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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 2/18/2019 at 12:07 AM, Ron Bulman said:

    I asked this question in a post on Micha's Lie Too Big To Fail thread as kind of an aside to another point being discussed at the time.  It's mentioned as kind of an aside by Lisa too with no notation or reference (the book Is otherwise well documented).

    On page 400 she says "And who was the hypnotic consultant from California?  Did he hypnotize Sirhan?  It would not surprise me if there had been a hidden ZR project targeting GPFOCUS, the CIA's codename for Senator Robert Kennedy.  (The codename for JFK was GPIDEAL, and the codename for Oswald was GPFLOOR.  No investigation ever sought files from the CIA relative to the Robert Kennedy assassination)".

    I don't recall reading about these codenames before, or seeing a response to my questions about them.  What did GP stand for, relating to all three?  When were they created?  Not as early as 1963 for all three?  But why at some point afterwards?  I can see JFK as "IDEAL" in 63.  RFK as being the FOCUS in 68.  But does FLOOR relate to what floor Oswald was on?  Ground?  Sixth?  Why in regards to the GP relation to RFK?

    I imagine I've just missed or forgotten information on the codenames I may have read or missed entirely in the past.  Maybe this subject doesn't deserve it's own thread but I didn't know where else to post on it and I am curious.  If anyone can educate me it would be appreciated.  It is the education forum after all...


  2. 4 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

    I would sure wonder why the person I was doing research with was not posting for himself. And I also  love how this post is all flowery words for the Admins, but that your case, of course, is different. (Not.)  


    Kathy, when I was working with Tom there was no rule against what I was doing, and I like quite a few others, I am sure, have no Idea how deep these schisms go. I did not repost language and invectives against admin or members from other forums. It’s quite different. And seriously, are we never supposed to repost existing EF posts from banned members. It just gets so complicated that I find it unfortunate. And here I feel like I have run afoul with you. 

  3. I would suggest Aesop’s fables. I also would would scratch the surcease of great writers and orators, just enough that he becomes familiar with those names and gets a taste what is great writing and why it is great writing.







    enlightenment writers.

    Very Importantly, don’t just accept that “math is just not his thing”.Do something, some camp, or immersion to lift that veil, clear the fog. It’s hugely important to not walk away from math feeling like a failure, or that you just can’t do it. Classes are too short in school, not time to get in any kind of groove.



  4. 2 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

    I cannot remember why this rule came into being. However let me clarify it. The mere mentioning of the name of a member who is banned is not an offence. I believe the members of the admin team team would be unhappy if a member was posting in collaboration with a banned member.



    I do recall how this came about.

    The title of the thread gets the to the heart of the problem and the admins should not be expected to parse-out the minute letter and spirit of this problem. Common sense should suffice. 

    Jim Hargrove, reacting to some understandable consternation, was posting multiple posts, almost verbatim, a near continuous dialogue from a banned member. Those posts contained language and insinuations that were clearly against this forums expectations of decorum, but because they were quotes from elsewhere, they were seeping-in. 

    I like Jim very much, but he was uncharacteristically on-tilt at that time and I recall being aggravated that just this sort of problem, and heavy handed ruling would come about, along with all of its attendant complications. I even warned him about what he was doing and what might come of it; but he dismissed my warning.

    As noted earlier in this thread, Tom Scully and I teamed up on some important (IMO) digging, which included some limited cross-posting and it was fruitful, did no harm, breached no rules or etiquette and all was well. It even, I had hoped, went some distance towards mending some gates, as opposed to fences, and that we might some day, before wa are all dead, find some room for reconciliatiation in some cases.

    Unfortunately, Jim’s cross postings were just an aggravating instance of what could be, and the hammer came down.

    It’s all very unfortunate, and I would not blame James or other admins from dealing with these things on a case by case basis rather than standing by a rule that creates situations and questions which are far more cumbersome than was the intent of the rule.

    It would seem to be common sense that if you are acting as a proxy for a particular member who still exhibits manners, or language, which got that person banned in the first place, then your not doing the right thing. It’s pretty simple, and there are no stupid people here. 



  5. 15 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

    One more thing: I know of a young (early 20's) author of an upcoming massive book on the medical evidence who is a savant on the case and a tremendous write, as well. 

    Why not name names, Vince? I would think that if he is about to publish a book, and is so well read, he must, already, have some kind of presence in the community or in relevant social media, no?

  6. 23 hours ago, David Andrews said:

    Interesting Dallas Report podcast with minority opinion on Ed Lansdale's involvement in the assassination planning, based on prior CIA internal documents among Helms, Harvey and McCone:


    On the other hand...if Dealey Plaza was "the blackest of black operations"...then...

    One question to be considered: Why would Helms claim in a memo that Lansdale was a political fixture at CIA who had to be kept on and worked around, despite his unworkable contributions?  Who put and maintained Lansdale in this unassailable position?  The podcast cites deputy Defense secretary Roswell Gilpatric for making Lansdale a general.  Fletcher Prouty said Dulles urged him to put Lansdale on LeMay's promotions list.  But who kept Lansdale above Helms, Harvey and McCone's disapprobation?

    I have tried to listen to these podcasts before and, like this one, I cannot suffer the time-filling devices he uses to fill-out his show. I would like to hear a synopsis, skip to interesting sections, or press-on listening if there were some assurances that it gets better as it drags-on.

  7. On 12/29/2018 at 1:41 PM, Joe Bauer said:

    I've never seen much commentary on E. Howard Hunt's recorded JFK assassination confession.

    Was it all a hoax?

    If so, why do this and allow his son to tape record it, knowing it would be shared with the world after his death?

    I always wondered why hardly anyone of literary and media stature would barely touch this Hunt confession, considering not just it's Earth shaking guilty parties revelation but also E. Howard Hunt's extremely high placed career positions in our agency government for decades and his closeness to and dealings at times with many of those so high up in our elected government.

    Hunt was the opposite of a crazy nobody. He was a highly placed and highly intelligent somebody.

    What made his confession so ignored?

    Whether the story is true or not, why would he create such a mind blowing tale?

    Was it his last act of agency loyal disinformation?

    Was his "Big Event" JFK assassination confession a gift to his son as a possible block buster book deal ( even if it was made up ) that could hopefully have brought his son a huge book publishing advance fee?

    Hunt wrote many spy books that were supposedly fiction mixed with elements of true spy craft experiences.

    Maybe this confession was a book idea he had in mind?  

    Hunt lied so much in his later years when confronted with investigatory committee questions. His whole adult career life was wrapped around this MO.

    Still, because of Hunt's prolific involvement in our highest rungs of covert intelligence and for decades, It seems illogical to not give his end of life JFK "Big Event" guilty party confession more weight than it has been given imo.

    Hunt's confession has been treated with no more seriousness than that given to some nut standing up in a JFK conference event audience and shouting " I KNOW WHO KILLED JFK...IT WAS WALT DISNEY!"

    Anyone like to give their theory as to Hunt's "Big Event" confession? And why he would put out a false hoax like this?

    Simple answer from me..... A limited hangout to protect the agency, blame Democrats for tearing themselves apart, downplaying hiss own involvement, and leaving something sellable for his son that might also serve as protection for St. John. I wold be surprised if St. John did not have some more valuable and authentic goods stashed-away, as well.

    On a side note...Perhaps I missed it but, our own @William Plumlee Tosh Plumlee, as well as St. John Hunt have recently stated that Hunt was on board Plumlee,s flight to Dallas on 11-22-63. I checked-in here a few times, after that story came out but I, surprisingly, did not see it here.


  8. 4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    If the man Marina married in Russia was not the American born Lee Harvey Oswald ...  what do we have here



    If you have not read the Furniture Mart episode in the WCR, you may find, after doing so, that there may have been a second, full, Oswald family, in the Dallas area in the fall of 63; of which Marina, the DPD LHO, or both, may not have been aware.


  9. Just now, Michael Clark said:

    David Von Pein......

    The amount of money that you make by maintaining a website that buries our President who was killed in a Coup de ta remains a mysteryto me. 


    Care to share? How much do you make by perpetuating the coup?



    David Von Pein, how much money do you make by participating in the coup?




    tell us...

  10. 6 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:


    remains a  mystery to me.

    David Von Pein......

    The amount of money that you make by maintaining a website that buries our President who was killed in a Coup de ta remains a mysteryto me. 


    Care to share? How much do you make by perpetuating the coup?



  11. Lance,

    How do you figure that the guy, Bill Hunter, a Dallas reporter, was shot and killed, by police, in the 16 hours between the two interviews of Jack Ruby’s roommate, George Senator’s, differing Warren Commission testimonies, when George was the guy who gave that same reporter a tour of Ruby’s apartment on Sunday, the 24th of November,1963.

    Lance, feeling guilty, yet?





  12. From my reiading of recent documents, I think it will get noone nowhere to try to find an ultimate, in fact, top dog in MC, in October of 63. There were too many offices with interests in MC, all answering to disparate offices in DC, for Win Scott to be more than a host, not a boss, for them all. I see  Hunt on base through an unknown office (he had been COS a decade earlier, with William F Buckley as a subordinate); I see James McCord as an office of Security electronics specialist supervisor working with or under Hunt in 63. David Phillips arriving on the 7th of.November is another example; Scott was not his boss; just his host, in a very busy, tricky and confused situation. Hell, Anne Exeter (sp.?) is excercising executive authority with regard to the photographic operations on the consulates and embassies at that time; (again, this is my reading of documents).

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