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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. KO is right. Biden had multiple opportunities to throw some haymakers at Trump last night, but he couldn't even throw a punch, or finish an argument on several occasions. So he got slobber-knockered. For example, when they were debating about border security, Biden started to talk about the recent bipartisan Senate Border Security bill that was sabotaged by Trump and Mike Johnson. But he never got around to mentioning that Trump had actively sabotaged the bill! He simply lost track of his own argument. In debating about Afghanistan, Biden didn't mention that Trump had surrendered to the Taliban at Doha in February of 2020, then abruptly withdrew almost all U.S. troops from Afghanistan before Biden's January 2021 Inauguration-- against the advice of the Joint Chiefs! Biden also failed to nail Trump for the recent GOP Congressional task force proposal to cut Social Security funding, or the December 2017 Trump/GOP bill that mandated cuts to Medicare and Medicaid! Instead, Biden mumbled, "We beat Medicare!" 🙄 We need to get King Lear and Mrs. Lear to abdicate. Is there anyone who has Biden's ear nowadays?
  2. I think Kirk nailed it. A Newsome/Whitmer ticket would be the best chance to save the country from Project 2025 and another Trump disaster.
  3. This Sky News author said almost exactly what I posted here last night about the debate. Kind of eerie. I wasn't quoting anyone else when I said that, IMO, the debate was an "unmitigated disaster," and that Biden needed to step aside. We "center-lefties," apparently, think alike. This is a crisis for the the entire country, and for the planet.
  4. Sean, This new thread is an amalgamation of multiple forum threads, including my June 26th thread about the historical J6 facts and their implications for US and world events. Perhaps you hadn't noticed the recent amalgamation of threads.
  5. For once we agree, Mathew. Biden looks hopelessly feeble, and his voice is hoarse and faint-- a disastrous showing. Trump is lying his ass off, as always, but Biden is simply too feeble to respond appropriately to the nonsense. I've watched every U.S. Presidential debate of the past half century, and this one is the absolute worst-- an unmitigated disaster for the Democratic Party.
  6. A disaster!! 😲 I had to turn off the debate after the first 40 minutes. Couldn't bear to watch it. Trump was lying his ass off, as always, and Biden was too feeble to respond appropriately to Trump's bullshit. He looked ancient-- dazed and confused. HIs voice was hoarse and faint. At one point, I turned to my wife and said, "Dammit! I could do a better job in this debate than Biden!" Should the Democrats ask Biden to step down in 2024?
  7. Yeah, Ron, in cults, no criticism of Great Leader is tolerated. It's all about drinking the Kool Aid.
  8. This should probably be moved to the JFK Books thread about Ask Not-- Maureen Callahan's new book about the Kennedy laundry.
  9. Robert, I agree with your comparison of Trump and LBJ, in the sense that both men were self-aggrandizing psychopaths. But LBJ, at least, facilitated the passage of some valuable, pro publica domestic legislation-- the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare. Trump's lone legislative "achievement" was the passage of the Heritage Foundation's December 2017 Billionaire Tax Cut & Healthcare Demolition Act.
  10. R.I.P., Kinky Friedman, the man who wrote one of the funniest songs in Boomer history... Kinky Friedman, singer, satirist and political candidate, dies at 79 (msn.com)
  11. When historians look back on 2024, and this debate, the most disturbing aspect will be the way that the corporate media, and an entire political party, have normalized and superficially legitimized the candidacy of a sociopathic felon who, among his many crimes, orchestrated a violent attack on the U.S. Congress-- a man unfit for political office, who has been accurately ranked by historians and scholars as the worst President in American history. How did we get to a point in our nation's history where such a scoundrel could be re-nominated by a major political party, then dressed up and presented to the public as a superficially legitimate candidate, strutting and fretting his hour on stage, telling the tales of an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing?
  12. Sean, There's nothing "boring" about the crisis confronting liberal democracy in the U.S. and Europe in 2024. Nothing could be more serious. Are you similarly "bored" by the history of the decline and fall of the Weimar Republic in 1932? How did that right-wing fascist debacle work out for Europe and the U.S.? As for "insinuations," and "school girl insults," what are you imagining? This thread is about historical facts and their implications for U.S. and world events. There are parallels between 1/6/21 and the 11/22/63 assault on liberal democracy in the U.S. As a matter of fact-- not "insinuation"-- Donald Trump orchestrated a violent attack on the U.S. Congress on 1/6/21, in an effort to overturn the results of a democratic U.S. election. He also organized slates of False Electors in several states that voted him out of office. And, sadly, many of his supporters in the U.S. today are still in denial about that historical travesty. As I said above, "Those who can't remember history are destined to make all of us repeat it."
  13. Mathew, Your post makes no sense. Have you, perchance, been listening to too many Trump word salads lately? 🙄 "Another redundant 56 year Trump thread?" How many other "56 year Trump threads" do you see on the Education Forum? If you're looking for redundancy, check out Ben Cole's numerous, redundant "Biden Snuff Job" threads during the past year-- after Tucker Carlson finally took a belated interest in the JFK Records Act. And speaking of redundancy on the 56 Years thread, are you and Ben Cole still insisting that Trump's historic January 6th mob attack on the U.S. Congress was actually a Deep State "Patriot Purge" op to make Trump look bad? I'm reminded of the tragi-comic variation on Santayana's famous quote-- "Those who don't remember the past are destined to make all of us repeat it."
  14. This poll makes no sense. Swing-state 'deciders' trust Donald Trump over Joe Biden to protect democracy (thehill.com) Respondents reportedly "trust" Trump to protect democracy better than Biden? But in the same poll, 75% of respondents thought Trump was more likely than Biden to reject election results? That's a reductio ad absurdum, unless people somehow believe that election results aren't "democratic."
  15. Got it. If the bribe is paid ex post facto, it isn't a bribe. Makes perfect sense. 🙄
  16. Ron, After the EF administrative decision to close the 56 Years thread-- which had been quite erudite and informative before the invasion of the MAGA spammers-- the MAGA J6-Insurrection-Deniers were supposed to post their politicized cut-and-pastes at the MAGA Water Cooler. They refused. Instead, they have continued to flood the JFKA board with redundant anti-Biden threads disguised as references to the JFK records and/or "RFK1A." So, I'm not surprised that the MAGAs are now complaining about a thread linking the November 22, 1963 attack on American democracy to the January 6, 2021 attack on American democracy. And, incidentally, let's recall that Tucker Carlson promoted Trump's Stop-the-Steal scam in 2020, then promoted his "Patriot Purge" narrative blaming the Deep State for Trump's J6 Insurrection-- long before he took a belated interest in the JFK records.
  17. There have been more than 20+ redundant threads on the JFKA forum during the past year-- after Tucker Carlson finally took an interest (on Fox News) in the issue of the JFKA records. Oddly, one of the few previous forum threads about Donald Trump's historic 2017 suppression of the JFK records-- started in 2020-- was removed from the JFKA board because it was considered too "political." Meanwhile, there has never been a single forum thread about the JFK assassination, and the liberal Democratic legacy of JFK and RFK, in relation to Trump's historic J6 mob attack on the U.S. Congress, for the purpose of obstructing the lawful transfer of power to President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. JFK and RFK would roll over in their graves to witness the destructive legacy of Donald Trump and our 21st century Koch/GOP plutocracy. Among other things, the rightward GOP shift, since 1980, has culminated in the stacking of the SCOTUS with right-wing GOP ideologues who destroyed enforcement of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, (Shelby v. Holder) wiped out a century of campaign finance reforms in the U.S., (Citizens United) and overturned Roe v. Wade. Does anyone doubt that the Kennedy brothers would have been shocked and utterly appalled by the rulings of the 21st century GOP SCOTUS? By Trump's violent J6 mob attack on the U.S. Congress, and his 2020 efforts to organize slates of False Electors in multiple swing states? The obsessive MAGA focus on Biden's JFK records mistake is causing the JFK forum to overlook the forest for the trees in 2024.
  18. Yeah, Matt, I saw this article at Media Matters recently, and it reminded me of the corporate media sabotage of Hillary Clinton in 2016-- with constant coverage of her Email-gate nothing burger. It looks like the corporate media moguls are "Email-gating" Biden's age in 2024. They want those multi-billion dollar Trump tax cuts.
  19. Hey, terrific, Mathew. Let us know if RFK, Jr. finally condemns Trump's historic January 6th mob attack on the U.S. Congress, for the purpose of obstructing the certification of Biden's election. I've been waiting for RFK, Jr. to finally man up and tell his fans the truth about Trump's historic January 6th sedition. Where is the RFK, Jr. "profile in courage" when the country could really use it?
  20. Almost everyone. 🙄 I predicted-- when Sandy Larsen was replaced as moderator, over the Pat Speer/JFK-head-wounds controversy-- that Ben Cole would start spamming the JFKA board again with redundant "JFK Records" and RFK1A threads, as a pretext for bashing Biden and/or fluffing RFK2. That is, precisely, what has happened.
  21. Trump loves the poorly educated, and now he plans to support them, by cutting funding for education... MAGA! 🙄 In rarity, Trump vows to slash federal investments in education (msnbc.com)
  22. Will CNN ask about Trump's historic January 6th mob attack on the U.S. Congress-- to obstruct the certification of Biden's election? Will CNN ask about Trump's recent offer to gut clean energy programs for Big Oil-- in exchange for campaign donations? Will CNN ask about Trump's recent offer to cut more taxes for billionaires-- in exchange for campaign donations? Will CNN ask about the 2024 Congressional GOP committee proposal to cut Social Security? Will CNN ask about the 5-4 GOP SCOTUS ruling in Citizens United, allowing unlimited dark money donations to political campaigns in the U.S.? Will they ask about the shocking Trump SCOTUS ruling overturning Roe v. Wade in the U.S.? Taking odds...
  23. Jim, C'mon, man. We all care about the records, as most of us have stated repeatedly-- going back to 2017, when Oliver Stone said that, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State." The Trump cult only got interested in the JFK records later-- in the Biden era-- after Tucker Carlson's truly shocking public commentaries about the JFK records and the CIA. We had extensive forum discussions with you and Larry Schnapf at the time. And you have posted some useful, educational articles about the details of Biden's chicanery in permanently killing the JFK Records Act. Shame on Joe Biden! Unfortunately, during the past year, one forum member (a J6 Insurrection Denier) has repeatedly attacked Biden for "snuffing" the records-- starting upwards of 20 redundant threads-- in an effort to frame this as a partisan wedge issue for 2024. The same member has also started multiple redundant threads urging forum members to vote for RFK, Jr., in order to obtain the release of the JFK records-- as if that single issue trumped all of the other major political issues at stake in 2024. And now, to take the proverbial cake, Trump is flip-flopping to woo voters on the issue of releasing the JFK records that he suppressed TWICE-- in 2017 and 2018. He's now posing as an heroic Deep State adversary. So, yes, the release of the JFK Records has been relentlessly politicized on this forum in 2024-- by people in the Trump cult, and by people supporting RFK, Jr.
  24. What "cognitive decline" are you referring to, MAGA Mike? You must be watching the deceptively edited Faux News clips of Biden. Speaking as a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, I don't see evidence of Biden's Faux "cognitive decline." Neither do people who have been meeting with Biden to discuss complex policy matters. They consistently describe Biden as focused and sharp. I watched Biden's State of the Union address this year, and he embarrassed Sean Hannity, and the MAGA fake news pundits by delivering another stellar, cogent speech-- quite a contrast to Trump's 2024 word salads on the stump. In fact, Hannity, Trump, and the MAGA propagandists have now switched from their "Sleepy Joe" tropes to accusing Biden of being "jacked up."
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