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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. I said I would not comment further on this. But Bill crossed a line. To review, he responded to a post by W. quoting Jim DiEugenio referring to Jim's work as tripe. I gave him a warning for insulting another member with a two-day suspension. He then complained about W referring to Litwin's comments as guano deserving the same treatment. And called me a hypocrite for not doing so. Addressing me a Run Bulman, my keyboard has an I between the O and the U, a typo? All discussed above. He received an increased penalty for calling a moderator a hypocrite, a direct insult, right or wrong. Yesterday he sent me a facebook friend request. I laughed. Then thought, he took the time to look me up outside the forum and do this sarcastically? A bit creepy actually. I'm deleting the friend request and Bill won't be posting for a while longer. Mark or Evan can change this if they disagree.
  2. I think that's what this all comes down to. Jim's analysis of Fred's work. Who has more long-term credibility on the subject, has done way more research, written more extensively. Then destroyed Fred's teenage conspiracy freak show? Semantics and terminology? Guano and tripe? Then a mod is called a hypocrite for not warning another mod after warning him. Then the mod, me, receives a FB friend request tonight from Bill Brown. Ironic? Given an adversarial relationship on the forum? Seems kind of like trolling or stalking both forum rule violations.
  3. Ha. For Cliff as he's from Frisco, where I have other friends I've never met. For Jonathen as well.
  4. W. is responsible for his own statements. He can defend himself, quite well. As the only other moderator here I'm glad he is, as I asked him to do so with Mark's blessing. I was the only one for a while catching everything from everybody who chose to criticize. I appreciate what he does and will not comment further on this conversation other than to say I will take Jim's body of work over Fred's assertions, and, Bill is generally argumentative with most here having insulted Jim Di Eugenio, Joseph Mc Bride, myself, W, and others in recent months.
  5. That one was easy Jim, I've danced to it many times, primarily with my wife. Willie wrote it along with several others Ray recorded and made them both a bunch of money. Before Willie became famous, they became lifelong friends excepting one incident for a few years. Here's one more Willie wrote, and Ray made famous, a few years after that happened.
  6. We all thought? RFK initially suspected the CIA, your people did it to Mc Cone. And in turn the Cubans if I remember correctly.
  7. A pretty decent obituary I think. Ethel Kennedy, social activist and wife of Robert F. Kennedy, has died - POLITICO
  8. This is Run Buman, Run. Mockingbird guano vs a direct by name calling DiEugenio's work tripe? There is a difference. Calling me or any other member a hypocrite is a direct insult of another forum member. It also falls under treating an Administrator (Moderator) disrespectfully.
  9. Bill Brown has a problem calling Operation Mockingbird guano in relation to the possibility Fred's book could be perceived by some as a Mockingbird type effort, sponsored by them or not. He calls a reference to Jim DiEugenio's work, by name, tripe. He doesn't see any difference and now calls me a hypocrite for warning him about it.
  10. Given her criminal history started in San Antonio with the vagrancy, stealing the drugs, money and car maybe we owe her a song for singing about JFK's assassination a day before it happened. Presented by the California Okie from Muskogee with triple fiddles, steel and a horn. A Bob Wills classic.
  11. Regarding Mr. Simkin and this thread. Essential reading for anyone looking for the Truth. Operation Mockingbird (spartacus-educational.com)
  12. Pat, you failed to note I agreed with Sandy's 1st 3 points, not the last three. LN's are useful. Debunking their trope is part of the purpose of the forum, so those visiting will be objectively informed. In the search for the Truth. If anyone ever looks at the bottom of the page we virtually always have way more anonymous visitors looking in than members. Who are they I've wondered? All CIA observers? No, of course not. They're people new to or interested in the subject who don't care to join the conversation. They need a more objective view than the WC got it right, Oswald acted alone. After all it is the Education Forum, right? One of the saddest experiences I remember on the forum was when Bart Kamp left. We have DVP to blame for that. Though he is useful and amicable I'd trade you two DVP's for one Bart. Your saddest comment made me think of the saddest experience I've ever known, and this song, with no one here in mind. As you were in the music business surely you remember it.
  13. a break. A couple of old guys and a younger one, still rockin in the free world.
  14. Hi Larry, you made me look again at SWHT, years since I have in depth. You may have well influenced my thoughts on LBJ and the JFK assassination. My copy is filled with folded corner pages, post it notes sticking up, as well as old envelopes sticking up, retirement statement 2016, bankruptcy action on a property we owned in 2015, a 2017 hernia. Pg 222 Jack Russel Smith, w/ Mc Cone, LBJ, no interest in being debriefed on 11/22/63, 9:00 AM. Pg 223, FBI, 11/22/63, it was Oswald, return to normal duty. Pg 239, Don't Ask Don't Tell. LBJ orders Bethesda gag order. Cliff Carter calls Wade, Curry and Carr, No conspiracy on behalf of LBJ. LBJ calls Parkland during Oswald treatment demanding a confession. LBJ gives presidential immunity to FBI agent Regis Kennedy in the Shaw trial. Pg 242. Did someone get to him? I think so. Likely a long time associate, Dulles, McCloy or even across the street neighbor and Sunday barbecue buddy Hoover told him in his own words, if you want to go along you gotta get along.
  15. Yes, first reading about this in I believe On the Trail of The of the Assassins then or maybe Destiny Betrayed then it (?) made a light bulb go off for me. The FBI a block away from Bannister. CIA, ONI, INS across the street In the Post Office. Riley Coffee and the garage behind it where Oswald hung out while working? Too coincidental. Regis Kennedy of the FBI given Presidential immunity during the Shaw trial?
  16. Are republicans befuddled now? Oh, my goodness a Black Woman with a Gun! What do we do now? If trump had been there he could have challenged her to a shootout on the streets of NYC, where he could get away with shooting someone. As he is too a gun owner. But wait, he can't possess one in NY State as a convicted felon there. Kamala Harris Tells “60 Minutes” What Type of Gun She Owns, Says 'Of Course' She's Fired It (msn.com)
  17. Millions of Christians Not Voting Becomes 'Five-Alarm Fire' for Trump (msn.com)
  18. Joe, they didn't mention foreign dignitaries. I thought they were talking state or local. One example was supposedly of a doctor based out of the East Louisiana State Hospital, working for the government testing the effects of various drugs on patients and doing the same with prisoners at Angola. Regarding having it rough she brought that upon her self. She left home at a young age to waitress in Houston living in flop houses she learned to party, oversleep and get fired. It is noted that she contracted encephalitis at age 12. The doctor warned her parents there could be changes in her behavior, that this could impact her the rest of her life. Also to keep her away from alcohol or any drugs not prescribed by a physician.
  19. Calling another members work tripe could be taken as a direct insult of the member.
  20. Dems fear Mike Johnson has laid the groundwork for a nightmare scenario on Jan. 6, 2025 (msn.com)
  21. Yep. Propaganda is in the eye of the moderator. Administrator Mark Knight has said before this is not a democracy. Though we're trying to be transparent here. He pops in occasionally, but W and I are all you got otherwise for now. You know the rules by now Jonathan.
  22. Inaccurate and incomplete. They took her to a doctor's house where on his front porch he noted a punctuate stellate wound (see RFK/Noguchi) in the hairline. Which was confirmed at the Gladewater hospital. Kind of misleading actually.
  23. I wish the forum's resident film expert was looking in. I remembered the song but not what film this is from and it's not identified in the youtube link.
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