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Micah Mileto

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Posts posted by Micah Mileto

  1. 9 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

    To the poster who has Lifton going to hell with Angleton and Dulles: Cursing the dead or dying is not only offensive and in bad taste, it is an affront to decent minded people everywhere and tells us quite a bit about your character.

    Regardless of what you thought about Dave, if you can't say something decent about him in his passing, don't say anything. Those of us who had interaction with him and were friends of his will appreciate it. Thank you.

    Celebrating the death of ANY human is bad character?

  2. It was only a few days ago that I emailed Lifton about finding a newspaper article by Herbert Black, which is apparently the earliest known public acknowledgement of a wound in Kennedy's back, older than Bill Burrus's article. Lifton had posted earlier saying that Bill Burrus's article was the first.

  3. 2 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

    At least, ONE person tried something! 

    In 2020, Lifton put up a gofundme for getting Final Charade published. Sounds like it's complete - or at least maybe it would be better to call that the "2020 version" because DSL always added stuff to Best Evidence right before he published it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I never met David Lifton, and he seemed troubled in later years. 

    But his work on the strange happenings at Bethesda, and his invaluable filming and recording of witnesses (not easy in those days) have put on the record what credible people said they saw that day. 

    Hat's off. 


    He was "troubled"? He never offered any theories recently that weren't as outlandish as stuff he'd been saying in the 60's. The "assassins being gassed in the train car like the holocaust gas chambers" thing was relatively light compared to his older idea of a "Sniper bunker hidden on grassy knoll".

  5. 10 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    It's in McClellland's own report. 




    DATE AND HOUR Nov. 22, 1963 4:45 P.M. DOCTOR: Robert N. McClelland

    Statement Regarding Assassination of President Kennedy

    At approximately 12:45 PM on the above date I was called from the second floor of Parkland Hospital and went immediately to the Emergency Operating Room. When I arrived President Kennedy was being attended by Drs Malcolm Perry, Charles Baxter, James Carrico, and Ronald Jones. The President was at the time comatose from a massive gunshot wound of the head with a fragment wound of the trachea. An endotracheal tube and assisted respiration was started immediately by Dr. Carrico on Duty in the EOR when the President arrived. Drs. Perry, Baxter, and I then performed a tracheotomy for respiratory distress and tracheal injury and Dr. Jones and Paul Peters inserted bilateral anterior chest tubes for pneumothoracis secondary to the tracheomediastinal injury. Simultaneously Dr. Jones had started 3 cut-downs giving blood and fluids immediately, In spite of this, at 12:55 he was pronounced dead by Dr. Kemp Clark the neurosurgeon and professor of neurosurgery who arrived immediately after I did. The cause of death was due to massive head and brain injury from a gunshot wound of the left temple. He was pronounced dead after external cardiac message failed and ECG activity was gone.

    Robert N. McClelland M.D.

    Asst. Prof. of Surgery

    Southwestern Med.

    School of Univ of Tex.

    Dallas, Texas


    Yes, but there were early newspaper reports of a wound in the left temple, and those did not necessarily have to come from McClelland/Perry.

    The earliest known public reference to a wound in Kennedy’s back may have been the 11/27/1963 article in the Boston Globe, President's Neck, Head Hit by Bullets by Herbert Black. The article described it’s source of information as “an unofficial but authoritative source”… “This information did not come from doctors at the hospital here, who have said they were too busy trying to save the President to study the trajectory of the bullets. It is, however, from a source in position to know the facts, which were ascertained at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, where Mr. Kennedy was taken”. It read “...the sniper, firing from above and behind the President, first hit the President on the right side of the back part of his neck. This bullet passed through the windpipe and came out at the throat, just below his Adam's apple, making the large wound which doctors at Parkland Memorial Hospital noted. This wound might not have been fatal, considering the quick medical attention which the President received”. The throat wound is oddly referred to as “large” instead of small. The wounding of the head was described with a reference to a wound in the left temple - “When he was struck, he apparently turned his head toward Mrs. Kennedy (to the left) and began to slump. A second bullet then tore into his left temple and emerged from the right top of his head, the mortal wound”... “This information was doubted at first because it reported that the President was hit on the left temple. It did not seem reasonable that a sniper above and to the right behind the car could hit him on the left side, but information from a film taken of the events tends to corroborate this(Link).

    The 11/27/1963 article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Movies Reconstruct Tragedy by Arthur J. Snider, attempted to summarize the available information on the shooting. It described the published frames from the Zapruder film, and the body movements of Kennedy and Connolly shown. Despite this, Kennedy’s throat wound was still given a description that sounds like a bullet entry - “The 6.5 mm bullet-about .25 caliber - pierced the President's neck just below the Adam's apple. It took a downward course. "If you're wearing a bow tie, the position is just about where the knot is," said a Dallas neurosurgeon who saw the wound”. In describing the wounding of the head, it says “A second blast from the high-powered rifle ripped into the right rear of his head at about a 4 o'clock position”. There is also another strange reference to the “left temple” information - “Identification of two points of entry, the throat and the skull, was made by Dr. Kemp Clark, neurosurgeon, and Dr. Tom Shires, chief of surgery at Parkland Hospital”… “One bullet was said to have emerged from the left temple”. Dr. Shires was not reportedly there to see Kennedy’s body. The article points out that frames from the Zapruder film show Kennedy’s reactions before the head shot, adding that “They serve to deny a rumor that the President may have sustained the throat wound from a shot fired at ground level”. The possibility was also raised of bullets lodged in Kennedy’s body, and that “they would have been removed at an autopsy in the Bethesda Naval Hospital…”. Connally’s wounds were still described as coming from the rear - “...Gov. John Connally had turned to see what happened. A third shot rang out. It struck the governor in the back. The bullet was deflected to his right wrist and lodged in his left thigh…” (Link [link 2] [link 3] [link 4] [link 5]).


    David Lifton made various comments on educationforum.ipbhost.com between 2012-2022, about a time in March 1978 when he made contact with journalist Bill Burrus, author of the 12/12/1963 article from the Dallas Times Herald KENNEDY SHOT ENTERED BACK, one of the first stories that leaked the existence of the back wound. Lifton said that he spoke to Burrus over the phone and also once in person at a bar in Manhattan, New York. According to Lifton, the meeting at the bar was multiple hours, and it was recorded on tape. As Burrus reportedly explained, an authoritative source called him on the phone and spoke with him multiple times on the night of 12/11/1963, identified themselves, and informed him about the back wound, and the autopsy’s official conclusion of a bullet entering the back and exiting the throat. Lifton said that Burrus refused to directly give him name the source, but revealed to him that the Herald article’s dateline “Bethesda, Maryland” was a false cover to hide the true source of the information (Educationforum.ipbhost.com, comment 258041; Educationforum.ipbhost.com, comment 282455; Educationforum.ipbhost.com, topic 22325; Educationforum.ipbhost.com, comment 310219; Educationforum.ipbhost.com, comment 343430). Lifton’s 1980 book Best Evidence did include a reference to a March 1978 interview with Burrus, as well as a note which read “In 1978 I learned that Burrus’ information indeed came from the navy autopsy report, but was not given to him by a Bethesda pathologist(Best Evidence by David Lifton, 1980, Part II: A New Hypothesis, Chapter 7: Breakthrough, Distinguishing the FBI and Navy Versions). Lifton also wrote on the Education Forum that Burrus may have tried dropping hints about the caller’s identity. In 2012, Lifton said of the alleged caller’s identity, responding to another comment claiming that Burrus’s source must have been Dr. Robert McClelland, “Pat, Where do you get the idea that Dr. McClelland was Burrus' source? I interviewed Burrus at length--in person, in New York City--in 1977 or 1978. It was all tape recorded and I spent an hour or more with him, and then spent hours transcribing it Let me assure you that Dr. McClelland was NOT Burrus' source. (Where are you getting that idea from??) Furthermore, the person who was Burrus' source --and I am doing this from memory, today, in 2012--was providing Burrus with authoritative information about the Bethesda autopsy conclusion. The source was either Dr. Clark or, more likely, Dr. Tom Shires. One or the other, and I have a sheaf full of notes about this, and about the identity of a third party who (I learned, from Burrus) knew who the source was, and who I was attempting to contact. (But there were 100 other things going on at the time, and I never did.)(Educationforum.ipbhost.com, comment 258041), and in 2022 Lifton commented “...As I later determined, the caller was Dr, Kemp Clark, the head of neurosurgery at Parkland, and the Dallas physician who pronounced Kennedy dead. Burrus's story is important because it permitted me to identify the Dallas doctor who was involved in behind the scene machinations to plant a story about the Bethesda autopsy results-- attempting to plant a story strongly stated Kennedy was shot from behind, and implying the source was some Navy official in Washington, when the source was himself”... “Burrus was the science writer for the Dallas Times-Herald, and when the caller identified himself, Burrus was speechless. Dr. Clark was calling to tell him "the truth" about the Dallas autopsy results-- and specifically, the trajectory of the shots that struck JFK. There could be no hotter news story at the time, but there was an important condition -- Burrus must not ever reveal the source. Burrus was being provided information that some "higher authority" clearly wanted published as a news story as soon as possible. Each detail was important; the language had to be precise; with Burrus calling back his source more than once on that evening to verify this or that point; and to make sure that he "got it right."...” (Educationforum.ipbhost.com, comment 310219).

  6. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    Nice dodge. McClelland did not say there was an entrance wound on the left temple (which you can presume led to an exit on the back of the head), he said the wound was of the left temple, period. 

    IF he thought there was an entrance wound on the left temple, because he misunderstood Jenkins or whatever, that led to the large defect, he should have said something about there being a GIGANTIC wound on the back of the head. As he didn't, then, it becomes quite clear he thought the wound he saw was by the temple. 

    Shires and/or Price were probably responsible for the early "left temple" newspaper reports. Shires/Price had access to the Parkland reports, but did not actually see the body.

  7. Kenneth Salyer, Richard Dulaney, and Lawrence Klein died in 2020, Drs. Seldin and McClelland died in 2018. Dr. Robert Schorlemer is still alive too. So, it's Dr. Ronald Jones, Dr. Donald Teel Curtis, Dr. Lito Porto, Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich, Dr. Peter Loeb, and Nurse Phyllis Hall, Dr. Robert Schorlemer, and maybe Salomon Ben-Israel (formerly Dr. Gene Akin).


    Has anybody tried to contact Dr. Donald Teel Curtis?

  8. I know of still (probably) living witnesses to Kennedy's wounds - Dr. Ronald Jones, Dr. Donald Teel Curtis, Dr. Lito Porto, Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich, Dr. Peter Loeb, and Nurse Phyllis Hall. Maybe Salomon Ben-Israel (formerly Dr. Gene Akin). Hard to find information on the other Nurses. So many started passing away, ironically, after Palamara released his "complete" assassination compendium on who was living or dead.

  9. On 4/4/2019 at 3:03 PM, Denis Morissette said:

    Another from Mack:

    "Since 1967 when that story appeared, the fate of the tapes has been learned, at least to my satisfaction. Despite Perry's testimony, there were no tapes. A Fort Worth Star-telegram photographer shot more than 25 pictures of the press conference and there were no microphones in the room. I haven't seen the pictures in a few years, but there was no tv camera present and very few reporters. None of them had microphones and there were none on the table behind which Perry and Clark stood.

    Once I saw the pictures, everything made sense. The tv and radio reporters had spread out to Love Field, Dealey Plaza and the Dallas Police station leaving probably only print reporters behind. They, of course, did not use recorders in those days. In all likelihood, Clark remembered seeing a few cameras and assumed they had microphones. In fact, I know from first person interviews that there were very few 16mm sound cameras in use at the local tv stations in those days.

    In addition, I have seen and heard all but one of the surviving television and radio station tape and no one carried the press conference live or recorded it for playback later that day or weekend.

    The simple answer is that no tapes were ever made. The New York producer assumed tapes should exist and was puzzled when none turned up."


  10. On 10/13/2022 at 3:34 PM, Denis Morissette said:

    I would love to watch or listen to unavailable press conference bits. I identified one microphone on the table in front of the doctors that no one seems to know who it belongs too. There is also one camera that we don't know who it belongs to either.

    Where did you identify such a microphone? Gary Mack said there were never-before-digitized photos of the conference where there weren't any microphones visible.

  11. 44 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    Well his Church Committee testimony is missing so who knows? Gochenaur’s stories are so weirdly specific - it seems like a stretch he’d make all that up just for kicks. The Church Committee investigators didn’t believe him in the pre-interviews and we’re actively looking for ways to question his credibility, but then they called him in to testify and his testimony subsequently vanished. Seems a bit suspicious. 

    His Church Committee testimony is missing, but what isn't missing is the report on his first interview for the Church Committee, and the transcript of his interview by the HSCA. No mention of a gun coming out. I feel like he's a clown, but if he's a clown, he must have had some huge cojones to tell such lies to government people.

  12. 2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

    "A few days ago, Jimmy D decided it was time once again to take a few shots at Mr. Single Bullet Fact." 😝

    I almost spit out what I was drinking when I read that cringy statement.

    Myers goes into the dicta belt 🙄 I don't know whether to laugh or cry when he uses HB McClain as the basis that there was no conspiracy... Yet we have video of him saying that he doesn't believe in the warren commission and believes in a conspiracy.

    That's almost as bad as the debunkers using the cross talk where they were being told to search for a shooter in the rail yard (behind the grassy knoll). Myers was debunked when they shot that dummy in 'Beyond the magic bullet' and misrepresented what that test proves. His model doesn't line up and he has to shrink Connally in the model. JFK and Connally were about the same size. So that was debunked via spot where bullet hit Connally in the lower back and exited the chest of JFK and not the throat. Hence why Michael Baden has to place JFK leaning forward and Connally turned and leaning leaning back which they are not doing. The test bulle in beyond the magic bullet was also visibly damaged and couldn't break the wrist block or penetrate the thigh block.. mR sInGlE bUlLeT fAcT 🥴


    It didn't go into the dummy wrist, but it did go through two ribs instead of just one.

  13. 13 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Dale Myers criticizes the Stone's/DiEugenio documentary for ignoring the Tippit murder. That's just plain stupid. Once it is established that Oswald was set up for, but didn't kill, Kennedy, why would one even consider the possibility of Oswald being the true killer of Tippit?


    But even if one does consider the unlikely possibility Oswald killed Tippit, take a look at all the problems with that proposition:


    1. Witness Domingo Benavides’s very detailed description of the killer, which didn’t match Oswald. (6 H 450-451)

    2. Witness Helen Markham’s 11/22/63 description of the killer, which didn’t match Oswald. (CD 5, p. 79)

    3. Markham passed out on the scene. She “fainted three or four times” before the lineup. ("The Other Witnesses", The New Leader, 10/12/64)

    4. Markham was given sedatives before the lineup. (“A Lawyer’s Notes on the Warren Commission Report”, ABA Journal, Jan. 1965)

    5. Markham kept passing out during the lineup. (20 H 587)

    6. The famous 6 times (!) Markham affirmed under oath that she didn’t recognize anyone in the lineup. (3 H 310)

    7. Markham was referred to by Warren Commission counsel members as “an utter screwball”, “utterly unreliable”, “full of mistakes”, “contradictory”, and “worthless”. And despite this, Norman Redlich declared: “The Commission wants to believe Mrs. Markham and that’s all there is to it.” (Joseph A. Ball debate, 12/4/64; Inquest by Edward Jay Epstein, pp. 134-135)

    8. Witness William Scoggins picking the wrong photo in a photo lineup. (3 H 335)

    9. Scoggins could not ID Oswald as the killer when shown a photo by the FBI. (CD 5 p. 77)

    10. In the Friday lineups, Oswald was thrown in with three men in dress attire! (7 H 127, 233, 236, 240)

    11. In the Saturday lineup, Oswald was thrown in with two teenagers and a Hispanic! (7 H 200, 245)

    12. The men in the lineups did not resemble Oswald. (2 H 281; 7 H 168, 179)

    13. Warren Commission counsel Eisenberg saying on the record “there is a slight problem here” with the ballistics evidence. (3 H 473)

    14. Warren Commission member Boggs asking on the record: “What proof do you have though that these are the bullets?!” (3 H 477)

    15. The shells are not listed on the police report. (24 H 260)

    16. The shells weren’t entered into evidence for 6 days. (24 H 253, 332)

    17. Witness Domingo Benavides being unable to identify the two shells in evidence as the ones he found that day. (24 H 415)

    18. Witnesses Barbara and Virginia Davis being unable to identify the other two shells in evidence as the ones they found that day. (24 H 414)

    19. Sergeant W. E. Barnes’s initials disappearing from the two Benavides shells. (7 H 275-276)

    20. Officer C. W. Brown’s initials disappearing from the two Davis sisters shells. (7 H 251)

    21. Officer C. N. Dhority’s initials disappearing from the two Davis sisters shells. (ibid.)

    22. Marina Oswald not being able to identify the (gray) jacket in evidence. (1 H 122)

    23. Witness Helen Markham affirming she had never seen the jacket in evidence before. (3 H 312)

    24. Witness William Scoggins, when shown the jacket in evidence, said, “I thought it was a little darker.” (3 H 328)

    25. Witness Barbara Davis affirming the killer wore “a black coat”, and when shown the jacket in evidence and asked if it was the one worn by the killer, she replied, “No.” (3 H 347)

    26. Witness William Arthur Smith affirming the killer wore “a sport coat.” (7 H 85)

    27. Witness Ted Callaway thought the jacket worn by the killer “had a little more tan to it” than the one found. (3 H 356)

    28. Witness Warren Reynolds affirming the killer wore a “blueish” jacket. (Rush to Judgment by Mark Lane, p. 201)

    29. The jacket in evidence was only sold in California and Philadelphia—both where Oswald had not been as a civilian.

    30. Witness Mrs. Donald Higgins saying: “He [the killer] definitely was not the man they showed on television.” (The Girl on the Stairs by Barry Ernest, pp. 86-87)

    31. Witness Jimmy Burt saying: “The man I saw kill Tippit was not Lee Harvey Oswald. I got a good look at him...I’m sure it wasn’t Oswald. It just didn’t look like him.” ("New Evidence In JFK Assassination Debunks Findings of The Warren Commission", National Enquirer, 1968)


    Nice one.

  14. 5 hours ago, Pat Speer said:


    Although Parkland Drs. Malcolm Perry and Robert McClelland told the Warren Commission about cutting through the strap muscles on the front of Kennedy’s neck (WC Vol. 6, p. 30, McClelland's 3/21/1964 testimony [text]; WC Vol. 6, p. 7, Perry’s 3/25/1964 testimony [text]; WC Vol. 3, p. 366, Perry's 3/30/1964 testimony [text]), the Bethesda pathologists failed to make any known statements that describe finding a surgical defect on the strap muscles, such as scalpel cuts. The pathologists did, however, describe bruising on the strap muscles. They officially concluded that the bruising was caused by the nearby exiting bullet (WC Vol. 17, p. 30, CE 397, handwritten autopsy protocol; WC D 77, typed autopsy protocol [text]; WC Vol. 2, p. 347, Dr. Humes' WC testimony, 3/16/1964 [text]), although they were not totally clear on when they began to realize the defect in the throat was a former bullet hole. According to a report by Arlen Specter on a 3/11/1964 meeting with Humes, Boswell, and witness Admiral Calvin Galloway, “...Dr. Humes and Dr. Boswell further said that it was their current opinions that the bullet passed in between two major muscle strands in the President's back and continued on a downward flight and exited through his throat. They noted, at the time of the autopsy, some bruising of the internal parts of the President's body in the area but tended to attribute that to the tracheotomy at that time…” (Specter, 3/12/1964, Interview of Autopsy Surgeons [page 1] [page 2]). But, in Humes’ testimony to the Warren Commission, he said “...We examined in the region of this incised surgical wound which was the tracheotomy wound and we saw that there was some bruising of the muscles of the neck in the depths of this wound as well as laceration or defect in the trachea. At this point, of course, I am unable to say how much of the defect in the trachea was made by the knife of the surgeon, and how much of the defect was made by the missile wound. That would have to be ascertained from the surgeon who actually did the tracheotomy. There was, however, some ecchymosis or contusion, of the muscles of the right anterior neck inferiorly, without, however, any disruption of the muscles or any significant tearing of the muscles. The muscles in this area of the body run roughly, as you see as he depicted them here. We have removed some of them for a point I will make in a moment, but it is our opinion that the missile traversed the neck and slid between these muscles and other vital structures with a course in the neck such as the carotid artery, the jugular vein and other structures because there was no massive hemmorhage or other massive injury in this portion of the neck...”, “...When examining the wounds in the base of the President's neck anteriorly, the region of the tracheotomy performed at Parkland Hospital, we noted and we noted in our record, some contusion and bruising of the muscles of the neck of the President. We noted that at the time of the postmortem examination. Now, we also made note of the types of wounds which I mentioned to you before in this testimony on the chest which were going to be used by the doctors there to place chest tubes. They also made other wounds. one on the left arm, and a wound on the ankle of the President with the idea of administering intravenous. blood and other fluids in hope of replacing the blood which the President had lost from his extensive wounds. Those wounds showed no evidence of bruising or contusion or physical violence, which made us reach the conclusion that they were performed during the agonal moments of the late president, and when the circulation was, in essence, very seriously embarrassed, if not nonfunctional. So that these wounds, the wound of the chest and the wound of the arm and of the ankle were performed about the same time as the tracheotomy wound because only a very few moments of time elapsed when all this was going on. So, therefore, we reached the conclusion that the damage to these muscles on the anterior neck just below this wound were received at approximately the same time that the wound here on the top of the pleural cavity was, while the President still lived and while his heart and lungs were operating in such a fashion to permit him to have a bruise in the vicinity, because that he did have in these strap muscles in the neck, but he didn't have in the areas of the other incisions that were made at Parkland Hospital. So we feel that, had this missile not made its path in that fashion, the wound made by Doctor Perry in the neck would not have been able to produce, wouldn't have been able to produce, these contusions of the musculature of the neck(WC Vol. 2, p. 347, 3/16/1964 testimony [text]). Again, why would Humes say there was “...some ecchymosis or contusion, of the muscles of the right anterior neck inferiorly, without, however, any disruption of the muscles or any significant tearing of the muscles…”, if Perry and McClelland said the strap muscles were cut through?


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