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Micah Mileto

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Posts posted by Micah Mileto

  1. On 6/17/2022 at 8:54 AM, Gary Murr said:


    Hello Pat:

    Understandably I have been following this thread with some interest and appreciate not only your even-handed responses but also all comments generated by those who have an opinion on this subject matter. Yes, we all make mistakes/errors and it is only through an understanding and where applicable revelation and correction of errors that the case will ever move forward. Given that you believe the Todd "ET is not a recent addition" I would like your opinion on the comparative black and white photographs I present on the document attached herein. This image is from a previously unprinted FBI lab generated 4 X 5 view camera negative discovered by John Hunt at NARA.

    NIST initials comparison.docx 2.02 MB · 22 downloads

    These are photos of the bullet before some of the metal was taken away for lab tests? Wow.

  2. I found one generic diagram where I could only get it to 21 degrees minimum without crossing through the spine:



    But again, the most valuable experimental evidence would be on patients with a physique similar to JFK, and we have x-rays of JFK to compare them to. We do not know exactly how large JFK's spine was, but nobody has ever tried making precise measurements from the existent x-rays.

     Is this image a decent demonstration, though?

  3. On 6/12/2022 at 8:53 PM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    not to mention the effect of the supersonic wave that cause damage without a bullet actually impacting a bone.

    So, in terms of possible anatomical arguments, we have A. the magic bullet would've hit the spine, B. the bullet would've hit the first rib, and C. the bullet or the force of the bullet would've ruptured the major blood vessels.

  4. 2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    The photos made available by John were not taken from this angle. He may have had other photos, but it appears they disappeared when he died. (His family made a lot of files and articles available to researchers, but the raw image files of the JFK evidence John scanned were not among them.)  

    Gary Murr has said that he still holds exclusive information from John Hunt that has yet to be made available on the internet - https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27791-was-ce-399-fired-from-the-depository-rifle/page/2/#comment-461294

  5. On 6/13/2022 at 12:16 AM, Sandy Larsen said:

    Looks like another fine proof to me. Though it would be nice if they showed a number of axial slices, one every 1/8th inch or so down the cervical spine. Just to show that a bullet couldn't fit between the transverse processes (left/right projections) of two adjacent cervical bones.


    Is there a computer program where one can look at an anatomically correct 3D model of a human body while also being able to draw a straight line through any two points?

  6. 1 hour ago, Denis Morissette said:

    Someone said Hunt took high-resolution photos of the bullet are online. Where???

    From an aged-like-milk comment from James D :


    Todd's initials are not on it.  We have that from both John, through the photos, and Dave Mantik who held the exhibit in his hand.  Plus Dave's  colleague also had it in his hand and inspected it. Plus we have another witness through Stu. 



  7. 41 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    My question is this: Given that NIST did this work in 2015, why is it that only now we learn that the initials ET were found?

    Does anybody know why NIST did this work? (I didn't read Roe's article and don't plan to.)


    Unfortunately there is no way for us to know if the initials were always there or if they were added as part of an effort to debunk CT work. I'd be satisfied of a debunking if Mantik went again to the Archives, looked at the bullet again, and confirmed that it is REALLY hard to see the initials. (Though that still wouldn't prove that somebody didn't later scratch the initials onto the bullet.)


    I wonder why Roe didn't post this photo on the forum. I like to have LNers on the forum, but only if they really contribute something useful. This photo, for example.


    NIST didn't bother to publish more images of their model of CE 399, and it seems that nobody bothered to ask them for more images.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

    No Micah,the bullet did not even pass through the back.That proves it impossible.

    With these kinds of "smoking guns", it is all too easy to get ahead of ourselves and declare something to be scientific proof of a conspiracy. This is the kind of thing I suspect seems "too good to be true". Illuminati confirmed because all of mankind forgot to read up on basic anatomy for 60 years? I would wait to call anything confirmed.

  9. LqVUuTg.png


    This point of argument came out in 1998, and I still haven't seen any debunking of it, or even a whole online discussion about it. I google image searched "ct scan axial section t1 first thoracic vertebra" and it looks like every other scan shows a result similar to the above - the official trajectory would have the bullet crashing into the spine. Is there something I'm missing? Why isn't there more discussion of this argument which claims to be scientific proof of a conspiracy?


    There is this anatomical argument, and, as Pat Speer has argued, the official bullet trajectory would have also hit the first rib and ruptured the major blood vessels. This simple issue of anatomy doesn't seem like it should be as ambiguous as it seems to be on the internet.

  10. On 6/5/2022 at 8:40 AM, Gary Murr said:

    Apologies for the broken link initially posted. I am providing a new link below [for anyone interested in this paper concerning Todd and CE 399] via a different file-transfer link. Hopefully this one works.

    Download link


    EDIT: Got the link to work

  11. 8 hours ago, Gary Murr said:

    Hello Micah:

    Regarding your question above; John Hunt spoke to  Robert Frazier on several occasions and I do have some of the exchanges between the two. Is there anything specific or subject matter that John may have queried Frazier about concerning the FBI lab and their handling of assassination evidence?

    Gary Murr

    Yeah, the "third headshot fragment". From John's essay:




    I asked Robert Frazier about the headshot fragments and other related issues and what he told me makes the case for tampering even stronger. I wish I'd been able to find him before I went to Pittsburgh for my Wecht Symposium presentation would have been even stronger.

  12. 4 hours ago, Gary Murr said:

    Hello Greg:

    Thanks for taking the time to read my paper - a side-project/distraction I threw together late last year as a breather to take me away from a major manuscript I was working on [and continue to work on as my time allows]. One of the points I was trying to get across is that in truth I would not have expected Todd to have placed his initials on CE 399 for the simple reason that he was not an employee of the FBI lab at the time of the assassination, prior to the assassination event, nor at anytime after the assassination event. On the other hand he did put his "initials", indeed his entire signature, on the envelope given to him by Rowley in the evening of November 22, 1963, in my opinion Todd's [expected] due diligence in indicating his role in the provenance/travels of the item in question. It takes a unique pen to etch one's initials/identifying nomenclature onto a metallic surface, in this instance the copper jacket of the expended 6.5mm WCC cartridge. And though the main FBI lab in Washington undoubtedly had just such an implement, indeed more than one, there is no indication that I have found from any FBI lab employee, including lead on this case, Robert Frazier, that anyone gave Todd the pen in order that he put his initials on CE 399. One conclusion that could be drawn from the surviving documentation is that Todd may have remained in the FBI lab, or was present in the lab, to see Frazier, Cunningham, and Killion put their initials on this piece of evidence, but I have no proof of that. I attempted to talk to Robert Frazier while constructing this paper, but he refused to discuss any aspect of the assassination event when I  phoned him. 


    Any knowledge of what John Hunt was reportedly told by Robert Frazier?

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