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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 11/12/2017 at 8:07 PM, Michael Clark said:

    Dr. Nick Begich (son of the congressman who disappeared on an airplane trip along with Warren Comission member and Congressman, Hale Boggs) with some fascinating observations which are relevant to this topic.




    I came here to find this video link and noticed it was dead. I found it again and figured I would repost it. It gets real interesting and relevant at @ 29 minutes.


  2. The list of people in power who we have on record as saying the Warren Commission Report was a scam is considerable. Among them, Richard Nixon, whose job it was to prosecute the quilty, but demurred from doing so, was guilty by his own admission.

    Lance and David Von Pein are aware of this, but are bound by some perverse duty, or some unholy matrimony with Corruption and Deceit to keep providing nuggets of deception to those who may be looking for the truth.

  3. 1 minute ago, Michael Clark said:

    I recall when the full implications  of the JFKA conspiracy hit me. It was before reading Garrisons book or seeing Stone’s movie based on that book. I was stunned. I was quaking and shuddering. For some time it was all I could think or talk about. I passed, slightly, in and out of denial. Eventually I just moved on.

    i can understand the denial. Thinking, caring and responsible can be ruined just by believing the truth and understanding it’s implications. For many, accepting the false tale of the WC is the only way to go on.


  4. I recall when the full implications  of the JFKA conspiracy hit me. It was before reading Garrisons book or seeing Stone’s movie based on that book. I was stunned. I was quaking and shuddering. For some time it was all I could think or talk about. I passed, slightly, in and out of denial. Eventually I just moved on.

    i can understand the denial. Thinking, caring and responsible can be ruined just by believing the truth and understanding it’s implications. For many, accepting the false tale of the WC is the only way to go on.

  5. 47 minutes ago, Mark Lawson said:

    Tangential to the above-referenced article: In John Armstrong's hypothesized scenario, why would *both* HARVEY and LEE ever have risked being present, at the same time, in or around the TSBD - especially at the time when JFK was murdered? Considering Armstrong's presentation of evidence that these two people looked alike, at least in the face, would it not have risked exposing the plot if the presence of both individuals had been observed (or had they been apprehended) at the same time - or nearly so - by any or all of TSBD employees, bystanders or DPD personnel?  ML

    I think we have learned that the conspirators could make almost anything stick if they wanted to do so. The confusion caused by our twin Ozzies would only help their cause as long as they were never seen in the same place together.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

    Thank you very much for the link, Steve.

    It seems Oswald didn't do a lot of work at his jobs. I seem to recall during his brief time at one (Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall?) he spent most of his time at the shop next door reading magazines.

    That would have been the coffee processing place in NOLA.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Robert Harper said:

    Joe--thank you for sharing your response, which, as usual is succinct, and honest . We share on this site a sense that "something happened" in 1963 that was important and never resolved and that "something" had meaning beyond  its immediate effects. I read your comments and responses as similar to one by a member I used to enjoy reading very much - Bart (I think name is right, avatar with hardhat). In particular he and you and I share a status- with others - as affected and interested participants who have relied on the research and reasoning of many of the people on this site; I think we are appreciators, not researchers. I think we write to express ourselves within this structure of "something happened" and reading such from others assists that process. It is said that knowledge is accumulated bit by bit; and understanding from a grasp of the whole. We are are on the journey to understanding (belief) through the encounter with knowledge (facts).

    Please cut these words from your post? They do not apply; you express yourself quite well.

    I always appreciate your input as well as Joe's. The two of you have a very complementary style and insight. Likewise, as Robert points out, @Brad Milch  was a member whom I appreciated in much the same way. I really wish he was allowed back, although I will not inquire about this with the admins because I have used up a number of my chances here.






    When Kennedy was shot in the side of the head with the .45 by the guy on the stairs at the North Knoll [Cuban exile - any hints as to whom would have been THAT good with a .45? I've reviewed a lot of INTERPEN, Life magazine, Bayo stuff, and other photos, but I'm stuck], did someone then stick him like a prize pig, or shoot him, behind the retaining wall, and then load his body in a car behind the monument? Or did he manage to get away clean?

    If the answer is yes, he was taken out according to plan, what did they do with the body? Put it in the trunk and then get the hell out of Dodge? Did the SS drive him away?

    If no, is he still alive today, and do you have any idea how I might reach him?

    Sorry - last question. Was it the plan to sit down after the action for those in Dealey Plaza? Just sit down and wait until the commotion ends? I noted that the signalman for the guy on the steps also sits down after the action, which is why I asked. I have no clue who he is either - he doesn't look Cuban anyway. It wasn't Roy was it?

    Any information appreciated. Hope this email finds all well with you.

    Kind regards,

    Lee Forman


    I am wondering what Lee was referring to here. He was a good researcher. I don’t think he would have posted this if he did not have something worth pursuing.



  9. On 9/28/2018 at 1:14 PM, Rich Pope said:

    There's no reason to discount E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession.  LBJ ---> Cord Meyer--->  William Harvey (who recruited the assassins) and so forth as the rest of the confession states.  Even spies, who have learned to lie their entire careers are willing to tell the truth on their death bed.  The weight of their sins is too heavy to bear.  

    I don't buy Hunt's confession. He was trying to divert attention from the still-living perps and friends. He also did not want to implicate Cubans. It's ridiculous to say that there is no reason to discount his confession.

  10. Every once in a while Paul Baker shows up with the same discredited claims.


    On 2/19/2017 at 10:20 AM, Michael Clark said:

    NAA info from 2010


    "In the past, NAA evidence was not admissible into courts on the grounds that testimony it "proved" was not concrete enough to be allowed as evidence. In fact, a not-so-ancient trial involving NAA evidence, using trace element blood comparison samples was admitted into a lower court, despite the objection of the Defense. After being convicted, the case was brought to the Supreme Court, who declared the evidence inadmissible, as the technique was not yet proven. This was a large step backwards for NAA in courts, as it hurt the reliability of future, more concrete evidence done by neutron analysis."


  11. 1 hour ago, Denny Zartman said:

    Okay, for the purposes of discussion here, I'm going to refer to these liquids reportedly observed by Couch and Coley as "pools of blood", while acknowledging the possibility they were something else entirely.

    I still don't have a mental picture of exactly where the Couch pool of blood was seen. The area 50 or 60 feet north of the curb of Elm as Elm goes under the overpass seems to be in the railroad yards and parking area and is still at least 40 feet from the southwesternmost corner of the TSBD by my informal reckoning. The Coley pool of blood does seem to be about 50 feet north of the Elm curbline and would be described as being "somewhere along that park area there", but that area isn't under the overpass. I don't think there actually is a park area directly under the overpass anyway, so maybe I'm just overthinking this. I still want to try and be sure that we're not talking about two different pools of blood.

    Can anyone help clarify for me where they believe the Malcolm Couch pool of blood was?

    I marked up a photo but I cannot post it. I can send it to someone if they will post it.

  12. Testimony of Malcolm Couch


    Mr. BELIN - This pool of blood - about how far would it have been north of the curbline of Elm Street as Elm Street goes under the expressway?
    Mr. COUCH - I'd say - uh - well, from Elm Street, you mean, itself?
    Mr. BELIN - Yes. This is from that part of Elm Street that goes into the expressway? 

    Mr. COUCH - I'd say - uh - 50 to 60 feet, and about 10 to 15 feet from the corner of the Texas Depository Building.
    Mr. BELIN - It would be somewhere along that park area there?
    Mr. COUCH - Right.

    Mr. BELIN - Was there anything else you noticed by this pool of blood?
    Mr. COUCH - No. There were no objects on the ground. We looked for something. We thought there would be something else, but -
    Mr. BELIN - There was nothing?
    Mr. COUCH - Huh -uh.

  13. 1 hour ago, Ken Rheberg said:


    I had no reason to question Malcolm Couch's credibility or doubt his sincerity.  His passion was his Christian faith.  He was a pastor for many years, an author of numerous books on Bible prophecy, and founded Tyndale Theological Seminary.  At the time I spoke to him, he was not doing well physically and was using a walker.

    I've heard over the years, many times, that he had seen a pool of blood in Dealey Plaza.  So when he told me that this wasn't accurate, I was quite surprised to say the least.  But he was adamant that it was not a pool of blood.  It was brain matter.  He then suggested that I check out his oral history at the Sixth Floor Museum.  "It's all in there," he said.

    When you review his testimony before the Warren Commission, you'll see that he never calls it a pool of blood.  Just one reference to blood.  It's Warren Commission attorney David Belin who, in his questioning of Couch, characterizes it himself as a pool of blood and uses the term twice.




    I thought there was a story of someone emerging from the SW corner of the TSBD with head fragments and a second pool of blood on the sidewalk at that location; thus the “additional” element to the video title. There is also some blurry video of that. 

  14. On 9/8/2008 at 2:02 AM, John Simkin said:

    I met John Dolva in Australia a couple of years ago. We were in regular contact by email until a couple of months ago when he stopped replying. I hope he is alright.

    I've been wondering what happened to John Dolva since I joined the forum. Does anybody know?

    John, do you still have an email address?

  15. 52 page doc.


    27, April, 1959


    Luxembourg (15-14)

    1.Subj. [OLLA] told QJBANNER/1 he recently invited by French national FNU Delacourt join ring which receiving gratis from CHICOMS (Chinese Communists)  large amounts of opium to be smuggled to states. Subject willing to under Americans.

    2.  Suggest HQS make and advise arrangements nearest narcotics Bureau officer come luxe where can fully interrogate subj, assess story and decide action. 



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