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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 21 minutes ago, Stephanie Goldberg said:

    So - question.

    In what might be a 2018 release, there's a letter written from the HSCA to the CIA requesting information on various people.  The list has some 59 people of all backgrounds, including Mrs. Earle Cabell.  (Not sure what the CIA would have had on her?)

    Anyway, several people have an FBI number listed in their little brief descriptive blurb.  Would that be the number of their FBI file?  Those people listed as such are 

    17 - Robert E (Bob) Edwards 
    23 - Charles Douglas Givens
    28 - James Earl Jarman
    31 - Billy Nolan Lovelady
    45 - James Elbert Romack
    47 - Arnold Rowland
    49 - Willam H Shelley




    Hi Stephanie,  @Ernie Lazar might be able to give you a solid answer.

    That said, In the recent documents release, it was discovered that Earle Cabell, Mayor of Dallas and brother of then Deuty Director of the CIA, was a CIA asset himself.IIRC, the document is an oath of secrecy sworn by him, to the CIA. Their brother died some three months later.

  2. I will acknowledge having, arguably,, gone off-topic here; but I will share this doc in support of the above observations that I shared,:and refrain from pursuing this angle on this thread.

    On 5/6/2018 at 10:39 AM, Michael Clark said:

    General Landsdale report on progress of Operation Mongoose. 

    I am becoming very impressed with Landsdale's intellectual genius.



  3. 28 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

          According to Col. Prouty (and General Victor Krulak) Ed Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza when JFK was murdered.  One photo shows Lansdale walking by the "Three Tramps," after their arrest in the box car behind the Grassy Knoll.  The other photo shows Lansdale talking to GHWB in Dealey Plaza.

    Hi W., I know Prouty’s ID is very difficult to discount. I don’t. And I also agree that the GHWB ID is remarkable, it looks just like him. I can only imagine what Landsdale was doing there, and Prouty even asked that question.

    Landsdale’s resignation from the Air Force, which was his CIA cover, is well documented beyond Wikipedia, although I can’t quicky refer to those sources.

    Also, Landsdales resignation meant the end of a particular operation; it was built around him, and did not exist in his absence. That is quite an unusual arrangement. I will now look for that.

    Landsdale was, effectively, the head of a fourth branch of the government. I came away from my reading of the documents with that notion. I think his resignation was an attempt to dissolve that extraconstitutional governmental branch.

    Those were my perceptions after reading the documents. I did not make any case for this apart from making comments similar to which I am making now



  4. 20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


          I'll have to go back and check, but I'm fairly certain that Lansdale was the guy who sent Prouty to Antarctica during JFK's assassination black op.

          And, yes, it was Antarctica.  The Honolulu flight was a different, concurrent event.

          Prouty flew back to Christ Church from Antarctica on November 22nd, and recognized the press releases in the New Zealand media as an apparent CIA psy op to frame Oswald, wjo had not even been charged with a crime at the time.

    From Wikipedia:

    Late career and personal lifeEdit

    “Lansdale retired from the Air Force on November 1, 1963.”


    I see this as Landsdale removing himself from, and pulling the plug on some current operations (Northwoodss ?). I honestly see it as a protest and demurment from the impeniding assassination operation against Kennedy.

    Landsdale surely could have sent Prouty to Antarctica. It was probably planned in advance. But, at the time of the JFKA, Landsdale, in my view, was Out Of Service, at least as much as a guy like him can get away from such things.

  5. 5 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    Pretty sure the best source for info would be Prouty.....  without the backing of military intervention, I fail to see how the CIA can operate on large scales like Vietnam.  

    That’s kind of my point. Qualitatively, the CIA sucked the other services dry of talent.


    By November of 63 a quantitative leap was needed in Vietnam, according to CIA. JFK was poised to deny the latter and pull the former.




  6. I am seeing the CIA as stealing the show, the budget and taking the best and brightest men from the Military branches. By 1963, the CIA had it own planes, ships and soldiers. When the President was killed there were, what, 15-20 thousand “advisors” in Vietnam. It is repeatedly said that there were no “soldiers”. Well, that many men constitutes an entire division.

    I don’t see how the other branches could have been too happy about this situation, unless the CIA’s main function was to foment war and  eliminate political opposition to war.

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