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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Joe, You bring up some valid points about LBJ here. There is ample historical evidence that the man was a major league sociopath who would do just about anything to promote himself-- stuffing ballot boxes, selling political favors, and even employing hit men like Mac Wallace. And let's not forget about his role in; 1) reversing NSAM 263 by signing NSAM 273 right after JFK was murdered, and 2) setting up the Warren Commission-- as an alternative to a bona fide investigation of JFK's murder. As for LBJ's Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act achievements after 11/22/63, let's not forget that he had repeatedly obstructed Civil Rights legislation during his lengthy Congressional career. My belief is that LBJ's post- 11/22/63 Civil Rights and Great Society initiatives were motivated chiefly by self interest and vanity, rather than by any sincere moral convictions. The man was a sociopath. Didn't he even arrange the murder of his own sister?
  2. Perhaps more Tom Hanks/Parkland "history" films are in the works-- Magic Bullet and Magic Bullet II. 😬
  3. Ron, I read a study many years ago about inpatients at a VA hospital in the 1950s being dosed with amphetamines until they became psychotic-- paranoid, agitated, and experiencing visual hallucinations. It's the kind of study that would never be permitted nowadays, for obvious reasons. But who knows what men like Sidney Gottlieb and Jolly West were doing to study drug-induced psychoses back in the day? If they were overdosing human subjects on psychotomimetic drugs, they certainly wouldn't have published papers about it in the scientific community. West famously overdosed an elephant on LSD, as you mentioned. Did he do the same to Jack Ruby? Perhaps. I have treated methamphetamine addicts who experienced protracted psychotic symptoms, but they usually clear in a few days (or two to three weeks in one case.) I'm buying a copy of Chaos forthwith.
  4. Thanks for the info, Jim. I got my bad information from Phillip Nelson's book, LBJ-- Mastermind of the JFK Assassination. Nelson describes the Altgens photo as definitive proof that LBJ was in the loop on the assassination plot. I don't recall where I read about Ralph Yarborough's observations in the limo-- possibly in Nelson's tome.
  5. Convenient murder narrative for the DPD, if true-- an interstate drug deal gone bad, in which a witness against the DPD in an impending civil suit gets killed by a shot in the mouth...
  6. Thanks for the references, Ron. Chaos and A Lie to Big Too Big to Fail are, definitely, on my reading list. Haven't found anything of substance (or substances) about Jolly West on Google. I may call an old med school friend who is on the psychiatry faculty at UCLA to find out what he knows about Jolly West, UCLA Neuropsych, and the CIA (though the topic is hardly an ice breaker. "Hey, Dan, how have you been? Long time no see... Dan, it's about Jolly West and MK-Ultra.... ") 🤪
  7. Is this in reference to the Altgens photo of LBJ's limo, where Lady Bird and Senator Ralph Yarborough were sitting up and smiing while LBJ appears to be crouching down out of sight? Didn't Yarborough report that LBJ was, in fact, crouching down in the limo as the entourage entered Dealey Plaza? If true, it suggests that LBJ knew that JFK was going to get whacked in Dealey Plaza, while simultaneously worrying that the assassins might also whack him...
  8. Geez... this is looking more and more like a DPD/KKK retaliation/witness intimidation op. Joshua Brown was, apparently murdered Sam Giancana "omerta" style, with a gun shot to the mouth. Meanwhile, the neighbor lady who filmed Amber Guyger after the murder has been fired from her job at a Dallas pharmaceutical company for being a "black activist" (i. e., uppity n-gger".)
  9. Great film. I think I own copies of every film Fellini ever made, including I Vitellone, which he produced for Italian television back in the day. Satyricon is another Fellini masterpiece-- based on the extant fragments of the Petronius manuscript from the first century A.D. (And the Fellini film, itself, consists of fragmented vignettes.) Watching Fellini's Satyricon is like time traveling to the first century Roman Empire during the reign of Nero. It offers a profound, detailed view of the pre-Christian, pagan culture of that era. And Fellini brings it to life in a way that Hollywood never could.
  10. I really need to read up on the history of MK-ULTRA and Jolly West's work for the Company. Any advice about good articles and books on the subject?
  11. Amarcord is my all-time favorite movie-- bar none-- partly because the characters in the Rimini epic remind me of my Slovenian aunts and uncles. I've probably watched it at least a dozen times over the years, and I'll watch it again, any time. As for great movies about Christ, let's not omit Franco Zeferelli's magnificent Roman Catholic opus, Jesus of Nazareth, featuring, perhaps, the most star-studded cast in any film ever made-- from Laurence Olivier to Anthony Quinn, Christopher Plummer, Michael York, Ann Bancroft, Rod Steiger, and Olivia Hussey. IMO, Kazantzakis was far too Nietzschean to portray Christ accurately-- and I say that as a former Nietzschean atheist who has been a convert in the Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR) for the past quarter century.
  12. Ron, I probably know less about the histories of Oswald and Sirhan than most of the people on this forum. (I still haven't read Lisa Pease's new book about RFK-- although I have read her essays in the Assassinations (Probe magazine) anthology published by DiEugenio, et.al.) From what I have read, I do believe that Sirhan was probably a true Manchurian candidate who was medicated and hypnotically "programmed" to fire a gun at RFK. My only (peripheral) contact with Dr. Jolyon West happened in late 1982 when I was a 4th year student at Harvard Medical School. I had interviewed that fall with the residency director at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, and had a bad vibe about the interview. So, I talked to one of my faculty advisers at HMS, Dr. Leon Eisenberg, about my iffy interview at UCLA. Eisenberg picked up his phone, right there and then, and called "Jolly West," the Chairman of Psychiatry at UCLA. He and "Jolly" chatted amicably for a few minutes. After hanging up the phone, Eisenberg looked at me and said, "You're in." At the time, the only thing I knew about "Jolly West" was that he had a weird name, and was Chairman of Psychiatry at UCLA. (I decided that year over the Christmas break to come back home to Denver for my residency training, instead of going out to UCLA-- a decision that I have second guessed for the past 36 years.)
  13. True. And if JFK had visited Baylor on 11/22/63, they could have simply re-scheduled his fatal visit to the Dallas Trade Mart for a different day.
  14. Ron, Small world. I was in the first grade at Ashley Elementary in Denver on 11/22/63. I walked back to school after going home for lunch that day and saw that some joker had tried to lower the flag on the flag pole in front of the school. I started to raise the flag, and our principal came outside and told me to leave the flag alone alone and go to my classroom. We used to do those same "duck-and-cover" drills in the hall outside of the classrooms. As for the salacious Ellen Rometsch/Gerald Ford story, apparently, all links lead back to a Bobby Baker interview with Politico in 2013. Mr. Caddy posted the original New York Daily News account here in 2013. Bobby Baker: JFK and Ford had affairs with East German Spy By Douglas Caddy, November 21, 2013 in JFK Assassination Debate
  15. Understood. I mentioned the Daily Mail as the source posted in the Spartacus paragraph about Gerald Ford and Ellen Rometsch. It's another one of the numerous controversial articles published in the U.K. that mysteriously never appeared in the U.S. mainstream media-- like Carl Bernstein's Church Committee era opus about Operation Mockingbird. The Ellen Rometsch story may be false, but we all know that Gerald Ford was an accomplice in selling the Warren Commission Report to America. Similarly, the Ford-Kissinger administration seems to have been deeply involved in murdering democratically-elected foreign leaders who were not sufficiently aligned with Wall Street interests, when GHWB and Angleton were still active in the Company.
  16. Addendum: I think I read this story about Ford and Rometsch at Spartacus.edu.* The original source was a Daily Mail article. * https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKrometsch.htm " It is claimed that Ellen Rometsch returned to the United States in 1964 and had an affair with Gerald Ford during his time on the Warren Commission where he was tasked with investigating President Kennedy’s assassination. The affair was used against him by FBI director J. Edgar Hoover who was frustrated that the Warren Commission was not sharing their findings, "So, (Hoover) had this tape where Jerry Ford was having oral sex with Ellen Rometsch. You know, his wife had a serious drug problem back then… Hoover blackmailed… Ford to tell him what they were doing." (18)
  17. I read somewhere that Hoover and LBJ blackmailed Gerald Ford into working for them on the Warren Commission with a sex tape of Ford with East German spy Ellen Rometsch.
  18. Good stuff, indeed, Rob. One of the most interesting paragraphs in the interview was about the Ford/Kissinger White House threat, "Italy will soon have their Jacqueline." GHWB was running the CIA during that bloody Ford/Kissinger era. The Ford/Kissinger/GHWB era CIA murdered Salvador Allende in 1973. (Another one of those CIA "suicides" committed with a rifle.) Aldo Moro was murdered by the "Red Brigade" in July of 1976.
  19. It's a term that has often been used by Kevin Barrett and the guys at the Veterans Today website to describe Israeli Ashkenazim-- Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, et.al. There's a theory (promoted by Arthur Koestler and others) that the Ashkenazi Jews of Russia and northern Europe are descendants of the medieval Khazars, who converted to Judaism. I suspect that Barrett might be the pseudonymous "Jane Grey" author of this Millenium Report article. The article doesn't add much to the GHWB research by Joseph McBride, Russ Baker, et.al., and goes off the rails in a Veterans Today kind of way about global bankers, Jesuits, nefarious Khazars, etc.
  20. Interesting story from Monterey, Joe, and certainly consistent with what we know about the various "War Games" and other unusual U.S. government agency activities prior to, and during, the 9/11 attacks-- including a military exercise in the D.C. area based on a scenario in which an airplane would be flown into a local building! One of my former patients worked for FEMA before, during, and after 9/11. FEMA had an emergency drill scheduled in NYC and arranged for some FEMA personnel to be flown into NYC before 9/11 ! https://youtu.be/3noExmsCRyg
  21. Good article, Anthony. The parallels between the evidence about 11/22/63 and the evidence about 9/11 are clear. Yet, the American people today are still largely unaware of the evidence debunking the official U.S. government narrative about 9/11. And, as in the JFK case, the disinformation about 9/11 in the mainstream U.S. media (and on the internet) is ubiquitous. Both black ops -- 11/22/63 and 9/11-- have been systematically disguised by, 1) aggressive suppression of the real evidence, 2) sham "investigations" by government-appointed officials, 3) aggressive, systematic propagation of false government narratives in our media, and 4) aggressive disparagement of researchers who have exposed and debunked the false government narratives.
  22. Instead of repeatedly hijacking this thread about similarities between JFKA "truthers" and 9/11 Truthers, why don't you start your own thread about the British, drug trafficking in the U.S., or whatever it is you want to discuss on the forum?
  23. My post was written for people here who are familiar with the basic scientific and historical research literature on 9/11. But the thread is not about 9/11 per se. The thread is about parallels between JFKA "truth" and "9/11 truth"-- in relation to systematic mass media suppression of the truth about military-industrial-complex black ops in U.S history. I can post reference links for any of my claims, if necessary.
  24. News flash, fella. 9/11 has largely been solved. The problem with "9/11 Truth" is that the mainstream media has aggressively censored the story. Consider, for example, that for the past 18 years the New York Times has completely blacked out any coverage of the TRUE story of the Five "Dancing Israeli" Mossad agents arrested at the Holland Tunnel on 9/11 (after witnesses saw them filming and celebrating the demolitions of the World Trade Center!) And the 9/11 photos of the "Dancing Israelis" were recently published, following a protracted FOIA dispute. Where's the story? Where's the suppressed story of the free fall collapse/demolition of Larry Silverstein's 47 floor WTC7 skyscraper on 9/11-- which abruptly fell after Silverstein, himself, said that he "told them to pull it?" Where's the story about Silverstein having architectural drafts for a new WTC7 building before 9/11? Where's the story of Larry Silverstein's close personal friendship with Bibi Netanyahu, and the arrangements by Eisenberg and the Port Authority to lease the WTC towers to Silverstein six weeks before 9/11? Where's the story of Silverstein's pre-9/11 insurance contracts for the asbestos-laden WTC towers, which forbade an independent insurance company investigation of the WTC in the event of a terrorist attack? As Frances Shure pointed out in his recent article, (at Global Research) the truth about 9/11 will be the biggest story of the 21st century, if and when the public ever gets to hear it.
  25. I wonder if MI6 was also behind that nefarious psy op to float a giant balloon of Donald Trump as an infant in a diaper over Trafalger Square during his first state visit to the U.K., along with publishing that headline, "The Ego Has Landed" in the British tabloids... 🤪
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