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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Bill B., IMO, you're not debating this evidence in good faith. Not sure what your agenda is here. Mine is to get at the truth about JFK's murder. I posted the references to Dr. Crenshaw's commentaries TWICE for you, and you're still being disingenuous about what Dr. Crenshaw said. He said that he took at last look at JFK's corpse before it was placed in the coffin, and had no doubt that JFK was shot in the head from the front. In other words, he clearly saw an entry wound on the front of JFK's head, as the cadaver photo shows.
  2. And Crenshaw said that, based on his finally look at JFK's corpse, he had no doubt that JFK was shot in the head from the front. He also said that he and his Parkland colleagues were afraid to talk about what they saw.
  3. Well said, but it is also important to properly define what constitutes an ad hominem argument or post. It isn't ad hominem to disagree with someone's theses or claims about alleged facts. Ad hominem arguments are attacks against the person rather than against their theses and/or claims about alleged facts.
  4. Ron, If I understand his analysis correctly, Dr. Chesser has described evidence of a possible keyhole fracture of the right temporal bone, suggestive of an oblique shot to the right side of the head. He has done a very impressive analysis of the metallic fragment trail from the right frontal head shot-- in a distribution that is completely inconsistent with a posterior entry wound, as claimed by the WCR and HSCA fraudsters. I find it, frankly, absurd that a non-physician like Pat Speer would presume to impugn Dr. Chesser's reputation and expert analysis of the neurological evidence. Is Pat Speer board certified in neurology?
  5. Ben, I was the medical director of a project at the University of Colorado in the mid-90s that successfully placed homeless mentally ill adults in stable housing here in Denver. We used a treatment model developed by Dr. Len Stein at the University of Wisconsin called a High-Intensity Treatment Team. (I met with Stein at the time to learn about his model.) On our team we had one "high-intensity" case manager assigned to every eight homeless people, and the case managers helped their clients find and maintain housing, groceries, medications, etc. It worked! But it was expensive. The City of Denver paid for the project per a court order, after losing a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of a homeless mentally ill woman, named Ruth Goebbels, who had frozen to death on the streets of Denver. (The judge in the Goebbels case is the husband of an old high school friend of mine.) De-institutionalization of the mentally ill has been a mixed bag in the modern U.S. Understandably, people don't want to be locked up in state hospitals, but many have difficulty maintaining themselves in communities. Many homeless people on the streets today are suffering from severe mental illnesses-- sleeping under bridges and in alleys, etc. Stein's HITT model is one alternative to institutionalization. State hospital beds are actually more expensive than HIT Teams. Not sure what New York has in mind. My guess is that, like most of the country, they don't have enough state hospital beds to care for their mentally ill homeless population. And, incidentally, about one third of the beds in our prisons here in Colorado are occupied by mentally ill convicts.
  6. Pat, Do you ever answer any of the questions that people ask you in these discussions? All I have see from you on this thread is recurrent dodging of questions, deflections, and lame attempts to "kill the messenger," in Dr. Crenshaw's case. You seem to have trouble grasping the concept that the Parkland doctors, including Crenshaw, feared for their lives. Why is that concept so difficult for you to grasp? I'll reiterate the key points that you keep dodging. 1) The law of conservation of momentum proves that the fatal bullet was fired from a location in front of the limo. 2) The radiographic evidence proves that a bullet struck JFK in the right upper forehead. (As clearly demonstrated by Dr. Michael Chesser at the recent Lancer conference.) 3) Multiple medical witnesses at Parkland described an exit wound in the occipital-parietal skull with avulsed brain matter. 4) Douglas Horne's exhaustive analysis confirms that the Zapruder film was altered to photo-shop out the evidence of the occipital-parietal exit wound and perpetuate the false CIA narrative that JFK was shot from the TSBD. 5) Doctors at Parkland were fearful of contradicting the Warren Commission Lone Nut narrative.
  7. This Spartacus link includes references and a concise summary of Dr. Crenshaw's observations-- including his thoughts about why so many Parkland docs were afraid to tell the truth about JFK's head wounds. Charles Crenshaw (spartacus-educational.com) (2) Charles Crenshaw, FK: Conspiracy of Silence(1992)
  8. Pat, Have you studied Dr. Michael Chesser's analysis of the head wounds at the recent Lancer conference? Chesser presents irrefutable evidence of a right frontal entry wound, as seen in the cadaver photo I posted above. The entry wound was right frontal-- above the right eye near the hairline. The distribution of the metallic fragments, as seen in the lateral skull X-rays, is consistent with a right frontal entry, as confirmed by Dr. Charles Crenshaw and other witnesses referenced in Dr. Chesser's lecture. The larger metallic fragments are distributed further from the point of impact than the smaller. So that bullet entered through the forehead, not the posterior regions of the skull. And that frontal head shot is what knocked JFK's head violently backward. Also, you never answered my question (above) about the large occipital-parietal exit wound (with avulsed brain matter) reported by numerous medical personnel at Parkland. If that was an exit wound, as described, where must the bullet have entered the head?
  9. John, I'll have to look into the subject of Irish (and British) COVID mortality stats after 2019. Some people do seem to have a genetic resistance to COVID morbidity and mortality. The Irish were, possibly, protected from COVID mortality by a few U.S. risk factors (not mutually exclusive)... 1) Air pollution 2) Living in counties that voted for Donald Trump 3) Being a Fox News viewer 4) Stupidity
  10. Pat, Did you study the photo of JFK's cadaver that I posted above? There's a bullet hole in his upper right forehead. Have you ever seen a dead man who was recently shot in the forehead? I have. That's an entry wound. Can you imagine the CIA pressure the Parkland docs were under to forego acknowledging that JFK was shot in the forehead? The implications were obvious. Those guys probably feared for their lives, as did Crenshaw. As for the related Parkland ER medical testimony, the doctors and nurses clearly described a prominent occipital-parietal exit wound with extravasating brain matter. The fatal bullet blew out the fragment of JFK's posterior skull that was later found in Dealey Plaza. And the CIA film editors, obviously, animated the Zapruder film (35 mm copy) to erase the photographic evidence of the posterior exit wound, as Douglas Horne documented in great detail (per my reference above.) You guys are obsessing about an animated "blob" Zapruder frame that was, obviously, altered by the CIA to conform to their Lone-Nut-in-the-TSBD narrative. It doesn't resemble the reports of the head shot by those who saw the original 8mm Zapruder film. Next question. If there was an obvious occipital-parietal exit wound in JFK's skull, where did the fatal bullet enter the head? 1) From the rear? 2) from the side? 3) from the front?
  11. John, Rather than re-writing this, I'm going to re-post my previous response (above) to your post about the Irish COVID data. I'm not really familiar with the Irish data during the COVID pandemic, but I have followed the U.S. CDC data quite closely. In fact, I started a thread here on "Journals of the Plague Year" that ran for an entire year, from early 2020 to 2021. The CDC data has documented statistically significant COVID morbidity and mortality in the U.S. since early 2020, and significant efficacy for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Have the Irish possibly been protected from COVID mortality by Guinness Stout, or Celtic genomes?
  12. Wrong. The link to the pdf file/study is contained in the Vice article I posted (above.)
  13. Get a clue, Mathew. You are committing libel here on the forum-- making false statements that inaccurately impugn the reputation of a forum member. At what point have you crossed the line for acceptable forum behavior here at the "water cooler?" I posted this data about COVID mortality rates and party affiliation because you claimed (above) that no one had analyzed COVID mortality data based on party affiliation. You were wrong. 80% of deaths in this study is a fairly comprehensive U.S. database-- correlating with the epidemiological data from other sources that have clearly documented higher COVID death rates in U.S. counties that voted for Trump. This isn't surprising, given the way that Trump and Fox News have politicized resistance to proper public health management of the COVID pandemic since 2020. The CDC mortality data that I posted for you (above) about death rates and vaccination status is a somewhat different issue than party affiliation, per se. There has been a NINEFOLD increased incidence in excess deaths in unvaccinated adults over age 65 in the U.S. since mid-2021. Obviously, some Republican voters got vaccinated.
  14. It's above the right eye in this photo, just below the hairline. Dr. Charles Crenshaw claims that he saw it in the Parkland ER. Numerous physicians and staff at Parkland also clearly described the occipital exit wound-- corresponding with the Harper fragment of skull found in Dealey Plaza. In contrast to the small, visible entry wound here, a bullet fired from a Mannlicher-Carcano in the TSBD would have blown off the right half of JFK's face on exiting.
  15. Addendum: From Douglas Horne's above exposition of the CIA's alterations of the Zapruder film. If “Hawkeyeworks” truly had the physical capability “to do anything,” as Ed Green informed Dino Brugioni, then all that would have been required that weekend would have been to bring in some experienced personnel—an animator or two, and a visual effects director—experienced in the “black arts” of Hollywood. Those personnel, if not already on-site, employed at “Hawkeyeworks,” could have been brought into Rochester on Saturday, November 23rd, the same day the JFK autopsy photographs were being developed in Washington, D.C. at Naval Photographic Center, Anacostia. The JFK autopsy photos developed on Saturday (per Robert Knudsen’s 1978 HSCA deposition transcript) would have provided the guide for the image alteration necessary on the Zapruder film the next day, on Sunday. The JFK autopsy photos document the massive head wound created by clandestine, post mortem surgery on JFK’s head wounds at Bethesda Naval Hospital, and would have provided a rough guide for the massive head wound in the top and right side of the skull that had to be painted onto selected Zapruder film frames the next day, on Sunday. No such parietal-temporal-frontal wound was seen at Parkland Hospital in Dallas by any of the treatment staff the day Kennedy was shot and treated there, but it had to be added to selected Zapruder film frames, to match the illicit post mortem cranial surgery at Bethesda that was being misrepresented in the autopsy photos as “damage from the assassin’s bullet.”[22] In addition to painting on a false wound, of course, the forgers at “Hawkeyeworks” would have had to obscure—black out—the real exit wound, in the right rear of JFK’s head, that was seen in Trauma Room One at Parkland Hospital.
  16. Almost Twice as Many Republicans Died From COVID Before the Midterms Than Democrats The authors of a new study can’t say if this impacted the midterms, but say that it’s “plausible given just how stark the differences in vaccination rates have been, among Democrats and Republicans.” https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7vjx8/almost-twice-as-many-republicans-died-from-covid-before-the-midterms-than-democrats November 16, 2022
  17. Pat, I probably know less about the photographic evidence and Zapruder film alterations than most of the people on this forum, but this photo, certainly, shows the fatal entry wound--above the right eye. And the doctors at Parkland described this entry wound and the occipital-parietal exit wound. Also, Douglas Horne has meticulously documented how the CIA altered the Zapruder film (and their Life magazine stills) to animate out the occiptal exit wound, (and debris) and animate the red temporal blob in your clip. https://assassinationofjfk.net/the-two-npic-zapruder-film-events-signposts-pointing-to-the-films-alteration/
  18. The gelatinous, blob-like CIA photo-shopping on this clip reminds me of the special effects in the movie, The Blob. It is also completely inconsistent, physiologically, with the photo of JFK's cadaver showing a small bullet hole/entry wound in the right frontal temple.
  19. Bunk. I recently posted the latest CDC mortality data. Since mid-2021, unvaccinated adults over age 65 had a NINEFOLD increase in "excess" deaths compared to vaccinated adults in the U.S.-- i.e., beyond normal mortality rates. And Republicans died at almost TWICE the rate of Democrats.
  20. Misinformation during a deadly pandemic is, frankly, deadly. Are we saying that this is o.k.-- that deadly false advertising should be permitted? How about allowing cigarette ads back on mass media, Mathew? No biggie? Get real, fella.
  21. Twitter Will No Longer Enforce Covid Misinformation Policy (politicalwire.com)
  22. The fact that someone won a Nobel Prize isn't proof that everything they assert is accurate. Think of Luis Alvarez's bogus cellophane-wrapped melon propulsion theory of the JFK assassination. The controlled data has debunked the claim that Ivermectin has been efficacious in the treatment of COVID infections.
  23. On closer examination, it looks like this Zapruder film clip has been photo-shopped, with a "painting" of instantaneously appearing bloody matter in the right frontal area, and a deletion of the occipital skull and brain matter that was blasted backward behind the limo. Why would Jackie have climbed on the back of the limo-- behind the back seat-- if this altered photo representation were accurate?
  24. Pat, I don't see the head "slamming down" on this Zapruder clip. I see it slamming backward. JFK's head was, obviously, tilted down and forward before the fatal head shot, as he clutched his throat, then it was abruptly hit and slammed violently backward by the impact of the fatal bullet. Jackie instinctively tried to retrieve brain matter that was blasted backward, behind the limo. In contrast, a test/forensic bullet fired at a cadaver from the TSBD blew off the right half of the face.
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