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Micah Mileto

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Posts posted by Micah Mileto

  1. On the forensic parts that don't focus on Oswald or the Sixth Floor - No stuff about the occipital blowout or the dictabelt besides to maybe mention that it isn't as convincing as once thought.

    1. Vaguely explain to the viewer that virtually every single aspect of the case has come under some multiple layers of doubt, and that many of these concerns are legitimate and are the kind of thing that would be compromising in a court trial.

    2. Inform viewers on the two basic bullet trajectories in the official story, explain the limitations within the official version of the shooting, explain to the viewers that the official version requires the magic bullet to move straight until it hits Connally's fifth rib, how 6.5 rounds behave.

    3. Quickly inform the viewer on the developments in the creation of 3D models that match the photographs which may show whether the Single Bullet Theory is possible, inform the viewer that this information is still a work in progress, but that it would constitute physical evidence if the craft were perfected.

    4. Anatomical arguments against the Single Bullet Theory

    5. Overview of how many possible shooter locations, hiding spots and escape routes there are in Dealey Plaza, plausibility of multiple weapons being used, noise-supressors, sabots, low-caliber weapons, modified ammunition, high tech ammunition

    6. Grassy knoll "ear" witnesses

    7. Witnesses who saw smoke on the grassy knoll, smelled gunpowder

    8. Official rifle is too loud for shots to be described as a firecracker

    9. The witness evidence that the first loud report occurred around Z180-224, last two shots close together, how it relates to Connally's statements, a la Pat Speer

    10. Evidence for extra weapons, shell casings, bullets, fragments, or bullet marks in Dealey Plaza

    11. Pre-autopsy witnesses to the back wound

    12. Throat wound looked like a bullet entry, Throat wound too small to be exit for a 6.5?

    13. Casket charade

    14. General overview of the unprofessional nature of the autopsy

    15. Shallow back wound, T3 back wound, clothing evidence

    16. Allegedly no dissection of torso wounds or removal of neck organs, despite other statements to the contrary

    17. Chest tubes

    18. The throat wound ignorance story

    19. The case for an altered throat wound

    20. "Surgery of the head" statement, large head wound

    21. EOP wound

    22. Dr. Burkley's conspiracy-oriented statements

    23. F8 "mystery" open-cranium photo

    24. Small wound(s) in the front of Kennedy's head

    25. Authenticity and chain of custody for the autopsy photographs, witnesses to additional photographs not currently in the official collection

    26. Issues with the supplemental brain exam, a la Doug Horne

    27. Missing body specimens

    28. Missing autopsy notes, authenticity and chain of custody for the autopsy documents

  2. 14 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

    David Lifton or others,

    Wasn't it in Best Evidence where Humes answer to a question is the following " I am under certain obligations that suggest to me that it is not preferable"

    It was definately something to that effect.Not word for word,but damn close.

    It is also possible that I read it somewhere else.

    *What obligations was Humes under? 

    That was Humes' first interview with the HSCA, where he said he didn't want to talk about the adrenal glands. Eventually in 1992, Dr. Boswell publicly admitted that JFK had Addison's disease.

  3. 4 hours ago, David Lifton said:

    Please remind me:  What tapes (or other records) are at Wesleyan library? DSL

    Many papers on interviews William Manchester did with autopsy witnesses like George Burkley and the Gawler's funeral home team. Some papers have been sealed until 2067, but many are available now to anybody who shows up, and they can be copied by anyone. Valuable stuff.



  4. 15 minutes ago, Denis Morissette said:

    I was at Nara II for 3 days in 2018 making copies of several audio cassettes using their equipment and mine. If I lived to Washington, I would have recorded all the tapes they have a long time ago. 🥺

    Which witnesses? Did you digitize the tapes?


    BTW I am a long bus ride away from Washington, but going those days without work would involve a price. Going to Wesleyan university library could also be possible for me.

  5. 2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    My understanding is no. When I contacted the archives they told me I would have to use an authorized company to make copies of audio or video materials. And they were quite pricey. 

    Written materials and (non-medical) photographic materials are available for copy. My understanding is that most of the materials on the Mary Ferrell site were scanned on site. The John Hunt materials were also complied via his scanner, which he was allowed to bring into the facility on multiple occasions.

    I'm not sure if they're so agreeable today. 

    Would not very many people in this forum donate to a kickstarter to fulfill a research wishlist?

  6. On 5/6/2022 at 10:46 AM, Pat Speer said:

    I contacted the archives about its videotapes of the HSCA testimony some time ago. I mentioned this earlier but they told me the only way they would provide copies of these tapes (or any tapes in their possession) was if I were to pay an authorized company to do so. This would have been something like 50 bucks per tape as I recall. I then shopped around and found Jack White's VHS copies at the Poage Library. They made me copies of two of the videos for I think it was 10 bucks apiece.

    As far as Lifton, I believe he thought he was being transparent in providing his tapes to the archives. Like a lot of us, he's moved around, and he didn't want to lose his copies over time. But the reality is that in sending his materials to the archives, he placed them behind a very expensive and for the most part prohibitive paywall.

    He is not alone in this. Warren Commission attorney Howard Willens put a ton of internal WC documents online to help promote his 2013 book on the Warren Commission. Many of these were not in the archives. I combed through this stuff and found some juicy tidbits questioning the "official" story Willens was defending. One of these was reported on Jeff Morley's site. Willens then removed these documents from the internet, and claimed he'd sent the original copies to the archives. The problem was that this once again put these documents behind a very expensive paywall. And it's worse than that. A few years after Willens "disappeared" these documents, I asked Malcolm Blunt if they had in fact been sent to the archives. He said they had been and that he'd seen them. As I recall he saw some boxes waiting to be processed and asked what they were when someone told him they were the Willens documents. As I recall this was something he'd noticed only recently. IOW, the Willens documents were not only "disappeared" by Willens, the archives was taking its sweet time making them available to the public. (It wouldn't surprise me, moreover, if there had been an agreement they would drag their feet on this until after Willens had passed. Stranger things have happened. In fact, one of the tidbits I'd uncovered while browsing Willens' website was that Warren had asked the archives to withhold the release of troublesome documents for a period after the end of the WC, so that the WC's story could become accepted before any questions could arise.)

    Can a random person go into the National Archives II building with some tape machines and make copies then? (I don't know how they would prevent somebody from "accidentally" erasing a tape).

  7. On 5/8/2022 at 7:59 AM, Pat Speer said:

    I think the evidence you've laid out suggests another scenario as well. It seems likely Oswald knew he was in deep and was going on the run. Perhaps he put on a blue jacket at the rooming house, with the gray jacket on top. He then dumped the gray jacket after shooting Tippit. He then took off the blue jacket at the theater. When this second jacket was discovered, and IDed by Marina, the police were totally perplexed. One of them told Whaley they'd thought maybe Oswald had been wearing two jackets. Whaley later regurgitated this, even though Oswald had not put on the second jacket until he'd visited the rooming house. In any event, the police, perhaps in league with the SS, then arranged for this second jacket, the blue jacket, to be found at the TSBD.

    For this possibility to hold true, of course, one would have to have been able to put the gray jacket on over the blue jacket. Has anyone done a size comparison? Was one jacket slightly larger than the other?

    Your online book covers the "rare" video footage of Oswald being arrested in the theater, right?

  8. 22 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

    Excellent question. The ARRB had on their lists one 1972 audio of a Lifton interview with photographer Stringer, but it’s not available or something. 

    We need somebody to go to the National Archives and digitize all of their medical audio tapes. Tapes from Lifton are included in some of the ARRB material. How old are these tapes? They could be deteriorating.

  9. 1 hour ago, David Lifton said:

    MM: Check the S & O report.  I believe the time is stated in there.  (I thought it was 12 midnight). DSL

    They didn't, but I later extensively covered the issue with the timing of Sibert and O'Neill on these online posts: https://www.rareddit.com/r/JFKsubmissions/comments/drvgdc/discussing_jfks_torso_wounds_part_221/


    In some weeks there is also due to be version of "discussing jfk's torso wounds" including a pdf version.

  10. On 6/28/2018 at 12:23 AM, James DiEugenio said:

    Davey, those 3 pictures you have there on display have all been exposed several times before.  This is a repeated pattern by you and people like McAdams. NO matter ho many times you get blown up, you then recycle the discredited rubbish like new and valid.  Not so.    People as skilled as Mili Cranor have blown up the use of that middle photo.That chiropractor who does massage therapy and used that ridiculous middle picture was raked over the coals by her.  And she believes that in the rear autopsy photo, if you allow the foreshortening, and also the way the body is being lifted up, the entry wound is most likely at a point between T2 and T3. Which dispels the SBF. I won't even comment on that ludicrous pointer picture which you insist on displaying from only one direction. Ignoring the fact that under questioning by Fonzi, Specter fell apart.  Meaning he knew it was a Rube Goldberg contraption himself. But you want to forget that.

    Let me ask you this:  Do you know where JFK bought his shirts at?  And do you know what he paid for them?

    Is there a specific article where Miss Cranor makes this argument, that the official autopsy photos could be compatible with a T3 wound?

  11. 4 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

    Does anybody else think like I do that we the American public got cheated with the amount of autopsy photographs? What I mean is this.Let's say that there were 100 4X5 taken at autopsy.What I believe is that 50 of them were taken out & replaced.

    EXAMPLE: 50 4X5 black & white photos were replaced with identicle color photos


    50 color photos were replaced with identicle 4X5 black & white photos.


    Gone are the pictures with the probes in the body,along with the close up pictures of the back of the head wound & also the picture of the bruised lung.

    Reibe did ask "where are all of the other pictures"

    Tell me what you guys think?

    Medical professionals, including somebody who was a student of John Stringer, said that the official autopsy photo collection seems inadequate. Although, autopsy photos are sometimes taken with multiple shots of the same view for redundancy sake. According to Mark Crouch, James Fox claimed that he saw autopsy photos and x-rays being burned by Robert Bouck.

  12. 2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Hi David, I have a question for you.

    I'm trying to recall who carried the Dallas casket into the autopsy room the first time. I know that Sibert and O'Neill helped, but who else?

    Not asking for names (though that would be great)... was it other FBI agents, or some of the autopsy technicians? Unknown?

    I've skimmed Best Evidence but can't find it.

    There is controversy over whether an honor guard carried the casket or if it was somebody else. I'd search for the term "honor guard".


    A podcast I overlooked with David Lifton giving more details on Final Charade.

    Some points discussed:


    - One version of the body alteration conspiracy would have involved the injured President being driven to a location where he could be transferred to an Ambulance, in which the bullets could be removed in private under the guise of emergency procedures. But, this plan was thwarted by John Connally also being unintentionally shot, which may have lead to Jackie or Nellie insisting that they all stay in the Limousine and drive straight to the Hospital.


    - Connally was shot in the chest from the front, and a fake entry wound was created in Connally's back, and 6 inches of Connally's rib was surgically removed, and that is what Dr. Shaw meant when he said that "6 inches of Connally's rib was missing".


    And, the most intriguing bit of speculation...


    - The shooters were assigned to "escape" in a train car, that moved away shortly after the shooting. But, there were other assassins who climbed on top of the train car to murder the Presidential assassins by gassing them like the holocaust gas chambers.The evidence for this was a witness who claimed to have seen two people who were sitting on top of a train car, and photographic evidence that the train car moved.


  14. On 4/14/2022 at 11:55 AM, Michael Crane said:


    I consider you very knowledgeable when it comes to the head wounds.





    I've seen this and Mantik's "bird brain", but would it be possible to create an accurate artistic forgery of an x-ray of Kennedy's skull? At the very least, that would probably take some layers and layers of artificial material to be added and subtracted from an image based on JFK's real skull. The post-mortem x-rays in evidence do reportedly match the pre-mortem x-rays we have of JFK. Not sure if that's possible. The only way to be sure would be to find and test some old-timey x-ray equipment. 

  15. 3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    The Case for an Altered Throat Wound is taking so long because it's going to include a multi-page wall of text on the chain of custody for the autopsy photos, in the context of Saundra Spencer's statements. Still won't be an exhaustive list of problems with the chain of custody. That exhaustive list will have to come later.

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