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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Is Blackie a candidate for Ruby's escort? Friend for 12 years. Time before Oswal assassination un-accounted for. More in the Ruby Cover-Up.
  2. Hey Joe. Thanks for bumping this thread. I'd completely forgot about the full Blackie Harrison story. Read it near 40 years ago, right over my head at that time. I went back to Kantor's Ruby Cover-Up. Two DPD officers were asked to take lie detector tests. Vaughn, about Ruby coming down the ramp, passed every question first try. Harrison, rumors from inside DPD, passed on from the Secret Service to the FBI, he took tranquilizers before the test to neutralize his reactions. Result? Inconclusive. I didn't remember anything about Harrison and the cigar vending machine near the back stairs. All of the Juvenile Bureau except Blackie left the 3rd floor about 11:10 heading to the basement for the transfer. A few minute later heading down they encountered Blackie emerging from the sub-basement. He later said he had gone to use the cigar vending machine. I've bought cigarettes from a vending machine but never seen one for cigars. Another mention regards his unaccounted-for time before Oswald's assassination. Did he escort Ruby to the railing with Cowboy Croy?
  3. Congratulations Ben. You're the most recent poster on 5 of the current top 10 subjects. You are very knowledgeable on many diverse JFK assassination and national/international aspects. How did you come to such knowledge? University, reading in your spare time, a high IQ, able to absorb it all from Laos?
  4. Yes, from what I've read Hoover collected dirt. Like reportedly Ford in a Wahington hotel room with someone other than his wife. (Thus, his complicity on informing the FBI of the ongoing WC proceedings?) Then again there were reportedly accusations of CIA or Mafia possession of photos of Hoover and top aide Clyde Tolson together in a compromising position. They were certainly friendly acquaintances living across the street from each other during LBJ's time as the Senate Majority Leader in the 1950's. LBJ overseeing approval of the FBI budget.
  5. I did not threaten to suspend Ben, I asked him a question. Repeated bashing of moderators falls under the preset forum definition of "Treating admin disrespectfully", an automatic 10 point suspension of one day's posting Privileges. Which can be adjusted upwards for future offenses. Not a threat, just a fact of the forums structure. Mark has noted before, this is not a Democracy. We all post at the pleasure of the site owner. If he or Mark or Evan want me to retire they will let me know I feel sure.
  6. Why not? Are moderators exempted from responding to the ongoing political diatribe in the thread? Or should we just move the thread to political discussions like so many others you have started or disrupted? Or suspend you again for ongoing criticism of the moderators? What the heck are Reganauts? RFK1A, 2A? Snuff jobs. J6, just a scrum. Is this your full-time job?
  7. 4:50. If trump re-elected him or Vance might call for another congressional investigation. BS, Sach's knows better than this. Encouraging such speculation to possibly promote his election is beneath him. He knows the potential devastation of democracy that could cause. Hence W's link. "The worst president of my lifetime."
  8. Thanks D J. Any thoughts on whether Ruby had an escort from the door, stairs or elevator. Croy? Ok. Would a reserve officer been enough power if someone out of the loop questioned them? Dean or Batchelor would have been unquestioned.
  9. Bumping this for Mr. Cotter regarding why the thread was moved. It's only gotten worse since then.
  10. Chicago coach quits after disparaging remarks on radio show about Tim Walz’s son (msn.com)
  11. If I understand it right Dean was contacted by the HSCA to respond to questions they sent to him in writing and he refused. It seems they re-contacted him and he agreed to being interviewed in his home. Which is where the above comes from. It gets weird towards the end. He says something about being told by someone (?) that the FBI or CIA wanted him out of the way (?). Then mentions a hitman. 10/28/1972 he's found in his wrecked car "under a piece of road machinery." Someone drugged me, no idea how the accident happened.
  12. I just reviewed this thread backwards through page 4. Nothing about Trump releasing the JFK files, given a second chance. Page 4 was Larry Hancock's last post about sacrificing the country for the chance of something possibly important in the files or them being released, if, Trump should be re-elected. Really the most important aspect of the thread. It's since become about Harris and Willie, now the Mideast. Important topics. Unfortunately, a political discussion not involving the JFK assassination.
  13. Conservatives tried to start a conspiracy about Tim Walz's dog, Scout. It backfired. (msn.com)
  14. Yeah, if I'd pay attention, it lists him at the top of the video before it starts. I did correct the 24 years to 34, half my life ago come the end of October.
  15. 34 years ago tonight. The last song Stevie Ray Vaughn ever played. With this lineup. I can't remember who the guy in the coveralls with the polka dot guitar is though I know I know! It will come to me. A real downer hearing about it on the way to work the next morning. Brought tears to a coworkers eyes when he heard at work. Along with denial, no, no, no, not Stevie Ray.
  16. A different version of what Mr. Caddy posted. New federal indictment filed against Trump in federal Jan. 6 case (msn.com)
  17. This is not Michael Brownlow interviewing him. It's the HSCA, like it says in the upper left hand corner, if I'd pay closer attention. Part 2 mainly concerns a call Dean says he got from Canada about a film of the assassination. Which he suspects the FBI or CIA may have intercepted on its way to him. An interesting story in itself.
  18. To finish up on part 1. Dean said Griffin told him I could have you on the stand and refute everything you said. Quite in contrast to what Griffin says he said ("this is not a prosecution, we can't do anything to you, we're just seeking the truth.") Dean also says Griffin mentioned not trying to endanger his job with the DPD. Then Dean tells him "You're trying to con me, like I do with prisoners." Definitely a little animosity there.
  19. Nor was I, or Cliff's. Though I do agree with the administrator who did so. We do need to keep that word, even in abbreviated form out of courteous discourse on the forum.
  20. The if is why I put the ??? after Deans statement. Dean in his WC statements said he worked east of downtown as a patrolman before being promoted to Sargent, then within a year or so being transferred to downtown. Tippit patrolled south Dallas/Oak Cliff. IDK, maybe Tippit did work east Dallas earlier in his career. For that matter Oak Cliff is S/E of downtown, maybe east and S/E overlapped. maybe he did work for Dean the year or so he was a Sargent in east Dallas. His statement made me wonder why I'd never read anything about this. Because no one on the WC ever asked him if he knew Tippit? Or? Brownlow or whoever didn't press him on the issue, when did Tippit work for you, where?
  21. Notes on part 1 of the Dean interview in 1977. He knew Ruby 12-14 years before the assassination? In his WC testimony he said he first met him when moved to patrolling downtown in 1958, 5 years before. 12 years before would have put it in 1951, the year before he joined the DPD. Born in 1932 he would have been 19 at the time, 14 = 17. "They" called LBJ at his ranch the day after his testimony to Griffin. Griffin called back to Washington the day after that. I heard Wade's name somewhere in this, he knew idolized LBJ (established fact). He helped subdue Ruby? Not what he said in his WC testimony. Goddamn Jack, to Dean. I'm sorry, Ruby. You put me in a hell of a fix, Dean. Dean went to Parkland afterwards on his own initiative, informing no one (WC). Took Margurite and Marina to see Lee's body after the autopsy. Margurite lifted the sheet and they observed the stitches from it. Knew the Civellos, Sam Campisi mentioned, attended an evening Italian dinner with them once. JR, any of these girls would go out with you. Dean told him I don't go out with strippers or whores. Really something to say to a friendly acquaintance? As opposed to Oswald. JR was moved out the front door of City Hall at high noon when he was transferred to the county jail. When he told Dean he said he shot Oswald to save Jackie from a Dallas trial, he had a sarcastic sneer on his face. Tippitt worked for me several years??? More tomorrow maybe.
  22. Regarding part 1. Any idea who the interviewer is on this? It gives a date of 11/15/1977 but not their names. The main one sounds like Michael Brownlow, is it possibly him and Dr. Pulte? Haven't listened to part 2 yet.
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