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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Thanks for the reference. I had not read this eye-opening review before. Obviously, there are some significant problems with the sources and claims in major portions of Family of Secrets. I thought Baker had gone into greater detail about GHWB's involvement with Allen Dulles, Drexel, Inc., and (later) BCCI, but I read the book several years ago, and don't remember. With regard to 11/22/63, are there reliable witness reports from the Kiwanis Club Blackstone Hotel luncheon in Tyler, Texas? (I have not read the Kitty Kelly book that is, apparently, the source of the story by the Kiwanis V.P. in Tyler.)
  2. Speaking of orders, isn't there a now de-classified CIA memo from 1964 ordering all agency personnel to do whatever was necessary to promote public acceptance of the Warren Commission Report in the United States? I have sometimes wondered if such a general executive order would have entailed offing witnesses whose testimony could debunk the WCR.
  3. Denis, There are so many anomalies in the various accounts of GHWB's location on 11/22/63 that I remain skeptical about these Kiwanis Club stories (and photo) from Tyler, Texas. It seems like the kind of cover story material that could be easily fabricated by old CIA pros like GHWB. Barbara Bush's 11/22/63 letter to her "Dearest family" (written in a beauty parlor in Tyler, and, later, from Mr. Zeppa's airplane) -- published in her autobiography -- is bizarre, to say the least, especially since the only "family" at home would have been younger than ten, and she was back in Houston that same evening. It is unclear who the recipients of the letter were. GHWB's phone call to the FBI, reporting suspicions about his GOP campaign gofer, James Parrot, is even more bizarre. Russ Baker has described these anomalies in great detail in Family of Secrets, partially excerpted here. Bush and the JFK Hit, Part 4: Barbara’s Hair-Raising Day https://whowhatwhy.org/2013/10/09/bush-and-the-jfk-hit-part-4-barbaras-hair-raising-day/
  4. I believe that Col. L. Fletcher Prouty was the guy who originally identified his long-time Saigon station boss and colleague, Edward Lansdale, in those Dealey Plaza photos. Not sure when or how GHWB was thought to be there. There are logistical problems with GHWB's Tyler/Kiwanis Club alibi, having to do with the timing of GHWB's phone call reporting Parrot as a suspect. As for the photo of Bush at the Kiwanis Club, how do we know when it was taken? What is the evidence that it was taken around noon on 11/22/63?
  5. Denis, The reason that I asked about the source of your bizarre collage photo (above) is that it looks like something that was poorly photo-shopped to create a false impression that the young man in the original Dal-Tex photo was NOT George W. Bush. My interest is in an honest, open inquiry, based on valid evidence. I have no interest in bad information. Lord knows, there is far too much of that in the modern world. As for the moniker, "independent Houston oil man," wasn't that self-description used by GHWB in other contexts?
  6. Denis, If you don't know more than I do about Dallas Patrolman Roy Eugene Vaughn, why are you so certain that there is "no substance" to the story (allegedly reported to Jim Garrison by Roger Craig) that Vaughn may have detained George H.W. Bush in Dealey Plaza after JFK's murder? As for the on-line (Richard M. Hooke) photo of young George W. Bush near the Dal-Tex building, it doesn't seem to resemble the oddly juxtaposed profile/portrait version that you posted above. What is the original source of your above profile/portrait photo?
  7. Denis, Do you know anything about R.E. Vaughan, the policeman who, allegedly, apprehended the "Houston oil man" in Dealey Plaza?
  8. The story about GHWB being apprehended by the police in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63, allegedly, came from Roger Craig in a conversation with Jim Garrison.* I saw this comment in an on-line article that also identified Joseph McBride as the researcher who discovered the 11/29/63 Hoover memo about "Mr. George Bush of the CIA." Can't vouch for the accuracy of this source. http://realneo.us/content/jfk-jr-told-world-who-murdered-his-father-%E2%80%93-nobody-was-paying-attention-george-h-w-bush-etc * "Jim (Garrison) also asked me about the arrests made in Dealey Plaza that day. I told him I knew of twelve arrests, one in particular made by R. E. Vaughn of the Dallas Police Department. The man Vaughn arrested was coming from the Dal-Tex Building across from the Texas School Book Depository. The only thing which Vaughn knew about him was that he was an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas. The prisoner was taken from Vaughn by Dallas Police detectives and that was the last that he saw or heard of the suspect.”
  9. Seymour Hersh was interviewed in Errol Morris's recent documentary, Wormwood, about the murder of U.S. biological weapons scientist Frank Olson. At the conclusion of the film, Hersh confirmed that Frank Olson had, in fact, been considered a major security risk, and had been executed on orders from high-level authorities within the CIA, but that he could not divulge any details without betraying his sources.
  10. According to Wikipedia, George W. Bush was an undergrad at Yale from 1964-68. So, apparently, he was still a preppie at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts in November of 1963. I wonder if Dubya has ever given an account of his whereabouts on November 22, 1963.
  11. Ron, according to Russ Baker, (Family of Secrets) GHWB made a phone call to the police on 11/22/63 in which he claimed to be in Tyler, Texas-- reporting his own campaign staffer, James Parrot, as a potential suspect in the shooting. But the location of the caller remains unknown. Meanwhile, there are other reports (and photos) of GHWB being detained near the TSBD in Dealey Plaza and questioned by the police after the shooting. Barbara Bush's account of 11/22/63 (in her autobiography) includes a number of anomalies, as described by Russ Baker. As for Dubya being at Yale on 11/22/63, any references? It was the Friday before Thanksgiving, obviously-- not necessarily a week when the students would have been on a break, but who knows?
  12. I have seen a curious photo and article on-line* claiming that young George W. Bush was, possibly, photographed while walking near the Dal-Tex building in Dealey Plaza shortly after JFK was shot. Does anyone know whether this is true? Also, is there any substance to the claim that George H.W. Bush was apprehended by the police in Dealey Plaza, and questioned, after JFK's murder? * http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2015/09/did-george-hw-bush-coordinate-jfk-hit.html
  13. Oliver Stone, Eric Hamburg, and the script writers for Stone's 1994 film, Nixon, interviewed a number of people from Nixon's inner circle before production, in an effort to get the details correct. (Richard Helms threatened to sue Stone, and the fascinating film scenes featuring Sam Waterston as Helms are only included in the DVD of the Director's cut.) Of course, the screenplay is historical fiction, but it certainly included Nixon at the Murchison party on 11/21/63, with a composite character representing the Texas oil men-- Murchison, H.L. Hunt, and Sid Richardson. It would be interesting to know who Oliver Stone and his co-authors used as sources for the Murchison party scene.
  14. This historical material reminds me of a related first-hand historical narrative, told from the perspective of a USAF briefing officer working with Dulles-- Col. L. Fletcher Prouty's, The Secret Team. Prouty was, obviously, concerned about the untold history of Dulles's "secret team," but he was also troubled by the CIA's revisionist history of the Kennedy administration-- the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, and, of course, 11/22/63.
  15. I have read, here and there, about possible Mossad links to the JFK assassination, but I don't pretend to understand the alleged evidence. David Ben-Gurion was, allegedly, furious about JFK's adamant opposition to Israel's nuclear weapons project at Dimona. Jack Ruby was, allegedly, in contact with L.A. mobster Micky Cohen (and Menachem Begin?) Another possible angle I have read about has to do with Permindex and Clay Shaw. And James Angleton, allegedly, worked closely with the Mossad during his storied career at the CIA.
  16. Thanks for the info, Ron. Obviously, the story about an LBJ-Nixon meeting in Dallas on 11/21/63 doesn't sound credible, if LBJ was touring the Lone Star state with JFK and Jackie. I'll have to go back and study this issue of Nixon and Dallas. I thought I read somewhere that Nixon was speaking at a business convention in Dallas that week. Apparently, GHWB was also in Dallas, at an oilman's convention at the Sheraton on 11/21/63. Nixon was Ike's liaison to Operation 40 (Bay of Pigs) in 1960, and GHWB was also involved with Op 40, according to Russ Baker (?) Loose associations. I sometimes have a tendency to look for connections where none exist, although Bob Haldeman wrote that Nixon tended to refer to JFK's assassination as, "that Bay of Pigs thing."
  17. French historian Laurent Guyenot described such a theory in his recently published book, From Yahweh to Zion. Perhaps borrowing from Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment, Guyenot speculated that some sort of CIA-organized false flag op had been planned, in which Oswald was posing as a pro-Castro Marxist who attempted to assassinate JFK-- as a pretext to overthrow Castro. Concurrently, a Mossad op was implemented to actually kill JFK (because of his adamant opposition to Israel's nuclear weapons program at Dimona.) Somewhat convoluted, and I may be misrepresenting some details about Guyenot's theory. The gist of his theory is that there were two different ops, and that one of them had been organized by Menachem Begin and the Mossad.
  18. One of the most intriguing claims that Roger Stone made in his book, Nixon's Secrets, was that LBJ and Richard Nixon met privately, for three hours, in Dallas on the afternoon of November 21, 1963. Not that I consider Stone a reliable source of information, but I have often pondered this one. First of all, is it true? Nixon, apparently, attended the party at the Murchison mansion that night, and flew out of Dallas on the morning of November 22nd-- later giving conflicting accounts of how he had learned about JFK's assassination. (Oliver Stone depicted the scene of a very nervous Dick Nixon (Anthony Hopkins) being plied with booze and teased by strippers at Murchison's party in his film, Nixon.) Secondly, if it happened, what did LBJ and Nixon talk about for three hours on November 21, 1963? These two sociopaths would occupy the White House for the next decade, after 11/22/63, and they would both preside over a series of truly genocidal bombing campaigns in Southeast Asia.
  19. I agree. And I voted for Jimmy Carter for POTUS TWICE back in the day-- a no-brainer for me. I have always thought of Carter as a good man. But, I had also forgotten how unpopular he had become in "liberal" circles by late 1979, until reading James DiEugenio's comment above. Even during the 1976 Democratic primaries many of us thought Carter was too "bland" to be the liberal torch-bearer of the Democratic Party. (I voted for Jerry Brown in the '76 Rhode Island Democratic primary, which Brown won.)
  20. I mentioned that Faneuil Hall story/flashback after reading James DiEugenio's remarks, because he reminded me of how unpopular Jimmy Carter had become by November of 1979, at least in Massachusetts (which, admittedly, has long been the most "liberal" planet in the U.S. solar system.)
  21. Joe, The key word here is "huge." There does seem to be compelling evidence that Trump has committed war crimes in Yemen and Syria, though nothing, so far, on the "huge" scale seen in Nixon's bombing campaign in Cambodia, (in which he said, "Henry, I want to send anything that can fly.") There is also compelling evidence that Trump lied about his pretexts for bombing Syria in April of 2017 and April of 2018. General Mattis, himself, told Newsweek in February of this year that he had "no evidence" of chemical weapons use by the Assad regime in 2017, as claimed by Trump. BTW, ABC Australia has just reported today that Trump plans to bomb Iran next month-- in what may be a political parallel to LBJ's use of the August Gulf of Tonkin incident prior to the 1964 election. The source of the claim was, allegedly, a high-level Australian military official.
  22. This reminded me of an experience I had in Boston in 1979 when I was a first year medical student. I was in the square at Faneuil Hall on the morning that Ted Kennedy announced his candidacy for the Presidency in November of 1979. The place was packed-- standing room only-- and loudspeakers were being used to broadcast Senator Kennedy's announcement speech to the rapt crowd standing in the square. As we were waiting for Mr. Kennedy to speak, an old, intoxicated man in a tattered coat staggered into the square, and was desperately trying to push his way through the tightly packed crowd to get to Faneuil Hall. When he saw the huge crowd, he blurted out, "Let me through! I have to take a f--ing piss!" And some guy in the crowd said, "Oh, no! It's a Carter man!"
  23. OUCH! Touche... 😨 Putin could have added Nixon's '68 political rival RFK to the list, and the journalist Dorothy Kilgallen.
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