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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Hood and Coley see this pool of "liquid" near the Pergola up close in person and one even touches it with a finger. 

    "That's blood alright."

    Hugh Aynesworth sees a "photograph" of this reported pool of blood on a later date and suggests it is spilled "Coke." ???

    I would imagine at least 80% of us here have all bought and drank hundreds to thousands of Coke drinks in our lives and probably seen some spilled on surfaces. I sure have.

    And we have seen blood spilled many times also. Again, I sure have.

    Anyone who claims that the two substances would look so much alike when spilled that you couldn't tell the difference ( especially on concrete) is lying.

    Spilled blood in thicker amounts can darken but this doesn't happen immediately.

    Who would a reasonable person be forced to believe more in a story like this?

    The two men who were inches away from the pool within minutes of it's discovery and even touched it?

    Or a single person looking at a photograph of the pool later on?

    The pool of dark colored liquid did exist. Even Aynesworth collaborated such.

    Jack Ruby's remaining at the ad offices while everyone else figured the easy short walk outside effort when the motorcade came by was worth doing to catch a close up glimpse of the President and his stunning wife (whom Jack Ruby seemed smitten by ) is so illogical under all the circumstances that it is so obvious Ruby was creating a location alibi.



  2. Yes, one has to be almost purposely avoiding the truth when they say they don't see any relevance to all these Michael Paine family connections and Michael Paine's own political background, interests and activities.

    During the time he was interacting with Lee Oswald and Marina he wanted to go to these extreme political group meetings and talks including one with Oswald himself, just as a passing fancy?

    And what the heck was Ruth Paine's sister's employment background? We all know it wasn't that of kindergarten teacher.

    And Micheal Paine's prevarication regarding the "we know who was responsible" telephone call where his questioner gave him an escape route by stating this call happened on a different date than it actually did, gives even more weight to the MP suspicion realm.

  3. There are some wider frame photo views of the DPD basement/Oswald shooting which do show Dallas Police Officer William "Blackie" Harrison ( on the far right ) reaching out his arm toward Jack Ruby just after he ( Ruby) shot Oswald.

    Harrison is the big, hefty, black haired officer ( plain clothes that day ) who has a cigar hanging out of his mouth as he is reacting to the shooting. He is just to the right of later well known news correspondent Ike Pappas.

    Ruby had stationed himself just behind Harrison right before he bolted out to whack Oswald.  No one between him and Harrison.

    Harrison claimed in his Warren Commission testimony he never saw Ruby at any time before the shooting and didn't even notice him almost brushing up against him just before Ruby jumps out next to him to do the Oswald hit.  Some top notch Oswald security work there Officer Harrison!

    Harrison also gave the Warren Commission a time line for when he observed DPD officer Sam Pierce drive a patrol car up to the top of the Main Street exit ramp before Oswald is brought down to the basement.

    Ruby in his WC testimony also said he saw this same Officer Pierce ( whom Ruby knew well enough to refer to him by his first name "Sam" ) come out the ramp in the police car Harrison mentioned, to the Main Street opening and Pierce's immediate conversing with another ramp guarding officer there.

    Harrison also stated he too observed this same Pierce conversing scene Ruby described.  

    And Ruby stated it was while officer Pierce and this other ramp guarding officer were distracted in their conversation that he scampered past them and went down the ramp.

    Officer Harrison also described observing several other scenes of officers standing and meeting in the Main Street ramp entrance and was able to positively identify them ( even the color of their badges - very good vision from that distance ) from his position all the way down at the bottom of the ramp and a little farther in the basement. Yet, with all these long distance positive ID observations officer Harrison claimed he never saw Ruby during this same period.

    If Harrison observed officer Pierce conversing out his car window with another ramp security officer right in the ramp opening area while it was happening, isn't it very likely that would also see Ruby scamper by them at the same time which Ruby claims he did?  

    Harrison and Ruby both describe witnessing the Pierce Ramp opening conversation scene at the same time.

    Harrison stated that the driving up the ramp by officer Pierce and conversation with another officer there occurred "5 minutes" or more before the Oswald shooting.

    If that was the case and Ruby scampered down the ramp into the basement ( which must have taken maybe 5 to 10 seconds?) during this conversation, then that means Ruby was in the basement all that time also. And in all those 5 minutes, not one of all the highest alert, unprecedented number Oswald security team ( including Harrison ) notices him?  Even as he is right behind Harrison during Oswald's walk from the entrance door to his being just feet away?

    Isn't it security's job to observe the press crowd instead of straight at the person they are supposedly protecting?

    If you read Harrison's WC testimony you will see Harrison's statement of knowing Jack Ruby for 12 years ( Harrison was a patrol officer all this time )  and down playing his relationship with Jack Ruby during this long period with a statement of his only "occasionally"  dropping into his establishments for drinks ( water and soda pops inferred) and to look for underage patrons. 

    High priority work ... and you get to gander at a little female flesh at the same time.

    I see so much more in Harrison's WC testimony about his DPD work relationship and personal friendship with Ruby that indicates he was so clearly down playing this.

    IMO Harrison was much closer to Ruby.

     And what a coincidence that officer Harrison ( right at the front of the press crowd line ) was the one person Ruby chose to hide behind just before he leaped out to whack Lee Harvey Oswald.

    I am sure if any of you read DPD officer Harrison's WC testimony you will see what I am talking about regards his prevarications when asked about his never seeing Ruby at any time on the ramp or in the basement and his true relationship with Ruby.

    And the guy even had to have an attorney with him during his testimony which most other witnesses felt they didn't need. Just another red flag in my belief that Ruby was allowed into the basement to do Oswald...with some help from his "friends."

  4. Alistair Briggs...with much due respect...I don't see any logic at all to anyone, any media deciding to taking out the mic in their photos.

    For aesthetic purposes?  That explanation makes such a claim even more illogical.

    Who in the world looking at those pictures would give a hoot whether a mic is present or not?

    Why not also take out the light stands?


  5. Jack Ruby's testimony is so disjointed and veering so far from the questions presented to him that one senses he is mentally ill.

    Personally I think this was his method of avoiding giving direct answers to questions posed to him that he felt threatened by.

    And he lies constantly and makes up phony explanations for things such as killing Oswald for Jackie which even he confessed later was a complete lie.

    Clearly, Ruby is one of the most lying witness in the WC record and the WC knew this.

    That is why it is an outrageous shame that they chose nutty, lying Ruby's word over sane, coherent, accomplished, educated and honest Seth Kantor's regards Ruby's presence at Parkland hospital the afternoon of 11,22,1963.

  6. Most of the well known pics of Ruby lunging and shooting Oswald do not show who Ruby is standing next to up until the time he does this.

    This was one of his best DPD officer buddies ( 12 years of interaction ) William " Blackie" Harrison.

    Read officer Harrison's Warren Commission testimony to see how personally friendly Harrison was to Jack Ruby.

    Are we to believe that Harrison didn't even notice his big and burly strip joint owning friend Jack Ruby standing next to him during the most heightened security time in Dallas Police history?  And that it might have crossed Harrison's mind that MAYBE this was one time that his non-police non-press friend shouldn't be hanging around so close to the most important criminal suspect in American and Dallas history?

    Hey, uh Jack...my security orders are that only police and the press are supposed to be here...but thanks again for those Reuben sandwiches you brought us last night.

    These still pics always seem to end horizontally with newsman Ike Pappas as the last figure we see.

    Just another suspicious aspect to Ruby's presence in the basement.


  7. Ruby was frantic that entire weekend and quite so after his arrest after shooting Oswald even sweating according to at least one of his cell guards who also reported that Ruby only exhibited calmness once he heard that Oswald had actually died.

  8. Michael Clark...exactly.

    Ruby's intent to shoot Oswald was not a spontaneous temporary insanity act...and everyone knew it.

    But here's one of the biggest kickers in all of this.

    Ruby was identified as the caller to the police ( or sheriiff's? ) dispatcher the night before warning them ahead of time about an attempt on Oswald's life during the public announced transfer the next day.  The dispatcher knew Jack Ruby well enough to "be sure" of his identification of Ruby as the transfer warning caller.

    My feeling is Ruby was allowed into a position to do what he did in DPD basement that day.


  9. Jack Ruby carries a loaded gun to send Little Lynn 25 dollars through Western Union ... on a Sunday morning?  

    Never know when those dangerous muggers may strike. 

    Upon departing the Western Union office he happens to see all the commotion a block away at DPD building and despite his dislike of crowds he is so curiously entranced he saunters over to this, even leaving his wife ( Sheba) all alone in his car without so much as a hug and an explanation?

    When Ruby arrives at the energy charged scene his curiosity becomes so overwhelming he decides to go through and beyond the sidewalk crowds and even to cross the street and sneak past all the unprecedented police security at the DPD basement entrances to actually get into the DPD basement himself.

    Ruby sees "Sam" ( Dallas Police officer Sam Pierce whom he personally knows ) driving a police cruiser up to another basement ramp entrance guarding officer and while they are distracted Ruby makes a quick walk past them and down the basement car ramp ( not to be noticed or recognized by any officers including head of basement security Sgt.Patrick Dean who also knows Ruby ) into the crowd of press people awaiting Lee Harvey Oswald's parade up to a waiting armored car there. Ruby finds ( or makes ) a place for himself in the press group closer to Oswald than anyone else right next to his longtime DPD police buddy big William "Blacky" Harrison who used to walk into Ruby's clubs from time to time over a 12 year period.  Sure a lot of Ruby's police friends here despite Chief Curry's claim that only about 50 DPD officers even knew Jack Ruby out of 700 on the force.

    Then as Oswald is brought to within feet of Jack Ruby by Oswald's only two security escorts (who are walking at Oswald's sides and at times even slightly behind Oswald! ) Ruby's grief and concern for Jackie Kennedy explodes into vengeful madness and suspect Oswald is no more. Jack Ruby ( nobody else had the guts to do what was right ) has saved Jackie any more pain

    And yet, at the same time, Ruby has also destroyed any chance the nation may have had in finding out the truth to the JFK assassination by taking out the most important criminal suspect in American history.

    Thank's a lot ... "Sparky."

    But wait a minute...you mean the guy who did all this wasn't even Jack Ruby?

    That's it...I am out of here!  


  10. Can someone please suggest what they feel are the best 2 or 3 research takes on Oswald's diary as shown here?

    Just a few quirky thoughts of my own about Oswald from reading this.

    He is a romantic and likes the ladies " a lot ". Half his writings center around his desire for them and their company.

    Oswald's guy talk boasting of his "conquest"  of "Ennetachina" from Riga made me chuckle but also struck me as kind of peculiar ( half of everything he relates in this diary is peculiar. ) in that you would think someone from Oswald's rough childhood in poor areas and his 3 year stint in the Marines might use a little more macho American slang term for bedding a woman than "conquest?" 

    What a difference in character and manner of thought expression between Oswald and other Marines of that period such as Gerry Patrick Hemming.

    Oswald expresses some very soft and somewhat human empathy refined feelings in this piece.

    When Oswald relates about first meeting Russian Tourist Office employee Rosa Agafonova and how he is instantly totally smitten and gazing upon her " makes me glad to be alive"  is able to divert his lustfully desirous thoughts into much more considerate basic human kindness and empathy ones immediately after finding she was recently married and has a small son that was born crippled - " that is why she is so strangely tender and compelling."  

    You'd think someone as seriously fascist and dangerous and hard edged as Gerry Patrick Hemming would be the kind of guy that might be involved with blowing a man's head off within inches of his wife's horrified eye contact face more so than the the softer feeling Oswald we see depicted in Oswald's diary.



  11. Excuse me for not doing the digging right now, but what were Marina Oswald's responses to questions regarding Lee's ability to speak Russian?

    The copied document of Oswald's Russian writing sure is intriguing.  What do the Russian language experts have to say about Oswald's Russian writing skills?



    And if Oswald did secretly attend the DLI  ( Defense Language Institute ) here in my home town of Monterey, California, that would have accelerated his skills tremendously. 

    I find this topic of Oswald's Russian speaking, reading and writing skills very interesting and even intriguing.


  12. Not well informed on the Harvey versus Lee issue but these last few postings have piqued my own English language skills and understanding interests as well as those of Oswald.

    I'll say a few things about the Lee Oswald we saw interviewed in the halls of the Dallas PD building the evening of 11,22,1963.

    In between his frenetic jostling to and fro by his police escorts and with his hands cuffed I was surprised that he still had a sense of Southern politeness when he spoke. At least twice he responded to reporters and their questions with "Sir" and in his televised New Orleans debut and radio interview he also displayed this respectful politeness.

    I did catch some Southern ( maybe Black southern? ) slang when Oswald was asked by a reporter in the DPD Hallway interview if he had shot the president...and Oswald did seem to stumble a bit in reponding ( nervousness? ) and after a pause and a surprised glance back at the reporter he said ..." No, I have not been charged with that"...and " the first time I had heard that was when a reporter in the hall 'axed' me that question."


  13. Has anyone here reached a definitive conclusion as to the provenance of the JFK limo upper inner windshield dent as seen in pics of the limo taken on 11,22,1963?

    The dent is quite obvious and not hard to see ( and it would take something very hard to dent those heavy metal frame cars back then ) but the important question is whether that dent was visible ( or not ) in earlier date photos of the limo which would eliminate (or perhaps indicate ) a connection of it's creation to shots fired into the limo in Dealey Plaza that day..

    I am asking if anyone has ever "proven" with photographic evidence that the upper inner windshield frame dent was created and visible earlier than 11,22,1963?

    Or, is there photographic evidence proof that the upper inner windshield dent "was not" there just days or weeks before 11,22,1963?

    The dent is significant in size and shape enough to suggest it was made by a bullet IMO.

    If this dent wasn't visible until right after the assassination, then common logic forces one to give this limo damage evidence much more importance than less...again IMO.


  14. LBJ says in the Walter Cronkite interview regards the integrity of the Warren Commission"

    "First of all I think it was made up of the ablest, most judicious and bi-partisan men in the country ..."

    "bi-partisan?" ... toward JFK?  Allen Dulles?

    Appointed by JFK and RFK hating LBJ?  Informed by JFK and RFK hating Hoover?

    And how about this radio interview quote from Agent James Hosty regards the commission's bi-partisan integrity:

    Just listened to an interview of Hosty on a Kansas City radio station talk show after his book " Assignment Oswald" was published..

    One of the things stated by Hosty in this interview was that ...

    "we had people on the inside" regards the Warren Commission.

    "Representative Ford was giving us information and Russell and a third person."

    So much for an "unbiased"  investigation on the part of the Warren Commission without outside political influence.

    I will never understand how any reasonably intelligent and logical person can view this LBJ/Walter Cronkite interview and not see the reality of it's mind blowing, conspiracy suggesting implications regards what LBJ is confessing to Cronkite in it.

    LBJ ... " the true motives of Oswald or others who may have been involved."

    And how infrequently this amazingly suggestive LBJ/Walter Cronkite video interview is even talked about ( for decades ) in the JFK research realm.



  15. Re: Coast To Coast AM Appearance.
    On the Coast To Coast AM radio talk show recently was an interview of an expert on deception and lying. His name is Mark McClish. His firm and website link are listed below.
    I e-mailed Mr. McClish and asked him to comment on the LBJ/Walter Cronkite interview ( on You Tube ) where LBJ makes some startling statements regarding whether "others may have been involved" in JFK's assassination. My initial e-mail is posted after Mr. McClish's response.
    My e-mail and Mr. McClish's response to it were not aired on the C2C interview broadcast. I requested and received permission from Mr. McClish to reproduce his e-mailed response to my inquiry and post it on this forum.
    I feel the question to Mr. McClish and his responding analysis of the LBJ/Walter Cronkite interview are worthy of contemplating in regards to the import of LBJ's shocking doubts about others being involved besides Oswald in the JFK event,
    Mark McClish
    Advanced Interviewing Concepts
    I watched the video and to me it appears he was being truthful. As you pointed out, he did display a lot of nonverbal gestures. I believe he displayed these gestures because he was uncomfortable in admitting that there might have been others involved besides Oswald. This would be in contradiction to the Warren Report which is the government’s official version of what happened.
    Mark McClish
    Advanced Interviewing Concepts

    People's words will betray them.
    Noticing your appearance on this show I would like to ask ahead of time if you could view this YOUTUBE video of Walter Cronkite interviewing LBJ in 1969 and share your thoughts regards whether LBJ is being deceiving in his interview and if so, to what degree?
    I have absolutely no education in this area, but just from an average person's gut feeling, I sense that LBJ's extreme shifting body language, constantly changing facial expressions and many eye closings and looking away and his halting speech just scream deception.
    Do you agree? 
    The LBJ comments subject matter of this interview has enormous implications in regards to JFK's murder and the credibility of the Warren Commission itself and it's conclusion.
    Thank you for your consideration of this request.
  16. In the Mark Lane production "Two Men In Dallas" Roger Craig states that "stamped right on the barrel was 765 Mauser "

    referring to the rifle that constable Seymour Weitzman and he ( Craig ) were just inches from when "gun buff" Weitzman IDd the rifle as a Mauser.

    The DPD obviously stated such also as the national media reported the rifle as a Mauser and who do you think the national media got this information from...Roger Craig himself?

    It is stated in one post here that Craig and Weitzman could not see the Mauser stamp because of the positioning of the scope covering this?

    Isn't it common sense that many DPD personnel looked at that gun in the first 24 hours of discovering it before sending it off to the FBI and

    would have noticed such an obvious ( and hugely important ) mistake Weitzman claims he made much sooner than before the national media was reporting the gun as a Mauser to millions of viewers?

    Why would Roger Craig cling to his Mauser stamp claim the rest of his life if he knew he was lying and how easily this lie could be exposed?

  17. Craig a "disturbed" man ( partly according to his daughter ) because he refused to ever change or recant his recollection of the TXSBD 6th floor found rifle being identified ( and stamped right on the barrel ) as a 7.65 Mauser versus being identified as an Italian 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano ?

    And the other officer present  ( deputy constable Seymour Weitzman - a sporting goods store owning gun buff ) also within inches of the found rifle and who made the first I.D.statement to everyone else present that the rifle was indeed a Mauser and who later made a public announcement that he mis-identified this same rifle that Roger Craig also saw within inches, ends up in a mental institution?

    Which one of these contradictory rifle I.D. men was truly disturbed?

  18. I would like to read other people's takes on Roger Craig and his credibility or lack there of.

    Am I missing some huge body of Craig history knowledge and research that shows him to be something far less than Mark Lane's courageous hero? 

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