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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Makes no sense. Why would Flynn have plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? As for reading the Mueller Report, it would be well worth your while. The WaPo illustrated format is a useful, concise summary of the damning details-- including Flynn's role in trying to undermine the Obama administration's sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation in late 2016, in retaliation for Russian meddling in our 2016 elections.
  2. Rob, Why did Flynn plead guilty, if he wasn't guilty? Explain. Second question. Did you ever take half an hour to finally read WaPo's illustrated Mueller Report?
  3. Kirk, Didn't you recently return to the U.S. from a trip to Ecuador? Deaths and desperation mount in Ecuador, epicenter of coronavirus pandemic in Latin America https://theconversation.com/deaths-and-desperation-mount-in-ecuador-epicenter-of-coronavirus-pandemic-in-latin-america-137015
  4. But, Pamela, let's not forget that a lot of the truth about JFK's murder has come out only during the past 30 years-- especially for the general public. And a great deal of the truth has been obscured, for decades, by journalists and writers promoted by the Mockingbird M$M. As for Dylan's initial response to JFK's murder, Sean Wilentz mentions the initial draft of Chimes of Freedom in Bob Dylan in America, written, coincidentally, around the time that Dylan first met and befriended Allen Ginsburg in Greenwich Village, in December of 1963. Someone half-jokingly referred to that meeting as, "the day the Beat Generation ended."
  5. I want to post a reference here about Bob Dylan. Can't recall whether anyone mentioned this book in our previous discussions about Dylan, and I think it may be of interest to many of the scholars on this forum. The book is Bob Dylan in America by Princeton Professor of American History Sean Wilentz. Wilentz has written some award winning American history books, but strayed from his main areas of scholarship to write this book in 2010 as a labor of love. As it turns out, his father owned a bookstore on McDougal Street in Greenwich Village in the 50s and 60s, and was a close friend of several people involved in the folk scene there. I bought a copy of the book a few years ago, after reading Dylan's Chronicles, but never got around to reading it until this week-- probably because I was binge reading books about the JFK assassination, then 9/11. It's a fascinating read. https://www.amazon.com/Bob-Dylan-America-Sean-Wilentz-ebook/dp/B003F3PLTO/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Sean+Wilentz+Bob+Dylan&qid=1587944650&sr=8-1
  6. Another shocker, folks... Bill Barr will now appeal to the Trump/GOP SCROTUS to block the release of the unredacted Mueller Report to Congress. In Barr's world, the Special Prosecutor is not allowed to indict a sitting POTUS-- only Congress can impeach-- and the Congress isn't allowed to see the damning evidence! Tricky, tricky... 🤥 The Federal Appellate judges ruled 2-1 that the Mueller grand jury transcripts should be released to Congress, noting that Mueller "prepared his Report with the expectation that it would be reviewed by Congress," since he was expressly prohibited by DOJ guidelines from indicting a sitting POTUS. I'm guessing that Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, et.al., will, ultimately, collude in the Barr/Trump Russiagate cover up-- which is ironic given Brett Kavanaugh's history of leaking explicit grand jury details about Bill Clinton's private sex life to the media during Kenneth Starr's multi-year White Water "investigations." Kavanaugh's Federalist Society "logic" will somehow rationalize the suppression of grand jury evidence of Presidential treason, despite previously condoning the release of grand jury evidence of private Presidential sexual peccadilloes unrelated to affairs of state. Makes perfect sense, eh? DOJ will appeal ruling over sealed Mueller materials to Supreme Court https://thehill.com/homenews/house/494583-doj-will-appeal-ruling-over-sealed-mueller-materials-to-supreme-court April 24, 2020
  7. Nothing Trump says really shocks me anymore-- even his subversion of stay-at-home directives last week. He's a man with the "wisdom" and fund of knowledge of an unruly third grader, who has spent his entire life watching television, without ever reading a book. Among other disasters, Trump has been inciting violence against minorities for the past four years, including the stochastic terrorism of the El Paso Walmart Massacre, and he is now encouraging his COVID infomercial fans to ingest different flavors of toxic Kool-Aid-- chloroquine, zinc, bleach, Tide pods, etc. Does he even realize that his reality television antics are directly responsible for harming and killing innocent people? And the collusion of the mainstream media in this national Trumpian debacle is inexcusable.
  8. Doubtful that this cop was mentally competent to be discharged against medical advice. When I used to do psychiatric consults in general hospitals, a high percentage of "psych" problems on the medical and surgical wards were related to delirium-- confusion and/or hallucinations resulting from infections or other medical disorders. If the man thought the ER nurses were goblins, he was, obviously, incompetent to make rational, informed decisions about his medical care. Sad.
  9. Indeed. Where is the "invisible hand" of laissez faire capitalism when the people of the United States really need effective public health interventions? The abysmal "public health" failures of the U.S. during this COVID-19 pandemic should raise a lot of serious questions about the for-profit healthcare "system" in our country. Sadly, that probably won't happen. Instead, we'll have more misleading health industry advertising and platitudes from Republicans and the Democratic establishment. How can a nation as wealthy as the U.S., which spends more per capita than other G-7 nations on "healthcare," be #1 in COVID morbidity and mortality rates? It's "misanthropic libertarianism" at its worst. And, at this point, the only prominent American politicians willing to address the problem-- Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren-- have been marginalized.
  10. Good post by the Mineral Wells PD. The gold foil doobie was rolled by my daughter using some sort of fancy wrapping paper. Not something I have encouraged, and I actually voted against the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, mainly due to concerns about substance abuse, accidents, etc. After marijuana was legalized here in 2014, a lot of paraphernalia/head shops opened up around town, along with the licensed dispensaries. My brother-in-law opened a "smoke shop" in Denver that year and, much to my surprise, he has made a lot of money on that venture-- profit margins of $200K per year, according to my sister-- simply selling bongs, paraphernalia, and convivial smoking space! As for smoking in the forests, my daughter and I hiked up to the timberline on the Mount Chapin trail in Rocky Mountain National Park a few years ago, and she talked me into trying a toke before we hiked back down the mountain. (Not a great idea for hiking Boomers.) She ducked down out of the wind into a grove of scrub pines for a minute until I hollered, "Hey, Katherine, we need to get out of here! I smell a skunk!" I wasn't joking. That was the day I learned why Millenials call marijuana buds, "skunk."
  11. Well, I'm shocked, shocked to hear that the Senate Intel Committee has finally issued a statement about Russian interference in the 2016 election. I wonder if their alacrity has anything to do with Senator Richard Burr's recent insider trading scandal. 🤨
  12. I had to stop running after injuring my right MCL in a ski accident many years ago, so I have relied on long distance rollerblading (and a Nordic Track) for cardio. I've had relatively little pain with this clavicle surgery-- took hydro-codone for 48 hours. As for MJ, I agree with your observations. The Godiva chocolate bars with THC + CBD are useful for muscle spasms and anxiety. I urge all forum members to try some Godiva chocolate with THC + CBD while watching Oliver Stone's movie, The Doors-- especially the final track of LA Woman live (?) from the Hollywood Bowl.
  13. 4/20 is one of my least favorite Colorado holidays-- an occasion for Millennial stoner rallies in normal times. I took a ceremonial hit from a gold foil doobie that my daughter rolled yesterday, and I coughed for half an hour. Still recovering from my recent shoulder surgery, I guess. And, as most people probably know, the shxt they smoke nowadays is far more potent than the joints we passed around at parties 50 years ago. One or two hits of this stuff, and you can forget how to walk!
  14. I used to watch Laramie and Cheyenne back in the days of B&W television in the wild West.-- Gus, Slim, and Clint Walker. Can you clamp some vice grips on the Phillips head bolt? (Sounds like one of those 20 minute repair jobs that end up taking three hours.) As for me, I had my clavicle repair surgery done yesterday in a deserted outpatient surgery center over in Englewood. Four bone fragments had to be bolted together with a metal plate -- and they did an excellent job, judging from the X-rays. It is, apparently, the only regional surgical center that hasn't been closed until next month. Thus far, the only thing interfering with a speedy recovery is reading about Trump's crazy "liberation" rebellions against stay-at-home orders in blue states. The guy is nuts.
  15. Bill Barr refuses to release 9/11 documents to families of the victims — breaking a Trump promise https://www.rawstory.com/2020/04/bill-barr-refuses-to-release-9-11-documents-to-families-of-the-victims-breaking-a-trump-promise/ April 16, 2020
  16. Thanks, Ken. I know I'm not the only 5 year old out there who is stuck in a 60+ year old body.
  17. Yes, indeed. A biker friend advised me this week to go for the "maximum hardware." Did your clavicle surgery work out well over time?
  18. Here's my embarrassing plague journal entry for this week. I broke my right clavicle in a bad crash while skating around a group of little kids in the park last Friday. (30 years of rollerblading laps out there without a serious accident.) Found an in network orthopod to fix my fracture, but his surgery center is not in network! The only other surgery center that's still open got me in for tomorrow-- with a different surgeon. But no ventilators-- so no general anesthesia. I'm going for it, because the clavicle is broken in two places. Bad time to break a bone for the first time in 63 years of skiing, racing motorcycles, playing football, getting bucked off of horses, and doing a lot of stupid stuff.
  19. So, today Trump is blaming the WHO for his pandemic botch job? Tomorrow he'll probably blame the Rolling Stones, and by Friday he'll blame it on the bossa nova.
  20. BTW, on the subject of my fellow Denver East High alumnus Neal Cassidy, (and Ken Kesey) I'm posting the most fascinating rock 'n roll interview I've ever heard anywhere. It's Jerry Garcia, late in life, talking about his life altering experiences with Ken Kesey's electric kool-aid acid tests. I find this especially interesting in light of the recent psychiatric research with hallucinogens at Johns Hopkins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVkkbJ_KI2Y
  21. Matt Taibbi published a disturbing op-ed about this at Rolling Stone recently. The scale of the 2020 Trump Stock Bubble bailout is enormous. And who is going to pay for all of this asset inflation? Bailing Out the Bailout https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/coronavirus-fed-bank-bailout-disaster-976086/
  22. Tincup is where our cabin is. Most of my childhood friends up there were from Fort Worth. But Gunnison County is closed. (My sister wants to know if they intend to refund our property taxes.)
  23. The Denver Post just published a map of documented COVID-19 cases in Denver's neighborhoods. My neighborhood, Washington Park, is the WORST! (I live one block away from the park.) My wife and I have been wearing masks on our daily walks in the park for the past week or so, but I have noticed that many pedestrians and most bicyclists out there are still not wearing masks -- especially the young people-- and the park has been unusually crowded since the local schools were closed. We may have to start strolling on the side streets-- but even those are crowded now. I tried wearing my mask while skating (Rollerblading) my daily 5 miles out there, but my sunglasses get fogged over quickly. No can do.
  24. 9/11 Truth: Under Lockdown for Nearly Two Decades https://www.globalresearch.ca/911-truth-under-lockdown-for-nearly-two-decades/5709215 by Max Parry April 9, 2020
  25. I can picture Donald tossing complimentary rolls of Trump TP to his desperate fans, the same way he distributed Bounty paper towels to the Puerto Ricans after the hurricane.
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