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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10408-10165.pdf

    KDAFGHAN -1  Not in MFF. 

    1978. HSCA doc requesting interview with KDAFGHAN -1 (K1) who was involved with surveillance in Mexico City in 1963. CIA would rather fly K1 to Washington than have HSCA personnel meet him in Madrid.



    Due to publicity, K1 should be identifiable through research and his employment at BERLITZ



  2. 8 minutes ago, John Butler said:


    Do you and  others realize your taunts and insults make me a sympathetic figure?  Do you realize your behavior makes my work more credible to people when you can not reply in a fact based manner.  And, have to resort to the behavior you exhibit.  In other words your replies are counter productive and harmful to your arguments.  Your replies are not based on reasonable argument but unreasonable despite in your desire to refute every thing I say.

    John, What I think you are missing, “taunts and insults” aside, is that your observations and arguments, by and large (wholly?) are without merit; they are completely wrong. Acknowledging your posts and giving them there due critical attention, which amounts to none, is very important. I, for one, would not want a lurker or passer-by to think that your contributions are a reflection of the kind of work that is desired or respected here. Your contributions, in my opinion, have driven-off or shut down many worthy contributors because they can’t bear to see their work stand in proximity to yours.

    In this JFKA thing of ours we always have to ask, née assume, at least as a hypothesis, if the the ends are an intended consequence and outcome of the means. So, what are we to assume about the consequent alienation of respected contributors and rational debates as a response to your offerings?

  3. 12 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    Well Mitcham,

    Are you on new medications or have some kind of medication adjustment?  Your last few posts don't seem to be that coherent.

    John, you should read the rules of this forum again. They are the only thing keeping toungues tied from an honest assessment of your “contributions”. Post reported...

  4. 13-3 location code

    13-3. Is a CIA location code name which is listed in important contexts. Its identification is elusive. If you see it, please share it.If you see it identified that could be a very important find.


    several docs have been found, fifth post from bottom of thrd page of this thread..


  5. On my iPad...

    go to your profile...

    click on the photo icon near your pic.

    then you can upload a new avatar..... but

    you first need to take the phot you want to use, and then resize it and save it in a size that meets the criteria of a max of  .1 mb. Irfanview was a program that I always used to resize and resample things, like avatars.

    If you want to send me a pic, I will try to get it to the right size for you. 

  6. For reference, Kayvan thinks he can see a county records building shooter in the sprocket holes of the Zapruder film. That anomaly can be seen and the vast majorly of the Z frames, through the whole sweep. It’s a ridiculous notion.

    Between Butler and Kayvan, well, good offerings by Chris and Robin just get wholly contaminated with bunk.



  7. 43 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    So you're in essence saying 'Sh-t or get off the pot" with impeachment.".

    Sorry if it's not fast enough for you Michael. But these are much serious matters than you seem to think. It's been done only once before.  We have a sect of our population, an underclass that we've allowed to drop from a middle class existence,  who have all their hopes and  their frustrations vented through Trump. A figure who was always least likely to help them, with tax cuts for the rich, and yet to them, he is still their only hope..Then we have 90% approval from the Republican Party, who have never had it so good, and love his deregulation and tax policies, who never gave a sh-t about them, and have been the principal,  but not only party who have marginalized them.And there are justified fears about pulling the country apart further as it as polarized as it's been in 50 years.Besides ultimately, unless the equation changes, it won't work anyway.

    It's much more complex than you could ever imagine.

    I created a thread for this off-topic discussion.



  8. 7 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    So you're in essence saying 'Sh-t or get off the pot" with impeachment.".

    Sorry if it's not fast enough for you Michael. But these are much serious matters than you seem to think. It's been done only once before.  We have a sect of our population, an underclass that we've allowed to drop from a middle class existence,  who have all their hopes and  their frustrations vented through Trump. A figure who was always least likely to help them, with tax cuts for the rich, and yet to them, he is still their only hope..Then we have 90% approval from the Republican Party, who have never had it so good, and love his deregulation and tax policies, who never gave a sh-t about them, and have been the principal,  but not only party who have marginalized them.And there are justified fears about pulling the country apart further as it as polarized as it's been in 50 years.Besides ultimately, unless the equation changes, it won't work anyway.

    It's much more complex than you could ever imagine.

    Kirk, I am not saying that. Of course, time is of the essence.

    Big question, one word........... Pence?  For 9 years? I think that this is what Pelosi is thinking

    But, in the end, crimes are crimes, and Trump should be held accountable.

    Things are surely more complicated than I understand. Any assertion to the contrary would be an absurdity.

    I think I am smart enough, and have an appropriate background to fairly say whether I am looking at a document that has teeth or not.I haven’t seen it.

    I like Biden but he is not a slam-dunk in 2020. We need a slam-dunk. 


  9. Cliff, that article is not something for which I would expect my Representative to put his head on the block.

    The wheat needs to be separated from the chaffe. There is chaffe in there, don’t you think? 


    To to be sure, I scanned it only. I dead not give it a good read, and take notes, in the 10 minutes since you presented it.

    Either way, the people need to press-upon their reps. I think it is old fashioned, but that does not make it unnecessary.

  10. Admins, I did not want to put this here. But, did not want disrupt the Barr/JFK thread; Lastly, I did not want to walk away from this discussion, crying “off-topic”. Move it your discretion.

    Another poster wrote:



    These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice


  11. 3 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Michael, you're the one adopting the position of the passive consumer who needs everything spoon-fed to you without doing your own research.

    We’re not talking about research. Were talking about legalese. Were talking about indictable offenses.

    Such an expose would only be needed to be done once. The same information would be the same, exact information that should be brought to the Representative of every Congressional district across the US.

    So  to follow up on my earlier question and your above post... you are saying that”Yes Michael Clark,  needs to do draft an indictment against the President, so it can be brought to 500 + Representatives, in Washington for action.”


    Knowing that Trump is unfit is not enough. It’s nothing.


  12. It seems that people think that Mueller was supposed to do something beyond what he did. He can’t, legally, do anymore. If Trump killed Ivanka, Mueller could do nothing. It’s up to The House of Representatives. The House is the arm of the people.

    I think that is too much for sooooooo many people to understand and accept. I know everyone here understands that, but there seems to be some kind of befuddlement, even here, as to why it doesn’t “just happen”.

    There inlies  the “mumbling”

  13. 2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Oh come on Cliff, what could legal experts possibly know about the law? Besides they're just -----experts! Tell me, how could 900 former prosecutors ever hold a candle to Michael and Ty?

    Michael said, "I ask, again, “Are we supporting our Representatives for the job that we are asking (mumbling) them to do?

    Michael, to you it was a question that bared repeating.  But I have no idea what you're trying to say here or what "mumbling" represents in what you're saying. Could you explain?t

    I take you at your word here, 

    If I were to address my House Representative, as an individual or as a leader of a group, I would have to say...


    These are the things that Trump did. They are high crimes and misdemeanors and it is you duty to draw-up articles of impeachment”.

    ”Crime A, B! C. Evidence for crimes A,B, C.  Do your duty or we will be standing outside your office, demanding that you do-so.”

    In Ny, the only other recourse it to vote them out. I don’t know if any states can recall reps.


    Disclosure: I watch no TV.

    That said, TV isn’t an indictment. TV is not a mob of people demanding action on a petition.


    Kirk, I surely have to have been clear enough for you.

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