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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 7/19/2019 at 10:39 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    I know its free on line now but I've never made the time to read Harvey and Lee, but until I do it's hard for me to wrap my head around the concept of the CIA developing, and controlling, two Oswald's .........

    Not hard to believe.


    1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

    ....since elementary school.

    Harder to to believe, especially since LHO was born prior to the CIA and the (can’t find the word) of it’s predecessor, the OSS.

    Armstrong’s research sought the lengths and breadth of this situation. What you can embrace and prove is something you can praise him for is you can’t condemn him for is giving you the opportunity to do so.

    @Steve Thomas brought some enlightening information, in another thread, on the the two Oswalds at the theater, about 2 years ago.

    The most striking and independent finding, for me, was the simultaneous WC testimony of Marina and the two ladies from the furniture mart. 

    I know there were two Oswald’s. I don’t have to be familiar with Armstrong’s book. Nor do I have to accept anything or everything from that tome.

  2. On 4/28/2018 at 10:08 AM, Michael Clark said:

    P. 28

    Department of Defence Directive. December 5, 1957.

    Policies governing the assignment of Military Personnel to the CIA.

    Cancels the 1952 Directive 1315.2 which governed the use of military personnel in the CIA.

    "Certain military personnel should be assigned to the CIA to provide adequate military participation and support at appropriate levels in the agency..... personnel should be the best qualified and most experienced available, with a well-founded understanding of their own service..."






    I am looking for items similar to this...

  3. On 4/28/2018 at 10:08 AM, Michael Clark said:

    P. 28

    Department of Defence Directive. December 5, 1957.

    Policies governing the assignment of Military Personnel to the CIA.

    Cancels the 1952 Directive 1315.2 which governed the use of military personnel in the CIA.

    "Certain military personnel should be assigned to the CIA to provide adequate military participation and support at appropriate levels in the agency..... personnel should be the best qualified and most experienced available, with a well-founded understanding of their own service..."







  4. On 2/14/2006 at 12:09 AM, Lee Forman said:



    That response was a bit short. The above link covers some discussion on the 'pools.'

    We have covered this in the past - a lot of detail should appear in several threads. The pools - plural, were seen by multiple witnesses. Potentially there were 3 separate pools witnessed.

    1. Behind the retaining wall on the 'knoll'

    2. Behind the walled walkway, on the sidewalk, in the Pergola Garden area

    3. On the sidewalk along the Elm St extension, closer to the back of the TSBD.

    2 of these pools can be found detailed on Don Roberdeau's plat.

    Where can it be found?


    Numerous eye-witness references to these pools can be found in Fetzer's MIDP.

    On what pages I only found 1 reference to 1 pool Coley's on page 48.

    Correct - Coley, Mulkey and Hood. The L'Hoste piece is contained in the Couch WR testimony.


    The bloody piece of flesh may have been a piece of Kennedy's head - and indeed, it may have left a dripping trail, as per Couch's witness account - but I would hesitate to link that to all 3 pools.

    Do you think it's possible that a piece of JFK's head could have ended up in any of those locations? Neither Couch nor nor Coley nor Anynesworth (I imagine) said anything about "a bloody piece of flesh". Couch said nothing about a bloody trail, at least not in the 2 pages Jack provided.

    I do not think a piece of Kennedy's head could have landed in any of those locations, and I did not think I implied that.

    Odd Couch says he was there with another photographer. The President has just been shot they are close by and they see cops running with guns drawn like they are chasing someone, they see an 8 - 10 inch pool of blood and neither one takes a single photo. When was the first time Couch claims to have seen this, 10+ years after the fact? Was the 2nd photographer ever found?

    No on the first question - I do not know on the 2nd - L'Hoste.

    The dead SS man reports come to mind - but clearly, something occurred that was not publicly reported on.

    How well documented are these reports? Was the dead SS agent supposed to have been in one of those spot's? Would it make sense for one to be in one of those locations? If as the theory goes the pool of blood was from an accidental victim of a lost bullet: 1) It would be a huge coincidence if the victim was an SS agent esp. considering the location 2) IIRC all three locations are above where JFK was so the errant sniper was shooting up? Up from where?

    They appeared in newspapers. Vince Salandria has done quite a lot on this subject. There is also a reference which I have not been able to find, in which one SS agent reports that SAIC Sorrels had deputized agents on the knoll. Hearsay, but interesting.

    According to Fetzer's MIDP there were only 28 SS agents in Dallas and none were on the "grass knoll" Pg. 49

    Even JC Price's affidavit comes to mind.

    Care to elaborate?

    Perhaps someone left with a souvenir.

    The source that provided me with the info on the FBI agent said that he arrived approximately 10 minutes after the shooting. He then nearly parked his car over one of the pools of blood - obviously that can't be the one at the retaining wall or walled walkway - I do not know the name of the source, and my source didn't seem to recall the details.

    - lee


    From this thread:



  5. 1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

    This sounds like the reported klatsch of Ruby associates who met after Ruby's arrest in his apartment with his roommate George Senator, and talked to Jim Koethe and the other reporter.  If so, I hadn't heard about the throat-cutting business.

    @Joseph Backes and @Ed LeDoux, This gets to the creepiest of the creepy. Bill Hunter was one of two journalists, along with a lawyer, who inspected Ruby’s apartment on the evening of Sunday, 11-24-63. George Senator, who lived with Ruby,, would not even stay there through this period. 

    George Senator gave his testimony to the Warren Commission on April  21 and 22 of 1964.

    Bill Hunter was shot to death, at his work desk, in the Long Beach, CA. police station. at 2 AM on April 24 of 1964.

    Jim Koeth died on September 21, 1964, from a blow to the throat, after a break-in of his apartment.

    Tom Howard, the Lawyer, died of a heart attack in March of 1965.

    @Lance Payette please correct my details, if you would.






  6. On 4/30/2006 at 11:14 PM, Shanet Clark said:

    I think there is strong reason to believe that the all the watergate burglary operational figures had some role in Dallas. Howard Hunt could never shake these links, and neither could Frank Fiorini Sturgis, Bernard Barker and Eugenio Martinez are also circumstantially linked, there names come up in association with both Dallas and the Watergate.

    Barker admitted to loudly hammering the hinges off the DNC offices while MCCord had signed in under a phony name in the Watergate...Barker Sturgis and Hunt, along with Liddy are so bizarre..............the Miami counter counter revolutionaries


  7. 50 minutes ago, Darrell Curtis said:

    This just goes to shown the extent of my ignorance. I never knew there had been reports of an SS agent having been killed. So he was somewhere in the vicinity of the top of the steps? What would that do to the idea that there weren't any SS agents on the ground, but only in the motorcade? That's what had made the people showing SS credentials so suspicious, as I understood it.

    I'll admit I understand almost nothing about how sheep dipping is done. How would you get an anti Castro Cuban to willingly appear to be pro Castro? Considering how virulent was their hatred of the man, it seems a difficult task, or perhaps that is just my ignorance revealing itself.

    I have little doubt about a knoll shooter, in spite of Feister's work. I'm not too sure of anything with regards to the JFKA other than it being a conspiracy. Beyond that, everything exists as probabilities for me. By the knoll shooter is a very high probability in my mind.

    Hi Darrell, thanks for the continued debate on several issues. I will pare down some evidence for the things I said here, and move part of the discussion to my “Backstabbed” thread. In this thread I will soon clarify the reports that a Secret Service agent had been killed in Dealy plaza. I’ll say now that the presence of blood is not essential to my “working pet theory”; it only hints that someone was wounded, it was covered-up, and the blood could have been from the said agent, or a witness, or one of my perps, who was tentatively identified, within minutes or hours, as an agent, and as a cover story for the death or wounding of my perp or witness. To be sure, the reports of the SS agent having been shot are among the first reports on the ambush, they were publicly made, and fairly well discussed.

    Cheers, Michael

  8. 2 hours ago, David Josephs said:


    ...I believe Vag had a red Falcon... just can’t find the doc

    Yes, it was a red falcon. I think it’s in this article. It’s a good read of a poor copy.

    Vaganov, Crafafd, and Ligget all beat-feet out of town between Friday evening and Saturday morning. Vaganov and Ligget returned in a day or two.


    http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/utils/getdownloaditem/collection/po-arm/id/28787/type/compoundobject/show/1/cpdtype/document-pdf/filename/28779.pdfpage/width/0/height/0/mapsto/pdf/filesize/0/title/Page 1

  9. 9 hours ago, Darrell Curtis said:


    That's an interesting theory, and perhaps it's true. It seems difficult that if such an act were perpetrated, that it would be done in Dealey Plaza. The assassination had already been done, so why not take care of the problem shooter well out of sight were evidence wouldn't be found? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the details here.

    The other thing aspect that is difficult to accept is the sheep dipping. How does an anti Castro get sheep dipped as pro-Castro? That doesn't seem something that would be easily accomplished. Surely they could have found simpler means to eliminate a second shooter. Frankly, I always thought all of the shooters were eliminated, and probably didn't live out that weekend.

    Hi Darrell, thanks for you thoughts. There were reports of a secret serviceman having been killed, or (just shot), as well.

    My theory fits a lot of long held notions, and answers a lot of questions. That there was a Grassy Knoll shooter seems to be a certainty to me, but what happened to him? Tho operation looked like a conspiracy, head to toe.

    My theaory seems, to me, rather elegant, and simple. All you have to do to go from the conspiracy to the Lone Nut, is make one guy disappear from the record and investigation. 

    Sheep Dipping is pretty simple in this case. The guy only has to be Cuban and carry some credentials, marking him as pro -Castro. If he lives, or is captured, there is war. If he ends up dead, there is war. Certainly there were Cubans willing to take that risk if it would put an end to Castro or avenge the BOPI which failed, according to them, on Kennedy.

    Dallas is the perfect place for this. The police are corrupt and racist. The mayor is CIA, and brother of the Deputy director of the CIA. Dallas’ future as the Silicon Valley of the Cold War was in question (TFX scandal, other military contracts ensured by a Vietnam war and the oil needed to fuel that war, half the world away and promising to last a very long time).

    JFK would be dead.

    Castro would be killed.

    Cuba would be free.


  10. 5 hours ago, Darrell Curtis said:

    I've never come to a firm conclusion about the blood at the top of the steps, near the fence in Dealey Plaza. But if there was blood there, where did it come from? What does it mean/tell us?

    It seems strange of course that it would be there, but it also seems unlikely.

    Hi Darrell, Those, or that, pool of blood play large role in my pet “Doublecross” CT.

    I think that the JFKA was supposed to look like a conspiracy committed by pro-Castro Cubans and LHO. By eliminating the second shooter (the grassy knoll shooter) you eliminate the conspiracy. I believe a anti-Castro Cuban was sheep-dipped Into the wool of a pro-Castro Cuban shooter and an invasion would take place. But, certain Elements, like the DPD, oil barons and others saw no benefit in freeing Cuba, retuning Mobsters to Havana, and creating competition for sugar, minerals and tourism.

    A war, that would last much longer, and force arms and supplies to travel half the world away, would certainly line pockets much more richly than a war that would last days or weeks.

    All that needed to happen was make a Cuban shooter disappear from the record.

    I think Cubans, mobsters and a stove-piped operation consisting of CIA opearatives and Eastern Blue Bloods got “Double-crossed”.



  11. 21 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    I hesitate to ask how Shakespeare relates to the JFK assassination, for I realize it might be a deep subject, though I'm not a student of his work.  Does the Unspeakable part relate to James Douglass classic work?


    From my recollections of Richard the third and Macbeth, I would have to think that Robert is focusing on Trump, not JFK. Re: Richard lll, Roberts comments may relate to JFK in that a regicide, a coup, has taken place, the people know it, the ministers rubber stamp it, and the people acquiesce. I’ll guess that Macbeth reflects the JFKA in as much as we are led to believe that “nothing is, but what is not”. I’ll have to roll-back my original comment inasmuch as Robert may not be looking at Trump here, although I can see a parallel.

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