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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 3/4/2007 at 1:02 PM, John Dolva said:


    Apartment # 114 is still occupied by Mrs. Patricia Taylor


    In late 1966, there was a Patricia Taylor, Assisstant Professor, teaching at State University Brockport, New York, Social Science Department, who communicated with the Mississippi Sovereignty Comission.



    Quoted from above: Mr. Dolva, that's way more than just curious!!!!!


    "Another curious FWIW:

    William Frank Buckley, Jr. (b. 1925)

    — also known as William F. Buckley, Jr. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. 

    Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., November 24, 1925. 

    Brother of James Lane Buckley; 

    married 1950 to Patricia Taylor."

  2. On 3/4/2007 at 11:51 AM, Robert Howard said:


    Dallas Residential Directory

    Apartment # 207 was occupied by Jack Ruby and George Senator


    Don D. Price could have been the poor guy that just happened to be the next occupant of the apartment the young man knocked on, or.......in which case, he may have been the occupant in 1963, however there was not a Don Price to my knowledge who was a professor at SMU in 1963.....Hell maybe Helen McIntosh was quoted wrong by the Warren Commission, but I have always been interested in the story since Ruth Paine had the phone number of an SMU Professor in HER address book...he was.....


    Sources: WC Vol. 17 (65)

    Mary's Comments: SMU Professor. His name was in Runth Paine's notebook.

    At any rate after all these years I think Ruby was "controlled," by higher-ups with ties to MK-Ulktra.....So what was your question....Oh yeah, A well known researcher told me that he thought it was unfathomable that the DPD [not to mention the FBI] did not conduct interviews with each and every one of the residents of 1026 N Beckley.....I agree...I suppose they went down the same black-hole all the documents missing from the National Archives did

    Kenneth Carroll was a Swathmore Graduate. 

    Swathmore (Donald Trump) and Phillidelphia keeps turning-up under ever stone that I look under.


    Kenneth Carroll was a professor of Religious studies at Southern Methodist University in Dallas beginning in 1952. He also spent a sabbatical at Haverford College as the T. Wistar Brown Fellow in 1969 and 1970 and retired to Easton, Maryland, in 1986. Carroll is a recognized authority on the history of the Society of Friends on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia and has written widely on this and other subjects. Collection primarily consists of correspondence related to Carroll's research and publications, but also includes writings and miscellaneous papers.


  3. On 7/31/2017 at 3:26 PM, Paul Trejo said:

    All the hubbub about Nosenko is smoke and mirrors, IMHO.  A mere distraction.


    Sure, Paul, Angleton had a concrete cell built inside an ordinary home in Washington; he had Nosenko, a LHO contact, tortured and interrogated for three years; and it's just some hubbub, in YOUR, sadistic, warped, opinion; and a humble opinion, at that.



  4. 3 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    Bullsh!! Paul.

    The "1" you and DVP claim is there - is not.  It is simply the pattern of the paper on this huge blow-up.

    I brought this up in relation to the 15-day visa with LEE, HARVEY OSWALD printed on it and the 6-month (180-day) application the WCR offers as the form Oswald used to get this 15-day visa.

    Sorry - doesn't work that way Paul.  Since there is no form signed by Oswald for a 15-day visa... the one offered by the WC was created to serve a purpose...  It is in that letter where Oswald supposedly brings this up - he had to leave due to the 15 day limit. 

    Since he didn't have a 15-day visa and didn't have to leave on the 2nd.... only someone not familiar with the evidence would use the 15-day visa as an excuse for having to leave and "not get his business done"....

    That this "15-days" is in the draft and finished typed version, and then the typed version is incorrectly dated, leads most of us here with insight to understand the falseness of the evidence related to Mexico City.  

    There is no "1" there Paul...  and if you're going to simply be contrary to hear yourself type... don't.    You type first, think second and then never fix your mistakes.

    Let's try this in a simple way for you....  all the evidence related to Mexico City was fabricated by the FBI and Mexican authorities to cover for the fact Oswald met with Odio on the 26th/27th of Sept and was not en route to or from Mexico City as the FBI offers. 

    The 15-day Visa therefore, is a fabrication and never had any bearing on the events other than to clash with the application from which it supposedly came... That the CIA's Gaudet received the Visa previous to Oswald's should cause you no concern....  :rolleyes:



    Yup, Paul is wrong, and he knows it.

  5. 2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Y'all took a perfectly good question about Ruth Paine's disclosure of Lee Harvey Oswald's "Soviet Embassy Letter" of November 9, 1963, and then fell apart into debates over the direction of the JFK bullets in Dealey Plaza.


    David Von Pein is obviously correct that the timestamp on the envelope reads "Nov 12".  It's just that the "1" in the number "12" is printed very faintly.  All baby boomers who know the US Postal Service from childhood know that Post Office ink very often came out faint in one letter or number, and heavy in the next.  It's too obvious for words.

    Yet even this postmark is outside the scope of the main theme, which is: did Lee Harvey Oswald write the "Soviet Embassy Letter" of November 9, 1963, or did Ruth Paine forge it?

    To be perfectly clear about the debate, here is the letter again, in full:


            EMBASSY U.S.S.R.
            WASHINGGON, D.C.
            NOVEMBER 9, 1963

    Dear Sirs,

    This is to inform you of recent events since by meetings with comrade Kostin in the Embassy Of the Soviet Union, Mexico City, Mexico.

    I was unable to remain in Mexico indefinitely because of my Mexican visa restrictions which was for 15 days only. I could not take a chance on requesting a new visa unless I used my real name, so I returned to the United States.

    I had not planned to contact the Soviet embassy in Mexico so they were unprepared, had I been able to reach the Soviet Embassy in Havana as planned, the embassy there would have had time to complete our business.

    Of course the Soviet embassy was not at fault, they were, as I say unprepared, the Cuban consulate was guilty of gross breach of regulations, I am glad he has since been replaced.

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation is not now interested in my activities in the progressive organization Fair Play For Cuba Committee, of which I was the secretary in New Orleans (state Louisiana) since I no longer reside in that state.

    However, the F.B.I. has visited us here in Dallas, Texas, on November 1. Agent James P. Hasty warned me that if I engaged in F.P.P.C. activities in Texas the F.B.I. will again take an ‘interest’ in me.

    This agent also ‘suggested’ to Marina Nichilayova that she could remain in the United States under F.B.I. ‘protection.’ that is, she could defect from the Soviet Uion, of course, I am my wife strongly protested these tactics by the notorious F.B.I.

    Please inform us of the arrival of our Soviet entrance visa’s as soon as they come.

    Also, this is to inform you of the birth, on October 20, 1963, of a DAUGHTER, AUDREY MARINA OSWALD in DALLAS, TEXAS, to my wife.

    Lee H. Oswald

    Bear in mind, that mailing any letter to the Soviet Embassy in Washington DC would guarantee that the FBI would intercept it.  So, if (and only if) Lee Harvey Oswald actually wrote this letter (as I maintain), he would certainly know this.  IMHO, LHO certainly wrote it with the FBI foremost in his mind.  Indeed, the letter seems to poke and tease the FBI, in my reading.

    --Paul Trejo

       2 hours ago,  Paul Trejo said: 

    "Bear in mind, that mailing any letter to the Soviet Embassy in Washington DC would guarantee that the FBI would intercept it.  So, if (and only if) Lee Harvey Oswald actually wrote this letter (as I maintain), he would certainly know this.  "


    (Bold, above, is mine)


    So, if LHO did not mail the letter, he would not know that such a letter would be intercepted?

    I am not seeing anything coherent in your argument.




  6. 11 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Bear in mind, that mailing any letter to the Soviet Embassy in Washington DC would guarantee that the FBI would intercept it.  So, if (and only if) Lee Harvey Oswald actually wrote this letter (as I maintain), he would certainly know this.  

    (Bold, above, is mine)


    So, if LHO did not mail the letter, he would not know that such a letter would be intercepted?

    I am not seeing anything coherent in your argument.


  7. 17 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    The fibbing that is shown in the original transcript of the Paine phone call is, in my opinion, proof of a conspiracy from the Radical Right, who used elements in the FBI and Police to tap the Paine's call.

    The fib is that Michael Paine said, "I'm sure that Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President." 

    Michael Paine said no such thing.

    So, why would the original transcript claim that Michael Paine said that?   The answer should be obvious -- whoever created that false transcript was trying to FRAME the Paines as well as Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Why is it taking more than 50 years for readers to admit this?

    --Paul Trejo

    Paul, you are conflating what you are referring to as a "transcript" with what you are quoting as a "fib".

    Why don't You quote and source you're "original transcript" and why do you quote your "fib" without sourcing it. 

    Are you making stuff up?

  8. Following Kirk...

    I am not sure how these things work, but I have the impression that a person or entity can sue someone, then settle out of court, under a confidential agreement for one dollar. The record will show that the suit was in some way successful.

    I apreciate that Jim, as a researcher, or due to some history, cannot, or will not, give an inch on somebody like Nigel Turner's witnesses without feeling like he has lowered his own bar in regards to recearch cridibility. So the baby goes out with the bath water. But that does not have to be the case for everyone. The rest of us can say that, for example, Lois Liggett is credible and her story makes sense, without any deference to the credibility of Nigel Turner. That said, I'd like to see a researcher be more up-front with the reality of that situation  More importantly I would have much more respect for a researcher who can express that situation in critical terms, instead of normative terms lie "boloney", "poppycock" or "hogwash".

    All that said, Jim doesn't owe me anything, my expectations are set, and I thank him for what he does.

  9. On 7/25/2017 at 8:48 PM, James DiEugenio said:


    The whole John Liggett story is a pile of baloney.  There was a lawsuit over this.  My sources say that Billy Sol Estes had a role in beginning it.

    That should tell you something. Nigel Turner was never a good guy for our side.  Remember the whole Christian David story?  Which did not pan out to say the least.

    Boy, when you go to work on this site, you alter about six threads and bring things up from eons ago.

    Quoting Jim here so he gets a notification of this response if he has notifications set on.

    I also edited-in a link in the original thread so others can see this more-thorough and more-honest reply than I gave in the original thread.

  10. Since my response to the following statement was not strictly true, I felt it deserved an explanation.

    Jim Di Eugenio said: "Boy, when you go to work on this site, you alter about six threads and bring things up from eons ago"

    My reply was: "I haven't altered anything Jim. I've been told that my bumping has annoyed.... If I raise an old thread it is to keep other threads on-topic, or otherwise worthwhile. "

    I replied as I did because I had not altered anything at the time Jim made his post, I don't know what he was referring to. Also, the thread I was responding to had been updated a few times, the last being 2013. It makes far more sense to add to an existing thread than create a new one, unless admin or consensus says otherwise, which has not been the case. In fact, since coming to EF, I have received a lot of support, encouragement and thanks for "going through the stuff in the basement and attic", so to speak.

    I have altered other threads. These were threads that were meant to be altered and have posts changed-out, like my Top Ten thread.

    I have deleted posts that were in response to infighting which I engaged in, and don't belong on the forum, as a matter of decorum. 

    I have not "altered" threads with the perpose of materially changing the record that forum posts create. I have not altered a thread in an unethical or cowardly way, or to hide that I have made some stupid or errant claim; those posts remain.



  11. (E-mail to Ernie) "No, there is no truth that we removed any of your comments because of your tone, or anything having to do with you, or any individual. We made the decision several months ago to disable all comments on our entire website, as moderation of the comment board was becoming too time consuming for our small operation."

    We have seen that before, in the "Harrry Dean: Memoirs" thread...

    "When I intruded into the thread at 1504 it was because of what Thomas Graves had posted at 1503. He had warned that this conduct may continue after the chill urged the the administration. I suggested we would be disappointed if it did so. Effectively pointing out we expect both parties to comply with Kathy’s instructions. It is clear to me Ernie Lazar has indeed complied, however it is less clear that Paul Trejo has changed after the 72 hour chill.

    This thread is now closed.

    James Gordon"


  12. On the Michele Clark thread the links to this article were redirected to oblivion. I am fixing those links here.

    The article is titled "The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage" by Sherman Skolnik








  13. On 9/20/2013 at 9:44 AM, Robert Howard said:

    Does anybody have the phone log, or a URL for the phone log of the phone records of the law firm of Gill, Bernstein, Schreiber and Gill from (March 1962-November 1963)? The main number was 524-0147 and the unpublished line was 288-4648. Both lines were available to all the people in the office, which included Ferrie, Gill, Bernstein, Schreiber and Gill, and several interns, secretaries and investigators. These records show only toll calls, not local calls. Three years after the assassination, on January 4, 1967, secretary Alice Guidroz went through the monthly bills and drew a line through any call she could identify as Gill's, and turned them over to Jim Garrison's office.

    The above is from the following thread. I would love to have that link to Ferrie's phone records to see if there is a connection to the Liggetts, the funeral home, or even the Carousel.


  14. 8 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

    I find Lois Liggett (and her daughter) both credible ... maybe John Liggett was flown to Washington on 22.11.63 as part of the Kennedy-body alteration team, whether or  not he participated in that bloody part of the cover up... Liggetts dead right at the spot where Kennedy died smells like a staged event ... the core of the Liggett story is sound IMO ... despite the Lawsuit of his brother ...

    Now we have the graveside service Liggett departed ... great find, Michael Clark thx ... 



    Thanks Karl, though Tom Scully gets the credit. I want to learn some of the document locating skills some researchers have. I was quite impressed.

    Karl wrote: "Liggetts death right at the spot where Kennedy died smells like a staged event" (typo fixed)

    I agree. The TMWKK episode suggests that he was shot at the corner of Houston and Elm.

  15. I believe Lois' daughter mentioned having at least another brother and sister. If they could could be contacted to confirm the David Ferrie connection that really would be something. Perhaps they could also affirm or re-affirm the Malcolm Ligget ID in the photo with Jack Ruby. That's all pretty relevant stuff.

  16. Lol, I see Tom Scully's post with the same info, Acknowledging my search of his documents.I beat him by 4 min. 

    Thanks very much Tom! (High-five!)

    That was fun, very satisfying. I'll do the rowing for any researchers if they have something to chew on!

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