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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. I said nothing about the three tramps. Are you starting a new debate with yourself? As for Hunt losing his libel trial-- based on the alleged Corson/Marchetti story-- was Hunt able to establish that he was not in Dallas on 11/22/63?
  2. Where was E. Howard Hunt on 11/22/63? Wasn't that the subject of a libel lawsuit that Hunt lost?
  3. Outrageous. Trump is, basically, urging his MAGA cult followers to defy the Federal government and the rule of U.S. law-- this time with armed state "guards." Does this constitute grounds for immediately arresting and incarcerating Donald Trump for sedition? I'm thinking of what Lincoln did in Maryland to protect the Federal government and the rule of Constitutional law.
  4. Got it. You're resorting to an intellectually limited hang out... 🙄
  5. Shocker. Jonathan Cohen is still denying the positive ID of Lansdale in Dealey Plaza by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, General Victor Krulak, and Lansdale's wife. Jonathan also doesn't seem to know about the evidence that E. Howard Hunt was in Dallas on 11/22/63. At best, JC seems to be suffering from a deplorable lack of intellectual curiosity. 🙄
  6. Hmmm.... CIA assets GHWB, E. Howard Hunt, and Ed Lansdale were all in Dallas on 11/22/63. How does that old Ian Fleming saying go? "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action." Meanwhile, Cory Santos is still refusing to read Russ Baker's definitive account of the proof that "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" was, in fact, GHWB. I opted to post the link in lieu of the entire article.
  7. So, which four SCOTUS judges recently ruled that Texas is not subject to U.S. border laws? Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh. Not very reassuring. Fortunately, Roberts and Coney Barrett sided with the slim majority who opined that Texas is, in fact, part of the United States. My prediction is that the four radical state's rights reactionaries (above) will rule that Colorado and Maine have no right to kick Trump off of their state ballots.
  8. Cory, You, obviously, need to do some remedial homework on this subject. The "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" referenced in the 11/29/63 J. Edgar Hoover memo was, in fact, George Herbert Walker Bush. GHWB and the CIA tried to claim that the memo referred to a low-level CIA accountant named George Bush, but that ruse has been debunked. See Russ Baker's article (above) for full details.
  9. Wasn't Ronna McDaniel also complicit in some of Trump's illegal efforts* to overturn the 2020 election? If so, she would, certainly, have a personal interest in getting Mango Mussolini back in the White House. * Karl Rove says Ronna McDaniel ‘in trouble’ over Trump’s Michigan call | The Hill
  10. Cory, If you're interested in the subject, check out Russ Baker's research on the subject, indicating that GHWB was, apparently, involved with the CIA as early as 1953, when Zapata Oil was founded. * Leslie Sharp's article about Dresser Industries and Allen Dulles' crony, Neil Mallon, (on the previous page) is also relevant here, because GHWB was a Mallon protege. He even named his son, Neil, after Mallon. In 1985, Joseph McBride found the Hoover memo about J. Edgar briefing "Mr. George Bush of the CIA," on 11/29/63, about JFK's assassination. So, GHWB was, obviously, working for the CIA in 1963. * Classic Who: GHW Bush and the JFK Assassination - WhoWhatWhy
  11. Leslie, FWIW, another piece of the Bush family/Allen Dulles/Skull & Bones/CIA/JFKA jigsaw puzzle is the old Prescott Bush quote that he (Prescott) "would never forgive JFK for firing Allen Dulles." I'd have to leaf through my paper back copy of Family of Secrets, but I think Russ Baker wrote in some detail about GHWB's work for Allen Dulles, Mallon, and Dresser in the 1950s -- possibly based on information he obtained from you. For those of us who believe that Allen Dulles, James Angleton, JMWave, et.al., were involved in the JFK assassination, it seems like a short leap to imagine that Zapata GHWB was "in the loop" in some way-- especially since J. Edgar Hoover specifically briefed GHWB on 11/29/63 about the FBI's aborted "investigation" of JFK's murder.
  12. Cory, We now know that "Houston oil man" GHWB was working for Allen Dulles and the CIA since 1953, and that he was in Dallas on 11/22/63. Thanks to Joseph McBride, we also know that, "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" was personally briefed by J. Edgar Hoover on 11/29/63 about the status of the FBI's "investigation" of JFK's assassination. We also know that there have been several peculiar narratives about GHWB's whereabouts on 11/22/63-- including the 11/22/63 GHWB phone call to the FBI about one of Poppy's campaign staffers, and the anomalous Barbara Bush letter to her young children on 11/22/63-- the day she returned home to Houston. So, it seems like a stretch to claim that GHWB's presence in Dallas on 11/22/63 was a "mere innocent strange coincidence" -- especially considering GHWB's alleged association with Zapata Offshore and the Bay of Pigs op. Russ Baker has written about this subject at length. Classic Who: GHW Bush and the JFK Assassination - WhoWhatWhy
  13. Greene Threatens ‘Eradication’ of Non-Trump Republicans January 23, 2024 at 5:05 pm EST By Taegan Goddard Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) warned that that any Republican who does not support Donald Trump for president in 2024 will be “eradicated” from the party.
  14. Leslie, The Dealey Plaza teenager looks, to me, like a dead ringer for young Dubya Bush in terms of height, body habitus, ears, jaw, hair, etc. I wonder if anyone has ever tried to contact any of Dubya's old Andover schoolmates about the Thanksgiving holiday in 1963. Is it possible that Dubya flew to Dallas a few days early for Thanksgiving break with his mother and "Mr. George Bush of the CIA?" As for Barbara Bush's Jane Austen-type 11/22/63 letter to her children, it reads like something written by one of the Langley literati as a cover story for GHWB's whereabouts on 11/22/63.
  15. Leslie, Here's one example of the alleged photo of 17 year-old George W. Bush in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63-- the Friday before Thanksgiving. Dubya would have been a senior at Phillips Andover Academy in November of 1963-- one year before enrolling at Yale. Oswald in the doorway: the blog of the Oswald Innocence Campaign, by Ralph Cinque
  16. Matt, Trump will, obviously, garner the votes of the delusional 33% of Republicans who still believe he won the 2020 election. So, if he ends up with 54% of the NH Republican vote, he's garnering another 20% (with the loony 33%.) This is strikingly similar to the Iowa vote-- where the non-Trump 45% vote was split between Haley and DeSantis. Roughly 45% of Republicans seem to realize that Trump is a disaster.
  17. Very interesting, Leslie, and I can understand why Russ Baker considered you a useful source of information about GHWB's CIA career in Texas, with Dresser, et.al. Incidentally, John Simkin, and others, have started a number of interesting EF threads about GHWB and the JFK assassination during the past 20 years. I also started a thread a few years ago about the alleged photo of 17 year-old Andover preppie, Dubya Bush, in the Dealey Plaza area on 11/22/63. Was Dubya with his parents in Dallas on 11/22/63?
  18. I just edited this morning's Mediaite article, (below) in which Trump's latest bizarre rant in New Hampshire was framed in terms of Biden's response to the word salad. Let's leave Biden out of it and look at what Trump said. Trump Slurs His Way Through Another Confused Speech in New Hampshire www.mediaite.com/news/trump-slurs-his-way-through-incoherent-chunk-of-speech-biden-team-pounces/ January 23. 2024 Former President Donald Trump slurred through an incoherent speech again, and also appeared to commit a gaffe in which he quoted himself in the third person. Trump delivered his final speech before the primary in Laconia, New Hampshire, Monday night, which was filled with the chaotic moments that have come to characterize Trump rallies more and more. They included a daffy segment in which Trump describes the operation of the Iron Dome the way a fifth-grader would cut down cops and robbers on a playground. "Ding, ding, ding...Whoosh...Boom!" But there were a few other moments. During the already-bizarre part of Trump’s speech where he waxes apocalyptic over a hypnotic cult musical score, he threw in a stray self-quote: "How foolish, are we? How stupid are our leaders? We can be energy independent and even energy dominant. Yes. Oh, yes. And quickly, says President Trump. We will be there very quickly." And minutes later, he talked about the death penalty, slurring as he told the crowd: "We have become a drug-infested, crime-ridden nation which is incapable of solvin’ even the swollest, smallest problem, the simplest of problems we can no longer solve. We can’t do anything." "We are an institute in a powerful death penalty! We will put this on!"
  19. Leslie, Russ Baker talks about this subject in detail in Family of Secrets. Barbara Bush claimed (in her autobiography, if I recall correctly) that she had written a rather elaborate, detailed letter to her young children on 11/22/63, describing the remarkably convoluted history of her alleged itinerary with Poppy on 11/22/63. But Baker highlighted a number of strange anomalies about the "legendary" letter. For one thing, she and Poppy returned to Houston that evening. Why write a detailed letter to her kids about the day? Additionally, the diction and Jane Austen-like formality of the letter to young Jeb, Neil, et.al. was rather odd, considering their age and the fact that she was their mother. As Joseph McBride and I (and the forum) discussed a few years ago, George W. Bush would have been 17 at the time, and he was either at Andover, or on Thanksgiving break in Dallas with Poppy and Mommy-- not at home in Houston. I have long wondered if Dubya Bush ever made any public statements about where he was on 11/22/63. Some people have even wondered if young Dubya Bush was in Dealey Plaza. (photo below)
  20. Trump is exhibiting symptoms of what is called a Broca's aphasia-- difficulty articulating words. Broca's aphasia is evidence of a left frontal cortical infarct-- or transient ischemic attack (TIA.) Left frontal (motor) cortical damage typically causes Broca's aphasias and/or paresis of the right arm and right leg. It could explain Trump's recent difficulty walking (and dragging of his right leg.) Trump struggles to say the word ‘climate’ and reveals he recently took a cognitive test www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-struggles-to-say-the-word-climate-and-reveals-he-recently-took-a-cognitive-test/ar-BB1h2jR0?ocid=msedgntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=2793df36a3cd4062bfb76b316e5481c4&ei=11 January 21, 2024
  21. Geez... Confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi is a major brain fart. In fact, it's the cognitive equivalent of Trump crapping in his pants.
  22. She, obviously, can't stand the guy. Or, perhaps, it's the smell. 🙄
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