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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. War is Peace! Ignorance is Strength! Donald is Abe Lincoln! 🤪
  2. Dennis, Please be so kind as to answer my question. Why did Trump lie about the NSA evidence (including the document leaked by the imprisoned whistle blower Reality Winner) indicating that Russia hacked our 2016 elections?
  3. Nice try, but no cigar, Dennis. Reality Winner leaked that classified NSA document about Russian hacking in direct response to Trump and Putin publicly denying that Russia had interfered in our 2016 elections. Are you suggesting that Trump didn't know about this NSA intelligence at the time? If not, why did Trump lie about Russian hacking? Explain.
  4. Roger Stone just filed a motion to disqualify Judge Amy Berman Jackson. Jackson stated at Stone's sentencing that the jurors had, in her opinion, "acted with integrity." Fox News and the Trumpagandists in the media had recently attacked a juror in the case, only to see another juror debunk the Fox/GOP disinformation about the trial.
  5. Jim, Are you familiar with the NSA document that Reality Winner leaked to The Intercept in 2017? * It was a rare case of classified intel on 2016 Russian hacking evading censorship by Trump's administration. Winner is currently in prison, after being prosecuted by the Trump administration under the Espionage Act. She leaked this damning NSA document to Jeremy Scahill, Greenwald, and the editors of The Intercept after Trump and Putin publicly denied that Russia had hacked our 2016 elections. Her story has been largely suppressed by the mainstream media, including the fact that whistleblowers prosecuted under the Espionage Act are not permitted to defend themselves on the grounds that they acted in the public interest. It is truly disturbing that Miss Winner is still in prison while Trump continues to pardon crooks-- Blagojevic, Millken, Kerike, et.al.-- who undermined the public interest through fraudulence and bribe taking. * Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election https://theintercept.com/2017/06/05/top-secret-nsa-report-details-russian-hacking-effort-days-before-2016-election/
  6. The story that Mel Brooks told about Wilder when I heard him speak here in Denver in 2018 was that he (Brooks) had begged Gene Wilder, urgently, to sub for the actor who was originally cast in the part of the gunslinger in Blazing Saddles. (The guy was medically ill and had puked on the set or something.) Wilder agreed to fill in, but asked Mel Brooks to do him a favor regarding Wilder's concept for the Young Frankenstein screenplay. Mel had nothing but praise for Wilder when I heard him speak, and also mentioned that the Young Frankenstein cast was so funny that Mel and the crew struggled to keep from laughing and ruining the takes during the filming. (BTW, Gene Wilder played the kidnapped undertaker in Warren Beatty's film, Bonnie & Clyde.)
  7. Actually, Robert, I was referring to the news today about Joseph Maguire getting sh*tcanned by the Fuhrer for accidentally briefing both Democrats and Republicans in Congress about intelligence confirming Russian meddling in our 2020 election. * What was Maguire thinking? Does he think that Congress is supposed to be informed about intelligence relating to foreign threats to the United States or something? Geez... But I'm confident that you and Jeff Carter will have an entirely reassuring explanation for this latest "fake news." Proceed. 🤪 * Trump Sidelined Acting Spy Chief After Russian Meddling Briefing https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-joseph-maguire-russia-intelligence_n_5e4f0cb1c5b6b82aa6505704 President Donald Trump sidelined Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, after learning a member of Maguire’s team had briefed House lawmakers that Russia was attempting to interfere in the 2020 elections to get Trump re-elected, according to multiple reports. The briefing angered the president so much that he berated Maguire, leaving him “despondent,” a source told The Washington Post. Shelby Pierson, the intelligence official in charge of election security, briefed the full House Intelligence Committee last Thursday, although it’s unclear what information she shared.
  8. I'm looking forward to watching Robert and the Russian Pretzel spin this one... 🧐
  9. Serious question for the presidential historians and film critics on this forum. Am I the only one around here who thinks that Donald Trump and his cronies look like villains in a Batman movie?
  10. With all due respect, I'm beginning to think that Jeff Carter's forum nickname should be, "The Russian Pretzel." The evidence seems to indicate that Il Douche was offering Assange a pardon-- via Rohrbacher, the U.S. House Representative for the Moscow district-- as a quid pro quo for suborning perjury. It's outrageous. Meanwhile, getting back to the original subject of the thread, Mark Zaid, cheggidout, folks. Il Douche has incited yet another death threat against an American citizen. 'All traitors must die': Feds charge man for threatening whistleblower attorney https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/20/man-charged-threatening-whistleblower-attorney-116379
  11. Someone just suggested that Mike Bloomberg was courting the socialist vote tonight by getting publicly owned... 🤣
  12. Ay, carramba! Senora Warren really ripped Mike Bloomberg a new one in Las Vegas tonight. Bloomberg never said anything about those "horse-faced lesbians" in his television commercials... 😬
  13. I'm shocked, shocked to hear that Il Douche may have been involved in a quid pro quo.
  14. In addition to being Chicken Hawks, Bond and Wayne also portrayed tough talking, ex-Confederate heroes who despised wimpy, inept Yankee slave liberators (like Patrick Wayne) in The Searchers-- almost as if the film was a Western sequel to the mythology of Birth of a Nation. At one point in the movie, John Wayne (Ethan) even declares that, "the only oath (he) ever took was to the Confederate States of America." That was, obviously, the prevailing Dunner School mythology of Civil War and Reconstruction era history-- that all Yankee Yellow Legs were inept, cowardly Carpet Baggers, and Confederate renegades like Ethan and the outlaw Josey Wales were rugged American heroes. (Part of the old myth that the Civil War wasn't really about slavery.) From what I've read, Joseph McBride is a national authority on The Searchers, so I'll defer to his opinion on the subject.
  15. Ron, I saw this alleged Trump tweet (with a Twitter account link) at the Democratic Underground yesterday.
  16. Il Douche has already vowed (in a deleted Tweet) that he will pardon the "great patriot" Roger Stone. As for Roger Stone's lobbyist partner and long-time Kremlin employee, Paul Manafort, I predict that he'll be pardoned by Il Douche shortly after the November election.
  17. Also, why was Kerik an accomplice in denying and suppressing the evidence of the explosive WTC demolitions and the highly suspicious activities of Dominick Suter and his Urban Moving Systems "employees" on 9/11? And why did Eithan Wertheimer "lend" him big bucks that he failed to report to the U.S. government during his post-9/11 job interviews at the DHS? But to answer Robert's Godzilla question, I'll ask another question. How many indigenous people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen has the U.S. murdered in our post-9/11 PNAC "War on Terror?"
  18. So much for Donald Trump being a putative "9/11 Truther" battling the "Deep State." He just pardoned 9/11 NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik. Wanted to mention here that I just posted some history on Kerik on the 9/11 Board. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26365-trump-pardons-911-suspect-bernard-kerik/
  19. So much for Donald Trump being a "9/11 Truther" battling the "Deep State." Donald Trump just pardoned former 9/11 NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik. Kerik was a close Rudy Giuliani associate who was appointed NYPD Commissioner by Giuliani in 2000. Kerik played an important role, with Giuliani, in covering up the evidence of the explosive demolitions of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. (Giuliani told Peter Jennings on 9/11 that he had been forewarned about the impending collapse of the WTC towers-- something which he later denied in testimony to Phillip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission.) Kerik also helped cover up the story of the arrests of the "Five Dancing Israeli" Mossad agents near the Holland Tunnel on 9/11 who were employed by Mossad agent Dominick Suter's Weehawken, New Jersey based Urban Moving Systems. Bernard Kerik had traveled to Israel in late August of 2001, where he met the billionaire Israeli industrialist Eithan Wertheimer. It was Wertheimer who made the loan to Kerik that led to his eventual indictment and imprisonment for tax fraud. BERNARD KERIK https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Bernard_Kerik#cite_note-5 Career In December 1997, Kerik was also appointed by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to the New York City Gambling Control Commission. On August 21, 2000 Giuliani appointed him the 40th New York City Police Commissioner. September 11th, 2001 On the day of 9/11, as New York City Police Commissioner, Kerik was the first to announce the official narrative that explosives were not used to demolish the World Trade Center His department also produced the undamaged passport of Satam al-Suqami which supposedly survived the impact and fireball that destroyed both the plane's black boxes.[1] CNN reported on 9/11 that it was getting reports of men driving a van on the New Jersey Turnpike which was pulled over for unclear reasons, and found to contain "tons of explosives".[2] Some minutes later, Kerik contradicted these earlier reports, stating that although 3 arrests had taken place, the van was not stopped on the George Washington Bridge, and that no explosives were found. He did not give a reason for the arrests.[3] Trip to Israel Kerik left for a four-day trip to Israel on August 26th, 2001, "where he will meet with government officials to discuss anti-terror tactics and Israeli traffickers of Ecstasy pills." [4] While there he met with Eithan Wertheimer, whose loan was involved in Kerik's later indictment.[5] Criminal conviction In 2009 Kerik pleaded guilty[6] before U.S. federal prosecutors to 8 charges including criminal conspiracy, tax fraud, and lying under oath.[7] Kerik was sentenced to four years in federal prison on February 18, 2010.[8] References http://www.unwelcomeguests.net/723 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya7n6ItkUF8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGUzfvi6qqw http://web.archive.org/web/20100715125538/http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2001/08/26/2001-08-26_kerik_plans_mission_to_israel.html http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/24/nyregion/24kerik.html "Bernard Kerik, Ex-NYPD Commissioner, Pleads Guilty". FindLaw. 2009-11-05. Retrieved 2009-11-05.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "CSS"). Gearty, Robert; Smith, Greg B. (2009-11-05). "Kerik pleads guily: Bernie becomes first NYPD commissioner in history to admit he's a felon". New York Daily News. Retrieved 2009-11-05.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "CSS"). Former N.Y.C. top cop Bernard Kerik gets four years in federal prison | NJ.com
  20. Russ Baker published some stellar research in (?) 2016 on Donald Trump's longstanding business ties to Felix Sater and the Russian mafia. As I recall, someone at USA Today picked up on the story, (without mentioning Baker) but it was largely blacked out of the U.S. mainstream media.
  21. I went to see 93 year old Mel Brooks at a screening of Blazing Saddles here in Denver in 2018, and he said that his favorite line in the movie was when Slim Pickens rode up to the toll booth in the desert and said, "We're going to need a shixtload of dimes!" Honorable mention went to, "Bart, we thought you was HUNG!" ("I am," etc.) Mel also mentioned a line they had to cut from the scene in the dark with Madeline Kahn where Sheriff Bart said something like, "You're sucking on my arm."
  22. An American scientist in North Carolina published an article in 2015 about his "successful" genetic modifications of a dangerously virulent Coronavirus strain. (I think his research was later shut down.) https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/lab-made-coronavirus-triggers-debate-34502
  23. If Roger Stone is a "great patriot," I'm a monkey's uncle... 🙄 What planet is Don Mar-a-Lago living on?
  24. I haven't been to a political rally since Ted Kennedy announced he was running for President at Faneuil Hall back in 1979. I don't like big crowds, and I can't stand traffic jams. I don't think AOC showed up here in Denver on Sunday night because she wasn't mentioned anywhere. As for AIPAC, it sounds like their anti-Bernie ads are focusing on the meme about Bernie being "un-electable," etc.
  25. FYI. For those who aren't familiar with Ron Unz's American Pravda series, it's a remarkable collection of detailed, scholarly "Untold History" review articles. Every new chapter reads like a virtual college course on the designated subject, accompanied by fairly extensive references to history books, including many that have been largely suppressed or ignored in the U.S. media (and in academe) during the past century. This latest chapter is highly relevant to current events-- e.g., the assassination of Solemani-- and also to events of the past century, from the murders of James Forrestal and JFK, (e.g. Michael Collins Piper's work) to 9/11.
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