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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 3 hours ago, Steve Rymer said:


    Steve R.

    I like your term "Political Atheist" but at first thought one would probably interpret this to mean someone who doesn't religiously align themselves to "any" political group and the main candidates who lead and represent them and their commonly held views.

    Trump is not really an "outsider" in this regards.  He is a lifetime member of the "Corporate" political party.

    Yes, this is a real political party.  Distinctly separate from the two main ones we are used to recognizing but more powerful than either.

    Trump clearly represents and promotes the interests and agendas of this political group ( our top 1% to 5% of our wealthiest citizens who own and control over 75 to 80% of our nation's corporate assets ) as a number 1 priority well above the rest of Americans.

    Corporate America is that 1% to 5%. This is the small minority class of wealthy which owns and controls "the majority interest" in them which is basically the bulk of our nation's assets.  

    The Corporate political party loves not being recognized as such ( obvious why ) but their powerful dark shadow presence is always there and influencing and manipulating and controlling elections and candidates and the other two main stream political parties more often than not.

    Trump's blustering and outraged yelling, finger and hand waving, podium pounding rhetoric about illegals and Obama care and so many other insecure emotion based ( fear, anger and personal frustration ) issues are all just over-the-top animated reality show theatrics ( which he is very experienced with ) and meant to dupe millions of angry and frustrated and easily manipulated American voters into thinking Trump and his wealthy class party are somehow the ones to lead them into their own promised land of ...what ... a society free of all that scares and frustrates them? 

    But, this crazy reality show theatrics political gain format works in it's end game goal!

    Just like tens of millions of Americans now being absolutely enthralled with the inane TV shown daily doings of characters whose celebrity fame and attraction is nothing more than having incredibly large backsides, acting outrageous, being married to other odd people, haggling over pawned items and storage lockers and other crazy contexts.

    It's not unreasonable to say that our society and culture in the last 20 to 30 years has been seriously dumbed-down due in great part to this massive reality show media blitz ... coupled with the fear and hate mongering radio and TV political talk pundits who do this daily.  

    Trump's popularity is born more from all these sad negative decline aspects of our current societal state than anything close to this created image of USA greatness saving crusader.

    To me, Trump is actually not mentally and emotionally right.  He seems to be living in his own delusional bubble world of narcissistic grandeur that is so over-blown and out-of-touch with reality, that it is bound to POP and become exposed for what it truly is...a delusion.

    Just hope we all get through this crazy T.V. Reality show presidency without too much damage.

    Again however, Trump is the Corporate Party's man. They are just hoping to get as much of their agenda priorities pushed through with him in office as they can before he may be asked  ( or ordered ) to go back to his previous occupation.


  2. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    My take is that the Paines figured out that Ruth's CIA handler had used her to facilitate the assassin in the CIA's plot against JFK. (Not anything to do with LBJ.)

    Sandy, are you referring to George DeMorhenschildts?

    1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:




  3. Pence could be the President without ever having to go through the intense and sometimes brutal scrutiny and background checking all the other candidates in the 2016 campaign had to go through.

    At least we knew much about each of the major candidates who put themselves out there campaigning and we were able to make and have a more informed opinion and feeling for each.

    If Pence had thrown himself into the 2016 Presidential campaign at the beginning, I guarantee you he would have been one of the first candidates rejected once the media and researchers got through exposing his extreme ( more extreme than any candidate in the whole process ) political and social view background for all to see.

    Yet here he is, one step away from the Presidency with a President who may be forced to resign before his first year in office is complete.

    God help us.

  4. I just viewed the documentary "Fifth Estate" and in this we see Giuliani also make a cryptic-foreknowledge news claim ( it's something big ) on a segment of what appears to be a Fox political talk show.

    And when the host asked him how big...Giuliani tilts his head back cockily and his face takes on an almost devilish pleasure expression complete with one of the creepiest wide tooth baring Grinch type grins I have ever seen while he says ... very big - or important?




  5. Trump would be out of office in less than 6 months.

    How many American adults have seen this video piece?  Sadly only a minuscule amount. 

    One of the most outrageous Trump lies that this documentary shows is footage of Trump speaking from the dais at his Moscow Miss Universe Pageant in 2013 where he publicly states he had spoken to Putin indirectly "and directly" and then viewers immediately see film footage of Trump years later at one of his Presidential campaign rallies saying " I've never met Putin" "I don't even know who he is." ???

    Even our favorite JFK  event reporter Dan Rather is publicly stating this Trump/Pence/Russia leadership situation has descended into "chaos."

    Thanks Danny...now if we could just get Tom Brokaw to do the same... maybe something will come of their combined sage warnings of concern.


  6. I know there are still millions of Americans who do not get why Trump has never released his tax returns ... or even care about this.

    Such is the political educational and emotional low bar state of this country. That is one main reason Trump may somehow survive the coming investigations.

    There is only one reason for refusing to let his fellow Americans see those returns. If Trump and his backers thought those returns would make Trump look better than he looks now...they would have already sent copies to every media over-night priority mail.

    Now imagine if Trump is forced to resign and Pence becomes our President.  I think we all should start scrutinizing this fellow big time right away.

    My instincts tell me he would be much worse than Trump or G.W. Bush in his even more extreme religious, political and social views and beliefs.

    And the most powerful groups that would want to keep Pence in office beyond 2020 know what it would take to make that happen despite more Democrats registered than Republicans ...  no matter how ominous and fear propagating those methods and actions may be.

    Pence scares me way more than Trump ever could.


  7. Any venue that Mark Lane participated in ( including this one ) for sure was monitored.

    Probably till the end of his life.

    Since the Assassination Debate Forum is the most prestigious and heavy hitter participation one, I feel strongly that there have been infiltrators and in the least it is monitored.

    One can imagine why the government would want to see what people like Gerry Patrick Hemming ( deceased ) were sharing on this forum.

    I am sure that alternative news and views radio and internet venues like Coast To Coast AM are also monitored.

  8. Will still consider that phone call between her and her husband Michael that was monitored where one said to other "we both know who's responsible" as very suspicious.

    I wish I could personally ask Ms. Paine about that phone call and if she remembers it and exactly what was meant by that statement, who said this to who and what day it was shared.

    I would also like to know exactly what Ruth Paines sister did in her job duties ; who she worked for etc.

    And Michael Paine. His interest in Lee Oswald seems out of place and his interest in extreme political groups also.


  9. Search Aol.comSEARCH

    Former Reagan adviser warns President Trump is 'in impeachment territory'


    May 17th 2017 12:48PM

    After a New York Times report revealed that former FBI Director James Comey kept memos detailing the president's attempt to derail the FBI's Russia investigation, a former White House adviser for multiple presidents says Trump is "in impeachment territory."

    The Times report highlighted one particular note from a February meeting between Comey and Trump claiming the president asked the former FBI director to "let this go," in regard to the Russia investigation.

    "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go," Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. "He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

    David Gergen served as a top adviser under Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, and said on CNN that, if true, this note evidences that the president tried to "impede the investigation."

    RELATED: Top Trump controversies from his first 100 days

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    20 PHOTOS
    Top Trump controversies from his first 100 days

    "I think that the obstruction of justice was the number one charge against Nixon that brought him down," Gergen told CNN. "After watching the Clinton impeachment, I thought I would never see another one. But I think we're in impeachment territory for the first time."

    Gergen went on, saying this revelation on Comey's detailing damning elements of conversations between himself and Trump is "of enormous consequence for [Trump's] presidency."

    "I'm a lapsed lawyer, I can not tell you if it meets all of the legal definitions, but I can tell you from a lay point of view, it looks like [Trump] was trying to impede the investigation," Gergen said. "He was using his power to do that, and when James Comey didn't go along with him, he wasn't his boy, he fired him, which I think is also relevant to the question of what he was trying to do."


    SEE ALSO: House Oversight chair Jason Chaffetz on Comey's memos: 'I have my subpoena pen ready'

    Gergen's prediction comes as Rep. Justin Amash became the first Republican lawmaker in the House to suggest that Trump may have committed impeachable offenses, if the memo claims turned out to be true.

    "But everybody gets a fair trial in this country," Amash added.

    Both Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and have Rep. Al Green (D-TX) called for President Trump's impeachment.

    New York Times reporter Michael S. Schmidt broke the story on Comey's secret memos, commented on the ongoing Trump-Russia saga on Wednesday morning.

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    "This is the most significant evidence to date of the president's efforts to try and influence this incredibly politically sensitive investigation into ties between his associates and Russia," said Schmidt on NYT's Wednesday episode of The Daily podcast. "I think that if there's nothing to the Russia stuff and to the accusations about ties between his associates and Russia and any meddling in the election, the president has done a very good at creating the appearance that there is something there."

  10. Chris, then why has Ruth Paine many times expressed outrage that Oswald had used her typewriter without her permission?

    In the mock trial of Lee Harvey Oswald, Gerry Spence asked Ruth Paine about a letter (draft of a letter ) she had sent to the FBI that Lee had written to the Soviet Embassy on her typewriter and supposedly left on her table where she couldn't help but find it and read it's contents.

    RP says she read the draft and was deeply troubled ( again offended ) because in this draft she says LHO lied.

    And then Ruth Paine adds to this statement with...

    "And he used my typewriter and that offended me deeply."

    Are you saying that Ruth Paine gave Oswald permission to use her typewriter one time and not the time he used it to write this draft?

    Just the fact Oswald used her typewriter ... says Ruth " offended me deeply."

    That doesn't sound like someone who gave Oswald permission to use their typewriter.

  11. Ty, since the presidential election in November the entire country has been struggling with the issue of Russian tampering in the election process and if it actually helped get Trump elected.

    Struggling to understand how much importance we should give this tampering  ( if it really happened ) and how we should deal with it.

    There is a sickening feeling about it all that is not going away and is actually growing and the issue is important enough that we "must" deal with it and one senses the only real way we can get through this mess is to have a serious investigation without financial and political bias restriction to get to not just the truth about the election tampering, but how much Trump and his circle of appointees are connected to and overly influenced by a foreign regime whose interests and principles conflict greatly with our own and who may be the culprit in this fraud of our democratic process.

    We are all seeing and hearing too much now about Trump's actions in trying to influence this investigation momentum and make it all go away. And his efforts in this regards are becoming so overt and aggressive they seem to be pushing the boundaries of legality and reflect a desperateness we haven't seen since Nixon and Watergate.

    Nixon's Watergate and his never ending and even criminal efforts at trying to cover it up became such a time consuming, exhausting and distracting issue with the rest of the country and our whole society, the decision was finally made to end it all by kicking Nixon out and jailing his fellow criminal cohorts.

    I see the same exhaustion building within our country with Trump. And not just with his efforts to stonewall the Russian influence of our election issue.

    It's also an exhaustion with his never ending confrontational mental and emotional style of leadership where every issue becomes an angry fight and all those who disagree with him and his decisions and policies are attacked and insulted and taunted like a jr, high school playground argument.

    My evidence of the opinion I stated in my last post is admittedly just my own observation and interpretation of what I am seeing in every media every day regards Trump and these issues and the growing criticism ( and weariness ) of Trump from more and more of our highest authority and influence figures in the government and media.


  12. I am also curious, whose legs and feet are those pictured next to Marina on the couch?

    Is that Lee's older brother Robert or Michael Paine?

    And a few asides if I may ...

    I like Ruth's house. Real cute and cozy.

    Appears clean and not cluttered and I love the knotty pine walls and cabinetry in the kitchen area.

    With real photos you do realize that Ruth's place is quite small in square footage and everything seems so close together.

    Hard to believe Ruth and Michael didn't notice or maybe even sneak a peek at Lee Oswald's belongings in that small one car garage, and with Lee's blanket wrapped rifle right on the floor. And when did Oswald find the time to type his draft on Ruth's typewriter without being noticed doing this? Seems that anyone in the house in any room could hear someone in a room next to theirs, and typing keys back then made some perceptible noise.

    Lastly, Marina looks so tired in those pics. And those stockings of Marguerite's ... oh sheeze!

  13. Ty, since the presidential election in November the entire country has been struggling with the issue of Russian tampering in the election process and if it actually helped get Trump elected.

    Struggling to understand how much importance we should give this tampering  ( if it really happened ) and how we should deal with it.

    There is a sickening feeling about it all that is not going away and is actually growing and the issue is important enough that we "must" deal with it and one senses the only real way we can get through this mess is to have a serious investigation without financial and political bias restriction to get to not just the truth about the election tampering, but how much Trump and his circle of appointees are connected to and overly influenced by a foreign regime whose interests and principles conflict greatly with our own and who may be the culprit in this fraud of our democratic process.

    We are all seeing and hearing too much now about Trump's actions in trying to influence this investigation momentum and make it all go away. And his efforts in this regards are becoming so overt and aggressive they seem to be pushing the boundaries of legality and reflect a desperateness we haven't seen since Nixon and Watergate.

    Nixon's Watergate and his never ending and even criminal efforts at trying to cover it up became such an exhausting and distracting issue with the rest of the country and our whole society, the decision was finally made to end it all by kicking Nixon out and jailing his fellow criminal cohorts.

    I see the same exhaustion building within our country with Trump. And not just with his efforts to stonewall the Russian influence of our election issue.

    It's also an exhaustion with his never ending confrontational mental and emotional style of leadership where every issue becomes an angry fight and all those who disagree with him and his decisions and policies are attacked and insulted and taunted like a jr, high school playground argument.

    My evidence of the opinion I stated in my last post is admittedly just my own observation and interpretation of what I am seeing in every media every day regards Trump and these issues and the growing criticism ( and weariness ) of Trump from more and more of our highest authority and influence figures in the government and media.



    Schieffer says Trumps firing of Comey reminds him of JFK assassination times with it's similar crisis of conspiracy suspicion in the minds of millions of regular Americans.

    And that this wide spread ( and growing ) extremely negative feeling among our citizenry towards our highest government leaders and institutions is again breeding massive mistrust and a loss of confidence which is what happened after JFK in Dallas on 11,22,1963.

    And several other prominent figures have been quoted in the national media stating their feeling that Trumps possibly implied - you'd better watch yourself - threat to Comey about tapes of their personal conversations reminds them of something right out of the film "The Godfather" in it's ominous tone of intimidation.  Whew, things are getting bad here folks.

    Being around someone like Trump who is constantly angry, fighting, threatening, insulting and scowling ( especially if they are not getting their way ) is incredibly nerve wracking and exhausting. Like being around a bully? And this has created an unprecedented amount of anxiety for millions of Americans. It's like we are on the verge of a nation wide panic attack!


  15. I am an avid listener to Coast to Coast AM. Have been for years.

    I only listen to select interviews anymore though.

    I listened to Jim Di last night also.

    He represents the JFK research community so well and is of course the author of a well known and respected book on the subject as well as many informative essays, reviews and critiques.

    I always enjoy listening to Mr. Di and reading his work.

    Last night's interview of him was too short.

    And same for you Doug Caddy.

  16. You bring up some valid cross-examining type questions DVP. 

    John Connally's answers in this area could perhaps suggest some "possible" unsureness or mis-recollection about what he specifically saw and heard ( and when and where ) regards the cuff links or any other objects that he claims had fallen from his stretcher and made a slight clink sound upon hitting the floor. And that a nurse picked up and pocketed.

    I do know that in the times when I was rushed to hospitals in emergency crisis situations, my memories of details in the first hour or hours regards what went on around me, especially if pain or sedative medication had been administered, were often foggy.

    But still, some of what you are suggesting is just speculation of other possible scenarios on your part also.

    "A cuff link hitting the floor COULD have possibly sounded very similar to a BULLET hitting the same floor. Right, Bob?"

    And if Connally's examination room nurse had picked up the second gold cuff link off the floor when Connally claims she picked up a bullet, and the Connally's or the hospital or the police never claimed to have seen this second missing cuff link again, are you suggesting this nurse kept ( stole ) the gold cuff link and never gave it to anybody?  Is that a possible scenario in your mind?


  17. The yellow highlighted paragraph of your thread listing the time of discovery for whatever fell out of Connally and onto the floor in the exam room ( with a noise like a ring hitting - even a small ring but still perceptible ) as Connally was being transferred from his stretcher to the examination table and the "one hour later time" when a hospital worker ( Darrell Tomlinson ) found the so-called single shot "Magic Bullet" by himself on the floor in a hall outside of the elevator could be the true " Magic Bullet " story proving conspiracy.

    And does anyone really think that any bullet fragments ( as small as the ones shown in the public record ) that would have fallen from Connally and hit the floor in the exam room could make a perceptible ring hitting the floor noise?

    And disappearing evidence is such a repetitive theme in the subsequent investigations that still today this is just a given in reinforcing the accepted view of huge corruption taking place among all the agencies involved.

    Heck, immediately high jacking JFK's limo and altering it so quickly was the biggest evidence heist of all.

    And whenever I see and read the name "Henry Wade" mentioned in any area of the JFK investigation I think of ...well... ???

    I agree with Paul's comments about the "who" being of much more importance than the details... but sometimes reviewing and discussing older details and testimony is not a bad thing when it helps to expose and clarify more thoroughly the preposterousness of the LN argument and agenda.


  18. I have been an avid follower of this forum for years. 

    After checking out other JFK assassination research and debate sites in my initial search for such this one instantly hooked me hard versus the rest.

    It was the "heavyweight division" in this realm  ( Mark Lane himself was posting here! ) and being a boxing/debate fan I always liked watching ( in this case reading ) the heaviest hitters doing their thing.

    However, until just last year, I refused to join the forum as a registered member to actually post because I knew it was so out of my league that my jumping into the research debate ring would be analogous to Don Knotts taking on George Foreman in the boxing one.

    However, I eventually took the plunge and it's risk of embarrassment after concluding that at my age what have I got to lose and maybe my deep, deep and sincere lifetime passion for the JFK truth in and of itself, might balance my research ignorance just enough to still add something worthy to a few forum threads and it's over-all cause.

    I still mostly just read everything posted but Michael keeps pulling up older threads that are so damn compelling ( like this one ) I can't help but join in the discussion even though I know I am the least educated of the contributors. As always my apologies if I dilute them.

    But my passion for the JFK truth has never waned since the day I also watched Jack Ruby whack Lee Oswald live on TV 11,24,1963 like Terry Adams at the age of 12.

    I can still remember, even at that young age, my stomach turning when I first saw Oswald appear into the basement entrance corridor and the openness of Oswald in his parading through that rather tight space with that ridiculous "two man only" protection ( and who were actually somewhat behind Oswald when Ruby leaped within inches of LHO's stomach and shot him ) and how the shooting so rattled my common sense and world reality.

    When the Ruby pistol shot rang out I unconsciously leaped up from my seat and spontaneously shouted to no one ..." No Way! ... No Way! ... No Way!"

    The whole thing seemed so instantly and incredibly wrong to me.

    Even as a 12 year old with a still developing adolescent brain, I was aware of the national news repeatedly reporting that the threats against Oswald were at a level in numbers and seriousness almost unheard of in our history and that this threat level reality should have warranted protective measures for Oswald equally unprecedented.

    To me, the worthiness of never stopping the search for the JFK truth is akin to the never ending thirst and effort of mankind to evolve to a higher spiritual, moral and knowledge plane.

    God help us all in this quest.


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