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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 1 hour ago, Jim Root said:

    If one goes back to the beginnings of the CIA mail opening operations in New York (1950's) two names that come up in this story as well as the assassination, Angelton and Helms.  This is the same time that Oswald is writing letters to the Socialist Workers Party but as is pointed out in "Oswald and the CIA" no case file is opened on Oswald (that we are aware of).

    I suggest that it is possible that both Helms and Angelton became aware of Oswald at that time.  If that were to be true....it is Helm's that seems to have continuously followed Oswald, especially after he returned from Russia before the assassination and I suggest that it is Angelton that wanted to know why.  

    Nosenko is just one more key to unlocking the assassination story.

    Jim Root

    P.S.  John J. McCloy missed a Warren Commission meeting to be at the Nuclear Arms meeting when Nosenko defected.

    That is great information Jim, thanks.

  2. 56 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    You don't really believe that the two guys with either Oswald or an imposter at Odio's door were there for that purpose do you?

    Its pretty obvious to almost anyone who has studied that incident that this was clearly a pretext.

    I don't believe that they were there, merely because her father was imprisoned in Cuba, basically out of the blue, to ask for money.

  3. 48 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Don't forget Dirty Dic Helms'  other smart aleck comment, "Well we could put them up at the Hilton."

    How anyone could joke about putting a guy through almost three years of isolation and torture, that to me epitomizes what the Old Boys Network was all about.  

    Unfortunately, it's not old-school stuff. Corruption leads to more serious criminality. I'd like to think I wouldn't do such things to save my skin, but I know that stating that I would not do it is meaningless until I've been tested. 

    There is no way to avoid the slippery-slope to sadism and evil unless one disavows corruption personally and speaks-out and acts when one sees it.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

    There is some "logic" to the Nosensko case?

    I went back to the beginning of this thread to try, for the last time, to understand the story. And a post by Shanet Clark back in 2004 hits the nail on the head for me: "This case is so counter-counter-counter espionage, I can barely follow. I'm sure the other readers are completely in the dark."

    I take exception only to Shanet's term "barely follow." I can't follow it at all. When I try to understand this case, it makes me head hurt. So I'm going to quit doing it. It's kind of like watching "Twin Peaks: The Return." It's fascinating but makes absolutely no sense.

    But at this point I wouldn't even say the Nosensko case is fascinating. I think I know basically why the assassination happened, I"m pretty sure the Russians had nothing to do with it, and I'm not going to waste any more of my own time on Yuri Nosenko just to give myself a headache.




    I shared that link here when Doug Caddy had posted it in another forum. The Nosenko story is mostly, as Jim pointed-out, just sickening. In isolation the Nosenko story, I agree, is enigmatic. In my pet CT, however, where Angleton was unaware of and not a participant in the Dallas hit, it makes more sense.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Grain of salt, Ernie.   Everybody understands what I was getting at -- except you, evidently, because you strain the gnat but swallow the camel.

    Actually Paul, Everybody but the casual reader knows what you are trying to get away with, and Ernie is right. It's kind if sick, your more interested in notching a point with some future, mythical casual reader than earning any respect from professional researchers, authors and thinkers. It's pathetic and in your case, pathological.

    The point is that Harry Dean was not paid by the FBI in any official capacity.  Any reader can understand that.

    That's rich Paul, and its nonsense. I hope the causal reader will read that sentence a couple times and let its meaningless sink in, bearing in mind that, apparently, Harry wasnt paid, at all.

    It's not a lie.  It's the simple truth.

    It's more like Trejo Word-salad.



    --Paul Trejo

    Responses in bold....

  6. 3 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    No way Trump is engaged in this issue.

    Since it doesn't involve him, Agent Orange has zero interest.

    If he needs leverage, he could have someone sorting through the docs for dirt. He may be concerned that he might not be able to make it to October. I think any President would want to have someone looking at what is scheduled for release. Any President would, I think, be obligated to have it all gone-over because they would be held responsible.

  7. 17 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    In other words, the one o'clock time is an estimate.  There is no official time stamp on the call. 

    If there is no exact time stamp, that would point away from a legit tap by an Irving Police assigned telco cop working legally with the phone company. 

    I wonder if an Irving to Ft. Worth call was a toll call at the time.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    I came across the Harlandale house by accident a few days ago looking for info regarding another thread.  I've read it was demolished within a year by a Dallas Co. real estate developer.   Deputy Buddy Walthers  said Somewhere, I Think, on November 23rd, 63, an informant of his reported Oswald had been seen in it.    

    Ron, will you please share your info on the Harlandale house?

  9. To be sure, it is my opinion that LHO didn't kill JFK; and any inquiry into LHO is a inquiry to distraction. The phone call between the Paine's is just another facet of which I have an opinion. It does not bring us closer to those responsible;. We are just tagging sheep. Tagging sheep is, however, part of the process.

  10. 20 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Michael, I think we can do a lot better than that ....

    Larry, I challenge you to come up with something better (funnier) than my phone-guy who hit the jackpot!


    Thanks Larry, I am looking foreword, as always, to what you come up with.

  11. 2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Do I understand this right?  If the call was at 1:00 on 11/22 then the tap had to be in place prior to the assassination.   The Irving PD did not even at the behest of say the FBI start listening in on the suddenly suspicious Paine's phone conversations within 30 minutes of the shots.  Somebody was suspicious of the Paine's and or their association with Marina and Lee to justify monitoring the line.  Local small suburban police departments didn't do a lot of taps on their own at the time did they?  The Paine's weren't dope dealers or otherwise suspected of criminal activity at the time that I've ever read about.  Monitored because Oswald was a returned Communist defector, when he only came out on weekends?  HE wasn't monitored closely enough for anyone to know about the Beckley address where he stayed during the week. 

    The Paine's were in contact with the Oswalds since the spring of 63. There is no reason to think that they were not being surveilled from that time on. There are CIA, FBI, Mob, Industrial, Police and who knows what other intelligence entities whom might have been involved in the tapping of that call. Mr. Carter''s pointing out that Irving police are named as the source doesn't mean anything; no disrespect to Mr. Carter; I assume he is passing on information, and that he is not married to the idea that it was necessarily Irving police who tapped the call. Keep in mind that the other end of the call was the Fort Worth Bell Helicopter facility where Michael Paine worked. It seems too convenient that Irving Police had a man who was assigned to the telephone company and this info was generated therefrom. Any agency or entity could have asked the Irving police for cover in this matter.

    Local PI's, extortionists, Mob, Confidential informants, as well as Government agencies could have had someone listening to all their calls, or have hopped on that line at anytime.

    Assuming that there is something fishy about that call being monitored at 1PM on 11-22 is assuming that there was no reason to have an eye on LHO, Marina or the Paine's before that time.

    I would be surprised if the mob, Bell Helicopter and all government agencies, including rogue elements were not tripping over themselves in manholes, on poles, in dusty phone-rooms with diverted pairs or at phone company buildings listening in all calls.

    To add a bit of humor, imagine a phone guy who was known to be "purchasable" , who just by serendipity, happened to have been approached by Jim Hosty, I. B. Hale, Howard, Hunt, Jack Ruby, H. L. Hunt, Holmes, Mrs. Paine, and and Mr. Paine,.. all individually paying one lucky phone-guy to tap that line. He would have collected 7 checks for one job, and no one should have been any-the-wiser.


    I am just trying to point-out that it could have been everyone,, everywhere, or anyone, anywhere that "ordered" it.

    It had to be brought to the WC records, so we have an Irving Police officer, assigned to fill-out the story.



  12. 2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Do I understand this right?  If the call was at 1:00 on 11/22 then the tap had to be in place prior to the assassination.   The Irving PD did not even at the behest of say the FBI start listening in on the suddenly suspicious Paine's phone conversations within 30 minutes of the shots.  Somebody was suspicious of the Paine's and or their association with Marina and Lee to justify monitoring the line.  Local small suburban police departments didn't do a lot of taps on their own at the time did they?  The Paine's weren't dope dealers or otherwise suspected of criminal activity at the time that I've ever read about.  Monitored because Oswald was a returned Communist defector, when he only came out on weekends?  HE wasn't monitored closely enough for anyone to know about the Beckley address where he stayed during the week. 

    The Paine's were in contact with the Oswalds since the spring of 63. There is no reason to think that they were not being surveilled from that time on. There are CIA, FBI, Mob, Industrial, Police and who knows what other intelligence entities whom might have been involved. Mr. Carter''s pointing out that Irving police are named as the source doesn't mean anything, no disrespect to Mr. Carter; I assume he is passing on information, and that he is not married to the idea that it was necessarily Irving police who tapped the call. Keep in mind that the other end of the call was the Fort Worth Bell Helicopter facility where Michael Paine worked. It seems too convenient that Irving Police had a man who was assigned to the telephone company and this info was generated therefrom. Any agency or entity could have asked the Irving police for cover in this matter.

    Local PI's, extortionists, Mob, Confidential informants, as well as Government agencies could have had someone listening to all their calls, or have hopped on that line at anytime.

    Assuming that there is something fishy about that call being monitored at 1PM on 11-22 is assuming that there was no reason to have an eye on LHO, Marina or the Paine's before that time.

    I would be surprised if the mob, Bell Helicopter and all government agencies, including rogue elements were not tripping over themselves in manholes, on poles, in dusty phone-rooms with diverted pairs or at phone company buildings listening in on all of their calls.

    To add a bit of humor, imagine a phone guy who was known to be "purchasable" , who just by serendipity, happened to have been approached by Jim Hosty, I. B. Hale, Howard, Hunt, Jack Ruby, H. L. Hunt, Holmes, Mrs. Paine, and and Mr. Paine,.. all individually paying one lucky phone-guy to tap that line. He would have collected 7 checks for one job, and no one should have been any-the-wiser.


    I am just trying to point-out that it could have been everyone,, everywhere, or anyone, anywhere that "ordered" it.

    It had to be brought to the WC records, so we have an Irving Police officer, assigned to fill-out the story.


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