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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 14 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

    What does it have to do with the JFK assassination?

    I have to agree. It doesn’t bother me except when it happen with frequency and with prejudice. I have seen and have posted more relevant threads that have been moved.

    And, in order to be the guy offering solutions, rather than complaints:

    A sticky thread could be posted in this forum, like this one (it is not a sticky yet, obviously):

    Then make a sticky post which contains the above post, in the other sub forums. A user can then post a reply to it when they have posted, or seen other posts in other sub-forums. The sticky in the JFK Assassination Debate would be an alert or quick reference to new content elsewhere.

    It is a viable solution to making other sub forums viable.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Lance Payette said:

    Yes, it is impossible even to attempt to take on the CTers on every point - although DVP makes a valiant stab at it.  With posts such as this, I'm not really talking to the wild-eyed CTers anyway.  I am talking to readers who are not yet in the full grip of Conspiracy Derangement Syndrome.  My hope is that occasionally pointing out how many conspiracy scenarios will not withstand basic common sense and logic and how many conspiracy factoids will not withstand scrutiny may cause those who are not yet a lost cause to step back and say "Hey, maybe I'd better be a little more careful before I drink the Conspiracy Kool-Aid."  But even this is exhausting and probably way more trouble than it's worth.  I do the same thing on religion, paranormal and a variety of other forums where some species of Derangement Syndrome prevails.  I'm equally popular there, too.

    It’s a straw man argument. You are making an example of all CTers by choosing an obscure, false, story and saying that it’s something they all fell for and have all been bandying about as if it were true for decades. It’s not the case.

    Lance, that’s a swing and a miss, with a fall to the ground. Dust yourself off and try again.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Michaleen Kilroy said:

    Forgot I had posted it here before:

    FYI, I sent it to Robert Blakey who emailed me back this: 

    “I read your piece with great interest. Sadly, I don’t think anything will come of it in our lifetime.”



    Using Joannides to infiltrate the congressional investigation into the JFKA was highly illegal and is something that I think could more likely get traction.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    These days Mr. Scott isn’t so sure that the man in Minsk and the man in Dallas were the same man.

    Yes, in the same video, both he and Newman expressed doubts about that.

    Peter Dale Scott: Are you absolutely convinced that the man who was Lee Harvey Oswald in Russia was in fact  the man picked up in Dallas in 1963?

    Newman: Not at all.

  5. Peter Dale Scott: “I’m a bit stymied by the book that his friend in Minsk, Titovets. My own feeling is that it’s a very informative book but also I think a controlled book. He’s telling enough to make us realize that there was a KGB interest (In Oswald). But he never says explicitly that the man he knew in Minsk was the man in Dallas but he’s obviously making us assume that it was. “

  6. 1979  front page article on a “Bitter feud” in the CIA regarding Nosenko. The paper, the Philadelphia Bulletin, ceased operations in 1982 and this CIA file, the newspaper story, was not approved for release until 2007.


    Bagley’s, Spy Wars, came out in 2007.

    John Hart’s, The Monster Plot, was not released by the US Archives until 2017.

    I haven’t yet determined when Richards Heuer’s “Nosenko: Five Paths to Judgement” was released to the public.

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