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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 21 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


    “This is fantastic work. I have a question about a doc that is mentioned in the appendix; it is about a boat Morales was contacted about the night of of the assassination and it refers to a CIA Chief of Station named Pacy. As that would have to be a pseudonym, is there any knowledge of the  COS' true name?”



    I found one location code connected to PACY:


    16-7    (Panama City ?)


    And Three more that carry just that location code:




    10132 mentions QDCHAR - Marcos Diaz Lanz, brother of Pedro Diaz Lanz.as per MFF. It is a 1959 document.

    QDALUM Is also noted in that document, but has no entry in MFF.

    QDARBOR Is also noted in that document, but has no entry in MFF.

  2. @William Plumlee and St John Hunt announced on Facebook that Plumlee had been given permission, by St. John Hunt, to reveal that Plumlee had flown Howard Hunt to Dallas on the morning of the JFKA. I was shocked that that revelation was not mentioned here. I took that silence as an indication of the credibility with which members hold for Mr. Plumlee’s claims.

  3. On 7/7/2012 at 10:27 AM, Paul Rigby said:

    United Nations Oral History

    Interview with:Edmund Gullion

    Conducted May 8, 1990, in 4 parts

    (United States of America, 1913 – 1998)


    A career ambassador, Edmund Gullion had been appointed United States Ambassador to the newly recognized Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1961 and had left that post in 1964. He then became dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

    Retired at the time of the interview conducted on 8 May 1990, Mr. Gullion shares his personal experiences as Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the political climate during that dramatic period in United Nations history.

    Nathaniel’s link is broken. Here is a transcript of those recordings:


    https://tind-customer-undl.s3.amazonaws.com/da961f4d-533d-4fb0-a8a9-2f15d9ce05b0?response-content-disposition=attachment%3B filename*%3DUTF-8''Gullion8May90TRANS.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAXL7W7Q3XFWDGQKBB&Expires=1582905123&Signature=ekmUlVoB2qOcg0EhNqLAd7NVyGA%3D




  4. On 4/8/2018 at 11:05 AM, Michael Clark said:

    At 3:00

    RFK: The TFX, Have you been watching that? The newspapermen think that there's something there. They think that something funny went on."

    JFK: " Well you know what went ON, nobody wanted to go to Topeka, Kansas! That's all that went on!"




  5. On 6/27/2018 at 8:56 PM, Michael Clark said:

    Has anyone heard of Gus Alex?





















    All from the following page, and I presume the docs on Alex continue from where I stopped

    https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release?page=16&_ga=2.18593977.1657956965.1509547456-224044424.1509547456&sort=asc&order=File Num





    Gus Alex

    Gus Alex (April 1, 1916 – July 24, 1998) was a Greek-American mobster and high-ranking member of the Chicago Outfit, who succeeded Jake Guzik as the Syndicate's main political "fixer".

    Early lifeEdit

    According to William F. Roemer,

    "Gus, being Greek, could not be 'made,' but he had done it all. His dad had operated a small restaurant at Wentworth and 26th in Armour Square/Chinatown, which was frequented by many members of the Capone, and then the Nitti, mob. Gus and Strongy [Ferraro] had worked in the restaurant from an early age. Both were sharp guys and came to the attention of the boys. Gus had, therefore, been one of them almost since birth.[1]

    Working primarily for Al Capone's Jewish-American associate, Jake Guzik, Alex would later become his protégé as he rose through the ranks of the Chicago crime family. By 1930, he was suspected in the deaths of at least five unsolved murder cases. Two of the alleged victims, later dying of their injuries in hospital, identified Alex as their assailant as well as three others who were killed after reporting to police extortion and death threats sent by Alex.

    From Guzik's protege to Syndicate fixer

    Under Guzik's guidance, Alex became experienced in securing Syndicateprotection through bribery of city officials. By the mid-1940s, Alex was the main liaison between the Chicago Outfit and city hall officials. He granted control of the Loop's illegal gambling and prostitution operations, including a lucrative call girl operation out of prominent downtown hotels (of which many call girls were paid up to $500 to $1,000) Alex's operations brought in an estimated $1 million a month for the Syndicate.

    Described as "one of the wiliest and slickest crooks" within the Chicago Outfit,[citation needed] Alex would decline to answer questions under the Fifth Amendment over 39 times during his appearance before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the U.S. Senate Committee on Government Operations. During the 1960s, Alex would come under suspicion during his annual ski trips to Switzerland as the US government accused Alex of depositing Outfit money in unnumbered Swiss bank accounts. As a result of the US governments protest (although Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen and Congressman William L. Dawson opposed government action, calling to allow Alex to continue his "sporting trips"), Swiss officials banned Alex from entering Switzerland for 10 years.

    Later years

    Remaining a high-ranking member of the Chicago Outfit for over 30 years, Alex would retain his position throughout the reigns of Felice "Paul 'The Waiter' Ricca" DeLucia, Antonino "Tony," "Joe Batters" Accardo, and Salvatore "Sam," "Mooney" Giancana. Alex would continue to consolidate his political influence during the 1970s and 1980s not only within Chicago but expanding into the state capital Springfield, Illinois. An invaluable resource, Alex's political connections would ensure his position with the organization during the unstable leadership of the decade.

    During Outfit leader Joseph "Joey Doves" Aiuppa's imprisonment, Alex would share overseeing day-to-day activities with underboss Samuel "Wings" Carlisi(being supervised by former leader Accardo, based in Palm Springs, California).

    Alex died of a heart attack in federal prison after Leonard "Lenny" Patrick, a close Outfit associate, wore a "wire" and taped Alex for the FBI.


    “It’s a sucker’s game. You can’t win out there, you understand. We got the percentages rigged all in our favor. The longer you stay, the more you play, the more chances you got of losing. I don’t let nobody around me who gambles. A couple thousand, okay, but no gambling!”[2]

    On Las Vegas casinos.


















  6. On 1/3/2020 at 12:54 PM, Michael Clark said:
    A side note regarding Glenn Carle. He responded to an email that I sent him, as follows...
    Greetings, My name is Michael Clark. I have had too much time on my hands of late and have been sucked into "research" of the JFK assassination. I recently watched "Two Men in Dallas", a 1976 video featuring Mark Lane and Dallas Police Officer Roger Craig. The narrator indicates that the interviewer is a "Lincoln Carle". Your name came up while reading some other unrelated articles and I was wondering if, by chance, you might be Glenn Lincoln Carle, and, by chance, the interviewer of officer Craig.

    I hope my message finds you doing well .....


    Interesting.  Glenn Lincoln Carle is my name, but I am not the "Lincoln Carle" in the interview.  I have never heard of anyone else with two thirds of my name.  No relation.
    Glenn Carle


  7. A side note regarding Glenn Carle. He responded to an email that I sent him, as follows...
    Greetings, My name is Michael Clark. I have had too much time on my hands of late and have been sucked into "research" of the JFK assassination. I recently watched "Two Men in Dallas", a 1976 video featuring Mark Lane and Dallas Police Officer Roger Craig. The narrator indicates that the interviewer is a "Lincoln Carle". Your name came up while reading some other unrelated articles and I was wondering if, by chance, you might be Glenn Lincoln Carle, and, by chance, the interviewer of officer Craig.

    I hope my message finds you doing well .....


    Interesting.  Glenn Lincoln Carle is my name, but I am not the "Lincoln Carle" in the interview.  I have never heard of anyone else with two thirds of my name.  No relation.
    Glenn Carle
  8. If there is no single post or thread that comes up with some ridiculously high number of recent views, then it is likely the same thing we were seeing back in 2017; where periodically, something or someone comes in and views or scans every thread. 

    The difference may be that whoever it is is taking longer (longer than 20 min.) or invision tightened-up thresholds (to 20 min) for billing, or they just decided to start paying attention. In any event, they should be able to detect, prevent, monitor or track an event such as that captured in my screenshot.They certainly should not be trying to hold us accountable for such an event.

  9. James, that screenshot was one I sent you a few years ago, via email.

    That list of number of users currently online is at the bottom of subforum pages.

    I searched about half of the sub forums, looking for posts that had an unusual number of views for the topic and the ago of the post. There must be some tools available to admins to see “most active” or “most recently” viewed threads.

    Back in 2017, I had noticed a pattern.... when those massive guest user counts came about, it was near the end of the month, and every user was on a unique post, no duplicates. It was as if some bot came in and scanned or viewed every thread.

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