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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. I'm postulating a "Russian" coronavirus theory in the true scientific and philosophic meaning of the word-- an explanatory theory that can be refuted by contrary evidence and supported by confirmatory evidence, and something that has heuristic value. What made me wonder about this was the bio-weapons essay from the Russian website of the Saker that made an elaborate case for the CIA being the coronavirus culprit, while exhibiting a surprisingly detailed knowledge of Russian bio-weapons researchers who now "work" for the CIA.
  2. I have been reading articles at The Saker blog for awhile now-- partly because the mysterious "Saker" is a fellow member of the Russian Orthodox Church. But I discerned long ago that Saker's theology is aligned with the Russian Federation Moscow Patriarchate-- not with the former "White" Russian ROCOR Church in Exile. Ergo, I have long suspected that Saker is a KGB/FSB mouthpiece in Western Europe. SO, this latest anonymous commentary from the Saker's blog raises an interesting question-- and a theory. IS RUSSIA THE SOURCE OF THE CORONAVIRUS? Just a theory. But consider that Putin implemented aggressive testing and quarantine measures in January to keep coronavirus out of Russia-- and Russia has been largely coronavirus free, while China, the EU, and the U.S. economies are being decimated by the pandemic. It's almost as if Putin knew all along that the pandemic was coming. Cui bono? Russia's geopolitical adversaries have been severely damaged, while Russia has evaded the scourge. Also, everyone knows by now that the U.S.S.R. had an entire city dedicated to researching and producing biological weapons. Some of their former scientists were recruited to work for the CIA after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  3. Well, so much for the mayor's shut down order... 🤥 After panicked crowds swarm Denver liquor stores and dispensaries, mayor reverses order to close both It only took three hours for the city of Denver to change course on listing liquor stores and recreational dispensaries as “non-essential” https://www.denverpost.com/2020/03/23/liquor-stores-dispensaries-closing-denver-shelter-in-place/
  4. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock issued a stay-at-home order for the metro area today. The liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries will close at 5 PM tomorrow. Hmmm... 🤨
  5. Here's another disturbing read, folks. This was published at the Unz Review ten days ago-- as a reprint of a lengthy commentary at The Saker, allegedly written by a former bio-weapons researcher from Fort Detrick. Can't vouch for the source, but this article is guaranteed make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Yes, they walk amongst us... 😮 Was Coronavirus a Biowarfare Attack Against China? https://www.unz.com/article/was-coronavirus-a-biowarfare-attack-against-china/
  6. Good article at Consortium News on Friday.* One of the many fascinating chapters in Kuznick & Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States was the story of how the Democratic establishment conspired to keep the late, great Vice President Henry Wallace out of the White House by kicking him off of the FDR ticket at the 1944 convention. Is the DNC Repeating History in Derailing a Socialist Candidate? https://consortiumnews.com/2020/03/20/is-the-dnc-repeating-history-in-derailing-a-socialist-candidate/
  7. One of my sisters spent a semester abroad in the U.S.S.R. back in the early 70s, and she told me that the Russians used to use Pravda for toilet paper. That was, allegedly, about all it was good for. A lot of U.S. newspapers nowadays could be similarly useful, including the Denver Post. Unfortunately, I only have a digital subscription.
  8. No, thank God. I have a season ski pass for Keystone Resort, in Summit County, Colorado. Keystone had a visitor from Italy from February 29th to March 3rd who tested positive for COVID-19, but my last ski day was February 28th. (The ski resorts were all closed by Governor Polis earlier this month.) Keystone is owned by Vail Resorts (in neighboring Eagle County.) The severity of the epidemic up in Vail (Eagle County) is a real anomaly.
  9. This Event 201 material is surreal. If this pandemic is some kind of black op, it's difficult to imagine what it was supposed to accomplish. Qui bono?
  10. Pat, Think of the virus as a parasite that reproduces itself and proliferates within a host population-- a human "herd." By breaking up the "herd," the proliferation of the virus can be disrupted. As for the "stimulus" plans, I agree with your point. The GOP Senate will try to use COVID-19 as a pretext to further enrich their Robber Baron base-- because cutting taxes for corporations in 2017, obviously, worked brilliantly to stimulant U.S. GDP growth, eh? 🤨
  11. Good thing you bought those Noam Chomsky books, Ron... 😬 (Actually, the only Chomsky book I own is Manufactured Consent, which seems like a decent piece of work.)
  12. I beg to differ regarding the drastic quarantine measures. They will save lives. Here's an interesting public health story from 1918. Incidentally, my father's family has owned property and businesses up in Gunnison County, Colorado since the 1880s, and I spent every summer at our family cabin up there during my childhood years. Gunnison, Colorado: the town that dodged the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/gunnison-colorado-the-town-that-dodged-the-1918-spanish-flu-pandemic/ar-BB10AdRC
  13. From what I've heard about the Frank Olson story, this would not be the first time that the U.S. military used a biological weapon from Fort Detrick in Asia. Qui bono? I asked myself this question when I first heard about the epidemic raging in Iran. It's nuts. And, if true, why would the U.S. have deployed the virus in China? Or Italy?
  14. FYI. I'm posting this as a public service announcement for the forum. I received a news alert today from the British Medical Journal (BMJ) advising docs that febrile patients with COVID-19 should be treated with acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc.) * NSAIDs may worsen the course of coronavirus respiratory infections. * Covid-19: ibuprofen should not be used for managing symptoms, say doctors and scientists BMJ 2020; 368 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m1086 (Published 17 March 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;368:m1086
  15. Just saw this incisive comment by Caitlin Johnstone... 🙁 https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/nine-thoughts-on-covid-19-and-whats-coming-65f8ed26b1df " I think this is going to hit America much harder than other countries, unfortunately. Combine a literal joke of a healthcare system with a president who up until just today has been dismissive of the threat the virus poses, the fact that the majority of Americans can’t afford a $1,000 emergency expense at a time of mounting layoffs while being chronically uninsured or underinsured, an inability to make anything happen without massive corporations voluntarily going against their own profit margins, a culture of rugged individualism with a reflexive distaste for collectivist organization for the good of the whole, and a highly religious population with many preachers telling their underinsured parishioners to demonstrate their faith by gathering at the megachurch and shaking hands with everyone, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster."
  16. I don't know if this is kosher here on the JFKA research forum, but I'm interested in hearing about the Plague in various regions of the country (and planet.) Forum members have been posting incidental plague narratives on the Mark Zaid Thread-About-Everything here, but that thread has become utterly scattered and tangential-- even veering into tin-foil hat and Godwin's Law territory, with the inevitable allusions to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, etc. In any case, here's my local Journal of the Plague Year entry for March 18, 2020... I took my dog for a walk just now in Denver's Washington Park, where I have lived for the past 30 years. (Because the nearest ocean is 1,000 miles away, Washington Park is the closest thing we have here to Venice Beach.) A few people were out walking this morning and, for the first time, some of them were wearing surgical masks! I passed a couple of 50-something ladies by Grassmere Lake, and one of them threw a scarf over her face as I walked by-- giving them a wide berth. It was like stepping into the pages of an apocalyptic Camus novel.
  17. Speaking of staring into the abyss... 😯 Zoltan Stares Into The Abyss: Here Is What The Fed Must Do Right Now To Avoid Global Devastation https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/zoltan-stares-abyss-fed-has-failed-here-what-powell-must-do-right-now-avoid-catastrophe March 17, 2020
  18. That's what I love about California-- the spirit of solution-focused innovation. Meanwhile, in Trumptopia, the Mexican-hating Evangelicals are hoarding toilet paper, guns, and ammo-- presumably for the Rapture... 🤪
  19. Oregon Police: 'Don't Call 911 Just Because You Ran Out Of Toilet Paper' https://www.zerohedge.com/health/oregon-police-dont-call-911-just-because-you-ran-out-toilet-paper March 16, 2020 In an almost hard to believe story which proves people are taking the "xxxx hit the fan" description of the current state of things way too literally, an Oregon police department had to warn people in a public announcement against calling 911 because they were out of toilet paper. "It’s hard to believe that we even have to post this," police in Newport, Oregon stated in an official Facebook message. "Do not call 9-1-1 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive without our assistance." The national phenomena of panic-buying toilet paper is the one thing in all of this that makes least sense, unless perhaps given that markets are in nose-dive — and who knows if currencies could be next down the line — people are viewing TP as the next currency of the post-apocalypse, giving new meaning to 'dirty money'.
  20. This is the biggest screw up, thus far, in our national response to the pandemic. 3,800 passengers disembarked from a cruise ship in Miami on March 8th, without screening or quarantine, and flew to destinations throughout North America from Miami International Airport. One of those passengers has tested positive for Covid-19-- in Canada. And, in addition to a lack of testing, many doctors and nurses in the U.S. don't even have adequate protection from Covid-19! https://www.motherjones.com/coronavirus-updates/2020/03/in-private-facebook-groups-doctors-share-their-worst-fears-we-talked-to-one-of-them/
  21. In my experience, guys like Robert W. often confuse matters of social ethics and public (state) policy with matters of private sexual conduct. This was the entire false premise of the GOP/Kenneth Starr/Brett Kavanaugh defamation of Bill Clinton in the late 1990s. The five year White Water GOP "investigations" had nothing to do with affairs of state. The same thing can be said about the endless GOP defamation of JFK on the basis of his promiscuous private sex life. Of course, sexual misconduct by anyone MAY be evidence of general sociopathy, which is decidedly true in Donald Trump's case. JFK sought world peace, a ban on nuclear testing, (and proliferation) and an end to U.S. military involvement in Vietnam. In the most important respects, JFK was a very "moral" President, regardless of his private promiscuity. The opposite is true in the case of Donald John Trump. Let's not forget that Trump wants to build (and sell) more nukes!
  22. Ah, yes, good old 2008... How can we ever forget? 🙄 Remember when Dubya and Paulson kept reassuring everyone that the U.S. economy was "fundamentally sound," as the Titanic approached the iceberg?
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