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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 2 hours ago, Rebecca Young said:


    I taught high school English (IB Language and Literature) for about 15 years before moving into program management for k-12 gifted education. I currently develop state and international student assessments. I also advocate for environmental education, and I’m interested in collaborating with as many teachers as possible as part of an instructional resource I’m developing. I hope you'll check it out: http://bit.ly/2yISOjT-LiteratureforChange  


    Welcome Rebecca, I hope you find this forum useful. I am interested in making areas of this forum more active and dynamic. I think it has a lot of potential. Feel free to message-me to bring your contributions, or those of others, to my attention. I will try to contribute if I can.



  2. On 7/9/2015 at 1:41 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    Jim DiEugenio is the author of bot Destiny Betrayed, first and second editions, and Reclaiming Parkland. He is the co-editor of The Assassinations along with Lisa Pease. He was the publisher of Probe Magazine in the nineties and he is the editor and publisher of the CTKA web site

    Jim, I just wanted to acknowledge your health issues and say that it saddens me. I hope you find relief and good health soon.

  3. @Paul Jolliffe

    here is that Oxcart/U2 connection.

    On 4/14/2018 at 6:56 PM, Michael Clark said:

    CIA program HT AUTOMAT

    Keywords: HT AUTOMAT,  AQUATONE, OSI, James McCord Jr., Dr. Herbert Scoville, R. C. Swendiman


    From "The Almost Classified guide to CIA Front Companies":

    Perkin-Elmer (CIA Front Company) Based in Norwalk, Connecticut. Manufactured camera system for project Oxcart, the CIA's SR-71 program and U-2 photography, Project AUTOMAT.






    Document Type: 
    Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
    Release Decision: 
    Original Classification: 
    Document Page Count: 
    Document Creation Date: 
    December 9, 2016
    Document Release Date: 
    March 12, 2001
    Sequence Number: 
    Case Number: 
    Publication Date: 
    July 30, 1957
    Content Type: 
    Attachment Size
    PDF icon CIA-RDP61S00750A000500090038-5.pdf 40.97 KB

    Approved For Release 2001/3G/8SE lA-RDP61 S0075OA000500090038-5
    C .lUi. 957
    MEMORA1]JM FOR: Project Director
    SUBJECT : Assignment of Personnel: Projects AQUATONE and HT AUTOMAT
    1. As a result of the recent assignment of
    on indefinite TDY to NSA, this Office has decided on a realignment of
    responsibilities relative to OSI participation in Projects AQUATONE




    (Note: below, I deleted and added ".pdf" in the following link so it does not automatically show as a document)







    1 hour ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


    You asked an excellent question: since McCord already received his "Q" clearance from the AEC (exactly what was a "Q" clearance, anyway?), why this additional October 16, 1963, clearance? 

    Maybe this has something to do with it?

    According to the CIA itself, McCord's AEC "Q" clearance on July 27, 1962, came just as 

    "Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev decided to develop Cuba into a nuclear base, and in mid-July Soviet shipments of conventional weapons and military equipment intensified. Throughout the summer, American policymakers and intelligence officials speculated about what the buildup meant. The IC concluded that Moscow's actions in Cuba were defensive, designed mainly to shore up a revolutionary ally while marginally improving its own political position in the region.

    Director of Central Intelligence John McCone was virtually alone in assessing that the Kremlin had more malevolent intentions: the buildup was a prelude to the deployment of nuclear missiles. McCone believed that Khrushchev was trying to overcome US strategic superiority and extort diplomatic concessions by establishing a nuclear outpost near the United States."

    So McCord's 1962 "Q" clearance came just as the CIA was looking for evidence to make its case that the missiles in Cuba were offensive, not defensive.

    And so perhaps McCord's October 1963 clearance came just as the CIA was looking for/planting/creating wiretap evidence in Mexico City . . . that Castro - with Soviet approval - would kill Kennedy?

    I think there is a connection between the timing of McCord's two clearances and US/Soviet relations. Both times his clearances came just as we were on the brink.


    IIRC, I found a relationship between McCord and a Oxcart camera manufacturer in Connecticut.


    The docs for that link/relationship should be in the documents I shared on the James McCord thread.


  5. On 4/3/2018 at 7:28 PM, Michael Clark said:

    It strikes me as odd that that it was deemed necessary to swear McCord to secrecy on October, 16, 1963; 14 months after he received his Q clearance from The Atomic Energy Agency. What was going on, in October of 1963, that required his being sworn, and was deemed more important than his access to nuclear secrets over the previous year?


    Here is the Q clearance Document for James McCord Jr.

  6. From Jim’s writeup on James McCord...


    “John Newman later discovered, it was here where McCord teamed up with David Phillips to supervise the Agency’s anti-Fair Play for Cuba Committee campaign, of which Lee Harvey Oswald had all the earmarks of being a component. (James DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed, Second Edition, p. 158)”

    Jim mentioned, previously, that John Newman provided a footnote for this assertion in his (Newman’s) book. Can anyone give us that footnote or provide the reference itself?

  7. On 4/6/2019 at 4:41 PM, Shane O'Sullivan said:

    Joe - I think it's worth exploring McCord's possible presence in Dallas that day, particularly when I discovered after finishing the book that McCord headed up a team which brought Nosenko out of Switzerland and into the US in early 1964. I am currently researching a lead in this direction. 

    James Rosen worked for Fox News for some time and wrote a biography of John Mitchell, who directed Nixon's election campaigns in 1968 and 1972. The call girl theory is interesting -  and, as you say, sexual blackmail is a timeless tactic - but I wasn't completely convinced by it for reasons described in the book. 

    Jim - of course, McCord was involved in all four attempted DNC break-ins, what I am saying is he was never a part of the special investigations unit at the White House. He first met Liddy after Liddy moved from the Plumbers unit to CRP. Yes, the faulty bug was the ostensible purpose for the second break-in but as I discuss at length in the book, McCord made a mistake and planted it in the wrong office, so there was not a faulty bug in O'Brien's office. 

    The other two statements are incorrect because you overlooked the sources in my endnotes. Thanks for correcting them for accuracy. I share your admiration for Jim Hougan. He was the only author who read my manuscript in advance and gave me the following blurb: “While we have fundamental disagreements about 'Watergate' and the Deep State agenda that shaped it, O’Sullivan is to be congratulated on an impeccably researched work of investigative reporting that adds greatly to our understanding of the affair and its mysteries."



    I’m hoping this James McCord thread can get back on track.

  8. On 4/8/2019 at 10:49 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    Just reading the Secret Memo of Understanding is Wow!  Same day as  O starts at TSBD?  Considering McCord's previous affiliation's with the Company it's quite interesting.  He was already on board, why the official proclamation? 

    McCord was given a “Q” nuclear clearance from the Department of Energy 14 months prior to this oath. Something was more important when October of ‘63 rolled around.

  9. 43 minutes ago, Shane O'Sullivan said:

    This is an interesting and welcome obituary but a few corrections are needed. Hunt and Liddy were in the Plumbers Unit, not McCord, who was the head of security at CRP, where he later met Liddy. And the faulty bug was not placed inside Larry O’Brien’s office. That was the plan but McCord didn't know where O'Brien's office was during the first break-in, so he planted the bug in the wrong office on the other side of the building and had to send Alfred Baldwin on a tour of the DNC on June 12th to find out where O'Brien's office was. That's when Baldwin met Spencer Oliver's secretary, Ida "Maxie" Wells, a key figure in the call girl theory.

    Baldwin later claimed McCord told him he was in Dallas on 11.22.63. Baldwin wouldn't speak to me but he told James Rosen about it in a 1995 interview and James kindly shared the transcript with me and I published it for the first time. The Angelo Lano quote comes from an oral history interview he gave the Nixon Library, as noted in my endnotes. 

    There's much more on McCord, Dean, the call girl theory and what Baldwin overheard on the bug on Spencer Oliver's phone in my book, which has been highly praised by Jim Hougan and was directly inspired by his book: www.nixondirtytricks.com

    I  thought that the whole plumbers unit was transferred to CRP. IMO it is all notional anyway;  if not abject smoke and mirrors.

    And, for the passing reader, and good measure, Alfred C. Baldwin, a Watergate burglar/conspirator is {if he hasn't died, {without notice} some years ago}, a member of this forum, @Alfred C. Baldwin


  10. If there was a sword hanging over McCord, Hunt, Barker, Gonzales, Sturgis,  Liddy, Nixon, The CIA etc, and it was the JFKA, then the arrests would have forced a purge of much of that information. These guys knew that that information was there and there was going to be a purge of Castro or the information. I think Hunt and the Cubans wanted He former. Nixon and the CIA settled on the latter. 

    Just like the JFKA, the facts could have been obscured by war over Cuba or a war over information, ie.: the truth.

    Thats my take.

  11. If there was a sword hanging over McCord, Hunt, Barker, Gonzales, Sturgis,  Liddy, Nixon, The CIA etc, and it was the JFKA, then the arrests would have forced a purge of much of that information. These guys knew that that information was there and there was going to be a purge of Castro or the information. I think Hunt and the Cubans wanted He former. Nixon and the CIA settled on the latter. 

    Just like the JFKA, the facts could have been obscured by war over Cuba or a war over information, ie.: the truth.

    Thats my take.

  12. 8 hours ago, Rob Couteau said:


    Someone at wiki must have just spotted your article on McCord; their entry now includes his death. The history of the page includes this: "1 April 2019‎ Infrogmation talk contribs‎ 8,548 bytes+118‎ Apparently he died in June 2017, age 92 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/181059465/james-walter-mccord undo".

    BTW, a great piece of work; you managed to condense all the essentials and make it flow smoothly. And with a nicely shaped and a deserved homage to Jim Hougan's research.


  13. That “reflection”, seen at 4:32, can be seen in the sprocket area of the vast majority of the Zapruder frames from Z030 to the very end. The point is, is that it can’t be a reflection from that direction since the camera sweeps in a very wide arc through the length of the film. It is clearly an anomaly. 


    On 7/17/2017 at 1:44 PM, Michael Clark said:




    On 7/16/2017 at 1:35 PM, Michael Clark said:





  14. Brain-snap.

    When one is first confronted with the consequences of particular conspiracies, like the JFKA, it is overwhelming. One, in a matter of seconds moves away from the notion, and buys the lie, or stumbles through a very difficult process of confrontation and acceptance of that notion of conspiracy. Like I said, it is a matter of seconds between deciding upon a comforting or immensely troubling world-view or accepting the lie. There are also many people who know better but will continue to provide an illusion of comfort and safety for the masses who chose to believe the lie.

    When the reality of the situation first appeared before me, I was rocked to my core. I never wavered from it, but it took many years, and the Internet, and the Educationforum in particular, before I felt there was way, a resource, to peel away the layers of lies.

  15. On 3/21/2019 at 4:17 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    I have been browsing newspapers recently, and tried searching ‘Skorzeny’. If I could figure out how to post screenshots of the 3 articles of interest I would. Perhaps someone knows how. I will summarize these here, though they may more properly belong on the Skorzeny threads.

    First one from May 5 1960 in the Odessa TX Times - Otto Skorzeny wants to organize ‘Spanish volunteers’ for NATO, super national troops to come under the direct command of the commanding General of NATO. I’ve found nothing further on this story.

    Second one from Austin American Dec. 19, 1953 column by Walter Winchell - Otto Skorzeny is a trusted agent of US Intelligence in Spain. 

    Third from NY Daily News Nov. 1, 1961 sourced from a right wing Rome newspaper Telesera - Otto Skorzeny ‘was ready last April to lead a band of paratroopers in an attempt to kidnap Fidel Castro. Telesera claimed that the plot was called off at the last minute because President Kennedy and his advisors objected to it”. The article goes on to detail the aborted plan. In another news article which covered this story, Allen Dulles is specifically named as supporting the plan. 

    Paul, Regarding tips on posting screen shots....

    Posting actual photos or screenshots here is not really a good solution because you quickly run out of allowable space for that. I will be glad to help you though. 

    The first thing, however is to edit your screenshot so you a posting just what you want to share, instead of everything captured in your screenshot. I am assuming that you are using an iPad. Open your screenshot, and at the upper right, next to the recycle bin, you should see an edit button. Click on that and you will see tools which will let you edit your pic. You can also pinch and expand your pic and take another screen shot of that expanded view to zoom in on what you want to share. Once you have it sized the way you want, you can the  click on “click to choose files” in the EF widow where you are creating your post. Click on photo library, then select your screenshot.


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