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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Geez... America has a serious MAGA Stupid problem. This Missouri anecdote reminds me of the MAGA outrage after Michelle Obama had the audacity to point out, in 2016, that the U.S. "wasn't always that great," at least for black people, Mexicans, and impoverished workers.
  2. Michael, You have so much to learn, but you must first recognize your profound, sophomoric ignorance. Regarding reason, let's compare notes about our comparative knowledge of philosophical logic, advanced math, science, and history. Logical analysis is one of my specialties. I won't dwell on your abysmal ignorance (or nauseating dishonesty) about Prouty and the 9/11 science data. Most of the science is over your head, in any case. Instead, let's focus on Lincoln and RFK, Jr.'s embarrassing apologetics for the Jim Crow era Confederate statues. I've already provided you with the definitive scholarly references on both subjects (above.) Surely you're not still stuck in the bogus Dunning School of Civil War historiography, are you? Columbia University historian Eric Foner has debunked "Lost Cause"/Dunning historiography with his exhaustive, definitive history of Reconstruction. He also penned an excellent essay (above) about the Jim Crow era Confederate statues, which documents precisely why RFK,Jr.'s "whitesplaining" is so misguided. Study it, and learn. As for Lincoln, Foner has, coincidentally, written the definitive history of Lincoln's public and private statements about slavery-- The Fiery Trial. Lincoln was always morally opposed slavery, privately, but he didn't want to alienate Copperhead bigots in the North and slave holders in the South-- prior to Secession--and in the Border States after the onset of the War. So, he played his Emancipation cards carefully, and in a manner that often frustrated Abolitionists, like Garfield and Thaddeus Stevens.
  3. Denny, Ben is disagreeing with Peter Dale Scott's inter-agency coalition theory here-- the day after it was mentioned on one of Ben's other RFK1A threads. Ben's mathematical equation might go something like this; JFK1A + RFK1A = CIA + 0 J (FK1A) + R (FK1A) = CIA J+R (FK1A) = CIA J+R = CIA/(FK1A) J+R= CI/FK1
  4. So now Bibi is fully aligned with the MAGA goons in the U.S., and is even making stuff up to impugn Biden's reputation. Terrific. What a swell guy... 🙄 White House Scolds Netanyahu June 19, 2024 at 3:26 am EDT By Taegan Goddard “The White House canceled a high-level U.S.-Israel meeting on Iran that was scheduled for Thursday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video on Tuesday claiming the U.S. was withholding military aid,” Axios reports. “President Biden’s top advisers were enraged by the video — a message U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein delivered personally to Netanyahu in a meeting hours after it was published, two U.S. and Israeli sources say. Then the White House decided to go a step farther by canceling Thursday’s meeting.”
  5. White House Scolds Netanyahu June 19, 2024 at 3:26 am EDT By Taegan Goddard “The White House canceled a high-level U.S.-Israel meeting on Iran that was scheduled for Thursday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video on Tuesday claiming the U.S. was withholding military aid,” Axios reports. “President Biden’s top advisers were enraged by the video — a message U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein delivered personally to Netanyahu in a meeting hours after it was published, two U.S. and Israeli sources say. Then the White House decided to go a step farther by canceling Thursday’s meeting.”
  6. Well, I'll be jiggered... More RFK1A posts and threads on the JFK1A board today, in which our latter day JFK1A/RFK1A sleuth, Ben Cole, has now disagreed with Peter Dale Scott's opinion that the JFK1A and RFK1A were carried out by an inter-agency coalition. Does Ben know that the LAPD incinerated the Ambassador Hotel photos, while the FBI disappeared the Fahey tape, and two CIA men supervised the sham "investigation" of RFK's murder? That'd be three agencies right there, Benjamin... 🙄 BONUS QUOTE OF THE DAY "My friends, I knew RFK1 and, believe me, RFK2 is no RFK1." -- Robert Reich
  7. Interesting American history article and map for Juneteenth today. Incidentally, Juneteenth has been celebrated by the black community in my old neighborhood in Denver for decades. Mapped: Emancipation Proclamation to Juneteenth (axios.com)
  8. What we're witnessing, IMO, is the catastrophic end stage of Likud Party/Neocon militarism in the Levant. Not sure what "solution" could have resulted in a less bloody outcome for the European Zionist experiment in Palestine. A constructive two-state solution should have been imposed years ago-- backed by the U.S. and the UN. Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and the Neocons wrote papers in the 1990s about strategies to use the U.S. military to weaken and destroy Israel's Muslim neighbors-- Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Iran-- after a catalyzing "New Pearl Harbor" event. But the post-9/11 Wolfowitz plan, ultimately, backfired by creating a Shiite axis from Tehran to Baghdad and Damascus-- after Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime was deposed in Iraq. Hezbollah is aligned with the Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus Axis. So is Russia. If full blown war breaks out between Israel and the Moscow-Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus Axis, Lord help us. Netanyahu will use nukes if he has to.
  9. Get real, Griffith. Prouty was a rare inside source about CIA special ops in the 1950s and early 60s. Your defamatory McAdams.edu tropes smearing Col. Prouty haven't fooled many people here on the Education Forum-- with one or two exceptions. As for your 9/11 ignorance-- the scientific evidence proving that the Twin Towrs and WTC7 were demolished by explosives on 9/11 is definitive at this point. I used to tutor undergrads in physics at Brown, before graduating from Harvard Medical School. Those massive steel structures collapsed to Ground Zero at near free fall acceleration-- i.e., the substructures were abruptly demolished by explosives. What are your academic scientific credentials? Do tell. Did you study any advanced science during your stint at the U.S. military intelligence language-training facility in Monterrey?
  10. Denise, If I recall correctly, the theft of the photos occurred in the context of Scott Enyart's lawsuit/trial over the theft of his photos. Meanwhile, hundreds of other Ambassador Hotel photos were destroyed by the LAPD. Who knows what all they showed? The girl in the polka dot dress? Cesar? Other assassins and CIA personnel in the area?
  11. Yeah, Steve, and, after initially, feigning contrition about January 6th, and denying responsibility, Mango Mussolini is now openly celebrating his J6 Capitol mobsters as "warriors." The Orange Psychopath would burn the country down, and incite mass murder, to save his own skin.
  12. Paul, In retrospect, I regret ever starting this thread. I was surprised when I saw this series of scurrilous JFK headline news stories in the Daily Mail, and they seemed newsworthy for the JFK forum. The author, Maureen Callahan, apparently worked as a right-wing propagandist for Rupert Murdoch, for years, at the NY Post. So, this may simply be more of the usual anti-liberal yellow journalism in a right-wing rag.
  13. Ben, You should cite Lisa Pease's scholarly investigative work on these threads, rather than posting her material without attribution. One thing she mentioned about the courier incident with the Enyart photos is that the photo thief didn't steal anything else in the car. And, to reiterate, the evidence implicating the LAPD, FBI, and CIA in the cover up of the RFK assassination doesn't "point away" from LBJ-- your thesis on this thread. Instead, it points to an inter-agency "coalition" in the Kennedy assassination ops-- as Peter Dale Scott theorized. LBJ was involved with all of them.
  14. Matt, It's no laughing matter, but your comment about "vigilance" reminded me of an incident with one of my patients that occurred shortly after 9/11. At the time, we were all experiencing 9/11 "Shock & Awe" PTSD, naturally, and the post-traumatic anxiety was amplified in my patients with pre-existing PTSD. The poor lady came to her appointment in my office building looking quite pale and frightened. In fact, she had been afraid to even enter my building-- a modest 12-floor structure. I asked her about her fear and she said, "I just saw a man in your lobby who looked kind of like a Moslem!"
  15. Mike, Lisa Pease discussed the history of the stolen Enyart photos in her definitive history of the RFK assassination, A Lie Too Big to Fail. She also described the history of the LAPD mysteriously incinerating thousands of other photos taken at the Ambassador Hotel at the time of RFK's murder. So, we know that the LAPD, the FBI, and the CIA were all involved in covering up evidence of the plot to murder RFK-- e.g., the Fahey tape. Agency involvement doesn't prove that LBJ wasn't in-the-loop -- on some level-- in the 1963 and 1968 Kennedy murders. LBJ had a close relationship with J. Edgar Hoover, and he appointed Allen Dulles to the Warren Commission. As Peter Dale Scott said in a recent interview, the assassination ops were most likely perpetrated by a coalition.
  16. Biden and the AIPAC-controlled U.S. Congress supplied the bombs that Netanyahu used to demolish Gaza. The military industrial complex profited handsomely. So, perhaps Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, AIPAC, and the Netanyahu government should pay to rebuild it. It reminds me of the Bush/Cheney/Neocon demolition of Iraq 21 years ago. The U.S. taxpayers spent trillions blowing stuff up, then paid billions to Halliburton, et.al., to "rebuild" what we destroyed. Nice work if you can get it.
  17. Be advised, folks, that Michael Griffith has repeatedly posted CIA/John McAdams-linked propaganda smearing Col. L. Fletcher Prouty on the Education Forum. And Griffith has used the time-honored propaganda technique of repeating-the-lie to smear Prouty-- despite members of the forum repeatedly debunking his propaganda. Most Education Forum members who have studied Prouty's work know better. As for RFK, Jr.'s MAGA billionaire-funded stalking horse campaign, it's a very dangerous threat to the future of democracy and the public welfare in the U.S. It's also a threat to humanity-- which is why the Kennedy family and RFK, Jr.'s own former environmentalist colleagues have asked him to end his campaign and support the Democratic Party in 2024. A Trump victory in 2024 would not only threaten the future of American democracy, further stacking the U.S. courts with right-wing plutocratic ideologues, it would also result in further Trump sabotage of the EPA and climate change mitigation, on behalf of Big Oil. Trump and the GOP have also proposed further de-funding of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. The distinguished, Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist, James Risen, has said it as well as anyone. The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump (theintercept.com)
  18. I agree, Cory, and, to clarify, I started that thread about Maureen Callahan's scurrilous new JFK book not because I agree with her defamatory mission-- far from it-- but because her lurid stories about JFK are in the Daily Mail headlines this week. It's actually a thread about JFKA (and JFK) coverage in the mainstream media. Unfortunately, some misguided ad hominem posts focused on "killing the messenger," instead of discussing the message.
  19. Yeah, Matt, as a WaPo subscriber I'm concerned about the new Fleet Street management. I already had to give up on the NYT, after Sulzberger, Baquet & Co. sabotaged Hillary in 2016. I may have to switch to the Guardian.
  20. Michael, Wow. Just wow. Sometimes I have serious doubts about your reading comprehension skills and historical acumen. Go back and study Columbia University Professor Eric Foner's erudite, accurate commentary (above) about the significance of the Jim Crow era Confederate statues. They are monuments to racism, slavery, and the oppression of African Americans. It can't be said more clearly than Foner said it. And, yes, RFK, Jr. whiffed badly on the subject. His knowledge of Reconstruction and Jim Crow era history is, apparently, as limited as his knowledge of immunology and virology. As for your absurd lumping of Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln in the same category with slaveowners like GW, TJ, and Madison, hit the books, kid. You need to read Foner's books on Reconstruction and Lincoln's beliefs about slavery-- The Fiery Trial. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery: Foner, Eric: 9780393340662: Amazon.com: Books P.S. You must have missed the major news stories about RFK, Jr.'s misguided 2024 stalking horse candidacy being condemned by the Kennedy family, and by his former environmentalist colleagues in New York.
  21. Yeah, Ron, "scurrilous" is the word. I only started this thread because I was truly surprised to see a major newspaper, the Daily Mail, publishing these lead, front-page articles about JFK, Jackie, and RFK this week. I suspect that the timing of this 60 year-old "news" coverage, and the book, Ask Not, have something to with RFK, Jr.'s 2024 presidential candidacy, but I may be mistaken.
  22. Not quite right, Kirk. The Daily Mail is a right-wing tabloid that often features slanted, derogatory stories about liberals, including Americans. It's like a cross between Rupert Murdoch's New York Post and David Pecker's National Enquirer. So, money isn't necessarily their main motive in running these lurid Callahan stories about JFK, Jackie, and RFK. (Unless, of course, they're getting paid by someone to defame the Kennedy family.) IMO, there's something political going on with these derogatory, lead JFK stories. After all, Lord Rothermere could, doubtless, make similar money publishing lurid stories about the sex lives of Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein. Why not a series of lurid, front-page feature articles about Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, Epstein Island, and Melania's nude photos? The Stormy Daniels news is contemporary. JFK's sex life ended more than 60 years ago.
  23. Ron, Your Mineral Wells post reminded me of epidemiological studies that found a lower prevalence of suicide in some Texas counties that had higher lithium levels in local drinking water. True story. Lithium is, in fact, one of the few substances that has been shown to reduce suicide rates in people with bipolar disorders. Lithium in the public water supply and suicide mortality in Texas - PubMed (nih.gov)
  24. Paul, This thread isn't about me. It's about mainstream media coverage of JFK. The correct question is, "Why is the Daily Mail posting this now? These are highly scurrilous front-page stories about JFK (and RFK) in a major international newspaper. One of their JFK stories today is about RFK's alleged affair with Jackie, while JFK was still alive... 🙄 Inside Jackie Kennedy's years-long affair with JFK's married brother Bobby | Daily Mail Online It looks like another mainstream media smear campaign against the Kennedy family-- character assassination, if you will.
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