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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 1 minute ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Ruth was pretty busy that summer, eh?

    And she accomplished her early objective at the end by separating Lee from Marina.

    I would love to see a follow-up from Ashton on that research.

  2. On 7/17/2007 at 10:25 AM, John Dolva said:


    Tupac was assassinated in an as yet unresolved drive-by shooting in new jersey in 1996.

    Tupac was actually shot and killed in Las Vegas....

  3. "And while this is still being narrowed down, it's beginning to look like Liddy's little D.C. and Ohio trips very well might have coordinated awfully closely with Ruth Hyde Paine's little trip to Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and to Ohio between 24 August and 10 September 1963. And if that's not scary enough, look at this little section of timeline:

    • On Thursday, 22 August 1963, the CIA again granted an Approval for Liaison with John Lindsay Hoke "on a continuing basis," reaffirming his clearance for classified information "up to and including Top Secret."
    • Three days later, on Sunday, 24 August 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine traveled to Baltimore, Maryland, then the next day to Washington, D.C. "to stay with sister." And "sister" happens to be Sylvia Hyde Hoke—who has a CIA-blessed secret clearance from AID, and whose husband is John Lindsay Hoke.
    • Five days later, on Thursday, 29 August 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine left the Hokes and went to Paoli, Philadelphia, just outside Philadelphia, to "wait for" her father would will join her there. Her father, of course, is William Avery Hyde, also of AID.
    • On 10 September 1963, Ruth Hyde Paine left Paoli for Ohio to see "relatives and friends." Also in Ohio is the headquarters of Marathon Oil—where G. Gordon Liddy was afoot around this time.

    Ashton Gray"

    From this thread:


  4. 1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:


    I’m returning to the Forum after a two-month hiatus, and your post is first on my list.


    So, David, in my humble opinion, the main question remains, “Who Ordered the Phone Tap?”  Ruth Paine still wants to know, and I also want to know. 


    --Paul Trejo

    Welcome back Paul,

    No-one necessarily had to "order" a phone tap, at least not in the sense that I assume you are thinking. Anyone with a "butt-in" test set (a phone with aligator clips) could have listened-in to that call. I don't recall what the two ends of that call were, but if one end was the police station in Dallas, or nearby, it could have been in a manhole or tunnel under the street, in Dallas.


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