she was off from her weekday work.

    She was frying eggs and making breakfast and I was reading our local paper when we heard our son walking down the stairs to our living room and kitchen area. We didn't look up but he stopped near the bottom of the stairs and then spontaneously remarked " Wow, I had the worst nosebleed of my life last night."

    My wife and I turned toward our son and to our great shock, my son's lower face ( from his nose down ) and t-shirt were indeed covered in dried blood!

    We jumped up and concernedly examined him and then walked quickly back up to his room. His pillow was covered in dried blood.

    Now, when we checked on our son around 2:15 am hours earlier, there was no blood anywhere on his pillow or him although he was turned away so we couldn't see his face.

    I then reminded my son that this wasn't the worst nosebleed of his life. Because he had never had one before this.

    We cleaned our son and his bedding up but we just didn't know what to make of any of this so we really didn't discuss this incident very much back then and even up until now.

     Although to this day my wife will confirm it's reality and detail.

    I did ask my brother ( who worked for Pacific Gas & Electric company for decades ) about whether an "arc" on the electric power lines above our house in the same direction of the super bright light could have been the source.

    He stated that indeed "arcs" on the highest and very high voltage lines could produce a similarly bright "blue/white" welder's torch type light. And that squirrels or birds or perhaps something metallic touching these could trigger such a light. But, this "arc" light would never last 3 minutes and remain steady. It would flicker. And he said that if this was a squirrel or other animal triggering this "arcing" that the animal would be fried so quickly it would just burn up and or fall to the ground in a very short time.

    Well, for those of you who like to listen to Coast To Coast call-in stories of the paranormal, I am sure you will find this true story somewhat intriguing.  But, what was it?

    Who knows.

    Was my son abducted by aliens in a UFO and later bleeding from a nasal entrance brain in-plant? I sure don't know.

    He is in his thirties now and seems quite well grounded. 

    I'll erase this post if it upsets our researchers as frivolous and leading us astray of the JFK truth...which I am committed to with all my soul.







  13. This unprecedented non-stop 24/7 media stream of crazy daily Trump revelations is the most disturbing thing many have ever seen with a president elect.

    It's exaggerated political drama beyond anything most Americans could have imagined.  

    A bizarre plot twist of a worked up, blustering, taunting WWF type character with possible nefarious background associations and who insecurely wants to fight everyone who criticizes him...who somehow gets placed into the highest level of our government.

    The whole crazy show elicits nervous chuckling at times but more often than not it's making millions of people almost sick with an unsure apprehension to an almost ominous degree.

    And all this is happening before this president elect...has even taken office!

    Most presidents go through 4 and even 8 year terms of serving with less unsettling controversy than Trump has created...before he has even taken the oath of office!

    God help us the next 4 years.  God Help us all.



  14. Paul was right, I was referring to those who knew both Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald personally.

    Ron Lewis didn't have much to do with Ruby from what I have read. However, he did have interactions with Guy Bannister.

    Chris Newton's list does include people with intriguing connections to others besides Oswald. Much suspicion there as well.

    However, Roscoe White's interactions with Ruby & Oswald together makes him a person of much more unique and suspicious intrigue in this story IMO.

    Larry Cafar?  Just not informed of this person.

    Like Paul I also agree with much of Seth Kantor's assessment of Ruby. I think prostitution was an area that Jack Ruby was much more involved in than has been generally reported.  

    Look, strip joints have always been a key part of any prostitution crime setup.

    The whole point of strip clubs ( here in the states and world wide ) is more often than not to get their male customers so worked up and probably liquored up to crave this.

    Pimps or call girls themselves would often do the rest.

    I remember strip joints here in Calif. I went once or twice myself as a young man in my early twenties.

    The prostitutes would "line up" right outside the place at closing time! Business was brisk.

    Big city prostitution and strip joints were always synonymous here in Calif.

    Were Ruby's strip joints in Dallas any different? I doubt it.

    Ruby even stated in his Warren Commission testimony that members ( at least one or two? And married to boot! ) of the Dallas PD were having relations with his strippers.

    Wasn't J.D. Tippit one of these?

    And I'll mention again that one of the most suspiciously illogical actions of the Warren Commission was to tell Seth Kantor that he was mistaken ( and Ruby wasn't ) about Kantor meeting and talking to Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital the afternoon of 11,22,1963.  As Kantor relates...They ( The Commission ) decided to take the word of Ruby over his regarding this incident.

    Anyone could see that Seth Kantor was an intelligent, well spoken, well educated, well grounded and mentally together and professionally trained observer career person and Jack Ruby was the opposite.  To take Jack Ruby's word over Seth Kantor's in "any" recollection of "any" event in this story was simply so illogical it was crazy. Suspiciously so.

    Here's another question; on the morning of 11,24,1963 when Jack Ruby squeezed his way to the front of the DPD basement press crowd minutes before Lee Harvey Oswald was escorted right to him, wasn't he flanked by a Dallas PD Detective ( big burly guy) who just happened to be very friendly ( and not in playing checkers ) with Ruby for years?

    Now, are we to believe that this DPD fellow didn't even see Jack Ruby standing next to him?  Or if he did, feel that maybe this was one time when his hot-headed friend maybe shouldn't be this close to the most important suspect in American crime history?

    I believe this Ruby buddy DPD member may have been there "to help" Ruby got into his close to Oswald position. 

    And this fellow cop's PD partner ( another buddy of Ruby's ) was also there...standing directly across from Ruby and his partner, and who must have seen Ruby in that first in line , up close position before Oswald came around that corner.

    I am a true believer of the proposition that members of the DPD did set up Ruby to take out Oswald, just as Paul relates.

    I remember seeing a video tape of DPD Sergeant Patrick Dean being interviewed minutes after Ruby whacked Oswald. I think Dean was head of basement security ( great job there Sergeant) and he said that at first when he heard the gun shot, that he even gave some thought to one of his own force shooting Oswald.

    That statement clearly indicated to me ( through Dean ) that the sentiment of many in the DPD was to get Oswald...mainly because they thought he took out one of their own. A guaranteed death sentence without having to worry about a trial where Oswald may have been given a life sentence or even found not guilty.

    With Oswald's own security looking for a lynching...he didn't stand a chance.


  15. Regards Roscoe White's pastor's recounting of White stating he had taken life on foreign soil as well as here at home...

    in his duties in the Dallas PD in the "photo" area, White certainly didn't take anyone's life " here at home" in that 2 year long employment position.

    An action like that would have been recorded.

    How much of Geneva's White's explosive and JFK event incriminating recollection statements regards her husband must a rational person dismiss?

    Okay, the woman had shock treatments which certainly could effect someone's memory.

    However, 65 years of life experience has taught me to not  "totally dismiss" testimony from people of socially incorrect ( even psychologically challenged ) backgrounds.

    People with alcohol problems, drug problems, criminal background problems and even mental health treatment backgrounds.

    Often it is "this group of people" who tell more of the truth than so-called upper social class types. Who often don't want to get involved in the dirty business of crime or wrong doing.

    Bugliosi constantly tried to dismiss many of Jim Garrison's witnesses as all a bunch of drug addicts, criminals, attention seekers, etc.

    But guess where most inner city police crime investigators get most of their tips in their cases? Tips that lead to suspect identification and prosecution?  Other criminal background drug using and selling perps!  Often the subjects cohorts!  

    I guarantee you that in attaining many of his court convictions as an L.A. District Attorney, Bugliosi and his teams relied on testimony from many of this class of people.

    But, getting back to Geneva White and the credibility of her amazingly incriminating statements; she had so much to share on this subject matter and a mentally damaged or disturbed person would have tripped up way more times than she did...IMO.  I don't think anyone can ever totally dismiss Roscoe White as some innocent character in the JFK event affair.  



  16. If it's true that Roscoe White was as close to Jack Ruby as his widow declares; including Ruby coming to their house to share barbeques and have his dog Sheba play with her kids...to me this is a very singularly special and important "cross-over" implication regards Roscoe White.

    The cross-over connection of White to both Oswald (in their very similar military serving times, activities and military and personal life residency locations ) and ( rather intimately ) to Jack Ruby - Oswald's killer.

    How many others in the JFK affair cast of characters could claim such a unique dual main character connection?  

    David Ferrie perhaps?

    Ah, well.  Guess this is just another of the 100's of JFK/Oswald/Ruby coincidences that we are told are only important in our own over-active imagination conspiratorial minds

  17. Amazing that as late as 2006 there would still be talk of threats ( whether relating to actual physical concern or just a possible quagmire of time and effort in certain areas of JFK study ... or even as a joke?) to anyone investigating the JFK and RFK events.

    Back the early years, I could definitely see threats to those getting too involved in the Roscoe White area.

    I always considered him to be a person of serious and valid suspicion.

    I could never buy that a person with such similar and same-time intriguing military activity and serving location background to Oswald..."just happened" to move to the same "Oak Cliff" area of Dallas as Oswald and become a Dallas Police Officer mere months before 11,22,1963.

    And add in White's marriage to Geneva Toland who was connected to Oswald's killer Jack Ruby at some level ( any level is suspicious. ) White's own friendly association with Ruby and White's pastor's recollections about him and especially the pastor's recounting of White's sin confession of stating he ( White ) had killed on foreign and American soil.

    I am posting a copy of the Pastor's summary regarding White whether this is credible or not.  I believe that if it is even half true...that White nefariously had something to do with the events in Dallas on 11,22,1963.

     At 21, Rock married Geneva Toland, who was just 15. A year later he joined the Marines.

    In August 1957 he sailed aboard the U.S.S. Bexar, from San Diego to Yokosuka, Japan. One of his shipmates was Lee Harvey Oswald. For the next five and a half months, White and Oswald were assigned to the 1st Marine Air Wing, first at Atsugi, Japan, and later at Subic Bay, in the Philippines. Oswald was a radar operator in Marine Air Group 16. The two groups may have been quartered miles apart, but Oswald and White probably drank at the same enlisted-men’s club. Being Texans a long way from home, there’s a good chance the two met. Atsugi, incidentally, was one of the bases from which the CIA operated its ultrasecret U-2 reconnaissance flights.

    In 1959 White reenlisted for six years but inexplicably changed his mind in 1962 and applied for a hardship discharge. In the meantime, Oswald had also received a hardship discharge, had defected to Russia for 31 months, and then was allowed to return to the United States without so much as a debriefing by U.S. intelligence. Oswald’s odyssey stretched credulity beyond all reason: Many of his Marine buddies just assumed that Oswald was an American intelligence agent. Early in 1963, Roscoe White moved his family to the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, where Lee Harvey Oswald was living.

    Geneva White remembers her husband’s talking about a friend from the Marine Corps named Lee, particularly a story of how Lee got drunk one night and kept falling down a flight of stairs. Among the memorabilia that Rock brought home after his discharge was a photograph of a group of Marines waiting to board a ship in the Philippines: Oswald is clearly identifiable in the foreground, and Geneva says that the Marine in the background whose face is shaded by the bill of his cap is her husband. The same photograph, cropped differently, was published in Life magazine three months after the assassination. Another souvenir was a .22-caliber two-shot derringer. Geneva remembers that Rock told her, “Keep this in a safe place. It’ll be worth a lot of money some day.” The derringer is similar to the one that fell out of Oswald’s barracks locker in 1958, wounding him in the arm.

    Geneva recalls being introduced to Lee Oswald a few months before the assassination at a rifle range near the Grand Prairie Naval Air Station, where White and Oswald were practicing marksmanship. A few weeks later, she saw Oswald in a grocery store near their home in Oak Cliff. “I saw your friend Lee today,” she told Rock, who became irritated and told her to never mention that name again. About the same time, Geneva caught her husband in bed with a woman named Hazel, an act of infidelity that severely strained their marriage. Rock promised that the affair was over, Geneva recalled, but when she happened to overhear Jack Ruby mention Hazel’s name one night at the Carousel, she stopped outside the door of his office and eavesdropped. She heard Ruby tell her husband: “Hazel is the contact.” Ruby said something about the Bay of Pigs and how Kennedy had betrayed them. The longer she listened, Geneva said, the clearer it became that her husband and Ruby were talking about killing the president. This, at least, is the memory of a dying woman with a history of shock treatments.

    Policemen who worked with Rock White find the mere suggestion that he was involved in the assassination ludicrous. “Let me put it this way,” said W.L. Barnard, now retired from the Dallas Police Department. “Roscoe was one hundred percent jarhead Marine, just like me, trained to follow orders. Now do you suppose a man like that would kill the Commander in Chief of the United States of America?” John T. Williams, another former Dallas policeman said, “The whole story is unbelievable. Rock never told anyone that he was personally acquainted with Oswald or knew anything about the assassination.” White quit the police force in October 1965—two years to the day after he signed on—telling fellow officers he was quitting because of financial and marital problems.

    In the six years that followed, Rock White made a number of unexplained trips to New Orleans and other places. “I was never sure what was happening.” Geneva says, “but I was raised to let the man do the thinking and not ask questions.” In 1968 White moved his family to Mountain Home, Arkansas, supposedly to work for the post office. But nobody at the Mountain Home post office remembers him, and postal employment records don’t go back that far. Later that same year the family returned to Dallas, and White became the assistant manager of a five-and-dime store in Richardson.

    “The family appeared to have money,” recalled the Reverend Jack Shaw, who was their pastor at Central Park Baptist Church. “New car, new home. As I recall, Roscoe pledged ten thousand dollars to our building program.” White’s sons, Ricky and Tony, had new bicycles and go-carts, and the family purchases a cabin on a lake in Central Texas. Rock continued to mess around with other women, and Jack Shaw counseled the couple and prayed with them on several occasions. “Rock poured his heart out to me,” Shaw said. “He told me he had sinned against God, his country, and especially against his wife. He told me he had taken human life on foreign soil and here at home. I knew he had been in the service and had been a policeman, and I didn’t press him for details.”

    In the summer of 1971, shortly after Geneva returned from a trip to New Orleans, she suffered an emotional breakdown and was hospitalized for about a month. Jack Shaw was surprised that the family hadn’t sought his spiritual guidance but sensed that there was some reason for their reluctance. Years later he learned that on the trip to New Orleans, a strange and sinister man had approached Geneva in a nightclub, reminded her about Rock’s part in the Kennedy assassination, and told her: “We have another job for Rock. Tell him he has forty-eight hours to get in touch.” Apparently White never got in touch with the man.

    By this time White had a better-paying job at M&M Equipment Company. But in September he was fatally burned when a leak in an acetylene torch flamed up, causing a can of chemicals that was stored under his workbench to explode. On his deathbed White told Jack Shaw that the explosion was no accident. Shaw assumed there would be a criminal investigation, but there wasn’t. White’s family eventually reached an out-of-court settlement with the chemical manufacturer for $57,000.

    Not long after that, Geneva and her two sons moved back to her parents’ home in Paris, where she remarried. Jack Shaw didn’t see or hear from her again for nearly twenty years.



  18. On 1/1/2017 at 8:33 PM, Joe Bauer said:

    "We had inside people in the Warren Report. Gerald Ford was reporting to us, and, uh, Russell ...they had three of them."


    James Hosty to Eric Bushman in a November 21st, 2010 interview ( at the 16:23 mark) regarding Hosty's book "Assignment: Oswald " on radio station KMBZ in Kansas City, Missouri.

    I have to believe that Hosty didn't even realize the import of his above statement in a recorded public forum.

    He is saying that the Warren Commission was totally compromised by his own agency by having three of it's members reporting to them as instructed.

    I had heard a thousand times about Ford being a company man...but to hear Hosty remark off-handedly that Russell and another member were too...is just so...remarkable in finally hearing the truth about how compromised that so-called "august" independent of outside influenced body was. 

    LBJ and Hoover had that committee by the -alls from day one. They picked the members. Obvious how and why.


    And LBJ in his Cronkite interview said of the WC members...they were the most ablist judicious ... well, just pull up that interview and shake your head at LBJ'S comments to ole Walter.



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