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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Yeah, Ben, I too wondered if Tucker Carlson getting sh*t-canned had anything to do with his recent public commentaries about the JFK assassination, and/or his interview of RFK, Jr. on Fox. From my perusal of the news articles this evening, no one in the M$M has broached the subject. The articles I have read are claiming that Tucker's firing had something to do with either the Dominion libel case, or his alleged misogyny. But we all know that misogyny has been endemic at Fox, and all of their talking heads participated in libeling Dominion. So, why now, and why Tucker?
  2. John, Are you denying that you're an anti-vaxxer, while once again "reporting" me to the moderators for posting an accurate comment about your stated opinions here? Surely, you jest. On the contrary, you have posted numerous comments on this forum attacking mRNA COVID vaccines and denying their efficacy-- while repeatedly refusing to discuss the vaccine efficacy data that I have referenced for you. Referring to people who have opposed the use of COVID vaccines as "anti-vaxxers" doesn't constitute "crossing a line," or an "ad hominem" attack. It's standard parlance. I'm reporting you to the mods for, once again, attempting to impugn an Education Forum member's reputation on false grounds. This is now the second time that you have pulled this stunt on our forum. As for the substance of my last post, it was a response to your false claim that Matt Allison had "cherry-picked" clips to make Tucker Carlson look bad. In response, I posted a detailed reference for you about Tucker Carlson's lies. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=tucker-carlson
  3. For lads like John Cotter, who still don't seem to realize that Tucker Carlson has been telling outrageous lies on Fox television for years, here's a link to Politifact's catalogue of Carlson flamers. Worth reading. Fact-checks | PolitiFact Among the most outrageous were Carlson's repeated lies promoting Trump's Stop-the-Steal hoax, and his persistent denial that Trump had orchestrated and incited the violent J6 mob attack on the U.S. Congress, for the purpose of blocking the certification of Biden's election. Carlson has also told a lot of flamers about the COVID pandemic and vaccines. No wonder anti-vaxxer John Cotter views Carlson as "incisive." 😬
  4. Matt, Thanks for sharing these clips of the man John Cotter just called, "probably the most incisive and articulate T.V. host in the U.S. mainstream media." 🤣 I needed a good laugh today, and John Cotter's Irish wit provided one.
  5. Michael, I agree with your critique of totalitarianism, but the ideal alternative isn't a "misanthropic libertarian" Koch plutocracy. Rather, it is progressive social democracy-- truly democratic societies in which the government properly regulates the depredations of corporate capitalism to protect the public welfare. What the Kochs want is a return to the plutocratic Gilded Age-- a "libertarian" society in which the wealthy are allowed to plunder and exploit the poor ad libidum. The Kochs have long aspired to abolish Medicare and the New Deal. Read Nancy MacLean's opus, Democracy in Chains.
  6. Yeah, Kirk, but at least it's good to know that Comer and the GOP Sedition Caucus have their priorities straight. "Investigating" Biden and the globalist Donks is far more important than releasing the JFK files. Next, they should investigate the Ukrainian N-a-z-i-s who have been persecuting Putin. I'm sure that Ben and Tucker Carlson would agree... 🤥
  7. Tres Hombres is ZZ Top's best album, IMO. I know they had some hits in the 80s with their Eliminator album, but I prefer Tres Hombres.
  8. Gerry, What RFK, Jr. is condemning here goes far beyond mere "public views." These oil industry jackals have known for years that fossil fuel burning was frying the planet. But instead of trying to help the human race, they spent billions on climate change denial propaganda in the U.S. It's a bona fide crime against humanity. (Not sure about the U.K.) They deliberately lied about this gravely serious problem, and promoted a subculture of climate change denial here in the U.S., in conjunction with their Republican Party gofers, (and some Democrats, like Joe Manchin.)
  9. Gerry, Honestly, this video would make me more likely to vote for RFK, Jr. RFK, Jr. is spot on about Big Oil and the Koch/Heartland Institute's climate change denial bullsh*t. It's something that really pushes my buttons-- the heavily-funded betrayal of humanity for short-term oil industry profits.
  10. I have the DVDs of those old SNL episodes from the mid to late 70s, and I still enjoy watching them. They had a lot of great musicians on those old shows-- the Grateful Dead, the Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, Paul Simon, Joan Armatrading, Leon Redbone, Randy Newman, George Harrison, Talking Heads, Elvis Costello, etc. I bought the DVD sets partly for the concerts and partly for those great comedy performances by Steve Martin, Dan Ackroyd, John Belushi, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, et.al. Andy Kaufman, Chevy Chase, and Al Franken also did skits in some of those old shows.
  11. Paul, Billy is still kicking. It was ZZ Top bassist Dusty Hill who recently died.
  12. Sandy, Michael Griffith seems to be committed to tirelessly repeating false government narratives on the Education Forum-- about JFK's Vietnam policies, Fletcher Prouty, 9/11, etc. He is, obviously, a purveyor of disinformation. I could ask Michael a great many questions about the 9/11 data that he cannot answer with his false paradigm. For one thing, the serial explosions that demolished the Twin Towers are plainly visible (and audible) on film. Questions for Michael Griffith 1) What is the melting point of steel-- the temperature at which solid steel becomes liquefied, as observed at Ground Zero? 2) What is the maximum temperature of burning jet fuel? 3) Where and when did the false M$M narrative that burning jet fuel demolished the Twin Towers originate? 4) What explosively pulverized the WTC concrete into fine ash-- and high heat, pyroclastic flows over Manhattan? 5) What abruptly demolished the steel substructures of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7-- enabling the virtual free fall, symmetrical collapses of those skyscrapers into their own footprints? 6) Was a forensic arson investigation of the WTC ever conducted by the U.S. government, or by the private insurance consortium that paid Larry Silverstein $4.5 billion for the WTC demolitions? 7) Larry Silverstein stated that he, "told them to pull it," before his WTC7 skyscraper abruptly collapsed in an expert free fall demolition on 9/11. To whom was he referring as, "them?" The NYFD denied any role in demolishing WTC7.
  13. Get a clue, John. The herd? You must be joking. Far from being part of the herd, I'm usually a voice crying in the wilderness here in the U.S. As for this thread, I hope that you and Chris Barnard aren't laboring under the delusion that RFK, Jr. is the only politician in the modern U.S. who has been concerned about our corporate plutocracy, and the Koch/GOP war on democracy. Have you two trans-Atlantic sages ever heard of Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the popular leaders of the progressive half of our Democratic Party here in the U.S.? Have either of you read historian Nancy MacLean's book, Democracy in Chains? Are either of you familiar with the 5-4 Citizens United and Shelby v. Holder GOP SCOTUS rulings here in the U.S.? https://www.amazon.com/Democracy-Chains-History-Radical-Stealth/dp/1101980974/ref=sr_1_1?crid=272RFT4L3P7C7&keywords=democracy+in+chains+maclean+nancy&qid=1682210741&sprefix=Democracy+in+Chains%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-1
  14. Huh, John? Deflection? As in your refusal to answer some direct questions about the GOP's recent history of sabotaging democracy and promoting corporate plutocracy in the U.S.? It's no wonder this thread is going down the toilet.
  15. There's no "straw man," nor misrepresentation of your position here, John. You have inaccurately described both political parties in the U.S. as equivalently anti-democratic and pro-corporate. I posted these specific questions about U.S. political history to help you understand your error. Can you answer my questions?
  16. Michael, I could take you to the cleaners in a debate about the scientific and forensic 9/11 data. However; 1) This thread on the JFKA board about Col. L. Fletcher Prouty is not the right place for that debate, and 2) I never wanted to take on the role of explaining to the duped American public what really happened on 9/11, as I told Mark Stephens on this forum a year or two ago. In fact, I feel about taking on the role of explaining 9/11 the same way that Fletcher Prouty felt about telling America that Allen Dulles's favorite black ops expert, Ed Lansdale, was in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. I can point out some decisive clues, but I'd prefer that people solve the puzzle themselves.
  17. Trump Asks Pizza Parlor-Goers, 'Does Anybody Want a Piece That I've Eaten?' (mediaite.com)
  18. Michael, Your statements are categorically false and defamatory, and they echo the pervasive M$M propaganda promoting the false U.S. government narrative about 9/11. Have you studied physics or chemistry on a collegiate or post-graduate level, which would qualify you to accurately assess the research of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth? The only scientists and engineers who haven't accepted the empirical/scientific evidence of explosive WTC demolitions are those who haven't taken the time to study the scientific data, and/or those who are working for the U.S. government to cover up the fact that the buildings were demolished by explosives. Look at the video (below.) You can clearly see the serial explosions that demolished and ejected the steel girders of the Twin Towers at high velocity, while explosively pulverizing the concrete into fine ash, dispersed in high pressure pyroclastic flows over the atmosphere of lower Manhattan. The thermitic explosives also completely liquified steel, which was "flowing like a foundry" at Ground Zero, and can be seen cascading from the towers as they imploded. You can also measure the near free fall acceleration of the WTC1, WYC2, and WTC7 demolitions-- indicating the steel substructures were abruptly, symmetrically demolished by steel cutting explosives. I'm glad that you finally mentioned some specifics about the Pentagon damage, because the "missile" narrative is unrelated to the scientific proof of explosive WTC demolitions. It was a theory of French journalist, Theirry Meyssan. The "witness" testimony about the Pentagon on 9/11 is highly irregular and inconsistent, and includes statements by a number of Bush/Cheney administration officials that was directly contradicted by other witnesses. As for your friend, allegedly, seeing a fuselage in the Pentagon, perhaps you are unaware that the official U.S. government narrative about the Pentagon on 9/11 is that the AA77 Boeing was completely vaporized on impact with the Pentagon wall-- explaining why there were no chairs, luggage, or fuselage seen at the site. There was a single titanium jet engine rotor photographed in the Pentagon wreckage.
  19. Amen to that. And, frankly, I'm amazed that anyone would still cite Tucker Carlson or Fox as credible sources, after Fox's recent $757.5 million dollar settlement for blatantly lying to promote Trump's Stop-the-Steal hoax. Think of the damage Tucker Carlson and Fox did to the United States by promoting those Trump lies-- knowing all the while that they were untrue.
  20. Paul, I may be wrong on this one, but my hunch is that Rupert Murdoch is using RFK, Jr. to sabotage the Democratic Party and put the Koch/GOP plutocrats back in control of the White House and Congress. Murdoch is mainly interested in profits and low Koch/GOP tax rates. He couldn't care less about America and the American people.
  21. All right, administrators, let's have a ruling on this repetitious Michael Griffith slander. This is now the fourth post during the past week in which Michael Griffith has falsely referred to the professors, engineers, and scientists who have debunked the Bush/Cheney/Zelikow 9/11 narrative with terms like, "nutjob," "nutcase," "deranged," and "nutty." In response, I have asked Michael Griffith to kindly specify which academicians, scientists, and engineers involved in the 9/11 Truth research community he is referring to as "nutjobs." Griffith has failed to respond to my request, while repeating his false, defamatory claims. Is Griffith referring to the excellent, cogent analyses of the 9/11 data by Professor David Ray Griffin? Is he referring to the scientific analyses of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth? This kind of non-specific defamation of the 9/11 research community is identical to the CIA propaganda ops that were used against Jim Garrison, Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, Fletcher Prouty, and other JFKA witnesses and researchers who debunked the Warren Commission Report. Are Griffith's non-specific, false, defamatory slurs really acceptable on the Education Forum?
  22. Paul, I get the impression that some people here seem to think that RFK, Jr. is the only 21st century Democrat who has been critical of our corporate plutocracy and our military industrial complex. As a long-time Bernie Sanders (and Elizabeth Warren) supporter, I find this perplexing. The progressive half of the Democratic Party came very close to winning the Democratic Presidential nominations in 2016 and 2020, and 2016 polls showed that Bernie would have defeated the closet plutocrat, Donald Trump. For 2024, I also wonder about the viability of a Gavin Newsom Presidential campaign. Meanwhile, I have a question for our local Fox/Tucker Carlson fans. Rupert Murdoch s a right wing corporate plutocrat and a major booster of our disastrous, multi-trillion dollar Neocon "War on Terror." Murdoch and Fox completely blacked out coverage of progressive Social Democrats Bernie Sanders (in 2016 and 2020) and Elizabeth Warren (in 2020.) So, why are Murdoch and his talking heads suddenly fluffing anti-vaxxer RFK, Jr.? Isn't that somewhat suspicious?
  23. John, You really need to educate yourself about American history and politics, instead of endlessly re-posting your erroneous tropes about the alleged "anti-democratic," pro-corporate equivalence of America's two political parties. Here are a few questions to facilitate your remedial education. 1) Which political party has been systematically trying to suppress voting in the U.S. during the past decade? 2) Which political party has stacked the U.S. Supreme Court with judges who have blocked enforcement of the 1965 Voting Rights Act? 3) Which party stacked the Supreme Court with judges who abolished a century of campaign finance reforms in the U.S.-- permitting billionaires and corporations to donate unlimited, unsourced "dark money" to political campaigns? 4) Which party has repeatedly cut taxes for billionaires (and corporations in 2017) during the past 42 years? 5) Which party has repeatedly blocked or rolled back enforcement of pollution controls on corporate industry? 6) Which party has repeatedly attempted to roll back fraud and public safety regulations on corporate industry?
  24. Jim, Biden is currently polling at 70% to RFK's 10% among Democratic voters. As for Fox News fluffing RFK, Jr.-- they'll drop him like a hot potato and start talking about his ex-wife's suicide if he ever wins the Democratic nomination. The plutocratic Iraq War monger Rupert Murdoch is only using RFK, Jr., at present, to undermine Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. The notion that Murdoch and his Fox News talking heads are interested in promoting the welfare and best interests of the American working class is laughable. Did people forget Murdoch's bragging about his success in promoting the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003? Bill O'Reilly and Fox News were the most aggressive jingoists of the disastrous Bush/Cheney "War on Terror."
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