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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Yes, it is, thanks for bumping it. This post of mine from it has an important link in it for those who may have never read it. Ron Bulman Moderators 9.4k Location:75 Mi. S/W of Fort Worth Interests:Football, searching for Truth in JFKA & RFKA, grandkids. Posted July 18, 2023 · IP (edited) For those who might not read this article because of it's source a paraphrased summary. It's pretty well documented, two sets of three tramps were arrested in different locations near Dealy Plaza 1-2 hours apart. Read the article yourself and tear it apart. The Oswald Code: Tramp Documents Bowers, 50-100 officers in the railroad yards a few minutes after the assassination, "with shotguns and tommy guns shaking them out of box cars", 3 arrested, to Ball in his WC testimony. Arrest reports of Gedney, Abrams and Doyle all three say "taken off box car Right After President Kennedy was shot", signed by DPD officer Chambers. Deputy Sherrif Elkins Affidavit: searched the yard for 10 minutes, went to tower and talked with Bowers about cars driving through. To the TSBD, mixed with crowd, took several to the Sherrif's Office, went to WFAA TV studio to pick up two witnesses taken there by reporters took them back to the SO. "A while later a DPD officer came in with three prisoners arrested in the railroad yards." Bowers had received the all clear to release trains, shortly there after, radio dispatch, 1:56 PM, DPD Officers Temple and Vaughn info from T&P agent, train stopped on triple overpass, person jumping at 9th boxcar, hiding in it. In 1968 FBI agent Bardwell Odum (the Caretaker?) investigating the MLK assassination interviewed DPD officer William Bass regarding his being in the tramp pictures, for some reason. Bass said he, Vaugh and Wise took three men off a box car about a mile down the tracks from the TSBD. In 1975 Bass told the Rockefeller Commission it was at the Houston street viaduct about a half mile from the TSBD. To the HSCA he said me, (Marvin) Wise and (Roy) Vaugh ran a quarter mile to the Grain Cars, and marched the prisoners back to Elm, past the TSBD, to the Sheriff's Office. DPD officer Roy Vaughn to the HSCA. Ran down the tracks 3-4 blocks to the grain cars near the Union Terminal (Union Station plus now days Reunion Tower, south of Dealy Plaza). Climbed up a box car, went to the other end and looked down on the open car, with three men in it he cocked his shotgun and ordered them out. 11/22/93, Vaughn, it was after lunch 1-2:00, 2:30 or after. Me and several other officers were involved in getting people out of an open type car. 1994, Wise, Bowers points 3-400 yards down the track, I saw three men running beside the train,90 minutes after the assassination. Wise, ultimately left with them after taking them to the Sheriff's office and waiting while they were questioned was then told to take them to Fritz at the DPD, where he was asked to wait while they were questioned then told to take them back to Decker at the SO. Where he had to explain the ordeal again and finally got loose from responsibility for them, never knowing what happened to them from there. Wise was asked specifically was it a box car or a gondola? He said a gondola, filled with grain. Edited July 18, 2023 by Ron Bulman Quote
  2. I thought the whole thing was well worth the 20 minutes. I laughed multiple times, it kind of cheered me up.
  3. Not to give it away, but a hint. TE. Drudge Report Sums Up Donald Trump's Debate Performance With 2 Final Words (msn.com)
  4. I thought he ate himself. Alien operations on transgender kids, LOL slap my thighs. They're eating cats and dogs. A comment about Kamala . . . Bitter, scowling 90% of the time.
  5. Have you ever read about two separate sets of tramps being arrested? One in the search of the railroad yard immediately after the assassination. The other about 2:30 closer to Union Station/(now reunion tower), these taken off a train Bowers had just released from the yard heading south. He reportedly saw them get into a grain car south of the south knoll, stopped the train and called the cops.
  6. From David Rockefeller, Memoirs. Published October 28, 2003. "Almost 40 years" . . . = 1963. "Guilty as charged." "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." ― David Rockefeller "For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." ― David Rockefeller
  7. Paxton ain't getting near my genitals, or ass. But here's a little more football related news. NFL-Police footage shows officers forcing Dolphins' Hill to ground during traffic stop (msn.com)
  8. Poulgrain's book is very important. It reveals Dulles suppression of the discovery of the 1936 Ertsberg world's most extensive gold field, on an inaccessible mountain on behalf of the Rockefeller's and associates until it could be developed with modern technology without Dutch involvement in the early 1970's, after his death. The same thing with his getting George DE Mohrenschildt out of the US after the Vichy France - Texas oil to the Germans scandal in 1941. To Netherlands New Guinea where he discovered the worlds greatest oil well. The lightest, sweetest crude ever found (no refinement necessary) producing 26,000 barrels a day. Also suppressed into the 1960's, after NNG was gone. This is what connects Dulles to the Rockefellers. I still debate in my own mind whether the JFK assassination would have occurred without the blessing of David Rockefeller and a very few others at the Council on Foreign Relations. Heck he in a sense bragged about it in a later interview.
  9. Wow Steve. Hawkins at TENTH and BECKLEY to make a phone call. Tippit calling from the Top TEN record store. I know, not the point, but an interesting coincidence.
  10. From a guy about 100 miles south of you, I think. It kind of describes me in ways, I wore my hat for dancing in the FW stockyards among things. I'll try to stay on topic from here on out.
  11. So, you made cute little yearling bulls into steers? Cut their ears, branded . . . Steak is my favorite food, though It's too expensive for regular consumption anymore. A lot more ground beef these days.
  12. Texas Exempt tags for many years now have been used on many state vehicles by many agencies. I think the important part is Bowers noted they were out of state plates, that there was something different about them. As in maybe they didn't say TEXAS prominently at the top. That they said noting at the top. But said something he couldn't read from the tower at the bottom (VIRGINIA?).
  13. I guess I've always mispronounced and misspelled it if I've ever used it in a sentence. I thought it was turdgid. As in my toilet's backed up. It's turdgid. Thank goodness for auto correct, most of the time.
  14. Great article. I don't know where part's two and three will lead. But what Dulles does to Lumumba is a tragedy for the Congo and Africa. Amazingly some thought it the right thing to do with the persuasion of him, his brother before he died and the MSM. A worthy topic for a song in 1957.
  15. Yep. because this is ridiculous. Bowers admitted to two men behind the fence. One an accomplice? He also told his preacher he didn't tell the DPD/FBI/SS/CIA/WC all he saw. His wife said the told him to quit talking, but he didn't. Not too long after the Lane interview he ended up dead in a questionable accident investigated by a friend, a Texas Department of Public Safety Officer, part of whose job it was to do such, trained in this, who concluded he'd been run off the road after investigating the scene and automobile.
  16. So, the CIA did edit the Church Committee report? Not real surprising, is it?
  17. I thought so too years ago when I first saw it. It was hard to find online the last time I looked. From some of what I've read I think he, like Fletcher Prouty and Jim Garrison was targeted for discreditation.
  18. So, Carmen remembered 20 or more years later she had an affair with JFK herself and used to go skinny dipping with Marilyn and Bobby. That she lived next door to her but in reality lived several blocks away? And Kelly through Callahan just ate this up, swallowed it hook, line and sinker. That last line sums up her credulity well. Kelly more resembles a carnival barker at the door of the MAGA Universe sideshow.
  19. What a hot mess the basement was. Batchelor in charge. Dean actually in charge of operations, officer placement. Harrison's location shortly before the shooting unknown, wouldn't talk to his family about it (like Roy Truly). L. D. Miller went to the Deluxe Diner for breakfast or a coffee break depending on the source with Harrison around I think it said 9:00, finally admitted Blackie got a phone call, calling them back to work about 10:00 (?). He was very obstinate to Griffin, refusing to be sworn in, raise his hand, take the oath. Wanted to know what this was all about, the rules. After having this explained before the started. Griffin went over them again. He couldn't remember anything about it all. With the threat of being called to Washington he raised his hand the next day, with lawyer in tow. Harrison, after his inconclusive lie detector test by the DPD, arrived with a lawyer at the start. Dean said he went to the 3rd floor after the shooting, escorted Dallas SSA head Sorrels to the 5th floor to interview Oswald. After Sorrels was done, he says he asked Ruby how he got in. Down the ramp. Sorrels says nope, emphatically, did not happen. So, is Dean lying? Did Griffin have reason to be suspicious between the three of them?
  20. Is Blackie a candidate for Ruby's escort? Friend for 12 years. Time before Oswal assassination un-accounted for. More in the Ruby Cover-Up.
  21. Hey Joe. Thanks for bumping this thread. I'd completely forgot about the full Blackie Harrison story. Read it near 40 years ago, right over my head at that time. I went back to Kantor's Ruby Cover-Up. Two DPD officers were asked to take lie detector tests. Vaughn, about Ruby coming down the ramp, passed every question first try. Harrison, rumors from inside DPD, passed on from the Secret Service to the FBI, he took tranquilizers before the test to neutralize his reactions. Result? Inconclusive. I didn't remember anything about Harrison and the cigar vending machine near the back stairs. All of the Juvenile Bureau except Blackie left the 3rd floor about 11:10 heading to the basement for the transfer. A few minute later heading down they encountered Blackie emerging from the sub-basement. He later said he had gone to use the cigar vending machine. I've bought cigarettes from a vending machine but never seen one for cigars. Another mention regards his unaccounted-for time before Oswald's assassination. Did he escort Ruby to the railing with Cowboy Croy?
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