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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 59 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:

    Actually, I suffer from the problem of taking notes from books and then forgetting which books they came from.  I do appreciate you providing this link to help me out.  I don't have the mind that is sharp enough to keep track of everything, which is a shame.  In the future, to make life easier on everyone else, I'll be sure to provide the source material.  Thank you again.

    This is ridiculous. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Rich Pope said:

    Kennedy Assassination


    Early in March of 1963, the matter of the actual assassin became a pressing issue.  A man by the name of R. T. Crowley had connections to the mob in Chicago (his father had been an important Chicago politician , parks commissioner, in the Kelly-Nash machine).  Because of these connections, Crowley contacted members of the Chicago Mafia for advice and possible assistance.


    Chicago mob leader Sam Giancana, who had assisted in locating persons to carry out the CIA’s murder plots against FIdel Castro, loathed the Kennedy brothers but was far too shrewd to lend any of his identifiable men to cooperate in such a project.  In two conferences in the Drake Hotel with Crowley, Giancana agreed to locate assassins who could be expected to perform in a professional manner. It was suggested that perhaps this recruitment might be better done outside of the United States. Rather than involve the Sicilan Mafia, Giancana had on of his connections in that entity contact someone in the Corsican Mafia, the so-called Unione Corse, and it was from the ranks of this Marseille-based, well-knit, and very professional criminal organization that the assassins were found.  


    The plotter’s reasoning was that if the killers were somehow caught before the CIA could kill them first, they could only identify the Chicago Mafia as their employers, and the Mafia would never identify the CIA as the real moving force.  If this question arose, the Mafia could much more easily be silenced than foreign killers could.


    Before the Corsicans were finally brought on board, a co-worker suggested shopping in Beirut, Lebanon, then a center of assasination professionals.  The argument against this was that Corsicans would have no problems blending in the background in race conscious Dallas. Darker complexioned Lebanese or Arab professionals would certainly attract unwelcome notice in the provincial southern city.  It would be Marselles, then, instead of Beirut, that would supply the killers.


    Early March 1963, the Director of Central Intelligence, John McCone, began a series of delicate contacts outside his immediate circle.


    The first government agency contacted was the FBI.  The first conferences with its director J. Edgar Hoover and Deputy Director William Sullivan were held on March 4th.  The head of the FBI was permanently kept informed about the CIA’s actions by his to aide William Sullivan.  


    On March 13 and 15, the next delicate contacts were made to Walter Jenkins and Abe Fortas, top aides of Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.  Jenkins and Fortas, and with them of course the Vice President, were also kept informed about the rising plot.


    As a result of these meetings, the two most important groups, the FBI and the future President of the United States, were hence quickly convinced to support the CIA.  


    In the middle of April, Chicago Mafia boss Sam Giancana advised Crowley that a team of Corsicans had been assembled.  Their price for the job was one hundred thousand dollars per man, and there were four involved.


    The immediate overseer of the execution of the plot was CIA officer William Harvey.  A safe house was to be set up in Maryland, and there the Corsicans were to be killed, their bodies dissected and put into crab pots.  The science of DNA had not yet been discovered, and what the famous soft-shelled crabs could not eat was to be dumped back into the water.  Bones do not float.


    The Corsicans would be flown to Canada at the end of October, met by members of the Mafia, and driven into the United States over the Windsor, Ontario, International Bridge.  They would remain in a Mafia safe house in the Detroit area and then be flown in a private aircraft to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. The Corsicans were under no circumstances to be told of the role of the CIA in their project.  They always considered that they were working solely for the American Mafia and no-one else.  


    Weapons for the assassination were procured from Sam Cummings, CIA agent and head of INTERARMCO, a “proprietary” branch of the Angency.  This company, run by a British expert living in Warrentown, Virginia, specialized in gun running for the CIA. It was an easy matter for Cummings to procure two silenced .38-caliber pistols, two 7.65 surplus Argentine army Mausers, and a specially constructed .223-caliber rifle, which was cut down and modified from a standard NATO weapon.  Special bullets for the latter weapon, filled with mercury and designed to explode when entering a body, were manufactured and accompanied the weapon.


    In the first week of November, the assassination team had been flown to Dallas and spent two weeks in reconnaissance of the entire presidential route.  It had initially been felt by the Corsican team leader that the shooting could be done as the cavalcade turned from Houston to Elm Streets. The presidential car would be moving very slowly as it negotiated the right angle turn and would present an excellent target.  A shooting blind could be constructed on the top of the Dallas County Records Building on Houston Street that had an excellent line of sight to the Elm Street corner, but flanking buildings were higher and could provide an undesired observer a clear view of the shooters.


    It was finally decided to use the Book Depository as one base.  The railroad overpass was considered another excellent position but eventually ruled out because it was sure to be guarded.  To its right, however, the heavy bushes and fences of the elevated “grassy knoll” proved to be irresistible. The official car with the President would be moving slowly past the spot and would permit a slightly downhill shot at very close range.  Also, the extensive railroad yard behind this position gave ample room for an unobstructed escape.  


    The final disposition of the assassination team was:


    •  A shooter in the Texas Book Depository, sixth floor;

    • A shooter in the ornamental bushes just before the underpass;

    • Two English-speaking personnel in suits and equipped with false law enforcement identification in the railroad yard behind the second shooter.


    * Whether Frank Sturgis was swapped-out for one of the Corsican shooters in the Texas School Book Depository is up for debate.


    After the assassination, three of the four Corsicans vanished from the face of the earth after being escorted to a private plane at a Dallas area airfield about 2:30 in the afternoon of November 22.  The were informed they would first be flown to New Orleans, where the pilot, David Ferrie, was based, and thence to a safe house in Maryland. From the moment they climbed into the two-engine aircraft, they were never seen again.


    One of the assassins (Lucien Sarti), the man who fired at JFK but pulled his shot as not to hurt Jackie Kennedy, decided to work his way back to Marseilles on his own.  For some unknown reason, he took a commercial bus to Mexico, and from there he ended up in Barcelona, Spain.  


    The Corsican Assassins involved in the assassination of JFK:


    Lucien Sarti  (grassy knoll shooter)

    Francois Chiappe  (location unknown)

    Jean-Paul Angeletti (location unknown)

    Jean Soutre (location unknown)


    American shooters 


    Charles Nicoletti (Dal-Tex Building)

    Jack Lawrence (storm drain)

    Malcolm Wallace (Texas School Book Depository)

    Frank Sturgis (Possibly the Texas School Book Depository or a location in front of the president's limo)


    Aren’t you going to quote your sources?



  3. 1 hour ago, Lance Payette said:

    And yet this H&L sort of stuff gets repeated as gospel ...

    My first encounter with you was when I came away, stunned, after having read the WC side-by-side testimony of Marina and the Furniture Mart lady(ies). I was unaware of the H&L angle at the time. I had not (nor have I since) read H&L, but I soon became aware, independently, through testimony, documentation, period recordings and articles and the obvious photographic evidence, that made it clear that there was an attempt to double Oswald. There is just no question about it. I am glad that someone, John Armstrong, chased the length and breadth of that issue to the ends of the Earth, certainly looking where others saw nothing, finding things that others do not see, and delivering the entire load, the chaff to be separated by each of us, on our own, from the wheat. It is an immensely important work. 

    There is no doubt that there was an active, planned, concerted effort to create, maintain, disguise and selectively use two LHO’s and their appearances in the months and possibly years leading up to the Assassination. I firmly believe that the plan to use LHO and his double-identity in the assassination did not long preceed the assassination itself, but, for whatever reason, the dual identity was built; and it was utilized or sacrificed in the assassination plot.

    You toss dirt on the bodies of murdered men with your conveyances, Lance, and I do not believe what you claim is your motivation for doing so.

  4. 14 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

    So perhaps I will have to revise my guess to "this was an inside joke solely for the benefit of some student who wrote 'Lee Harvey Oswald USSR' and thought it would startle the folks at the Atomic Energy Museum."

    As I am wont to-do, I think I smell James McCord Jr. here, and if it was for someone’s benefit, albeit a disturbing benefit, it may have been for JJA..

  5. 21 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

    I have set up a site that I intend to use, in part, for document transcription, sharing, ....


    .... original format with original form types and headers.”


    Aside from the above-stated purpose of the site will be to foment interest in historical documents while simultaneously getting the job done. One goal I have in mind is that targeted documents can be signed-out, transcribed, submitted for peer review and then published. To add inertia to the initiative I am thinking of enlisting professors to give credit to students who do the transcriptions and also do peer reviews as the document flows towards publication on the site. These professors would be expected to do some portion of the reviews for their students, signing-off on all, if only throughly reading a percentage, of them.

    This is kind of turning into a nascent mission statement.

    Interested parties can join on varied levels, starting with basic communication and trial runs. I will also be looking for those who know or want to learn how to use the relevant Office 365 products. A Guest user can be added to the Office 365 portal for free, and I have yet to learn the full length and breadth of the capabilities of Guest users. Email, OneDrive, SharePoint, and other apps can be part of a subscription starting at $4 a month; but this getting ahaead of the effort at this point as I have no budget and am weary of the complications involved with subscription fees.

    To be sure, I am not soliciting any members for any paid collaboration at this time. I am posting for the purpose of getting any feedback and a sense of interest in the project.

    Here are some O365 subscriptions for comparison:



  6. On 8/13/2019 at 7:29 PM, Michael Clark said:

    I was considering setting up a site for collaboration on making documents readable, searchable and copyable. Emma Best directed me to this site, which may serve that purpose.



    Here is Emma’s Patreon site.





    I have set up a site that I intend to use, in part, for document transcription, sharing, analysis and perhaps articles. There is nothing to it yet. One thing I am using is Microsoft Office 365 for some of the features, including SharePoint. I think O365 Flow will be useful for tracking the processing and progress of document identification, acquisition, transcription and peer review.

    Of course, as always, I have in mind some great collaborative effort that will suddenly fall from the heavens, and I am sure I will be disappointed. But, I always feel better for having tried even when I am sure I will fail.

    That said,  I posted the following on another thread. I’ll repost here in case anyone will share the form blanks that I am requesting:

    “I would like a set of blank forms from the CIA and FBI which we commonly see in the documents release. I’ll make my own if I can’t find them. If someone would share them it would be a big time saver because I will have to figure out how to create them from scratch.

    I need these because there are numerous documents that I want to transcribe and I have come to the conclusion that the best way to do it is in the original format with original form types and headers.”


  7. I would like a set of blank forms from the CIA and FBI which we commonly see in the documents release. I’ll make my own if I can’t find them. If someone would share them it would be a big time saver because I will have to figure out how to create them from scratch.

    I need these because there are numerous documents that I want to transcribe and I have come to the conclusion that the best way to do it is in the original format with original form types and headers.

  8. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/ec498402-3465-453a-a17b-5f106a4e85fe/downloads/JMWAVE - AMBUD.pdf?ver=1569645475562

    Classified message 

    Date: 5 Jan 63

    To:           Director

    From:      WAVE

    Action:    TFW 10

    Info: ...


    DIR CITE WAVE 3050 (?)



    REF  Wa.. 2757

    1.AMBUD-1 ETD 7 JAN National FLT 202 for ZRMETAL to confer with messrs Hurvitch of State and Califano of DOD Re Training of Cubans and possible arrangements specific program as incentive recruitment large number Brigade members. AMBUD-1 Me also pay courtesy call on GPFOCUS.

    2.  FYI wish point out in AMBUD-1 feels brigade was creature of KUBARK and KUBARK must that make final determination re brigade’s future, i.e., what role will brigade play in exile community and how will it be used in future achieve liberation Cuba. AMBUD-1 Willing actively assist in implementing any KUBARK proposed solution but he has no ideas of his own despite fact he previously alerted to prepare for solution two problems which would occur when brigade returned.

    3. Info currently available indicates troika of Artime, San Roman and Olivia under leadership And inspiration furnished by already May will manage hold major portion brigade together in other loose confederation as predicted para 1. WAVE influence over AMBUD-1 and Artime  should result this brigade confederation remaining internal part AMBUD altho exact details for this have not been worked out. If this ... listed brigade can be used as PM instrument which functions under AMBUD aegis. WAVE intends control this PM instrument thru recruitment ARTIME and Oliva. PM exploitation brigade will not result gainful employment any substantial number brigade members. Thus major portion brigade members who stay loyal AMBUD have no future as professional revolutionaries.  Additionally existing ODYOKE policy would appear preclude maintenance brigade as conventional fighting unit. Within current policy see no immediate role for brigade per se in PM ops as commandos or for building resistance mechanism Cuba. This brigade is at best de facto latent pool possible PM agent candidates if PM ops Are again initiated at pre-Oct 62 levels. Brigade offers no apparent FI potential and CI potential while being explored appears limited in scope. Realistically this means brigade must be settled, i.e., put back into private economy from which it came. This will in part be accomplished by new resettlement efforts which targeted against all Cuban refugees located Dade County.  This effort however not sufficient in scope or depth solve these economic problems which are bound erode initial buoyancy and esprit de corps which brigade has shown since its release. Economic and family pressures will mount as time passes and labor market Dade County cannot absorb labor force which brigade represents.  Resultant chaotic economic situation will then cause serious problems for AMBUD, KUBARK and ODYOKE.  Suggest therefore there merit in establishing safety valve now and believe this can be done establishing army recruitment program designed get some significant part of brigade into Army Cuban training program.  This obviously short term solution as WAVE has no insight into what DOD plans do with if Cuban army trainees once they finish basic training. If HQS has info regard this matter WAVE would appreciate expeditious receipt of this background info. Despite the fact recruitment brigade returnees into army only short term solution believe it worth pursuing as in our judgment such action will facilitate overall resettlement brigade members if for no other reason then it would stagger reinsertion brigade members into Dade County labor market. Suggest therefore HQS consideration alerting appropriate ODYOKE components re favorable aspects which inherent in using army Cuban recruitment program as resettlement device figure brigade returnees. If appropriate ODYOKE components agreed this worth doing it our opinion action would have to be taken start campaign among brigade returnees to publicize enlistment program.

    4. Request HQS comment para 3.

    End of message


  9. 1 hour ago, Bart Kamp said:

    Bart, thank you very much.

    From above AMCORE link 


    “AMCORE-2 was issued an operational approval for use in JMATE psych operations in September, 1960 and was contacted by Michael C Choaden (using alias Donald  P. BARTON) and John P. Haskllstrom (using alias Fred Martins).


    Michael Choaden is David Atlee Phillips, or so I have read.

    @Bill Simpich


    Also of interest, Subject JMZIP or (presumably) KUCAGE is referenced as an individual instead of a routing indicator or staff unit, respectively, as identified at MFF.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bart Kamp said:

    Bart, thank you very much.

    From above AMCORE link 


    “AMCORE-2 was issued an operational approval for use in JMATE psych operations in September, 1960 and was contacted by Michael C Choaden (using alias Donald  P. BARTON) and John P. Haskllstrom (using alias Fred Martins).


    Michael Choaden is David Atlee Phillips, or so I have read.


    @Bill Simpich


  11. 3 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

    Marita Lorenz, who died recently, testified, she saw Howard Hunt in Dallas the day before the assassination. Whom should we believe? Plumlee or Lorenz?

    Quote, Spartacus Educational, Marita Lorenz:

      Marita Lorenz gave sworn testimony that Lee Harvey Oswald, American mercenaries Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming, and Cuban exiles including Orlando Bosch, Pedro Diaz Lanz, and the brothers Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampol, had met one November midnight in 1963 at the Miami home of Orlando Bosch and had studied Dallas street maps. She also swore that she and Sturgis were at that time in the employ of the CIA and that they received payment from Howard Hunt under the name "Eduardo," … They arrived in Dallas on 21 November 1963, and stayed at a motel, where the group met Howard Hunt. Hunt stayed for about forty-five minutes and at one point handed an envelope of cash to Sturgis. About an hour after Hunt left, Jack Ruby came to the door. Lorenz says that this was the first time she had seen Ruby. By this time, she said, it was early evening.

    Close Quote


    Hi Karl, To be sure, I could not find the FB post from last year by Tosh. He might have said the 21st. I don’t recall what he has recounted over the years and on this forum.

  12. 4 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    It just occurred to me that James Douglass answered this critique in endnote 444 of JFK and the Unspeakable.  Here’s what he wrote:

    Butch Burroughs is a man of few words. When asked a question, he answers exactly what he is asked. Burroughs told me no one had ever asked him before about a second arrest in the Texas Theater. In response to my question, “Now you didn’t see anybody else [besides Oswald] get arrested that day, did you?” he answered, “Yes, there was a lookalike—an Oswald lookalike.” In response to further questions, he described the second arrest, that of the “Oswald lookalike.” Ibid.

    I checked, and Mr. Santos is quite right that there is no mention in Crossfire of Mr. Burroughs saying that he saw the arrest of the Oswald lookalike.  But it most likely didn’t occur to Jim Marrs to ask that specific question.  From Mr. Douglass’s description, it sounds like Burroughs wasn’t going to mention it to him either during the 2007 interview, until Douglass asked specifically about it.  Mr. Burroughs probably wouldn’t make a very good journalist, but the explanation sounds reasonable to me.

    Mr. Burroughs' recollections might well have been verified by the "other sources" Mr. Santos refers to but, of course, the Dallas Police "lost" all the names of the theater patrons, even though, at Captain Westbrook's apparent direction, every theater patron was interviewed at the theater and a list of their names and addresses supposedly made by three cops.

    As I said before, it is also quite apparent that back in 1993 Mr. Burroughs told Jim Glover that he “also saw Oswald’s double being arrested and taken out the back door of the theatre....” 


    @Jim Glover

  13. 8 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:


    No David, we don’t. Sorry if I offended you. But Harwood was plenty rude to me and others. Michael is right. I almost left the forum. 

    What was the ‘who is Jim Harwood’ thread that was taken down about? 


    It was a thread that you had raised, in the Larouche thread. It has since been hidden, and I have been asked to drop-it, so to speak. So I will leave it at that.


  14. 3 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    I am not insinuating, that is the reason he gave for retiring from the Secret Service.

    Yes you are. If Greer didn’t say that his ulcers were the result of a guilty conscience, then you insinuated it by your statement: 


    “The question is, who told William Greer to slow down the limo on Elm Street in front of the concrete pergola?

    Who could have possibly told to him to do so?  When was he told to do so? 

    How was he convinced it was the right thing to do?


    FYI - Greer retired on disability from the Secret Service in 1966 due to a stomach ulcer that grew worse following the Kennedy assassination.”



  15. 6 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:

    If you are insinuating Greer developed ulcers from a guilty conscience, you're misinformed about what actually causes ulcers.  The medical profession used to think that psychological stress caused ulcers.  However, we now know that physical stress can cause ulcers, not emotional stress.  I believe Greer was in on the plot to murder JFK, but if he later regretted it, he didn't develop ulcers from it. Now, if you do already have an ulcer, spicy foods, and stress can aggravate the ulcer, but these things are not the cause.   https://www.healthline.com/health/stress-ulcer#stress-and-ulcers

    Thank you Dr. Pope, but Dr. Clark, who stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night, believes that sugar and highly refined grains causes ulcers. Dr. Clark will, of course, have to have another well-considered stay at a Holiday Inn Express in order to be qualified to give a diagnosis as to Mr. Greer’s emotional state.

  16. Google translation of the above:

    Official request from the French government to the US for secret LSD experiments in the 1950s

    F. William Engdahl

    These days, a diplomatic and political scandal is emerging that could have a significant impact on US-French relations. He was triggered by new investigations of the mysterious outbreak of "mass madness" in a village in southern France, in which about 500 people fell ill and five died.

    According to reliable US sources, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the US State Department has received a confidential request from the office of Erard Corbin de Mangoux, head of the French foreign intelligence service DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure). According to reports, the request relates to the recently published account of the complicity of the US government in the mysterious outbreak of mass madness in the southern French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit in 1951.

    New revelations about the mysterious outbreak of madness in the French village of Pont-St-Esprit in 1951 indicate secret CIA LSD experiments.

    Nearly 500 people were affected at that time, at least five of them have died. For nearly 60 years, the incident of Pont-St.-Esprit was either attributed to ergot poisoning - allegedly, the villagers had eaten bread contaminated with mind-altering mold - or pushed for organic mercury poisoning.

    A recent book published in the United States alleges that, due to extensive interviews with now-retired US intelligence officials who were directly informed about the events in France in 1951, the unresolved outbreak of "mass madness" in the remote village Actually, this is a top-secret CIA experiment conducted as part of the CULT MKULTRA research program (as in ultra-secret).

    In his book, A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments, the investigative journalist H.P. Albarelli said the outbreak in Pont-St.-Esprit was due to a secret project led by the US Army's top secret Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where LSD was sprayed. According to him, scientists who hid the true cause of the incident with the wrong reasoning of contaminated bread or mercury poisoning worked for the pharmaceutical company Sandoz, which supplied both the US Army and the CIA with LSD for research purposes.

    A French newspaper reported bizarre incidents at the time: "It's neither Shakespeare nor Edgar Poe. It is - unfortunately! - The sad reality of Pont-St-Esprit and its surroundings, where horrible scenes of hallucinations that could have come straight from the Middle Ages, scenes of horror and pathos, full of dark shadows. "The American magazine Time Magazine, whose publisher Closely related to the CIA's propaganda activities in the 1950s, Henry Luce said: "Those affected were delirious: patients threw themselves back and forth on the bed, shouting in horror, red flowers sprouting from their bodies, their heads inside molten lead is transformed. Four suicide attempts were reported from the Pont-Saint-Esprit hospital. «

    According to Albarelli, on the website of the US Department of Justice on the dangers of LSD, in the early 1950s, "chemical company Sandoz went so far as to offer the US government LSD as a potential secret weapon of chemical warfare. His main selling point was that even a small amount could be added to the drinking water or sprayed in the air, disorienting a whole army of soldiers, psychotic and thus unable to fight. "

    According to him, the CIA proposed various proposals by American scientists to subdue a large amount of LSD to the water supply of a medium to large city, but according to former officials of the agency, "the experiment has never been approved because of the unexpected death toll from the operation in France ".

    As part of research on LSD as an offensive weapon, the US Army has been administering drugs to over 5,700 unsuspecting American military personnel between 1953 and 1965, according to Albarelli. Secret contracts with more than 325 colleges, universities, and research institutes in the US, Canada, and Europe together with the CIA led to extensive testing of another 2,500 people for LSD and other drugs, many of them hospitalized and college.

    Dr. Timo

  17. 8 minutes ago, Jim Harwood said:

    How do interested 911 researchers miss the recent fight led by Bob Graham of Florida and the late Walter Jones Republican congressman from North Carolina  along with a few other key individuals including family members of people killed in terrorism of 911 to get the JASTA bill passed?  It's acronym for "Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism" and this bill was vetoed by President Obama and his veto was nullified by Congress. This allows the families of 911 victims to sue the Monarchy of Saudi Arabia. Something you never hear mentioned by 911 truthers.  It was not an easy fight to get the JASTA bill passed especially with the Queen's personal servant  President "Obomber" in the White House. 

    Bob Graham interview 2018





    Another “Whaddabout-da-Queen!” ism.

    More of your same-ole-same-ole.

  18. 2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


           This is fascinating material about the prehistory of "PNAC."   Thanks for posting it.

            Is there a reference link for the history of the 1979 Belmont House conference?


    Yes, there is a lot to follow there:



    Ray Cline is an interesting read from Anthony’s JCIS link:



    And the rest of that list, from that link


    In 1981, the Jonathan Institute published the speeches in a book, International Terrorism: Challenge and Response, edited by Netanyahu.[7][8]









  19. As an academic exercise, I peresume that I am being lied to and then look to see if the alternatives, and the consequent outcomes of an event like 9-11 can support the hypothesis that I was being lied-to. Between the wars that followed and the Patriot Act, and especially the Iraq invasion, I continued to believe that 9-11 was a lie. There was, for some time however, too much noise and too many distractions and unbelievable theories for me to really get my head around the whole operation. When, almost simultaneously, a boss and a bartender, two very smart and level headed people, mentioned WT7, and I looked into it, did I really have to face that these building were intentionally brought down.

    Also, some inside information was shared with me, stored with me really; it was that in the weeks leading up to 9-11, all of the NYS Dept of Tax and Finance information that had been sequestered for a myriad of cases against major financial firms and individuals, by the NYS Attorney General’s Office for prosecution in NYC, were transferred to and subsequently lost in the WTC. I remember all of those cases; it was in the news every day and it was huge and hot. All those cases just evaporated after 9-11. That story is, those cases, are for anyone to look into in NY newspapers. I don’t mean that the document transfer and loss story is there, that has never been told, at least to my knowledge. I mean the news about those cases are all there as a matter of historical record, and the evaporation of those cases is evident.

    That untold story explains why such a reckless, massive attack, involving the deaths of so many, in midtown Manhattan, had to occur. There were many ways to foment war. Destroying the WTC served several purposes and it was big, bold, and brash enough that it was very very difficult for the vast majority of people to second guess the official line. A Gulf of Tonkin would not cut it and it would not end the State of NY prosecutions against many rich and powerful people and organizations.

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