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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    If you're not sufficiently familiar with the Mueller Report you only have yourself to blame.

    Write an indictment if you are so well versed. If you nail it I’ll press my rep. Until then you are just mumbling with the masses.

    And no, I have not read the Muller Report.I have read the dossier, however, and it’s junk. That is an objective view. I wanted it to be true.

  2. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Barr is a stooge, but he's a remarkably shrewd stooge.

    He was originally brought into the DOJ, from the CIA, by GHWB to arrange for the pardons of the Iran-Contra cabal.

    He executed that Iran-Contra hat trick flawlessly.

    Barr seems to have a knack for using the power of the DOJ to protect people in the Executive branch who have broken the law.


    Absolutely right on,. 

    But I really don’t think that a Trump knows or cares about the history, and it’s implications. I think he is there 

     to control and manipulate trump as he is to bury and control the past.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    What mean "we," kemosabe?

    Trump and his minions enthusiastically received the aid of a hostile foreign power and then obstructed the investigation into this meddling into our election.

    I surprised you haven't heard of this.  It was in all the papers...

    If a Democrat pulled off such a stunt, all of cable news would be 24/7 "Treason Television, starring the Villainous Liberals."


    I I I can’t bring your forum post and a CNN article to my Representative and ask him to draw up Articles.

    I ask, again, “Are we supporting our Representatives for the job that we are asking (mumbling) them to do?


  4. 4 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Michael and Ty.

    According to 600 to 1,000 former federal prosecutors ( in that range ) who have read the entire Mueller report, Trump is clearly guilty of "Obstruction Of Justice" in so many aspects regards not just Mueller's investigation but other investigations and highest level firings etc.,  and with ordering others to lie or not answer to these investigators as clearly being a high crime worthy of impeachment.

    You ask for "specific crimes Trump has committed" while in office?

    I would think nearly 1,000 former federal prosecutors know a serious crime when they see it and these men and women have read the entire Mueller report.

    These prosecutors know more than we do. They are much more versed on the laws on a federal level.

    How can anyone see, read or hear this nationwide federal prosecutors statement about Trump's crimes in this area and logically downplay or dismiss it and them or take the words of biased and lesser educated Trump defenders over theirs?

    I sure can't.

    I want to see it so I can press my representative for articles of impeachment. We are walking around mumbling about it. I am not saying that the evidence isn’t there, but does Michael Clark have to draw-up the list of articles for our House Representatives to act on?

    Are we supporting our Representatives for the job that we are asking (mumbling) them to do?

  5. 2 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

    What basis is there for impeachment, Paul? Other than orange man bad?

    Ty, while I would love to see Trump evaporate from memory, I totally agree with you. I want to see a list of high crimes and misdemeanors, with points of law, and examples of violations. So many talk of impeachment, but don’t list crimes.

    It’s likes screaming “I want pie,” and someone asks you “what kind”. What do you do when you are offered salamander pie?

     I am sure he is guilty, and impeachable, but where and what is the legal basis, and show me the evidence.

    Honestly, as CIC, I think he is unworthy, and dismissible in that office for “conduct unbecoming... “. But there is no precedent.

    A Corporal or General would be dismissed for goosing a female recruit. I don’t get how Conservatives can stand this situation.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bill Simpich said:

    Michael - I think ODTEST is US army intelligence, or another military intelligence agency.  I am co-crediting you with this find on MFF.  Bill

    Bill, here is another ODTEST, Not yet in MFF. (Not part of the MFF entry on the CIA crypto page)


    On 7/26/2018 at 6:09 PM, Michael Clark said:





    LIEMPTY / 4-14, 19, 24











    ODTEST   Not In MFF



    ZRKNICK   Not In MFF

    ALACME     Not In MFF

    ALSPURS      Not In MFF



  7. 49 minutes ago, Bill Simpich said:

    Michael - I think ODTEST is US army intelligence, or another military intelligence agency.  I am co-crediting you with this find on MFF.  Bill

    That is very cool of you, Bill. It makes me want to dig-in more. Thanks!

    By nature, (I am very geographically oriented) I am very interested in the location codes. Is there a good clearinghouse for those?



  8. 8 hours ago, John Butler said:


    You seem to be losing focus and doing a lot of sloppy .gifs lately.  I recommend taking a vacation from which you can come back refreshed and clean up the deceptive .gifs you have been posting lately.


    Are you open to suggestions about what we think you should, or more importantly, should not be doing with your time? Are you open to suggestions as to where you should go to, you know, “take a vacation”?

  9. 21 minutes ago, Dale Thorn said:

    Your strawman argument fails. Only the Left is violent, as you well know. You can search in 20th century history, or look at Antifa today. Only the Left is really violent. 

    But then, you love distracting arguments. You view corporatist (i.e. fascist) "free speech"as equivalent to an individual's constitutional right to free speech.

    I would have not even bothered engaging you had I known.

    Best of luck to you.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Dale Thorn said:

    The lack of sincerity here is telling. Your "first amendment interpretation" is some kind of absolute, but then you fail on the Second. Oh, you thought that was off topic?

    Rule #1: Freedom, as the Founders understood it, is not a license to do whatever you want, it's a responsibility to do right.

    What “interpretation” are you talking about? That is the first amendment to the US constitution. It embodies the separation of church and state thing that you said didnt exist except in reference to holding of office. I’ll quote you, again...

    BTW, where did you find "separation of church and state"?  I see only one stipulation, and that is the Constitutional statement that there can be no religious test for government office.


    Regarding your rule #1. That’s a nice mantra. But that’s all it is. Your mantra is not an interpretation of the founding fathers, that comes from people like Rush Limbaugh. There is no one size fits all, for doing what is right. I think it would be right to take notorious, felonious offenders and dread them to a guit spot and be done with them. You can’t convince me otherwise. It is illegal, and that’s why I won’t do it,  Law does not tell us what is right and wrong. This is the concept of Mala in se and Mala prohibita. Look it up.

    Your simplifications of morality are dangerous..

  11. 5 minutes ago, Dale Thorn said:

    This is all well and good, except that since monopoly laws are no longer being enforced, the First Amendment is in the iron grip of Facebook, Twitter, Google, CNN et al, and they are not only expert at controlling the masses' minds, they even employ military psyops and disinformation specialists to control the public narrative.




    To be perfectly honest, the damage done to the First Amendment  - not only by major "news" corporations, but by Leftist college boards and tenured professors and staff all over the U.S. - is probably beyond repair, short of a revolution that breaks all of it up.

    That’s scary, you long for a violent purge of intellectualism.

    Kappo: Do you have a degree?

    Citizen: Yes

    Kappo: Kill him.

    Dale: Sure thing, boss.

  12. 1 minute ago, Dale Thorn said:

    This is all well and good, except that since monopoly laws are no longer being enforced, the First Amendment is in the iron grip of Facebook, Twitter, Google, CNN et al, and they are not only expert at controlling the masses' minds, they even employ military psyops and disinformation specialists to control the public narrative.




    To be perfectly honest, the damage done to the First Amendment  - not only by major "news" corporations, but by Leftist college boards and tenured professors and staff all over the U.S. - is probably beyond repair, short of a revolution that breaks all of it up.

    Dale, That is a failed distraction to your comment:


    48 minutes ago, Dale Thorn said:


    BTW, where did you find "separation of church and state"?  I see only one stipulation, and that is the Constitutional statement that there can be no religious test for government office.


    First Amendment - U.S. Constitution


    First Amendment - Religion and Expression

    Amendment Text | Annotations

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Dale Thorn said:

    You deny the history of the U.S. completely. Surely you could separate the good from the bad, but instead you use the disinformation of over-simplification. BTW, where did you find "separation of church and state"?  I see only one stipulation, and that is the Constitutional statement that there can be no religious test for government office.

    First Amendment - U.S. Constitution


    First Amendment - Religion and Expression

    Amendment Text | Annotations

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

  14. I tried navigating to that YouTube chanel but I could not. I shared it to Facebook to see if I could navigate from there. The YouTube video shows-up in my feed but the link doesn’t work from there.

    Does anyone have a link directly to that video or channel?

  15. Andy walker made this start page, sometime back...


    and announced it on this thread.

    I see advertising on it, sometimes local. Is there some income associated with that page that has been overlooked? Again, I don’t mean to be nosey, and no answer is required. I am just trying to help.

    Also, that start page can be reconfigured such that any EF link takes the user to that page first, and instead of the various EF navigation links that are now on that page, a single single “continue” link could be created that would allow the user to continue on to the link that they initially followed. With one extra click, revenue could be generated,

  16. 5 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


    You may be right, but it is mighty interesting that this same George W. Bush (43, not 41) was pressuring Billy Lord beginning in September of 1976 to tell all he remembered about his trip across the Atlantic back in 1956 with "Oswald". Lord was so worried about the intense coercion/threats/"terror tactics" that he wrote to President Carter!

    This demonstrates that certain very powerful people were very interested in talking to/influencing/intimidating/silencing every single person on earth who ever talked to "Oswald" - and doing so just before the HSCA really got rolling.



    Hi Paul, would you please share a link to that document?

  17. 2 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    I didn't say your height conclusion from Darnell was wrong. I tried to point out the placement of Prayer Persons head in your previous graphic broke the red colored plane and therefore registered as a height too tall for your conclusion.

    Provided is an enlarged representation from a properly aspect ratio'd and rotated version of Darnell. imo

    The red "x" marks the photographic center of it.



    Very interesting and very good work guys. Aside from the strong resemblance to LHO your work here is the most compelling work I have seen. I don’t give any credence to the idea that PM is anything but a man but, which is the subject of this thread, but your analysis is spot on if you needed to be convinced that there is a person behind Frazier and it could be Stanton.

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