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Ron Bulman

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Posts posted by Ron Bulman

  1. I looked briefly last night in Prayer Man thinking I'd read about it being Baker there.  It supports what Steve says but I wanted to look at the testimony it was based on before I stuck my foot in my mouth and it was late.  I also had a thought someone had tried to place the occurrence earlier but had no substantiation for such a claim.  Strange it took them four months to find a coke.

  2. 1 hour ago, Russ Connelly said:

    Apologies if this has been posted before but I found this short video footage of Jack Ruby from 1960 engrossing.  Does anyone know who it is standing with him?  Some of the comments are suggesting it is George Senator.


    It does look like Senator to me.


    I don't know about the Minox camera.  Were they not kind of expensive for the general public.  Isn't that why some have questioned why Oswald had one as he was usually almost broke.  Some have speculated his was provided by an employer for use in work assignments.

    The film/pictures are interesting.

    After looking at the link provided inside the article it does look like a Minox.  I'd never seen a picture of one.  It does mention them being a luxury item.

  3. On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 9:42 PM, Mike Kilroy said:

    I don’t know if he was the first visitor but I remember seeing Marcello’s man in Dallas on some documentary who regularly brought Ruby food from his Italian restaurant. Like a scene from a Godfather movie. 

    The Campisi family's Campisi's Egyptian Lounge at the time.  Ruby took a couple of out of town guests there for a steak the night before the assassination.

    Now it's just "Campisi's" with five locations.  I've ate at the one in Irving.

  4. On ‎12‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 12:44 PM, Andrej Stancak said:


    is there any source for your interesting remark about Henry Wade and Earl Cabell visiting the Zuroma Club? It looks like Cabell and Wade shook hands with Dallas mafia. Any details on this line would be of great interest.


    Yes Andreji.  It comes from a book I don't recommend because of it's the mob did it conclusion and that Oswald was made a patsy by them.  However it does have a lot of interesting information on the relationships of the mob, police and political interactions in Dallas in the 1950's and early 60s.  The book is "Betrayal in Dallas" by Mark North.  It is well documented and has many pages of legal documents and letters.  Letters starting in 1950 from LBJ to Henry Wade and vice versa.  They fawned over each other, LBj called him Hank.  Same thing with letters to and from Hoover.  One from Barefoot Sanders.

    From page 237.  Dallas based Italian-American social club, the Anonymous Club, met every Thursday evening in a private residence...Membership included Dallas mob boss Joe Civello...Club name was changed to Zu Roma Club in 1958 after Civello's arrest at a national mob summit meeting in Appalachian New York.  Weekly guest lists were published in locally circulated Texas Tribune, an Italian-American news letter.  May 3, 1958, future congressman Joe Pool,  State Congressman Barefoot Sanders, appointed u s Attorney for North Texas by JFK in 1961, future Federal Judge, LBJ pal.  July 7, 1962, Mayor Earl Campbell, district Attorney Henry Wade, Sheriff Bill Decker, candidate for congress Joe Pool.  Theses are from reproductions of the original paper.  Keep in mind these meetings centered around a meal and an illegal poker game.


  5. On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 4:37 PM, David Andrews said:

    CE = counter-espionage?

    Why be prejudiced against CIA?  There's enough mayhem to spread around the intel community.

    Is not Counter Espionage the action aspect of Counter Intelligence?  Thus encompassing Angleton?  I think he knew all about the French Connection, though nobody completely controlled it more than one used it. 

  6. Joseph Civello was the Dallas Boss.  Joe Campisi was an underboss, the first person to visit Ruby in jail.  It's likely one of his underlings passed the message to Ruby that "we' have to cleanup a situation for the government.  If You don't do it, Code of Omerta. Your family first, then you.  Thus his speed induced hotfoot the next two days.

    I think the killing of Oswald was the one use of the Mafia in the JFK assassination.  Out of necessity.   As a result of the CIA recruitment of them in Castro assassination attempts.   They weren't use In the assassination but when the patsy escaped and got caught by the DPD they were brought in.

    Fantasy speculation.  Dulles called Angleton.  Angleton called Harvey.  Harvey  called Roselli.  Roselli called Giancana  or Marcello directly, maybe one of the guys from Florida.  Likely Marcello told Civello have Jacob Rubenstien hit Oswald.

    Joe Campisi reassured Ruby they had his back, good lawyers paid for (discreetly). He also probably reminded him, subtly of course, they owned the Sherriff's Department and DPD if he should speak inappropriately what would happen. 

  7. Crafard in addition to likely fearing for his life probably didn't want to be questioned about possibly Oswald and other things. 

    Like on pg. 60 of The Ruby Cover Up by Seth Kantor about Crafard witnessing Ruby pulling a gun on a Earl Norman about 11/14/63.  Shouldn't something like that have been of interest to the Warren Omission?

    Or pg. 104.  "in the days leading up to the assassination... calls from an unidentified man who would never leave a message".   Crafard asked Ruby about the strange calls and was told to "mind his own business".

    I'd guess Larry knew more than he wanted to, likely by accident.  But he knew enough to get the hell out of Dodge, in this case Dallas before he was silenced.  When found he cooperated fully, like say Jarman.. 


  8. Ruby was sent to Dallas from Chicago as a front man to deal with police, politicians and competition as part of a team in an attempt at expansion of territory and power in the late 40's. Not a hit man.  It was partially successful.  They were in competition with people from New Orleans,  I. E. Marcello.  Ultimately they worked together for the benefit of all.  Ruby paid off cops.  Set up high stakes poker games they skimmed.  High dollar bets.  Provided prostitutes.  Marcello provided the racing wire.  Smuggled drugs to and through Dallas.  Fed Ruby some of the prostitutes/dancers.  Check out Civello, Campisi, the Zuroma Club where Henry Wade and Earl Cabbell visited.  They were his bosses.  Who was the first to visit him in jail? 

  9. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Can we connect Permindex to QJWIN? If Permindex is part of Operation Gladio through its subsidiary in Rome, CMC, then the answer might be yes. 

    Paul, I've read a little on all of Permindex, QJWIN and Gladio.  Can you refresh my memory and update me as to their relevance as well as anyone new to the subject?  I remember reading years ago of Shaw and Permindex/CMC.

  10. I should read more of this tomorrow before posting.  A thread on the first page delving into relations of Rockefeller, Shaw, Israeli connections, Permindex/Mondiale, Then Dulles and Israelis bears study.  Especially in light of Jeff Morley's recent book Ghost and Angleton's Israeli obsession.  He has two different engraved stone monuments in the country from the government for his service. 

  11. 12 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Some files I had




    Hi David.  An interesting aside I stumbled across in reference to you much appreciated picture.

    From "Contract on America', David Scheim, 1989.  Pg. 579 end notes referencing pg. 169.  "There is no possibility that Crafard could have been mistaken for Oswald since Crafard "had no front teeth", "was creepy", "looked like a bum", "and had sandy hair" as witnesses described him.  (CE 2403: Karen Carlin Exhibit 5318), whereas Oswald was  good looking ,had all of his front teeth, and had brown hair (WR 126; CE 3002).

    The first time I read this tonight I stopped, looked out the window and thought "huh".  Then I Laughed Out Loud.

  12. As a result of this thread and another on Larry Crafard I got to thinking about things I read many years ago.  After the HSCA,  in the early 80's their director Robert Blakey led the way on the Mob did it theory with a Book.  Somewhere in there I came across Seth Kantors excellent and important book "The Ruby Cover-Up" along with other books like Contract on America and Mafia Kingfish.  I dug a little bit tonight.

    Jada, Janet Adams Bonney Cuffari Smallwood Conforto was a stripper in New Orleans in the spring of 1963.  Jack Ruby went there June 5-8 reputedly looking for "talent".  He hired her from one of four reported clubs, maybe most likely the Sho Bar owned by Pete Marcello, son of Carlos.  He possibly met her manager first on one of three different occasions but made a 28 minute call to him before he left on the 5th.  It is suspected in these books that looking for strippers was cover for other purposes.  Kantor points out the FBI and in turn Warren Omission could find no records of him staying in any local hotels and that Jack was usually gregarious chatting it up with desk clerks, bellboy's and waitresses and giving out Carousel business cards to other patrons.  Yet no record of such found for this occasion.  Where was he?

    My question is when Jack ruby disappeared to New Orleans June 5-6 wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald already there?  Might they have crossed paths?

    What a milieu that city was that summer.  Bannister, Marcello.  Shaw/Bertrand, Ferrie.  DRE/FPCC, Joannidies/Birunger, FBI/CIA.  Ruth Paine passing through picking up Marina.  Lee to Mexico with a FBI escort??? 

  13. 13 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

    And if your suggesting I read the testimony in depth, I have. I read it three times, along with Senator's officer Olson's and Kay Olson's. Along with Ruby's testimony it gives me the absolute creeps.

    No I was not suggesting such.  I didn't read it in total but spent about 30 minutes scanning through it.  It just seems a little odd.  Both when he chose to leave so quickly with no notice and the depth of questioning on seemingly unrelated issues.  Yet, maybe I missed it in my skimming, but did they ever ask him "did you ever see Lee Oswald in the Carousel?". 

  14. 1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Paul,  Bill Simpich and I presented on your question at the recent Lancer conference, I can't repeat the full hour long session here but the answer to your specific question no. When Harvey was given the directive to put together an executive action program his own notes tell us that his first thoughts were how/where to hide it inside the CIA (which he did within Staff D) but also how to obfuscate the identity of both the selected killer and the patsy who would be part of the equation in any such attack - most folks have seen Harvey's notes on this.  He made a note to talk to Angleton (including I suspect about hiding multiple identities) and then went to Angleton after which Angleton also appears to have made some introductions for him and the two men clearly had an ongoing dialog on assassination. But ZR/RIFLE was created and funded inside Staff D, actually using the payroll record for QJ/WIN, already in existence, as part of the cover. People like Harvey and Angleton were experts in compartmentalizing elements of operations as part of burying them. 

    Larry, I'm easily confused trying to sort this out.  I thought I'd read recently Angleton had access to everything Staff D did.  Maybe from Ghost?  I shouldn't allege that without checking first.   But didn't Harvey and Angleton go back to the OSS in WWII  in Italy besides?

  15. Gary Cartwright and Bud Shrake were both Texas and National treasures.



    Texas Monthly, once not afraid to take on anybody learned to tow the official line the last few years.  I didn't renew my subscription after the 50th anniversary in 2013 when they chose to use Operation Mockingbird agent Hugh Aynesworth (at the TSBD, Texas Theater, and Parkland as well as talking Marina out of Lee's diary) for their feature article on the subject.

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